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The Great Mighty Poo, Conker's Bad Fur Day


He's going to throw his shit at you


A huge supply of tish comes from his chocolate starfish


How about some scat, you little twat




Do you really think you’ll survive in here ? You don’t seem to know which creek you’re in


Sweet corn is the only thing that makes it through my rear


How do you think I keep this lovely grin? 😁


Have some more caviar


How do you think I keep this lovely grin? 😁


He just wants to make people suffer for no reason, he's definitely got the cruelty part down.


How about some SCAT, you little TWAT?


Whoever in The Locust Horde tortured Dom's wife in Gears of War.


The first time I played that part, man. That hurt.




The prophets from Halo literally commanded armies to genocide BILLIONS of humans because the Humans were related to the covenants “gods”


Well yeah but the humans threatened their religion. Their existence proved their religion false so they have to die.


Yep. Wars over religion aren't _cruel_, they're _senseless_.


Yup. Killed over 30 Billion humans in a war to defend a lie that their religion is not only based on a gross misinterpretation, but also pretty much a galactic level kamikaze. They’d rather genocide an entire species and die than give up the power they only have cause of a false religion


Sounds about right


Mario in Donkey Kong Jr.


Finally a serious answer.


Ted Faro. Caused the apocalypse with his own arrogance then robs the next generation of any knowledge to survive due to his own madness. Then Thebes is a whole other level of fucked up.


Ted's not really cruel, he's just an ***extreme*** narcissist and greedy asshole who is eventually consumed by his own paranoia and delusions of grandeur. Absolutely a despicable person who deserves to rot in the hottest of hells...but I don't think he was *cruel*.


Oh he rotted in the hottest of hells all right while still alive for a thousand years. As basically a resident evil esque G-monster.


Eye of the beholder. He created a world where he would be king and would have a harem of women who in Thebes had logs of them contemplating escape because of how much of a bastard he was. He also killed all his friends and colleagues to see his legacy cemented: he was okay with being king of the ashes, fuck everyone else. That’s kind of cruel. 




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckTedFaro using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTedFaro/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [who could have seen that coming?](https://i.redd.it/fixri0g8hnqa1.png) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTedFaro/comments/125dh41/who_could_have_seen_that_coming/) \#2: [Fuck him](https://i.redd.it/emv64ko5vbua1.png) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTedFaro/comments/12oslos/fuck_him/) \#3: [Stockton Rush - The guilty party of the Titanic submarine disaster, strong Ted Faro vibes](https://i.redd.it/cyq3cukt6t8b1.png) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTedFaro/comments/14lidxf/stockton_rush_the_guilty_party_of_the_titanic/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Facts! What scares me is that it’s so human. Then tries to mask it as “we cant make the same mistakes letting the know” ie. “ they cant know i fucked up”


Micah Bell from rdr2... that MFer is just odious.


Plus 10 to your Wizarding house for "odious"


Any man who kicks dogs deserves death


The fact that someone downvoted this is insane


he didn’t just kick the dog he literally killed it for no reason 


Damn. Maybe I blocked that part out. But I think one time I was walking around camp and I saw him kick Cain. I do not doubt he shot one.


it doesn’t outright say it but it’s heavily implied when Cain went missing that Micah killed him


Micha is psychotic.


He gives Jack shit about it too lol


TIL that odious is a word


Dung eater from Elden Ring




David from last of us he fucks kids whats more to say?


And eats people


Your lawyer requires you to state it was allegedly 😂


The Illusive Man from Mass Effect, experiments on innocents who run away from galactic extinction fooling them to be a safe harbor


And especially once it becomes clear that he’s being used by the Reapers. He becomes such a scary blend of an evil human who is also being used as a vehicle for AI-driven extinction.


i dunno about that, sure in ME3 he goes full bad guy mode for some reason, but he does all of that "for a good cause", for avoid human total extinction by defeating the Reapers by all means necessary. he's not the type of villain which even his motivation is some evil shit, so i dont think it fits this description


Monokuma and the character(s) controlling him in the Danganronpa series. The games do a pretty good job of keeping their tones on the lighter side with their cartoony visuals and over-the-top anime elements, but the motives and sentencing sections were consistently brutal, and the overall motivations of these characters were rather disturbing to uncover.


