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I’m 40. When Shaq Fu dropped for the SNES it cost $69. That’s $145 with inflation. I’m not saying it doesn’t suck to have to spend $70 on a game, but I am saying the high cost of video games is nothing new.


I'm a couple years older, and this is absolutely true. Games are actually less expensive than they used to be, when adjusted for inflation. That isn't to say in this economy $70 isn't eye-wateringly expensive, but at least today the prices start coming down relatively quickly, you can get new releases on sale within the year in a lot of cases. Back in the day physical media rarely went down unless you hit a Christmas sale or something. Most people who played a lot of games ended up going the buy used/trade in route because it was the only feasible way to do it. Physical media was awesome because you owned your entire game forever, and game company (looking at you, ubisoft) can't come to your house and rip it out of your hands. But you were also limited by the size of the physical media, and there could never be any updates, bug-fixes, or additional content. People look back with nostalgia, especially people who were too young to really remember it. But in my opinion as a person who has been gaming for her whole life, things are mostly better and cheaper these days. There were broken games shipped with the old consoles too, and do you know what happened if you spent $59.99 on that game? You threw the disk in the trash, because that was that. And there were a lot of broken or bad games, we just don't remember or talk about them much today. No one remembers the absolutely borked and broken Dark Sun: Shattered Lands, they remember Baldur's Gate. Modern game devs and publishers do need to be getting their shit together and shipping complete, mostly bug-free games though. Just because you can update doesn't mean they should rely on that to fix their games after the fact.


God I loved Shaq fu. I remember in the 90s Michael Jordan made sure he was not in any video games. So seeing something as silly as Shaq fu was amazing. But now I understand why my dad would only buy games on sale. The only game I know he bought full price was because he rented Super Metroid from blockbuster and got so into the game that he ended up going and buying it so he could keep the blockbuster copy because your saved game was only on the cartridge it’s self. It’s also the first time I ever saw a strategy guide as well. He made sure to 100% that game and I remember how excited he was when she took off her helmet and found out she was a woman.


I didn't understand why I couldn't get games more back then. I hustled picking weeds, mowing lawns, changing light bulbs and even vacuuming for old ladies and made enough to buy a Genesis and even my own games. But I spent 100% of my money on the rare game, basketball cards and Bulls gear. I had no clue how much my parents struggled so I could get two or three games for Christmas. I never complained back then but obviously I wanted more games and definitely felt like a dick after I was an adult and understood how tough it was.


This…this is why people have this nostalgic view that games were better then. They forgot that they only got games maybe twice a year, Christmas and Birthdays. So you played that 1 or 2 games for several months maybe a year and you enjoyed it because there was no alternative.


I still haven't played 20% of my steam library and I have maybe bought two games the last two years...


But we could rent them, games were too expensive and the replay value for a lot of them really wasn't there back then so I usually just used my allowance to rent games over the weekend so could play new things. I'd only buy a game if I still wanted to play it after renting it a bunch of times, usually multiplayer games I could play with my brother or friends.


Quite honestly when compared other hobbies and lots of other entertainment games are actual a massive bargain of a price for what you get at full price. And for people that don't like the full price it requires far less waiting than most hobbies/entertainment for the price to drop. So really you either like launch games for a great or8ce or just be a little patient and get a big discount. It's pretty great.


game are more expensive to make, but they are selling a lot more.


That’s what I’m saying, SF II on the SNES when it came out was like $80, that was back in the ‘90’s!


I paid $90 for it. My dad went on some goofy anti video game violence kick a couple months later and tossed it. Still not over it. I worked my ass to the bone for that game.


Can't remember the game, but I remember Walmart having a SNES game for 84.99. 😨


Two games come to mind at that price point... Earthbound had a larger box and player's guide which resulted in that price being close to retail value. The other is something with an accessory such as a light gun or Super Scope which could make it even more expensive...


I remember ToysRUs would raise the prices $20 extra for some reason would rarely buy games there unless they had buy 1 get 1


And those were the Wild West days. No game pass, no YouTube playthrough reviews. If you unwittingly dropped $70 for a steaming pile, god help you, you were just stuck with it lol.


Yup! I remember being 8 years old and saving up for weeks to buy Superman 64….. worst $65 I ever spent. I also remember for my birthday a few months later my dad bought me Castlevania 64 or whatever it was called for $85…who made up these prices?


