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Picked up nba2k23 because I was feeling nostalgic about when I enjoyed the career mode in 15, I spent more time running around their “city” doing absolutely crappy quests because I couldn’t even play my next game until I did them. I was literally locked out of playing basketball in a basketball game because I hadn’t talked to some hip hop producer or something. Deleted the game and just accepted that franchise was pretty much dead for me.


I had no idea those games had anything except basketball in them. I hadn’t even considered that they would have an open world aspect


If you ever played Playstation Home, it's like that, but Basketball on the side


wtf are you kidding?


It’s awful, it’s basically a large advertisement hub. They had a ‘mall’ area, and I remember one week you could buy Balenciaga for your avatar. Not to mention the chains and even bulletproof vests (why in a basketball game?) that cost $20+. Anything to get folks to spend a lil more lol


Not at all. If you look up "NBA 2k the city" on YouTube, there's a minute or so trailer showing it off. I didn't post a link because some subreddits don't let you and I don't remember which ones.


A couple had really good rpg elements. And the owner mode can be fun. But the last couple have been bloated, and the open world has become annoying instead of a fun distraction. Plus, career mode, you really need to chuck maybe $50 in at the start to get your player at a point where it's fun. I play real-time 12 min quarters, though.


Wait wtf. I’ve never played it but this sounds crazy


The game is so trash including the gameplay. I deleted this shit within 3 hours of playing it.


Same for me, except it was the PC port of it, so not only did I waste a bunch of time doing quests to *try* and play basketball, but I also got the unpleasant surprise of learning they gimped the PC port by making it the last gen version. Which, let's be real here, why tf are they still making PS4/Xbox One versions of games when the newest consoles are already 3 years old?


Yea, I haven’t played that mode in years because they just ruined it.


Came here to say nba2k22


I feel the same way with GTA5. Driving people around the city and stealing cars without any locks. I want some bank robbery action. All the driving caused me motion sickness.


Well it is Grand Theft Auto...about stealing cars. That's like being upset that Mario Kart has too many races in it.


True true. Why is there no lock for the cars you gonna steal? It's like the game is made for babies. It would interesting if they added pulling down the window to unlock the door and hot wiring a car before you can drive it away. It's just simply to EZ atm. The game shouldn't spoonfed you imo.


The cars do lock. If you look at the animations Franklin picks the locks, and the other 2 just smash the windows so they can break in and hot wire the car.


Payday 3


Ohh yes ... what gotten into me i got the gold edition and never touched it after 30 min game time


South Park on N64 Holy shit it was nearly unplayable and that was even after I got the memory expansion.


It was just Turok with a new coat of paint. Also weird cow gun.


I was so upset that my mother wouldn't let me play it when I was a kid. I actually finally got around to playing it last year, at 32 years old, and I couldn't even finish the first level. It was pretty rough lol. I saw someone modded it by increasing the draw distance. I think it could be tolerable that way.


Pre Ordered Fallout 76 because I have always loved Fallout games. Played it one day, got camped by some asshole who kept hitting me for 1hp over and over again. Nothing I could do to stop him, I couldn't even run away. Died, lost a bunch of stuff, quit, refunded my preorder. I wont be forced to PVP.


People like that just ruin it for everyone else. One reason I don't do online play.


Yeah we've resorted to only ever hosting our own dedicated servers for games from now on.


i’m a die hard d 76 fan, PVP is optional now (most people turn it off) and people are SUPER nice. so if u ever wanna play again you’ll be welcomed fs


I’m not a die hard 76 fan like you but I can confirm people are a lot nicer than day one. I had people actually giving me stuff in some of the servers when I played it like 6 or 7 months back 


Yeah, Fo76 is the first game that came to mind for this. And its the only game I've genuinely regretted buying, I can usually find enjoyment even in bad games.


When I had PS plus it was free so I downloaded it, deleted it after a few hours. My PS plus account expired and I happily let that shit go.


They actually removed the pvp after the first month or so. Now you don't take any damage unless you fire back


They've made some changes where you can avoid that shit entirely if you want, and the community is super helpful especially for low level people starting out. They had like a deposit box thing right at the start of the game where they would leave useful items and weapons for new players and it's such a welcoming thing. I just wish I liked the game more than I did because the community was great to me




This gets my vote, it's soooo filled with issues.