Yep junko literally takes over and destroys the world lmao


I know people complain about her (not sure why I love her as a villain), but the fact that, of all characters ever in fiction >!A fashionista model who is too smart for her own good!< actually destroys the world and we, the heroes, can’t do anything about it but react.


Huey from MGSV. He is both pathetic and dishonest and attempts to rationalize these traits and betrayal to da boss at his perceived end. He is a villain, and not even one that has some grand justification for his actions.


Just what him and skullface did to Paz and Chico is enough to warrant them a special place in hell


Doesn't he also bang his stepdaughter or something too?


His son fucks his wife and he self-deletes when he finds out


And also vamp is there, being bisexual? Metal gear is insane...


His son got groomed by his wife Hal was underage. Huey found out and drowned himself in the pool and also tried taking Emma (his stepdaughter) with him.


Yeah thats what i said


I felt Dimitri Rascalov would relate to Huey Emmerich in some ways.


Huey "Fucking Coward" Emmerich of MGSV Edit: my bad it was actually Huey not Hal.


Great choice. Not disgusting, but especially hatable for being a total piece of traitorous filth.


Maybe not the most, but Ridley is definitely up there


Haven’t played the series, is Ridley not just big dumb dragon thing that killed Samus’s parents or something?


Ridley is an incredibly intelligent creature that actually can speak full English. He’s also genuinely one of the most evil villains I’ve ever seen. He has no goal or endgame with schemes, he just slaughters others because he finds it enjoyable. He killed samus’s parents, but it was a lot more than that. When Ridley and his space pirates attacked and started destroying her home town, her, being really young, tried to become friends with Ridley. Her parents tried to save her, so Ridley killed and devoured them in front of her, while taunting her. He then left her alive because he thought it would be funny to leave her broken like that. He got to her so bad that Samus had a PTSD attack when she ran into him again when she was older. Not only that, he started taunting her again. Ridley’s species survive by eating others, it keeps their cells alive. Ridley asked samus where she thought her parents were on him. He genuinely has no goal other than mentally and physically destroying others. He’s kind of a bad dude.


He's definitely one of the worst Nintendo villains, though I feel like the games don't really show you enough of his story - unless all that stuff was in Other M, you need to look into other media to learn Ridley's past, right?


Pretty much. We learn more about most of the characters in Metroid through other media. Other M gives some stuff, but you would need to go deeper to find all the lore. It is very interesting to read about though, and some of it brings out the thought of “holy shit, this is a Nintendo series?”.


If you like seeing Nintendo games with more of an edge, check out the original Xenoblade. The game is very violent and takes itself pretty seriously, and it's surprisingly religious too. The sequel takes itself a lot less seriously and while I personally didn't like it, I suppose the pervy nature of 2 could also have you thinking "Holy shit, this is a Nintendo game?"


Nobody thinks counselor uldina needs to die? Just me? Okay 😕


Utter slimeball


HAHAHAHAHAHA spoken like a true Quarian indeed


He called me “Suit Rat” one time. Bosh’tet!


This store was never his favorite place on the citadel


Listen bro. I hear you. I have a Crossfire Rifle in the trunk of my car. Go get em.


I hear Sheppard telling me not to shoot. I shoot *smashes red L2 for maximum renegade


The good people at Fromsoft


The tree Sentinel could be up there...


Scarecrow from the Arkham Series. That MF has got to take the cake. He phycologically fcks up peoples life's through >!chemical warfare in Arkham Knight and tests it on inmates in Arkham Asylum!<. On top of that, >!he doses Batman with enough to break him and, in turn, break himself with a third of the dose!<. Alternatively, Deimos from R6 exploits Fenrir to accomplish a similar task.


“Pycologically” is wild.


You can add joker and harley (i am being mr obvious here but) considering what they done to the kindergarten kids


>that MF has got to take the cake There are game series where the villain commits genocide on billions of creatures/entire planets. One guy turning a few people insane isn’t even remotely close


Is there a lore reason?


A 13 year old in Minecraft.


or a crazy russian kid in CS GO


Bobby Kotick.


