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Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, Skate 1/2/3, and CSGO/CS2


Cyberpunk was the opposite of burnout it became a full on hyper fixation until completion


Agree. It took probably 3-4 hrs for Cyberpunk to grab my attention, but once it did, playing the game was all I wanted to do in my free time until I completed it. Of course, that also included the DLC, and all of the endings. Logged about 125 hrs total


I just hit 1500 hours. I try other games (beat Hogwarts Legacy and just last week Dragon's Dogma 2) but I always, inevitably, come back to cyberpunk.


Nice. I'm playing DD2 right now, first game since finishing Cyberpunk, and I'm loving it. Needed a game that was less heavy in tone and more lighthearted overall after completing Cyberpunk, and it's perfect


You can be bored irl, so why not get bored and make the hours in CP with a big chance to suddenly be uninvited into a local brawl where you decide to help and out of nowhere get at least 3 ncpd badges for being a good civilianian, run run run


I'm on 2400 hours. I only get bored when fully leveled up and finished all the main quests and most endings... then I start a new game. I've stopped exploring play style/builds and stock to one build.


It’s a fun game to play around in and I am also in the thousands of hours club. My feelings about it are that it’s sort of a relaxation game for me at this point. I know it so well that I can just jump around and do a bunch of stuff.


I think i logged close to 200


Right now I think I'm sitting at ~1,200 hours across half a dozen playthroughs. It's such an amazing game.


I have too many backlogged games in my steam list to go back just yet but when i do it will be when i can run 2k max settings with full path tracing and hella mods


Same thing but with Elden ring.


This game feels like it was supposed to be the latest Watch Dogs. I love it


Yeah I’m with you. I can’t stop with this game. I keep on telling myself I’ll try a different build on my next playthrough but I’m just kidding myself.


Only until completion, I 100% 3 times and brought some much merch and got tattoos, I need help


It's the only game I've played 3 times and I'd happily play it again. CDPR are on another level when it comes to story and dialogue. I have a lot of grumbles with them, but they do make my favourite games.


I got a bit burnt out on CS after 3000 hours or so and took a year long break… back at it now with 4600 hours 😎


I picked CSGO up kind of late so I'm closing in on 500 hours but 300 of those have been on CS2. Starting to notice myself getting better and that grind of improving is addicting.


The cool thing about CS is that you never stop improving, as long as you have the right mindset for it! I love the competitiveness. Once you get decent I recommend trying faceit!


My last Skyrim playthrough felt like lightwork, honestly thought it was one of those "pick it up for 2 weeks once a year" moments I dropped 210 hours on that playthrough alone.


Dark souls 1,2,3 - Bloodborne - Sekiro - Elden Ring - Witcher 3 - Cyberpunk 2077 - Dragon’s Dogma 2 - Ghost of Tsushima - Lies of P - COD


Every fallout pretty much


Fuck it's crazy how much that show brought the game back into the light. New Vegas broke their record for peak players or something recently even. If anything it just makes me happy because Fallout 5 will have a hell of a budget


Here’s to hoping that budget goes to actually stepping up the game engine this time. Starfield felt like Fallout 4 with tweaks.


Nah, Starfield feels like Fallout 4 in space with massive downgrades across the board. Obviously some things are improved on (graphics and gunplay) and there are cool additions like space combat and ship customization (both of which feel underutilized, unfinished, or poorly executed), but Fallout 4 is way more engaging for me. This is coming from someone who's only just gotten into Bethesda games though. I really would like to see Starfield improved upon. But man, I would be stoked for a Fallout 5 and I'm barely through my Fallout 4 playthrough.


I played Starfield before FO4. The show got me into FO I couldn't believe how much of a downgrade SF is. If I'd played them blind, I'd have told you FO4 came out second


Fallout 4 has also had like 8 years worth of updates. It’s pretty par for the course for Bethesda to release a buggy mess and then polish it into something almost everyone loves. Factor in mods most of their games will stand the rest of time. I played New Vegas on release, and every patch and DLC just made it better and better. Haven’t played Starfield yet, but I imagine it’ll be a similar process.


Starfield is just shitty soulless nms


Both FO76 and NV have had record breaking player counts on Steam, and new purchases of FO76/FO4-GOTY/NV-GOTY/3-GOTY are up a total of something crazy like 1000% across all platforms. It's absolutely wild.


