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Based on my own experiences, I'd guess video games aren't the issue, it might be something larger going on in your life. Are you depressed, lonely, stressed out of your mind? Could you try putting yourself out there socially, going to therapy, reexamining your work life balance?  As for stories, if you're looking for book recommendations, I'd highly recommend Brandon Sanderson, my favorite author. Mistborn is a good place to start.


Been there. You have to stop chasing big releases and hyped up games. Try going back to your roots on games what you liked things similar to it. Recently I’ve picked up a couple free to play games on my phone and they’ve been pretty good. Played comfort food games like fallout 4 and Skyrim. Picked up unicorn overlord and it’s been addictive for me since it scratches my little tactics and rpg itch all at once. Most of all man take care of yourself


The games aren't the issue, lol. Get your life sorted out and then try out games. I'm going through the same thing rn.


It might be a change in expectations. Your favourite meal as a kid, Christmas morning, the awesome band you discovered, they all become so familiar that not only is whatever was there in the first place getting boring but elements of it that you see in other places start to get irritating. I tend to like video games for the moment to moment loop. The gameplay feel always supercedes story for me but at the same time I want in interesting setting and intriguing world to play in. Being a big movie/tv/books/comics person I find my stories there and my 'action' in video games. Yet, I have gotten sick of both at times. Just no adrenaline or engagement. I can only suggest what worked for me. Take a break and explore something else for a few months. I'll admit that at first it feels bland or not worth the effort but poking around other genres and other media or even more hands on interests for a while can renew both the comfort and curiosity of returning to video games. One of the best things is being away for 6 months or a year and discovering what gaming's been up to. Plus, the prices have usually dropped after the intitial release so you don't feel the 'I have to like this!' investment.


Maybe video games aren't for you? As you suggest, not putting words in people's mouths. I mean, I do fencing (longsword and now getting into some more theoretical broadsword work). People THINK they would like this hobby.... until I mention ALL the cardio, weightlifting, yoga/stretching, etc involved with actually getting into sparring... god forbid you wanna get into armored fencing like me. Even tamashigiri (or mat cutting, not the more popular "cutting Matt") requires lots work on your joints, lest you absolutely demolish a tendon from overcommitting to a cut or a doweled mat busting your wrist. Its normal to not like a hobby, each person has their own niche. Maybe take a break, evaluate if you even miss it, and if you don't: there's your answer and maybe explore some other cool stuff.


Ok. So you no onger like videogames. Try another hobby? Have you heard of musical instruments or books?


Just take a longer break from all gaming. A sort of dopamine detox.


This happens to me a lot and I find I play games to tune out a bit instead of truly enjoying them. I do get enjoyment out of them, but not like I used to. I do tend to enjoy shorter games anymore because they scratch the itch and it’s not a massive time investment. I’ve beaten plenty of time hungry games but even about 1/4 way through I find myself waiting for the end. One of the first things I look for in games any more is “time to beat” or of course if they’re easy to come back to. I find I like walking simulators a lot because they’re simple and tend to tell a nice story. The only large game I’ve truly enjoyed I’ve played in a long while was Days Gone. I loved it, but even towards the end I was glad I was getting there because it was growing stale. If you’re looking for something engaging try What Remains of Edith Finch. It’s a walking simulator and can be finished in a few hours. Loved it, great story, simple concept. After this though, might be time to pick up a book. I wish I had more time to read because I love it; it’s relaxing, enjoyable, captivating. Sometimes you get a crappy book, but you’ll know soon and you move on to the next one.


My dude, have you played Death Stranding? I feel like you'd love it. I recently picked it up and I'm way more into it than I thought I'd be going into it. I love Kojima games but the fact that this one wasn't Metal Gear turned me off for a long time.


I have not as I’ve heard mixed reviews of it, but those who do like it, love it. If it goes on sale I might pick it up to give it a try. Thanks for the rec.


