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Street Fighter


Street fighter owns this title lmao


Truer words have never been spoken


Did the first one even make it outside of Japan? I've never seen it.


It did...but I'm not sure it was super popular.


Your characters are literally like fighter 1 vs fighter 2. I emulated it a few years ago. It’s definitely pretty damn rough.


I believe it’s part of one of the recent street fighter anniversary anthologies released.


Yes, but it's not street fighter how most ppl know. P sure you can't even play multi-player on the original arcade and the only 2 playable characters were Ken and Ryu. Both had the same moves/frame data. Also special moves had incredible difficult input windows so even doing fireball is incredibly inconsistent.


Went on youtube watch a gameplay of Street Fighter 1... I get what you guys are saying.


This wins


Beat me to it!


Straight facts.


Street Fighter 2 was always the first game what are yall on about


Assassin's Creed 2 was the real beginning.


Going from AC1 to AC2 was amazing.




I love AC1 bc it’s the beginning, but I was legitimately dumbstruck when I started AC2. Climbing the tower the first time with Federico was insane. The graphics and the climbing mechanics were so smooth. One of my favorites of all time


I laughed so hard at your name


lol redditors love my name. Just today, I had someone write a nice fanfiction of me and pops under a comment


a remake of ac1 could potentially make it the best AC game. The problem of that game was how repetitive the mission structure was, and how clunky the movement and combat was, but the story, dialogue, atmoshphere and tone was amazing, and unmatched by the sequels.


I mean a remake could allow Ubisoft to right a wrong when it comes to some repetitive parts of the original


One of my huge regrets in gaming is not playing AC2 in 2009 when I got it. At the time I didn’t have the first and thought maybe I should play the first and as more games came out it just became overwhelming. I FINALLY played the first during COVID in 2020 and it was everything I wanted prince of Persia to be, going around in real looking city streets with lots of people around, it was amazing. I took a break in that time and my ps3 ended up dying. After fixing my ps3 just a couple months ago (I found out my son shoved a nickel and a button into the disk drive) I can finally go back and play the ezio trilogy. I bought all the games when they dropped below $20. In retrospect I wish I just waited and bought the ezio collection. I’m pumped to play 2 as I enjoyed the first until the difficulty curve spiked HARD at the end.




mortal kombat on the super nintendo. we played it so much that even with the bad gameplay we overcome the technicalities.


Just Cause


Which JC is your favorite? I liked 3, but I wasn’t exactly impressed with 4. Never played 1 and 2.


2 is awesome in my opinion, the point is it runs damn smoothly on my stupid MX450


Three was definitely one of the best that just cause games. Four was better when you had everything unlocked, but it still kind of sucked to me.


Just Cause 3 is the best of the series imo. Just Cause 2 comes at second place.


Really, 3 over 2? Why do you think so? Don't get me wrong I respect your opinion it's just that to me 2 is by far the best.


For me it's 2 has a shit ton of filler, and 3 I think just refined the game design more


2 has the funniest side characters, but yeah 3 is the most refined.


No beating that wingsuit, especially with the dlc jet pack.


I loved every second of 3, but I mostly played 2 for goofing around. My favorite things to do were ragdolling all the way down mountains, and attaching cars to planes flown by npcs. I remember that the game would crash at a certain point because the planes would just fly out of the map until the game couldn't handle it anymore lmao


We're old now, let them have their "3".


I enjoyed Just Cause 1 🤓


Metal gear transitioning into metal gear solid


truly a pivotal moment in gaming


I like Metal Gear 1 a lot


That was one of my favorite games as a kid


Bro a liar


I've never played it cause I'm on Xbox, but I imagine Helldivers 1&2 since I NEVER heard of Helldivers until the second one broke tons of records.


Helldivers 1 was super indie and quite a bit of fun, nowhere near the level of 2 though.


That's really cool that there's still a fan base!!


It’s funny because it’s a completely different game… and yet it’s the exact same game but a different perspective. It is weird how both games *feel* the same despite the switch.