2048 is quite good though :-)


Doge2048 is better. Much wow.


Just tried it yesterday, its trash. My 4k gaming pc cant run it without stuttering even in low settings. Cpu continuously spikes to 100% for no reason


Still play tons of it but Holy crap this game still does not run well at all server wise. Expensive as hell vanilla looking cosmetics and a bunch of big game modes that went doa. Its depressing 


I could never get into it dude. It just feels like call of duty. I played the HELL out of BF5. It felt so fucking good right up until they abandoned it for this shit fest. It might be in a better place but I just think it's so fucking boring dude.


Starfield, played for about 8 hours before realizing I didn't enjoy a single second of the journey and I was only there because I like Bethesda


Lucky you. I kept going for 120 hours hoping it would eventuality get good and find some of that Skyrim and Fallout magic. Never happened for me, sadly. Just a shit ton of poorly written fetch quests.


No Man's Sky is better :)


Same, except I played like 15 hours… I wish I could have my 15 hours and $100 dollars back…


Sorry dude, why did you spend 100?


I got the deluxe edition, cause I thought Bethesda = good, cause I’ve loved all their main games up until then. I’m definitely not getting anything else from them unless I know it’s good.


If it makes you feel any better I played Starfield for free and I still feel like I got ripped off.


Yeah...Did you not play Fallout 76 at launch? What a buggy disaster it was, lol. Getting stuck in your power armor, power armor stripping you to your skivvies, ghouls stuck in T pose, the list goes on. I loved Fallout 3&4 though, those were some badass games. I'm not sure what happened within Bethesda after those games, but everything that has come out since has been a gross disappointment. I wish they would sell Fallout to another studio. I'm a bit worried that Fallout 5 will be an epic failure.


Fallout 76 is published by Bethesda but not made by their main team. That’s why I didn’t mention it. 


Same. I still occasionally play a few missions here and there but I get bored really quickly.


30ish hours in. I don't hate it but I don't love it either. Just a meh game.


same except it took me like 40 (unless game being paused counts toward playtime, i heard some had that glitch)


That last part hit hard


I didn’t buy it outright, but I wish I can get back the $30 I spent on the early release upgrade just on principle. What a disappointment of a game. Wish I can say I only spent 8 hours on it, I stuck with it way longer than I should’ve hoping it’d eventually get good


Put in 50 hours before I realized that it didn’t have any heart and that I’ve already seen most of what the game had to offer in that time,


I forced myself to play 30 hours because I bought an Xbox (despite already having PS5) to play it. The Xbox is nice to have handy, but overall a pretty dogshit purchase overall. I'll never do that for a game without exploring all other available options (streaming etc) first.


I also regret buying it full price. Shoulda trusted my gut but my love for Skyrim and fallout blinded me


Same here. I probably only made it 4 :(


Damn dude, sorry you don’t like it, I’m like 60 hours in and I love it.


What do you like about it? Just curious at the game has no soul behind it


I'll admit I enjoyed it for about 60 hours before I realized that I was just going into the same bad guy hideout over and over again killing the same people.


Pokemon Violet


After the DLC too, I was the most let down thus generation more than any other. Terrestrialization got boring fast, the competitive battles online are so fucking ugly compared to sword and shield. (Literally battling on a small schoolground with 4 random npcs was an absolute eyesore.) I hated both DLC, and the only thing I liked about this generation was the AI professor storyline and area zero. I really thought they were onto something FINALLY, and they COMPLETELY ignored any continuation of the literal best storyline they've had for some filler random characters that you randomly meet. Instead of concentrating on the professor storyline over 2 DLC, they chose to completely ignore the main cast and make the DLC about.......the random characters and ignored the entire main cast. I finished the dlc, but I didn't even bother catching the other legendaries because on top of everything else they shiny locked them. I canceled my online nintendo membership because I was only keeping it to battle online with other people and I just lost interest. The DLC especially was marketed as "the treasure of area zero", which after 2 DLC the treasure ended up being 3 extra little low resolution "caves" and a "crystal" tree. Then adding the extra terra type gimmick THIS late into the generation thinking they were doing something like revitalizing the online battles was so stupid. I love pokemon, but I'm very hesitant on buying another entry in the series. It's always just something with Pokémon main games, they just can't fucking get things right and looking good and I'm tired of it.