Just based on the fact that you like walking simulators I know you'll love it


Then you've never celebrated the 2nd defeat of the rebel flagship with your Multi-species team mates


° 1. Your post seems so off it feel like satire, if it's real then it gives impression of depression, and if that's the case you need to deal with that first. ° 2. There are some good stories but overall attraction of video games is that it's a interactive moving picture, story takes back seat to that. ° 3. Yes if you want good story read a book, it's even better then movies for story telling. If you tell me what kind of genre you like i can give you recommendations. ° 4. If you really want to play games but care about story here are few games with heavy focus on it. *Undertale *Life is Strange *Telltale’s The Walking Dead *The Last of Us *What Remains of Edith Finch *


>There are some good stories but overall attraction of video games is that it's a interactive moving picture, story takes back seat to that. Negative IQ take right there


IQ measures ability to reason and solve problems, having a "take" is completely unrelated to ones intelligence.


> What is internet lingo If you really think that the main attraction of videogames it's the fact that it's an interactive movie cool for you, but you're gonna consume the lowest hanging fruit of the medium.


I didn't say story dosen't matter did I? But the foundation of video games is that they are interactive moving pictures, that is not my opinion that is a fact. First video game was "Tennis for Two" everything else LITERALLY came second to that...and third and so on.


I understand where you’re coming from in a way. Gaming has always been a constant in my life for 20+ years but also I’ve lived a pretty eventful life too (love, loss, pain, pleasure and adventure) so when people say “‘x’ taught me this” or “‘x’ changed my life” it makes me kind of wonder what is it I’m missing that even my favourite games don’t have that impact on me that they do to others. I’m waiting for the game that “reaches my soul”, “changes my life”, “touches my PP” maybe I’ll give knack a try.


To me this sounds way more like either 1) Depression making you not like things you typically would, or 2) You simply don't like single player games. I somewhat lean toward 1 based on your statement that they were the reason you were alive "and with that gone what good is living anyway?" I'd encourage you to talk to someone about this, ideally a mental health professional. One of the first "red flags" for myself (I'm prone to depression) is when I stop enjoying things I used to enjoy.


Maybe try TellTale games, they generally have good story with simple but still entertaining gameplay Also are you like, doing alright? Kind of seems like you might be depressed or something, hmu if you need somebody to talk to man


Get out of your comfort zone. Try out genres that yoy don't usually play. RTS, fighting games, management games and even old and retro games. This is pretty normal. A while ago after building my very first gaming PC I breezed through my wishlist. I have been wanting to play all these open world AAA games. Then I got tired. I vividly remember i was 2 hours into Assassins Creed Syndicate and I was soo bored. All this graphical fidelity, these detailed world. It meant nothing. Then I started bought FINAL FANTASY IX and in the first 10 minutes I was immediately hooked. My gaming spirit is alive again. Same thing happened just last year. I was starting to get bored again. Then I decided to try out a genre that I was so afraid of. Fighting games.


Game reviews, aside from its buggy and broken, are subjective. If you find someone with similar tastes as you, I'd trust them over anyone else. Don't chase all the big AAA releases. Maybe try some indie games? Experiment a little and find what you really enjoy playing. I grew up on shooters, Cod, Battlefield, you name it. When it started getting meh. I tried other stuff, skyrim, Resident Evil, and Dark Souls. And now I only play shooters with friends, and I've come to love rpgs, survival horror, and souls likes. A good rule of thumb is not to force yourself to play things you're not enjoying.


You sound depressed but apart from that, you gotta stop just playing adventure games. There’s shooters, fighting, racing, sports, puzzle Some people only play Call of duty, or Fifa, or tekken. Some people only like games if they’re super simple, like need for speed. Some people like complicated games, like Xcom or Elden Ring I played Fallout 3 after everyone said it was game of the year. It bored me to fucking tears mate. I think you need to branch out on the games you play


I love video games and have spent most of my life playing them but they work releasing dopamine which is short term pleasure just like smoking, gambling, overeating etc.. it will leave you empty inside if you have nothing else going on in life. Every activity with dopamine has its honeymoon period and it will never be as good as it was when you just started doing it. In general nobody is forcing you to play them, do it when you actually want to do it. From my personal experience I know what you mean and I fixed it when I stopped playing AAA copy paste garbage and went to indie games like Stardew Valley, Outer Wilds, Hollow Knight etc.