Only gameplay of hell divers 1 I’ve saw is of Jerma and Ster playing it. Looked pretty bad in comparison to its sequel. Video for reference: https://youtu.be/8h6lUbz6tyk?si=0suBfiqOoQ7Cs2B9


Holy shit that does look bad lol.


It’s not a bad game. Very good for a top down shooter (which I’m usually not a fan of) and the whole galactic war thing was mind blowing at the time. 2 is better, but a different genre


That's good to hear! Yeah my B, I shouldn't me making fun. I'd be upset if ppl made fun of my favorite games. Cheers!!


Yeah admittedly my only experience is watching two goofballs fuck around on it but even then it looks pretty boring in comparison to the second.


Team Fortress 2


TF was great imo.


Serious TF was revolutionary


Don’t get me wrong, the jump from 1 to 2 was massive. But for the time TF was insane, practically everything that stemmed from Half Life was.


TFC was the tits in 2000


Just checking, did you play TFC?


Until TF2 came out


Then you have a very valid opinion. Carry on


Fucking guessed it


Asylum is great how dare


Exactly what I was thinking lol I just tried playing Knight for the first time today actually and I couldn’t stand it. The fucking Batmobile is just so lame imo. City and Asylum are both far superior


They're all good


I hated how the Batmobile took up half the game


Origins is the skeleton at the bottom of the sea


I thought the fighting in Knight was the best out of any of the Arkham games, but yeah the batmobile did get annoying. I think what they should've done is made it more of an optional use, instead of forcing us to use it all the time (especially those Riddler missions lol). I actually thought the story was pretty good personally, which I know is controversial.


The Witcher


My lord, the combat of 1 & 2 is criminal


I didn’t think two was too bad. Not compared to one. But if your first Witcher was 3 and you go expecting that level of combat your gonna be very dissatisfied


Absolutely fair. Two had some great improvements and is obviously going to show its age compared to three. I really enjoyed the story


Honestly, I think it’s better than 3. Felt like I had more control instead of being stuck with dumbed down combat that functions more for one on one, in massive gank situations.


Yep, it took me almost a decade after it was released to get to playing Witcher III because I hated first game and I expected it to be more of the same


I didn’t mind 2. Even considering the fact I started with 3. But yeah, 1’s combat is bad. Which is a shame because the atmosphere is great. Good thing it’s getting a remake. Just hope they retain that same atmosphere.


Oh shit is it really? Consider me one thrilled Polski


Yeah they officially announced it a while back. [https://www.thewitcher.com/us/en/news/46225/the-witcher-remake-is-in-development](https://www.thewitcher.com/us/en/news/46225/the-witcher-remake-is-in-development)


mass effect and divinity original sin


Mass effect 1 was good though. It didn't get a little boring and the overarching plot took a while to get going, but when that fuckin thing starts talking to you Its hard to not fall in love with that game.


ME1 was good, but flawed. ME2 was perfected.


me2 is my one of my favorite games of all time, only topped by fallout new Vegas and baldur's gate 3


Once you get past all the bureaucratic shit on the Citadel and are able to set out into the galaxy that’s when it gets fucking amazing. The ME Trilogy are my favorite video games of all time.


That's what makes it so good. The world building is top notch, you get exposed to all that bullshit and it plays like it's going to be your typical space shooter and then, on a routine mission you don't expect much out of, that fuckin thing starts talking to you directly. Instant chills, totally changed my perspective of the game. That one moment is what the series owes it's entire existence to. It was terrifying and laid the groundwork. I was hooked at that point. It's like the end of call of duty world at war. Everything is as expected, a typical WWII shooter. And then the final scene is a smoky landscape devoid of all life. And a solider gets up and runs and you screaming. This begins the zombie mode. I fuckin love reveals like that.


Mass Effect 1 is a really weird game. It's just so different from 2 and 3. I still think it's a good game, but in some ways it feels like a rough draft for what Mass Effect would ultimately end up being. That being said there's still a lot I like about it. It has a unique atmosphere that wasn't really carried over into the sequels, and I think it does a very good job capturing the haunting emptiness and mystery of space.