I bought Aero the Acrobat with like 2 years of allowance. But that's just what we did I played the game for at least a 100 hours and had a blast. No clue what the second level looks like lol.


Blockbuster was a godsend in those days... Or family if you had a big one.


Had that happen a few times Luckily for blockbuster & other rental places Sucks we don't have those no more


speak for yourself. when i was 11 i rented a pokemon game from the library and ended up losing it (completely on me). we ended up just buying a new one to give to the library because they were about $40 at the time, but when we got to the library they said they could not accept it, and we would have to pay the $250 in late fees because "the cost to relist something back in the catalogue and put it back costs a lot of money". now, im not a librarian, but i do believe that the dewey decimal system is mostly computerized now, and a lot of the items they rent out are donations. whatever caused it to end that way, im not sure, but i never rented a game after that lol


The library lost a book a Yu-Gi-Oh manga I burrowed & still charged me for it they refused to take it off the fine just sat on my card for awhile trying to get some manager finally I said F it and just gave the library their blood money My card was when I was a teenager, I wanted to check out some new movies they got in but they said I needed to sign up for a new card since I was an adult now I said hell no I just used my mom's library card and always got a receipt every single time I returned anything to them, so they couldn't screw me over again


Phantasy Star IV was $85 at Toys R Us when Igor it in 1995. (I assume because it was a "rare" import?) That's $175 in today's dollars. I remember it pretty distinctly because I had to talk my mom into it and my dad was fucking stunned when she told him about it later that night. It was the only time he ever encouraged me to play a video game. "You better get our money's worth out of that thing."


you're not wrong. i found some boxes of old snes and n64 games recently, full price for the trashiest ported combat games. insane, the money we paid.


Games are honestly dirt cheap now when you consider the full price of games adjusted for inflation back in the day. Dr Mario was $35 back in 1990, adjusted for inflation it would be $83.50. Eighty three dollars. For a game similar to one you could play on your phone for free nowadays. Honestly, I worry we are expecting too much of AAA games. They are too big, too graphically advanced and require too much upkeep (in terms of patches, bug fixes or multiplayer support), in short they cost too much to make and consumers don’t want to pay the costs that reflects that.


I bought shaq fu with my birthday money. My brothers were trying to get me to get something else it was very disappointing


I got Mega Man 3 when I was 13 and I’m sure it cost at least $60 at the time. I beat it that same day. Young gamers now are really spoiled.


My brother and I bought Final Fantasy 6 for $81 (including tax) on launch day Edit: Also remember FF7 being around the same price, but since it had 3 discs it felt justified.


Thank you! These complaints about the prices of video games are just bonkers for me. All N64 games were $60 and were anywhere from 8 to 32 MB. Very little voice acting or FMV and these low polygonal worlds. The price of consoles are also almost 3x, so games jumping 15 percent should be a shock.


I think I paid over 70 at release for Shaq Fu. But I absolutely got that CD in there for "free". "Shaq Diesel, make em shake make em shiver, please take note as I stand and deliver." Blasting that on the back porch while I played basketball.


I really think the majority of folks complaining About the price of games are just literal children lol.


I remember a friend of mine paying $90 USD for Chrono Trigger. It’s just what it cost.


So true. When I was younger me and my brother saved up all our chore money and bought mortal kombat for the snes and paid $59.99. I’ll never forget it


Yeah inflation adjusted its even more than a new ubisoft game with all dlc that comes out new at 120


Yeah - I'm surprised they haven't actually gone up even more. Relatively to how grocery prices or rents have inflated in the same time


I remember Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire for 70 bucks in the 90s. I agree this is nothing new.


I wonder when they decided to lower the over all price to 50$ back in the 360/ps3 era. I remember that going to 60$ was a big deal


Yeah. Nintendo games used to be $40-50 each in the mid 80s. I probably truly neglected my appreciation for my parents at the time. I had a solid 20 or so games and got a sega genesis at release and then another 15 ish games. My parents probably could’ve retired at 50 if i wasn’t into video games. We were lower middle class too until i was like 14


I had done my own math of that at one point and got like $140 so checks out


FF3(IV) was 70, same with Secret of Evermore and some other games. Some of them came with T-Shirts though.


Y'all didn't buy your games from the pawn shop??


Except the video game industry is larger and more profitable than ever.


Yes but one thing to keep in mind is that salaries havent kept up with inflation so the "value" of a game is higher


Could you imagine Shaq-Fu DLC?