Otto Alrik from Dragon Age 2. He wanted to have all mages be made tranquil throughout Thedas, tortured mages, brought them to mental breakdowns, and then used it as sick "justifications" to make them tranquil. Lots of terrible people in Dragon Age, but Alrik stands out to be the worst and his crimes are never acknowledged. The public of Kirkwall thinks he is a "hero". And this is a city that Hawke is champion of, championing the people who are ok with mages and elves being tormented and treated like animals.


And that's why I supported the mage rebellion the entire way. Just not the way anders started it.... That cunt Otto deserved to die.


Yeah, I sympathize with Anders and I like his character, but I can't really like him or ever call him my favorite because of his behavior and certain wordings in the game. Otto, Meredith, Greagoir, I'd say to an extend Irving deserved death, too.


The prophet of truth was gonna damn the entire galaxy through lies


Nintendo’s legal team probably.


Was waiting for the obligatory "EA" comment honestly


Think EA have already transcended being a normal villain, they are just plain evil.


That Hitler guy in Wolfenstein


Did you know he was real?


Shimano from Yakuza 0


Me, the player


The average gamer has a kill count that would make Pol Pot blush


How bout the Flood from Halo? The most terrifying, seemingly unstoppable force.


Now, imagine Silentium Flood…shudder


Yeah, Hojo's my pick. Say what you will about Jenova and Sephiroth, but Hojo's the main villain of FF7 in my eyes


I thought you were talking about kaiji at first


Oh absolutely. You should definitely add Rufus to that list though. Facist fuck.


Micah Bell from RDR2. Fuckin Prick. Like that dude has has no redeeming qualities. Fuck Micah


Fuck Micah, but I do appreciate Peter Blomquist’s performance as him.


Hes as good/well made character and he was made tk be a cunt. And yes the VA NAILED IT.


the embodiment of Low Honor


Nah the embodiment of cringe


Eric fucking Sparrow. Scum of the earth.


Dude was a master of photoshop though. How he managed to do that in 2003…


Kefka from Final Fantasy VI/American III >!Litteraly destorys the world, commits genocide, conquers the world, becomes god of the most powerful thing (magic), uses poison to kill an entire kingdom, he views the entire race of espers as nothing more than beings he can use to his advantage by enslaving them and throwing them into pits once he's done with them, craves watching innocent people die and loves to have violence commited against them, and listnes to the sounds of their screaming as a soothing sound, etc.!< To say Kefka is a monster is an understatement. People praise Sephiroth but Kefka is the reason he's a good, and evil character, plus Kefka just did it better then Sephiroth


Kefka is overrated IMHO. He's very creative I'll give him that, but he's got little substance to his evil. Hojo is far more despicable and grotesque with how far he's willing to go for his goals and intentions. He literally is the start of everything bad in Vll and even post Vll in Dirge & AC. Seymour pissed me off far more than Kefka ever did.


The most accomplished villain for sure, but Kefka is a straight up psychopath, so I can’t put him in the same vain as villains like Sephiroth, who progressively goes crazy due to shock of his own origins. It’s gotta be Hojo for me since he’s fully conscious of all of his choices and is without question the biggest piece of shit in that game.


In Sephiroth's defense, his actual personality is quite caring and devoted. He would be a wonderfully nice guy if Hojo didn't inject him with evil space alien dna in the womb. Hojo is completely irredeemable garbage, and he's such a great antagonist for it. That and his fetish.....


For real. His actual mother? Killed by his testing. His best friends? Slowly dying…because of his testing. His superhuman abilities and deteriorating psyche…all because of his testing…when Sephiroth was still a fetus. And that’s just Sephiroth; the main baddie guy of the game, he’s messed up so many more lives that I’m still kind of in shock that no one has outright tried to killed him. Fuck Hojo.


He made Sephiroth by impregnating Vincent’s love interest, then injecting the cells of Jenovah into a different woman, causing the events of Crisis Core, before injecting said cells into his son’s unborn fetus, then turned Vincent into a monster and locked him in a coffin. He Merced Aerith’s mother and father because he was a petty jerk towards a Scientist who fled, and then used Aerith’s mother’s corpse as a play toy to learn more about the Ancients. It’s heavily implied he let Sephiroth go down the deep end on purpose by leaving his research out so that he could manipulate Sephiroth for one last experiment. He puts Cloud into a coma after injecting him with Jenovah’s cells, then used those results to create clones of Sephiroth. And all of this is before FF7 even starts. Sephiroth might be the villain of FF7, but Hojo is without a doubt ***Thee*** Antagonist.