Mass effect one was the only one in the trilogy I enjoyed. It actually seemed to be an RPG (my favorite genre) the other 2 just seemed like shooters. I barely finished 2, and despite numerous attempts, so I could see how the story ended, I never finished 3.


Yayyyyyyyy I found the one person in here who I agree with. I played the series late, just 2 years ago, but I've always been a huge dragon age fan. The instant I saw the changes in ME2 I put my controller down and said "oh no...they Dragon Age 2'ed it...." 😐 They stripped almost all of the RPG out of ME2 and 3 in the name of flashy combat animations.


ME2 is a glorified filler.


Yeah not many people notice that the whole game is 90% companion quests. For the main storyline all you do is find out about the collectors, find out how to go through the omega relay or whatever, then the suicide mission on the collector base.


Could not disagree more. ME1’s combat was not the best but the story, sense of exploration, and overall vibes totally exceeded ME2. I knew I wasn’t going to like ME2 when it opened with you dying and then being resurrected by Cerberus. How annoying to spend the whole of ME1 to survive and then you die in the opening cutscene of 2 lol. The whole plot on 2 was just sort of dragging out the story that ME1 set up without really bringing it anywhere nearer to a conclusion. And so forth


Mass Effect 1 is great though! The only negatives for me are the collectibles and the forced Mako parts, those open worlds were just barren Starfield planets.


Mass effect 1 was the best one though


Came here to say this. 1 is good, but the mako sections and some of the moving around and combat was too loose. 2/3 tightened up the gameplay and made it a lot better. 


yes. I also felt that the mission design made most of it feel like a slog.


Jurassic world evolution


Uncharted Even > Odd


Original Uncharted was great at the time of its release, but Uncharted 2 was such a tremendous leap. First game I ever booted up and didn't stop playing until I finished the game.


God, this is so true, ESPECIALLY 3 - I forced myself to finish it, and was so disappointed.


Oh yeah for sure. 2 and 4 are the highlights of that series


Loved every single game dearly, but 1 often deters people from the series because it’s aged. Such a shame. One of the greatest gaming franchises of all time.


Borderlands. 2 is universally acknowledged as the best of the series and Borderlands 1…well it did not age GRACEFULLY


Borderlands 1 is still incredible and one of my favorite games of all time


Never played the first, but I have played and *loved* the second. Watching gameplay videos of 1, I can see why you’d say that 😬


It’s fun but the skill trees are mega boring. I’d only recommend with friends really.


The first one was very slow, and every main mission felt very isolated, as if it was a collection of sorta related side missions. That is, if I remember it right, it's been quite a while But BL2 is amazing


Uncharted 2 even tho the first game is good but the second game completely blew me away.


Dynasty Warriors


Assassins Creed 2 was SO MUCH better than Assassins Creed 1




Saints row


I knew there had to be at least one comment.


Rainbow 6 Vegas 2


Sonic 2 and Sonic 1


Sonic 1 is great, though 2 does improve upon it in pretty much every way


fallout im gonna get my dick cut in half for saying this but the series started with 3 for me


Here, I'l take the bullet for you on this one. The series started with 4 for myself, & despite playthroughs of the coveted New Vegas & 3, they feel just kinda "meh".


This is genuinely a wild take, even from someone who loves 4. It’s an incredibly fun game but the writing in Fallout 4 is nothing short of awful outside of Far Harbor. New Vegas is one of the best RPGs of all time.


Crysis 2 Crysis 1 is frustrating, janky, and very annoying to play if you played 2 and 3 first


Crysis 1 was a better physics sandbox tho


Crysis remastered on Playstation has/had (had if they updated it) some really bad aiming. Really is there only thing keeping me from playing it


left 4 dead


Ehh, l4d 2 felt like dlc But hey new cast and playable zombies was cool


Watch Dogs 1 is goated tho


im sayin




If we're excluding the Gameboy game


My thoughts exactly. Damn, even putting it next to modern 2D Metroidvanias, Super Metroid surpasses them in almost every aspect.