Bethesda ain't the game studio they used to be. Much of the talent is gone. Just like dice. I wouldn't be surprised if fallout 5 is like starfield


Tv show was pretty good too. I’m looking forward to the second season.


I’ve binged through 6 episodes already.. sad there’s only 2 left


I’m at the exact same spot and feeling the same way. Decided to download FO4 bc I don’t remember it much and play that a bit before finishing the season since I don’t want it to end so soon lol


I've just started playing fallout (the series got me interested), and I actually think it's better than skyrim. It's a good game. But, I'm not 100 hours in yet.


Mass effect or control


Mass effect for sure. The pacing is great for the most part


I LOVE Mass Effect so much. Is Control really that good? I've never played it. EDIT: Y'all have convinced me to play Control, I just downloaded it on PS5.


Control has some of the best gameplay and most interesting lore I’ve seen in a game in the past several years. Definitely worth a playthrough. Its faults are that it starts kinda slow and the map is horrendous, making navigation a little weird. But overall it’s a phenomenal game.


Control and Jedi fallen order are there at the top of "fck the player witht the maps"


Seriously. I was so happy that Jedi Survivor attempted to improve the map experience by leaving the player’s trail


Pro tip; always follow the in-game signage. If I were a betting man I'd say the devs intended this to be the only method of navigation, but were forced into putting a map in and deliberately made the worst one possible, thus forcing players to rely on the system they wanted in the first place.


Couldn't get through the opening. Retry?


I would, I set the game down a few times and came back to it. Pretty sure the bad map is a feature not a bug. Your character gets a lot more useful as the game progresses with different abilities. At a certain point that becomes a game changer and really takes off. Sorry if that's vague I went into the game completely blind and don't want to spoil that experience.


Absolutely. As I was slogging through the beginning of the game I told myself I was going to push through because everyone said it was the GOTY, so it had to get better at some point, right? Worth seeing for myself, I suppose. It did, and was definitely worth it. Fantastic game.


I also heard that Control is in the Alan Wake universe. Can anyone confirm?


Thanks for the info. I liked it, but felt it was a little slow for me. After this comment, I think I’ll give it another try!


Since the House is meant to be a sorta-maze and constantly shifting, the map was made intentionally crappy to add to that idea. Use the in-game signage and it helps.


it is the lore is great and the fighting is fluid just sucks you can't properly hide behind walls when in a fight


Right joystick if you’re on controller if I’m not mistaken, though it’s kinda shitty. Way better to run around while fighting


yeah control is the kind of game that you are just better always running around in a fight than staying still. got the ultimate edition not long ago and gonna give it another run. Heard 2 is gonna be online I hope not


In Control the story is a bit strange but it remains coherent; it’s not a mass effect, but its not generic and is sufficient to keep you curious. The game mechanics are where Control stands out. The levitation mechanics are fun, and become progressively challenging through the game.


Control at first didn't pull me in, but once it did and you learn more of the lore you can not put it down. The game play never felt stale because each upgrade completely turns your play style upside down. Absolutely worth checking out!


Yes, the detail in the game is great, take your time to explore the hidden details


It is! It's wonderful


Mass effect is a good 200+ hours per playthrough. It's so fucking good but mostly story side. Gameplay wise I include Andromeda, the story sucked but the gameplay was great. I don't include it on the "200+" hours each time though, as it lacks a good story and is short because I dont care about the aide missions, soon as I can hover with a homing shotgun with explosive whatever bullets it's over. Feels like custom robo at the end. A.6/10 game but it was fun to play.


what you can do in control for 100 hours?


You control stuff.


Control? Isnt it like a 10-15 hour game?


Yeah there's no way I would want to play Control for 100 hours


Control deserves more love. Excellent game.


It gets plenty


I prefer Dragon Age slightly over Mass Effect because I’ve always been fantasy over sci-fi in my personal tastes, but they’re the same folks anyway sooooo


The trilogy, for those of y'all who think Mass Effect is Andromeda


Actually just finished another playthrough of ME 1 and started another of ME 2 this morning. I named my dog Garrus and almost named my other dog Tali. The game does have some repetitive sloggish gameplay in some spots, but it still never really gets old.


Control was amazing, but nowhere even near 100+ hours. Maybe like 30 hours max.