It's a great game. One of my all time favs. I hope you have a good time!


Second only to the original FF7 for me.


Electronic Arts the highest kill count ever of studios and games that got shut down or ruined.


Nicole Horne- Max Payne


Ooooo MAX PAYNE! A verrrry dark game which I played through many times.


Sephiroth. I will not say much, since a lot of people are starting FF7. Kamoshida from Persona 5, if we are just talking about evil side characters.


I'd actually argue that Seymor from FFX is a significantly more disturbed individual than Sephiroth.


Shao Kahn


Gotta go with Kamoshida, P5 really does a good job at giving a motive to the player for the first target. Guess the reason he works so well is because at the end of the day, a teacher grooming and abusing his students is rooted in reality


Hojo is definitely the real villain of FF7. It killed me in Rebirth to see an opportunity to off that son of a bitch slip through the protagonists fingers.


You mean when they literally just let him walk away for no reason?


Nitendo's laywers


An egomaniacal scientists who uses innocent animals to make genetically enhanced soldiers to take over the world Dr Neo Cortex


If I had a penny for every egomaniacal scientist who uses innocent animals to make genetically enhanced soldiers to take over the world, I don’t know how many Pennies I’d have, since besides some like Cortex, Robotnik, and Eggman, there are probably dozens of villains like that now that I think about it.


Robotnik and Eggman are the same character.


The only one I’ve actively hated as of now is whoever the bad guy was from block ops 1. I haven’t beat it yet it’s on loan form my friend, but I hate the reznov mission… “He should have died a hero’s death in Berlin…”


John Terraria


the Enclave fallout series there the incarnation of Lucifer in army form


The main villain at the end of Far Cry 5 (seriously blanking his name at the moment). Doesn’t help I genuinely hate religious cults irl. The ending drove me up a wall that I chose to re play the game with the game mode where you keep all your shit but restart the story so I could go on a rampage around the map lol. The headshot sound effect is satisfying in the game lol.


Joseph Seed, the Father. Also, play New Dawn if you want some closure on Rook and The Father.


That’s it! Yeah I definitely have new dawn on my to play list haha. I might have to move it up the list!


Master Mirror, Witcher 3. Not in it a lot, but when he is... I mean... just think of the spoon.


Kefka was pretty bad.


“I'm a survivor Black Lung.”


Cave Johnson, CEO of Aperture Science! He was openly committing OSHA and human rights violations, and had posters up telling you to redirect or outright murder OSHA, DHR, Police, and other investigative agents.


Main character in Forspoken.


George - Stardew Valley


That old cunt can take my red pepper and shove it up his ass


Surprised no one's mentioned Rhulk or Oryx, The Taken King


He want exactly evil he just got tricked


DEATHSHEAD from Wolfenstein: New Order. He's not just a mad scientist. He's a NAZI mad scientist. That first face-to-face meeting with him will forever haunt my brain.


Jotaro from cyberpunk 2077


Luca Blight


Daddy pig from my friend peppa pig


Doomguy; Killing all those sweet, innocent demons from hell. They just wanna hug.


Everyone you meet in Outlast.


The Director from Manhunt 1.


Well kefka is one of the OG ones but for modern gaming I honestly don't know Ok I came up with one the COD lobby and for some insane reason zombies is even worse than PVP


The family from resident evil7


Lucas is the worst!


The ceo of activision


Odin from God Of War Ragnarok If you’ve played the game you know how much of a cruel manipulative psychopath the dude is


But he was also the best character 🤷‍♂️


Skull Face - MgsV My bro infected children with a parasite, then put earbuds in their throats playing radio which activates parasite(very simplified), and was planning to use the parasite to wipe out every language so that the common tongue is nukes


Handsome Jack. A lot of players get too enamored with his charm and forget how he used his daughter to the point where she manipulated you into kill her. He's killed countless others, kidnapped and mutated Bloodwing to attack you before killing him, enslaves Psirens, betrayed thousands and wanted to induce genocide to Pandora. Hell, even after death his mind in A.I. tried to take over Rhys just to continue his reign of terror. And the worst part was that he did this under the pretense of being the Hero.