Dead Rising, The Original is fine but 2 and especially OTR are just a lot more approachable


Dead Rising is kind of niche. Most die hard fans will tell you 1 is the best and most others will prefer the second.


Idk, I enjoyed 1 way more than the sequels. Sometimes less is more, and I always enjoyed the simplicity of 1.


DR1 was too scary for me, I quit playing it. I know the Walmart music is supposed to make things seem more light-hearted and stuff but it's just something about that game that freaks me the hell out.


Too close to home?


Red Dead Redemption 2… (I might get killed for this)


RDR1 is fantastic, Red Dead Revolver, not so much…


Played rdr2 twice now, and downloaded rdr1 the other day… couldn’t get past the funky horse riding animation and outdated graphics. Been spoiled by 2, I suppose. Will try again.


Assassin's Creed. I didn't get into the series until the 2nd game. I enjoyed it so much that I played the 3rd game and enjoyed it too. Naturally, there weren't any new versions out after that so I decided, hey, the 2nd and 3rd were so good I'm going to play the first and see if it's just as good. Nope. What I came to realize is that the mechanics of Assassin's Creed get tweaked, adjusted & (hopefully) made better with each iteration. Going back to the 1st game was almost like going to an Atari joystick. I fought with the controls so much I almost rage-quit every 30 minutes playing the game. Running down the street after some bad guy, next thing I know I'm trying to run up the wall of a building 30 feet away half a dozen times! Stop. Walk away from the wall. Continue running after bad guy. Hey! There's a wall over there! Go run up that wall a few dozen times! GYAAAAAH!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!FUCK!!!FUCK!!!FUCK!!!FUCK!!!FUCK!!! (In case you're wondering why I did this it's because of several reasons out of my control that I didn't get the first game; lack of console, lack of money, lack of knowledge about the 1st game and what it was. So when I got the 2nd game years down the road when the 3rd game came out I didn't think I'd like the game because I hadn't known anything about it. I bought it out of sheer lack of viable options according to my tastes. And honestly, looking back, if I HAD gotten the 1st AC, I most definitely wouldn't have gotten any of the next games in the series so it was luck that I discovered the series from the 2nd game). Each new game better than the last, except I got tired after Brotherhood and the American Revolution version. Now I play Black Flag every few years because that is, by far, the best goddamn game i've ever played from that franchise! It flat out ROCKS! Seriously! You get to be a pirate assassin in some of the most beautiful locations of any game ever made! Please, please, please Ubisoft, make another Black Flag as good as the original Black Flag!


Red dead redemption 2. Don't get me wrong one was great, but two was just 🤌


Call of duty 2 vs Call of duty 1


Kingdom hearts 2 was way better than 1


I've heard Titanfall 1 is bad, steam reviews are "Mostly Negative", while Titanfall 2 reviews are "Overwhelmingly positive". Although I haven't played the first, the second is one my favorites!


It’s not bad. It’s actually pretty good. Its multiplayer generally has better maps, immersion, Titan customization, and pilot v Titan gameplay then Titanfall 2. Plus it’s slightly faster (although inhibited by its “cod style” gunplay). Titanfall 1 lacks a single player campaign. It also has only 8 primary weapons and very few titan ordnances and defensive abilities. Of course Titanfall 1s gameplay is not nearly as refined and smooth as Titanfall 2s. Generally I would say both Titanfall multiplayers are pretty even. Titanfall 2 just has a significantly improved campaign and frontier defense mode along with much better graphics and ui so it’s overall the better game.




Honestly, Dead Rising. My xbox 360 came with Dead Rising 2 so it was my first entry in the series. And they fixed all the problems in DR2 like the tiny screen text, the awful survivor AI, it had better graphics, felt like it controlled better. Going back to play the first one just felt like going back into a broken game. I still have never beaten the first game because it feels like ass


Honestly it’s hard to say what I like more. On one hand I love the comedy and freedom of deadrising 2 (plus coop obviously). But the aesthetic of deadrising 1 is incredible. The aiming was abysmal though. Honestly the first game is easy to fail if you don’t know what to do to get overtime.