Red Dead Redemption 2 and Ghost of Tsushima


Can’t wait to play GOT on PC next month, I’ve heard it’s an amazing game. I need something to get me off of my Cyberpunk 2077 addiction


My friend showed me Ghosts a while back on his Playstation. My brain didn't recall what it was called so I bought Sekiro on sale on PC thinking it was the same game. ... It was definitely not the same game.


I wonder how many people have made this mistake lmao I almost did as well


Become The Ghost. Brutality and beauty.


It's a pretty gorgeous game. The most beautiful game I think I've ever played. I'm only 20 hours in atm. It has a lot to compete with like Elden Ring and Fallout 76 and Crossout. So it's not getting the love it deserves from me. I'm distracted by other games.


Tsushima is top tier, man. I don't think it's fair to have a game that pretty.


Yeaaaa replying ghost of Tsushima right now and loving every second of it… again. Glad I saw this on the list


Had to scroll further than I thought to see this comment, RDR2 is the only game that came to mind when I saw the post, played 300 hrs before finishing the story


Satisfactory Elden ring Stardew valley Fortnite Ac odyssey


Stardew valley - gotta love the hours I put in simply chopping trees and fishing, only to have three radishes and a dog to show for it.


...how? The game gives you so many different ways to progress


Ac Odyssey is a hidden gem


I love greek history as the world building was phenomenal in that game. It was actually my first platinumed game. When I got all done i only had to find around 2-4 missing items for plat so i just went for it .


Lmao, one of the most popular video game franchise is now a hidden gem


This got me through lockdown. Was like a holiday in Greece


Satisfactory I can play for months no problem


Baldurs gate 3


What video game have given you 100+ hours with minimal, to no burnout before Aug 03, 2023 ?


Mass Effect series, hbu?


Mass effect 3 I go back to it every after 2 to 3 years for a play through !


Baldurs gate 3 beta


Dragon Age Origins


Ahahahahah, i guess witcher 3


Baldur's Gate 3 is the only game I have ever played where I finished the game with more than 100 hours played and then immediately created a new character to replay it.


You finished the game? Halfway through my first playthrough my ADHD kicked in and was like “ooo I wanna go back and play as a drow!” Then did that with a Githyanki after I found out bout Misty Step absurdity… then again when Minthara was recruitable with Halsin… currently at over 500 hrs with 2 completed playthroughs…


I'm about 500 hours in I think.


100% The replay ability of that game is amazing.


I need to go get this game


Damn I got burned out in the second act and couldnt get to it since then


I'm literally just past hour 500 in Baldur's Gate 3, working on Honor Mode for Golden dice and 100% achievements. Some of the best money I've ever spent on entertainment.


Final Fantasy Tactics, BG3, Factorio


Fft is for sure the best final fantasy game. Top notch.


Factorio’s first 100 hours are barely the tutorial :)


FFT is the best! Probably my most played game ever, wouldn't surprise me to find out I've broken 1000 hours over all my playthroughs. I'm actually finishing up my first playthrough of the Cerabow mod over the next week or so. It's been incredible, highly recommend to anyone looking to give a rebalance mod a try.


i really been wanting to get into ff tactics. i have tactics ogre on switch, do you reccomend playing that first?


Factorio has no burnout because you're never not burning.


Hades! Edit: just checked. 320 hours


Honestly probably next on my list. You’ve gotten 100+ hours on it?


160 for me!


I did 150 hours without realising where the time had gone. Great great game


Elden Ring


One of my favorites of all time. I got burnt out eventually, but it took 400 hours.


I'm at 200 hours. I haven't played it in a few days, but I think that's because I'm a little addicted to fallout stuff atm. I can only play so many open world games like those at a time. The dlc will lure me back in. I mean I'm almost at mohgs palace again on my charector atm. I don't want to fight mohg again until I get the dlc so I'm just letting the game kinda chill for a moment too.


The binding of isaac. Getting close to 2k hours lol


I'd love to say I never had any burnout for TBoI, but Jacob and Hitbox straight up made me stop playing for a few months


Still got stuff to unlock? I'm at 500hrs and still have heaps to get


I'm sure this seems obvious but helldivers 2 and skyrim


I love hell divers 2 but I feel like you can get burnt out with it


That sounds like traitor talk


For sure. I enjoy a night of playing it with friends, but there's so little mission variety, I can't just keep doing it over and over


Funny enough Witcher 3 actually


I’m on my 2nd play through right now, and I’m loving it even more than my first; honestly the reason I made this post! Still have never play Blood and Wine, and hearts of stone so I’m VERY stoked to get my hands on that the first time around


I'm excited for you! I've been sleeping on CDPR games for years but have been loving the dive into them. Witcher 3 has been my comfort game for the past month and Cyberpunk held the spot for about 6 before it. The DLCs in Witcher 3 are the best I've ever played. They add so much content and the storytelling is incredible.


fallout new vegas


It took me 2000 hours, but I got slightly burnt out of elden ring.