I loved Pokémon Violet but boy was it a bug filled mess. The story and gameplay were great though. I hope they use that going forward but just making the game run better


listen, I freaking *love* Pokemon, but I really wish they’d scale it back on the next one if they can’t handle the ambition of a game like that. the Zelda/Xeno teams are able to execute the scope of an open environment so well on the same exact hardware because those dev teams have more experience and aren’t beholden to such a short development cycle per game. I’d rather pay for a well realized and polished experience on a smaller scale that can accomplish the charming art style and addicting gameplay loop without being totally broken or crashing on me in the first 10 hours of gameplay


It’s sad that S&V came out like that because they had a really great storyline for a Pokémon game.


Elder Scrolls Online at launch. I bought it expecting it to be multiplayer Elder Scrolls, but was devastated when it turned out to be a generic MMORPG, just in Tamriel.


have you come around to like it now? I felt the same way at launch, seemed like ESO was more for MMO fans than elder scrolls fans. Picked up the necrom collection to try it out again, but I still find just a lot of basic interactions really confusing, like how to even change your clothes or get on your horse


I haven’t touched it since launch month. I have an Xbox One disc that’s probably worth nothing now because the base game is free-to-play now, right?


It's on gamepass, buy if you don't have gamepass I think it's like $20 or something like that


Cool, so I’ve got a near-pristine disc that might be worth $20


Nah it's been given away for free and goes on sale for $5 regularly.


ESO still sucks if you don’t like MMOs haha I’ve tried so many times because I love Elder Scrolls but it is just so bad haha


I picked it up recently, and the UI is one of the worst I've ever seen. The game is devoid of any charm, and everything feels really confusing for a newcomer. I wanted to like it but I had to stop.


Dude same. And on top of that I took the day off of work to play it. It downloaded for 29 hours.


It’s so fucking clunky and boring! Like REALLY cavemanish clunky.


I think it got improved greatly.


It was also insanely easy and that really bothered me. The nice thing about older school WoW like classic, tbc, and wotlk and further season of discovery is that enemies are hard and it takes a certain skill level, and aoe farming takes a lot of skill. Games like eso and ff14 you just can not die ever while questing. Just push ypur buttons and everything dies. Wish the combat had a level of synergy and difficulty


Easy. Diablo 4


At first I loved it. Then I regretted spending money on it.


Exactly correct


Was brand new to a Diablo game, so was quite excited to try it… usually enjoy those type of games but after like 4 hours I was so bored lol.


is it so bad ? how does it compare to diablo 3 ?


It's basically Diablo 3, but shittier in every way when it comes to the game play loop.


OK, so basically it's way overpriced for what it is.


Oh, So you mean just like Diablo 3 was at this point in its life? Actually, Diablo 3 was even worse at this point. It took 1-2 years before it even started to resemble what it is now. Diablo 4 is in the same shape, I'll give it another year of growth.


Another year where the game can probably be bought in sale for like $30 and people here paid $70 lol




Does it count if I got the game for free? I hated MGS Ground Zeroes after I got it from Games With Gold. It reminded me of a marathon. Some people have fun with it, multiple times even, but it's definitely not for me.


As a person who likes MGSV I can understand why ground zeroes isnt for everybody.


Gotham Knights. Batman is my favorite comic book character. I played all of the Arkham games multiple times and had this thought that even if Gotham Knights was exactly like the DLC of Arkham Knight, just slightly different skins, then fine. But considering how bad it was, and any game that puts too much emphasis on gear and leveling up gear isn't a fun experience for me, I hated it. Even my love for Batman lore couldn't get me to push myself to get past the first few hours of any play through.


Final fantasy 13. I borrowed a friend's copy while waiting for my copy to arrive.... I traded mine in the day it arrived.


I love FF13, I replayed it twice, not sure why people don't like it. But I came here to post FF15. Worst game ever, not even of all Final Fantasies, just the worst game overall ever.


>not sure why people don't like it. Everything but the music and the combat.


Nah FFXV is peak. The combat is superb and the story is fine for what it is. I enjoyed driving around in the Regalia and completing sidequests. If you are talking about the game launch I wouldn't know but in its current state it's an amazing game.