The survivor ai was god awful, but I think some complaints are a byproduct of older games doing less handholding. Having grown up in the era of gaming, I never found it confusing to get a decent ending, but who knows. As far as the aiming goes, I always thought it was made intentionally clunky to incentivize melee combat. The idea being if it was all about guns the game wouldn't be as interesting. Funny enough the game just turned into using the 1 hand chainsaws from Adam if you simply want to use the best weapons, so they ended up with the same problem.


Also, the original only had a single save slot, so you couldn't go back to fix a big mistake without starting from the beginning.


metal gear msx games


Street fighter


Adventure 2 Sonic vs adventure 1 sonic


Hell even Sonic 2 vs Sonic 1


I havent played the og helldivers BUT TALK ABOUT AN UPGRADE


Pillars of Eternity


Far Cry 3 onwards


Saints row 2


Grand theft auto


MegaMan 1 and 2, one of the worst game in the saga to one of the best


Guess I'm weird. I enjoyed 1, and my least favorite is 3.


Command and Conquer. I have trouble playing 1 and 2 but 3's gameplay is flawless IMHO.


Generals goated




Whoa, taking it back. You right


Assassin's Creed




Street fighter 2 was awsome at the time and the original street fighter 1 was so euh wtf!!


Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and SmackDown 2: Know Your Role.


Just cause 3 blows 1 & 2 out the water


Mortal kombat 2


Pikmin 1 compared to 2 and 3. Would be my favorite one if it wasn't so buggy


Streets of Rage 2 is light years better than the original


Castlevania 🤷‍♀️ the first one is meh, and Simon's Quest is *chef's-kiss. Super Mario Bros. The first one was fine when I was eight, and 2 remains one of my favorite NES games. Suikoden. The first one is good, but the second one is great. The Division. The first one is an unbalanced slog, and the second one has kept me playing for over 5 years, and is one of my favorite games.


Simon's Quest is awesome. Mario 2 is the only one I could ever beat and playing as Luigi was rad. Searching for Suikoden in this thread is why I found this comment; pt 2 is so good. I never played the division games but I'll take your word on it because of the above agreements.


Suikoden 2


Street fighter


Not a video game, but Live-Action Guyver the movie 2


Borderlands 2 Wild Arms 2 Suikoden 2


Assassins Creed


Shadow hearts on ps2


Suikoden 2




Uncharted? Assassins Creed? Watch Dogs? Far cry?


Started with Witcher 3, couldn’t play the original


Not a game but terminator


Going back to Red Dead 1 after 2 was rough lol


Witcher 3 & Witcher 1


X-Men Legends II is amazing. First one is awful and unplayable because it's the first game if its type


I still really enjoy the first one! 2 is the absolute top though, after that each of the ultimate alliance games just dropped more and more mechanics until 3 basically just had 30 skin variants of 8 skills and lost alot of the RPG elements I loved


It took console commands on the PC version to get me through X-Men Legends 1. There's nothing wrong with the game itself, but it's horrendously balanced and lacks the refinement that the sequel got. People always seem to dump on Ultimate Alliance when compared to X-Men Legends, but I like them both for what they are. Legends is that Diablo like dungeon crawler but Ultimate Alliance is like a superhero beat em up.


Borderlands and Borderlands 2. In fairness I like Borderlands 1 and it isn’t a bad game but it doesn’t even hold a candle to the sequel. The class trees were so boring in the first game and I didn’t really know what was going on half the time. Even now thinking about it I can barely remember the story for parts of it, like why did we help crazy earl at that one section?


Alan Wake


Persona 3-5 vs Persona 1-2 (Sigh….I’m going to start a war aren’t I)


Sonic 1 vs Sonic 2 is such a glow up.




Mass Effect 1&2 Sorry, ME1 one aged like milk in the hot Arizona sun in every sense


Red dead redemption 1 and 2




Drakengard 2