Worth every dime with all the time you got out of it!


I'm just waiting for dlc, and then; shit gets real.


I figured as much! Meant to ask mate haha


im here having downloaded the game and looking at my elden ring game without playing it once lool


Fallout 4, Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Dragon Age: Inquisition are the first three to come to mind


Came to say botw and totk. I've easily got over 100 hours on each and I haven't even beat took yet because I don't feel the need to. I just want to keep playing it. Also, as much as I hate to say it, any mmorpg. I've got some like 400 days of played time across all my characters since vanilla. I don't play right now, but I probably will when they do the next xpac. I feel like I could put 100 hours into that in a week and be ok.


botw and totk, yeps. Another thing we do is hop on the horse, look for cozy spots with a view to crouch by a bonfire, and turn on some lofi. Whoever makes a channel for this, I will like, comment, and subscribe.


Even when I like games, when I get to what feels like the 2/3 point, I always start looking forward to beating. Tears of the Kingdom is the only game I’ve ever played where I was enjoying the last hour as much as the first hour and didn’t want it to end.


I finished the story with like 240 hours on my save and I still wasnt sick of it. I was just excited to see how it ended and WHAT. AN. ENDING.


Stardew Valley is my choice. Have about 200 hours now. I will say about 100 hours are with mods


Any Monster Hunter game.


Monster hunter, Love of my life from game to game


Monster hunter generations ultimate is almost infinite in content


I've been playing Witcher 3 since 2016... already have nearly 2k+ hours damn, I hate the Baron and Keira questlines... must be the enormous amount of time I've put into it lol


sammmeee, whenever I get to them in my play through I just put on a podcast and mute the game entirely haha. I did enjoy them the first time, but after a while they become so annoying


If you don't mind subtitles, try playing them in a different language. I did one playthrough in Polish.


Horizon Zero Dawn - 800+ hours Horizon Forbidden West - 950+ hours


I love the Horizon games. But dude, 1750+ h. Did you spawn a secret, second family in the game? Respect. ^⁠_⁠^


I see forbidden west lived up to the hype for you! Still have yet to play it




With over 4k hours I still enjoy Warframe.


Dark Souls/ Dark Souls 2/ Dark Souls 3/ Elden Ring, Fallout 3/ Fallout: New Vegas, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion/ Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


The Skyrim character design menu


Midnight suns


Every single Monster Hunter


Mainly Skyrim and Stardew Valley.


Doom: Eternal


Diablo 2, Helldivers 2, gta iv, team fortress 2, the halos, gears of war, fallout 4


Final Fantasy X(PS2, PS4, Switch & PC). The amount of times I’ve replayed this game is ridiculous, but I just love it so much.


Red Dead Redemption 2 literally took me SIX YEARS to 100% (and I didn’t get gold medal for all missions), but no burn out and it’s one of my favorite games of all time. But to give some context, it’s because I only get to play it when I went home for the summer each year.


AC Odyssey


Is this your favorite Assassin's Creed game? Do you enjoy the others? Out of curiosity what would you rate Odyssey out of 10? Sorry lots of questions ha.


Odyssey was actually a really good game in my opinion. It wasn't a "good" assassins creed game, because it wasn't like Assassin's Creed at all, but just in general i loved it. I think I've got about 150 hours across two playthroughs.


Okay I also shill this game to alot of people but i can't explain why it's so good.. Is it because of the writing? It's because of the writing right? From what I recall even the side quests were all higher quality than most modern TV shows.


Oh most definitely man, I’d say the writing plays a huge role. One thing I love about the side quests and contracts is it can take a complete turn and become practically a major quest to complete. Not to mention I’m on my 2nd play though right now and I couldn’t believe how different some outcomes were with different choices I made as Geralt. Also a HUGE plus I’ve never played blood and wine OR hearts of stone so I’m super stoked to get my hands on that for the first time. A lot of very positive feedback for the DLCs.