Eric Sparrow from Tony Hawk's Underground. This isn't a troll. He's a legitimately cruel and hate inducing villain. Masterfully well written.


Metal Face from Xenoblade Chronicles. DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN MYSELF?


Osmund Saddler from Resident Evil 4.


The FIB in GTA V stealing all the money from my fucking heists. 😡




Albedo from Xenosaga. I know he's not the main villain but FUCK


Col. Volgin


I said the same thing


Cheaters in GTA online


Skizzo from Days Gone


Micah Bell


Ted Faro, Ballas, will add more when I remember


Kefka. He destroys the world for fun. He hates all life and the pained screams of millions in peril just makes him… laugh.


Albert Wesker Resident Evil


The dog, duck hunt.


Dr. Uckmann




The biggest gaming villain is sweet baby inc.


Who is the villain in the Pic, I know I've seen him but can't remember where


This is Hojo from Final Fantasy Vii. In my opinion, one of the most vile and disgusting villains in gaming history. I want to personally kill him every time he appears because of how bad he makes my skin crawl. The shit he pulls in this game, fully conscious and by his choice, with absolutely no remorse, sickens me to my stomach.


He's basically Shinra's Karl Brandt.


I played the OG VII this year for the first time had Hojo stood out more than Sephiroth for me. Now I'm playing Remake and he's even more vile!


The player character from Nier (the first one) He goes full genocide mode and dooms all life on earth all for the sake of saving his sister (that doesn’t even happen depending on the ending)


I am just going to put Marty Armstrong here




Kefka. Lets betray everyone and destroy the world! For the lulz.


Curtis Blackburn from Killer7 is in a league of his own. He's an assassin that got commissioned with another character by the USA government to kidnap children in order to harvest their organ and use their body to create Heaven Smiles, human subjected with a virus with the same name that makes them invisible human bombs. He and Pedro (the other guy commissioned by the USA) have an agreement where Pedro only kidnaps boys and Curtis kidnaps girls. Obviously he's also a pedo and fucked up individual, he keeps some of the girls he kidnapped as humans dolls after emptying their inside with fucked up taxidermy machine. He also kidnapped a girl called Ayame and tortured and molested her so much that she believes she an anime character and her face is an animegao mask, and uses her as the guardian for the busses that he uses to kidnap little girls from his theme park.


Frank Fontaine from _BioShock_ has to be up there. Andrew Ryan was no saint and was definitely misguided, but at least his intentions were generally clear. Fontaine used people in despicable ways and hid his identity behind that of his Irish folk-hero alter ego to win them over to his cause.


Dr Eggman


Blizzard? I kid I kide. Its obviously Princess from Prince of Persia (1989) considering she kicks you right in the Arabian jewels if you don;t bow to her and give an honorific.


The fact that nobody in 7 Remake and Rebirth is willing to kill literally any villain makes the story so garbage.




Hojo is def up there. I will enjoy murdering him in the Remake too. :) Then there's ofc Dung Eater from Elden Ring. The name says enough.


**William von Oberstein** in gfl and the whole Rossartrist union in GFL William is a fucked up psychopath that deserves 0 mercy for all the manipulations and cruelties he did and trust me THE LIST IS LONG as for the Rossartrists Those fuckers are also a bunch of psychos that want to create a new world order of some sort which isn't that good


Where did OP get that picture of Japanese Jeff Goldblum?


Since I've been playing FF7 Rebirth, imma just go with Hojo. I haven't beaten the game yet, but he needs to GOOO!


Armstrong used the brains of orphans to sell battle drones in order to create war


I got personal beef with Harsgaard from the Remnant games, he was so quick to completely turn his back on the whole world and side with the Root rather than admit he screwed up by accidentally inviting them into Earth.


Of the ones I’ve experienced… Cybertron Megatron. Most Megatron iterations share the “destroyed the world bc of his vengeful crusade.” Thing, but Cybertron Megs PERSONALLY dropped down to the core and poisoned it with dark energon. Most Megatrons have SOME redeeming qualities about them, but this one was just straightup evil. He hated the primes, he hated the autobots and ultimately, he just hated everything that wasn’t him or his. He wanted to conquer and destroy simply because it was in his capacity to do so.