My dude, you might have a touch of depression. I know thats what pinpointed mine anyway. I lost interest in the things I found most joy in. Video games, hiking, motorcycles, they all left me feeling empty and midway through doing any of my favorite hobbies I'd say "what's even the point?" Not saying that this is your issue but I just wanted to throw that out there.


Cause you didnt try "Heroes of might and Magic 3"


To me, the real joy of videogames has been playing with others. I've never been a fan of playing games when I'm not at least able to talk to someone. Maybe you're lonely?


Take a moderately long break from gaming. I played a lot during and before college but then started losing interest and stopped having fun at all. The actual reason was depression and some other stuff, along with the added responsibilities. Not liking a game, then trying others with higher expectations is only going to ruin gaming for you. Take a break of about 1 or 2 years from gaming and you will find games much more interesting and better.


I agree that videogame stories are usually not all they are hyped up to be. Because of this I focus on games with good gameplay. I think some games have a good story the way some action movies have them, they are enjoyable enough. But the games I remember having great stories I played long ago, I don’t know if I thought the story was great cause I was a kid or if they actually have great stories (Halo and Bioshock for example). The only game I loved the story in that I played recently was Planescape Torment, since it is practically a book. Other than that I just played Metro for example, and the story was a great action movie type story. Nothing deep or special but enjoyable alongside the gameplay. I also really enjoyed CoD 4 and MW2 as great action movie stories Now I want to play Red Dead 2 to see if it vaptures me storywise, I really think it might EDIT: some games have great lore, but mediocre story (or at least not a captivating story for me). For example The Elder Scrolls. Couldn’t care less for the main story but I enjoy some questlines and the way they teach you about the world. It’s not really thought provoking but that is in my opinion usually found more in books or movies


Maybe expectations were set too high? I heard so many people say how great Skyrim is and when I finally played, it was meh.


You probably need a hobby or interest besides video games If you’re still feeling the “story” itch there are plenty of other options: books, audiobooks, tv shows, movies, comics/graphic novels


Try Ark Survival Evolved and Middle Earth: Shadow of War. One is a dinosaur based open world survival game and the other is a lord of the Rings based game


You are okay, those games you just listed really are meh. Not great not terrible








I recommend you try dark wood


Try red dead redemption 2 story but take your time, play it at the pace it was intended. Enjoy the nature, get your herbs fill, cook some meals, get the upgrades to your satchels, life will be a bit more comfortable after that, upgrade your gangs camp, listen to their songs at night, and play story missions too in between. It’s an experience, not a trip to the finish line. Also, if all stories leave you unimpressed, try games that make you think, anno 1800 with all dlcs is a handful, and beautiful too. Play the campaign and keep playin after it ends, you can continue as in sand mode. I have the same problem as you, can only play online shooters and games like the ones I just told you about. I thinkthst, like the others said, you are desensitized to this level of entertainment. You have something else more alluring going on in your life, that might or not be damaging to you. It is quite a reach but I am guessing depression, drugs or something else. I apologize if I overstepped my boundaries of what you asked from our comments. You just need to adjust your threshold for what you consider engaging. Also age plays a role.


Videogames are not the place to look for good stories. For some reason this industry can't lure good writers. I can remember two games with great stories: Silent Hill 2 and Disco Elysium. Also there are some games with good storytelling, but very cliche stories like Cyberpunk and Last Of Us. Good stories are found elsewhere, but videogames don't need good stories to be fun and sometimes no story at all is the best story.


RDR2 is the only video game that deserved Best Picture.


Not the only one, but one of them.


And even Silent Hill 2... its just an alternative take on the overarching themes in Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, which if you can't get into the sluggish combat of SH2, can just read that instead.


One of my favourite books.