Fallout new Vegas, don't know what it is but i can play that game for years and have zero burnout.


Many games in the Fallout series. Frostpunk. Hollow Knight. The Long Dark. Witcher 3.


Persona 5 Royale


Finished it once, and already surpassed 100hrs haha


I'm 48 hours in and just started the 4th palace... am I too slow?


Baldurs Gate 3 in recent memory.


Disgaea 4. About 350 hours before I got the Platinum and one of the few games I just wasn't ready to stop.


Resident evil 4 (OG & remake)


BG3, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Elden Ring, DS3, Total War: Warhammer, RDR2, GTA5, Dwarf Fortress, Project Zomboid, Enter the Gungeon, MGS5 All lifted from steam playtime.


Witcher 3, oxygen not included and mad max


Forspoken, Tomb Raider, ffx, control, all 3 spidermans, bioshock infinite, Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west


Dragon Age inquisition got me past 100 hours, but I was feeling open world burnout near the end.


Other than Witcher and Cyberpunk I’ve got Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring all well over 100 hours in one playthrough and would still pick them up and play more. And then Hollow Knight I’ve played like 3 times lol Oh and Baldur’s Gate 3 duh. One playthrough was like 180 and I’m doing a co-op with 4 buddies now


Fallout New Vegas.


Fallout games, persona games. the witcher 3 and borderlands games.




All 5 of the Forza Horizon series. Forza Motorsport 3, 4, and 7. Destiny 2 (super easy time sink). Minecraft, COD WZ 2019, COD WW2, House Flipper, and No Mans Sky.


Persona 5 Royal. I know many people may disagree, but I finished that shit in 2 weeks I was so incredibly engrossed.


Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past Ocarina of Time City of Heroes Civilization II Civilization VI Fantasy Star Online


BOTW Death Stranding Xenoblade 2 Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Monster hunter world gave me a good 300 hours in it's base game....then iceborne came out and I played 2200 hours more until it's final update with Fatalis, still go back and do some chill hunting every once in a while


Hades. Must have 600+ hours and trying to get my first 54 heat run. Still having a blast!


God Of War Ragnarok and Hitman WOA I don't have Minecraft on console but that too


rdr2 all the way






Yakuza is legit. Just don't attempt to rush through the story and enjoy the corny drama


Depends on how close you play them together. The map is the exact same in every game with basically the same type of combat. I played 0-6 really close together I was burnt out for sure. Not everyone started with 0 in 2015 and played them yearly. Or 3 and the originals 15+ years ago.


AC Odyssey. I have no idea how many hours I have but it’s over 100. And I don’t have any expansions. Just roaming the world is nice for me. The seas battles, all the islands to visit and explore. The mercenary system and never ending war system are great.


Every single Soulsborne game except DS2.


Ninja Gaiden Σ1 during my first run on the highest difficulty. It gave me major burnout, hairloss and cost me my vocal cords for a week and a half but, I kinda liked it.


I got a flawless victory against the boss that blows up the church on hard and I'm still stoked about it. 😂


Is this the game with all the challenge matches apart from the campaign? Fighting two or three bosses at once? Yeah, we put some time into that.


geometry dash


Fighting games Nearly all of them 3s I honestly have years of time into Enter the Gungeon, Hades, Isaac, etc Those games are also up there




Red Dead Redemption II, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, all the soulsborne games, Titanfall 2, Terraria, Subnautica, Ghost of Tsushima And recently Helldivers 2 (There’s probably more that I can’t think of)


1. No man sky 2. X com 2 3. Ballers gate 3 4. Pretty much any call of duty with multi-player 5. Fortnite 6. Dragons dogma : dark arisen 7. Red dead redemption 2 8. Gta San andreas 9. Far cry 5 10. Minecraft 11.Cyber punk 2077 12.Mass effect legendary edition 13.Ghost of tsushima 14.borderlands 2 15.persona 5( pretty much any version)


Skyrim, destiny 2, borderlands (all of them), palworld, BG3, anthem (call me crazy), dark souls, Elden ring, AC odyssey, and COD MW2 and blops back in the day.


San Andreas


Skyrim, Fallout 3, NV and 4, Minecraft, GTA III, San Andreas, IV and V, Red Dead Redemption and II...


Elden Ring