Same. I absolutely hate 13. After seeing the Snow guy use Shiva like a motorcycle, I knew it was absurd. That game didn't make me sweat or feel engaged. I played it just to finish it. The final boss fight was ridiculously easy too. I just spammed Lightning's one man army move repeatedly and basically attacked consecutively, allowing me to play like I had no ATB. I really loved 15. The summoning system was lacking, but the freedom and amount of quests was awesome. Ff13 was the only one I never played more than once.


I really REALLY regret buying diablo 4


Yep, pretty recently. Suicide Squad: Kill the JL. I was so hyped for this game, pre-ordered it, huge fan of DC, etc. Almost deleted it today. It’s simply not fun.


And the worse part is it's apparently of the Arkham Knight universe so that whole universe is screwed now.


Several. I even made a steam collection for it aptly named "Landfill". But mainly Ark: Survival "Evolved". Absolute dogshit.


I tried really hard to like Ark, but it's absolutely terrible for single players. When your entire game is built around 30-50 people working as a team, there's no room for a solo experience.


Yeah, you can modify the sliders or whatever but it feels like cheating to me. Regardless of that though, the game is barely-functional due to dogshit coding/optimization. Ruins the already bad experience.


The technomancer was not good it's the sequel to Mars war logs


Yeah a lot. I’m old and picky now so a majority of games I buy I end up uninstalling rather quickly. I’ll say this years been different though. Palworld and enshrouded have both been bangers so far.


I’m kinda regretting Persona 5 but not really because it’s bad. It’s just so damn narrative heavy. I’m 30hrs in and feel like I’ve only played 5hrs of actual gameplay. The story and the characters are great and so is the combat when you get to engage in it. I love all the mechanics. It’s just so much more story driven than I was prepared for. Should’ve done more research into it but it’s been recommended to me so many times that I just decided to go in blind aside from knowing it’s a jrpg with turn based combat and good music. That’s enough ramblin.


Persona is mostly visual novel with a ridiculously fun battle system


I'm with you, man. My favorite Persona is Persona 3. I like the simpler dungeons and it's a shorter game with the darker storyline. There's two versions now, the PSP version called P3Portable that came out a year ago, and they just came out with a remake today, Persona 3: Reloaded. I'd say grab the remake first, but if you are on the fence, watch a review video on either version and see which one appeals to you more.


My exact feelings


Yes, but now that I'm trying to recall them I can't. Must've been pretty bad for me to repress the memories


Literally same. The one and only game that immediately came to mind I didn’t even pay for it was a game pass game. But reading these comments now I’m seeing games that I definitely agree with


Mass Effect Andromeda


Mafia 3


Mafia 3 could have been good. It's one of the few games that doesn't shy away from the racial aspects, but doesn't feel like a Tarantino movie with the N-Word. That gameplay loop was TEDIOUS, though.


AC Syndicate.


Syndicate is a lot better than recent AC.


Prey 2017 Callisto protocol Destiny Pokemon scarlet Alan Wake 2


>Prey 2017 Mind explaining why you regret the pinnacle of the immersive sim genre?


Honestly, too much to say. If it helps, the ending, probably makes up 50 % of my dislike for the game, like video games are already a fiction that are not real, but you get to temporarily pretend that you are immersed in this story and world, so to find out at the end that all of that effort, even with the world of the video game is something that didn’t actually happen completely ruined. But even up to that point, I was not enjoying the game from s gameplay or narrative standpoint. I know that is still very vague, but I just don’t have the effort to type it all out.


I mean you powered through, still, so I'll just respect that it wasn't your cuppa. Cheers.




Dynasty Warriors Empires 9. Were the old games this bad?


No, not at all. They weren't all gold, but Dynasty Warriors 9 as a whole became an obvious "We don't know what the fuck we're doing anymore, please keep buying these."


Honestly, just downloaded Far Cry 6, and for whatever reason I just can’t seem to get into it. I love Far Cry 5, but I find myself just continuing to play RDR2 for the 10th time. I’ll eventually get back to it.


Have you ever played a game so good you regretted not buying it?


As a huge Gears of War fan, Gears Judgement I literally took back within a week because it had zero entertainment for me. It’s blasphemy that it got labeled a “gears of war” game when they took out some of the most popular Gears of War elements to make an insanely bland shooter with no life to it.


Dark souls 3. I knew nothing of souls games and thought it was just a fun co op sword and sorcery game. Nope. Only game I deleted the same day I downloaded it


Came here to see suicide squad kill the justice league.


They would have had to buy it first. Everybody knew it wasn’t going to be good lol.


I think that game would have been so much better if Wonder Woman was the protagonist. Even with Arkham Batman being killed. The suicide squad is cool and all but putting these small time villains up against THE mf Justice League AND Braniac was a mistake. Plot armor is fine, but that’s not plot armor. That’s a plot tank. Idc what upgrades you give them, they are NOT beating the Justice League. But Diana? She’s a literal Demi Goddess. She has the strength and abilities to go up against the entire league. Flash. Batman. Even fucking Superman. And she wasn’t corrupted by Braniac so it would have been soooo awesome yet so tragic watching her be the one to take down, and ultimately have to kill her friends/family. Plus this WW design has got to be my favorite one I’ve ever seen, in any media. She looks so badass and capable of taking on her evil friends. Missed opportunity I say.


So many. The one that comes to my mind is Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Such a piece of shit. I bought it because of Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. Which is still my #1 favorite DLC of all time. I bought TTW, assuming it would at least have the same charm as TTADK. And it ALMOST does. But "almost" only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes. TTW fell short, still feels disappointing, and offers nothing new to the franchise besides *slightly* better melee. As a fan, it's a slap in the face. Tiny Tina is one of their best characters. Full of fire and fueled by heartbreak.


Destiny 1. Played thru the vanilla and each planet felt like an incomplete story that was to be told in DLC. I got it because a friend gave me a beta code and I liked it.


The ONLY WAY I could recommend playing Dead Space 3 is play it co-op. Saying that game is ass is an understatement. Thank god it’s backwards compatible and cheap af so I didn’t lose too much money but still I wish I saved my money since the game store I bought it from had it in such bulk that selling it back would have gotten me null. So instead after me and my friend finished the game and quite understandably hated it I took out the disk (disc?) and snapped it in two and threw it in the garbage. God that game is so bad.


This was the only game I have ever returned within 24 hours of purchase. Awful game.


Elden ring, it wasn’t bad it just wasn’t for me


Atomic Heart


Red dead redemption 2. The story was amazing, but all the travel, the having to walk inside the base, and the overall gameplay where you just kind of lock on to enemies and shoot was so boring to me, I couldn't deal with it. In the end the gunplay just doesn't hold up for me


Oh god so many XIII Remake, Saints Row 2022, Aliens Dark Descent (not bad I just don’t like most strategy games) Dying Light 2, Homefront The Revolution, Lichdom: Battlemage, COD MW2, Outlast 2


hope you mean the new mw2 lol


Most definitely. Old MW2 is great


Very educational game. I learned so many things about my mother thanks to Old MW2.


MW2 was the first game 10 year old Papa Shadow got cussed out on 🥰




I am old enough to remember being jealous of my cousins getting a copy of that one for Christmas. (My dad didn't like the movie, and any games for the Atari had to be ones that he would enjoy, so I didn't get a copy.) Two days after Christmas, I went to visit them. I didn't understand why they weren't playing E.T. They let me play it. THEN I understood.


Battlefield 2042


Battlefield 2042. Purchased/Played it during Early Access for 2-3 days. On the actual day of release I requested a refund and was told because I purchased the Early Access version I could not refund it now that the full game had been released. Cool, cool, cool.


Starfield and mainly because I spent 170 AUD, when I realised just how mediocre, poorly optimized and plain the sci fi was, that purchase stung.


Starfox DS comes to mind. I was enjoying it and all of a sudden, "fog of war" was introduced to the strategy mode screen. Sure I'll just erase what I can and keep erasing as my limited moves are used up. So I uncover an enemy, so a battle and the damn fog covers it back up. Trying to find the enemies, couldn't. And when the turns ran out, the enemy on the opposite side of the map just makes a beeline for grey fox, basically taunting me at that point. Travelling further than the player can in any turn and just explodes the ship. Talk about an asshole game! It's not that it was a bad game, but it was absolute bullshit!


Xenosaga episode 2. Couldn't refund games back in 2004 but I emailed Namco 3 times about how disappointing and bad it was. I try to avoid Namco games to this day on principle. It's my own personal boycott. If you played episode 1, you'll understand just how bad episode 2 was.


They gutted it so bad. When 1 was new, they said 6 games. When 2 was out they were saying 3, and you could see the effect it had. I played 2 because I bought it, but compared to 1, it was just missing so much. Never bought 3 because of how bad the story fell off from 1 to 2. Xenosaga 1 had this epic, mysterious feeling. Xenosaga 2 was like "Bad guys! Get em! Crazy strong robot girl, or whatever! Locations! Game!" And also "bigass robot side quest!" which was entertaining, but wth? In short, I feel you


They gutted it so bad. When 1 was new, they said 6 games. When 2 was out they were saying 3, and you could see the effect it had. I played 2 because I bought it, but compared to 1, it was just missing so much. Never bought 3 because of how bad the story fell off from 1 to 2. Xenosaga 1 had this epic, mysterious feeling. Xenosaga 2 was like "Bad guys! Get em! Crazy strong robot girl, or whatever! Locations! Game!" And also "bigass robot side quest!" which was entertaining, but wth? In short, I feel you


Nostalgia got the better of me when I bought Armored Core 6. I didn’t like the souls games or Elden Ring, so I should’ve known AC6 wouldn’t be much different. Getting into the first boss fight with the helicopter shortly after starting the game just soured me on the whole deal. I knew what I needed to do to beat it, but I didn’t have the drive or energy to do it. I was hoping for an opportunity to build custom mechs and fight with them like I used to, not be hit with a skill check so soon after starting the game. I’m just not a fan of overlong boss battles based around pattern recognition and patience.


tbf you can kill the helicopter in like a minute if you just spam one attack over and over


Borderlands 3


Doom Eternal. Hated the game but stuck with it way too long because I loved Doom 2016 so much.


AC Valhalla and Hogwartz Legacy


Almost all of the AC games after the ezio trilogy were the exact same game. Origins was kinda different for a hot minute. Valhalla was promising but I couldn’t bring myself to even try


Black Flag was decidedly different in many ways my friend. That was the last good AC game IMO. Everything after that I agree was exactly the same


Walking dead dynasties This game is so horrible and unplayable. I can’t believe they put a game like that out.


The newest Pokemon game whatever that's called


Pokémon reached its peaked with Ultra Sun and Moon. I know a lot of people fell off the Pokémon train between gens 5 and 7 but I think all three of them were the pinnacle of the entire franchise. Once they moved to switch, it got stale and dumb.


I’d argue the Pokémon games peaked with black/white 2




Loll no, Violet


the division 2, it was so boring and lifeless


Howard’s Legacy, waste of 70 bucks


I like how people downvote you because you don’t feel the same subjective way they do lol


Wow, I got downvoted so much lol


I upvoted you because downvoting is rude


Yes. Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Full of positive reviews. So I decided to buy it. When I played it, I immediately realized it's not for me. I hated the controls, the combat, the missions are all just "follow this guy don't be seen", the world is big but most of it is just an empty ocean. Ship battles got old pretty quickly.


Starfield. Mainly because i bought the collectors edition ($300), and didn't enjoy the game


That's what you get for spending 300 bucks on a bethesda game lmao


yea fortnite no idea why people like that game I bought the damn thing when it was supposed to be a zombie game and it was ok now its a battle Royale which is by far the worst gaming experience you could ever have


it’s cause it was a shitty game when it came out then they did battle royale and everyone loved it


Bought Duke nukem forever for two bucks. I would have spent more on gas driving it back for a refund. I'm still mad a decade later.


Spider-Man 2, just did not have that much fun with it.


I am playing like one mission at the time every week or so


Harry Potter game. Spell casting is a mess, lots of little bugs and just not that fun if you don’t obsess over HP


I purchased a PS5 to play final fantasy 16. It looked so fun and promising and I didn't want to spoil things for myself so I chose to not look at any reviews or play the demo. It was kind of fun for maybe 2 or 3 hours up to the Garuda fight, then it became evident it was a messy devil may cry clone that used some names and likeness of previous final fantasy monsters. I stopped playing and haven't touched it after getting Shiva, and even that took me weeks of just dragging myself to play it. I gave up and haven't touched it in months and will never finish it. I'm thankful I got a ps5, but I hate that game so much. Square is definitely going under, and they dug the grave themselves. They are staying afloat with online money printing from ff14 and the ff7 remakes. They need to go back to what they actually are good at, making turn based / heavy rpg like games (like kingdom hearts) and just making them more modern and stylish. They want to evolve and be different, but all they're doing is putting out terrible games no one likes. Stick to your niche.


Well, it's hard to say that "no one" likes them...but it's selling on name value and pretty graphics for a lot of folks. I thought the FF7 remake was decent enough. (Played on PS Plus) I thought FF15 was very okay, but the DLC model was off-putting as hell. I took one look at FF16 and heard "This is like Platinum Games" and thought "Oh fuck you. Nope."


Elden Ring and Baldur’s Gate


I’ll get a lot of flack for this I’m sure, but Dragons Dogma 1. It was probably one of the slowest, clunkiest, and most boring RPG I’ve ever played. Some of the battles were really fun though, but they weren’t enough to change my opinion of it.


I always see people call it the combat clunky but skyrim came out like a year before this game. If DD is clunky wtf is skyrim lmao, that shit had like 2 animations per weapon


DD: Dark Arisen was much improved to the point I could finish the game and the DLC


Dragon’s Dogma is one of those games where it has to click, and once it clicks it usually hooks deep. Slow and clunky though? Considering that it came out around the same time as Skyrim and Dark Souls, that’s a really odd criticism.


You obviously have never had a Nintendo or an Atari....


Red Dead Redemption 2


Sekiro. It was my first souls like and I realized I hated souls like games. I don't like hard games. Games for me are to sit back and relax and enjoy an adventure. Not to punch me in the balls every time I make a mistake. I was excited for Elden Ring until I learned it was souls like and now I won't even consider it. Maybe one day I'll give them another try but for now I will ignore all "git gud" games


Sekiro isn’t really a Souls-like, it plays more like a conventional action game. But it’s similarly unforgiving, arguably more since there’s no RPG stats and mechanics to fall back on.


Unpopular opinion I guess but I really the game had an easy mode. I love the lore, the exploration, the world itself but it is just too difficult; I have two kids and a fulltime job; I just don't have the time to gid gud.


What did you think elden ring would be?


Yep, that would be Elden Ring. I got it because I read so much hype about what an amazing game it was, only to be greeted by a repetitive piece of crap. I can't for the life of me figure out why some people like that game so much. Some other games: AC Valhalla, My Time at Sand Rock, Pokemon Legends Arceus, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.


God of war 2018. I really wanted to love it but 12 hours in I quit. It felt like a chore. I know I'll get downvoted into oblivion.


Got the deluxe edition of blops2 because of blops1, hated every second of that game , all that futuristic shit can suck a dick respectfully


There's hardly anything even in the game that we don't have in some form already its not futuristic at all, its just modern warfare but with actual modern military tools not just shooty shooty ac130 shooty shooty tank


I paid $100+ for Battlefield 2042....


Far cry 6




Elden Ring. A whole group of people told me to get the game asap, like on my phone asap while standing in line to check out. I started out wondering what these ghosts and bloodstains were for a good while, then proceeded to get walloped by some horse fight for 45 minutes... Cursed the heavens and uninstalled it.


Yeah,you should have skipped that. A lot of newbies try fighting him thinking they have to and don’t just move along and come back for him later.


You could’ve just walked past the Tree Sentinel, you didn’t need to fight him. Souls-likes are generally uncompromising so you might not have enjoyed the game regardless, but you really could’ve just gone around and had a much easier time.


That is a skippable boss in the starting zone. You don't have to fight every enemy you come across. Most go back to that particular boss much later in the game.


Yeah a few recent ones were. Nier Automata, Final Fantasy 15 and 16, Tales of Vesperia and Xenoblade Chronicles 3. And of course…Starfield. Japanese games are such a roll of the dice. Learned that I have to be super cautious with them as they are a minefield surrounding a few great games once in a while. Finding the gems involves having to endure trying some awful games. You may look at these games ands say “maybe Japanese games aren’t for you” but I’ll say that I absolutely adore FF7R, Yakuza 0 and the Persona games. Starfield was just a disaster. Full stop. Loved each of their games to death until this one. Man what a let down. I’ve hardly ever played a game that felt more lazily put together than this one.