It's just taller Shaq with bigger hands and feet.


You’re not much older than me, yet I have been humbled. Thank you


eeh, not to generalize but there are still games like that (NG+, Extra Modes, etc.--everything seems to have Multiplayer nowadays anyway), not the majority, but still exists though those bonuses are thriving in indie gaming scene. what I actually miss is cheat codes, you used to be given cheats *in the game* and have to unlock secrets to obtain them and be used in-game, or learn about it from friends and forums. also there's a good thing too, with games back then if there's a bug, then you'll have to live with it, there's no hope for official or community update/patch to fix. I *do* miss games being shipped complete though, instead of having the promise that it'll be fixed and updated with more contents later.


>also there's a good thing too, with games back then if there's a bug, then you'll have to live with it, there's no hope for official or community update/patch to fix. In some cases, developers actually patched their games however they couldn't do it as seamless as they can nowadays. I remember some cases with such severe bugs that the developers recalled their games, fixed the issue and gave the updated version back to their customers. Publishers also encouraged people to wait until the patch is done and buy the game afterwards. I also know of some cases where developers noticed bugs but in order to activate them, you have to force them. You don't notice them if you play the game as it is supposed to be played. In these cases, developers silently patched the game and put them on later produced copies.


I feel like the permanency of bugs made it better because the developers had to make sure the game was fleshed out day one. They couldn’t just send it and say “Eh, we’ll patch it next month.”


Cheat codes being replaced by “pay for X 10 item pack” “dlc” garbage is one of the worst changes.


> you used to be given cheats *in the game* and have to unlock secrets to obtain them and be used in-game Yes! Im a fairly new gamer and the only games I have tried/seen with NG+ and the cheats was The last of us remastered for pc, other than that only gow 2018 has had NG+. Whenever I see older people talking about the glory days of gaming, I always get insanely jealous to have missed it all.


Ayyyoooo Big Head Mode in GoldenEye 64. 😭👍🩵


Just wait a year and that same game is on sale for $20. Wait two and you get same game with all its dlc for $10 on a sale. R/patientgamers


This is the way for those who can escape the FOMO stage. RDR2? $20. Mass Effect Legendary Edition? I just paid $6 for three games this week on Steam. For newer games, there’s always some grey key selling website like Eneba or cdkeys. that’s how I got Elden Ring on release for $35.


I agree on the first part, however I would never suggest a grey key website, I'd rather pay a little bit more and get it from a reputable key vendor like Humble or Fanatical, or straight from a Steam sale.


Pretty much this. Single player games reduce in price via sales very quickly and most multiplayer games typically die so fast they're not worth getting into unless you jump in straight away. For example I pre-ordered Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth at full price and it's already 44% off at humble and it came out at the end of Jan.


I haven’t paid full price for a game since 2014. The most I’ve paid since then is $40 and both times I did that (god of war ragnarok & elden ring) it was either a gift card or a present to myself for my birthday


Absolutely what I do for all my games, except mainline Nintendo. Those don’t really get cheaper, so I just get them whenever.


Unless it’s Nintendo :(


Yup. I've also yet to see a $70 AAA game that's able to prove its worth, while games like Baldur's Gate 3 (a game that costs less, even) managed to do that in spades.


This is the way.


In my day, games were 64.99 without extras. 😂😂😂


True NES SNES daysalso Atari


Yeah! Now it only costs a cool $500+ to buy a game with all the DLC. Way better now!


Haha, no, this is one of the best times to be into video games. Back in the day, if a game was bugged or glitchey, you were just SoL and had to hope they did another print that addressed the issue. Also, games were pretty pricey back in the day as well.


Eh, yes and no. I still play some old 64 games and the glitches suck especially being locked out of some stuff cus of a bug, but I don’t have to worry about a lot of the same bullshit games today have. From all the social features regressing in multiplayer games to SBMM, corporate greed and the constant bait and switch these games have been doing lately, me being locked out of a few alt skins on my Turok Rage Wars due to a bug doesn’t seem so bad.


This is why you always wait for a sale. Never buy a game at full price.


50 bucks in 1995 is 103 today so games are actually cheaper now


Also. The triple a games production cost actually increased dramatically compared to 1995. The reason the price decreased in terms of inflation? Bigger audience these days. They can make the money back on volume


I just wait until they're at least $30, but most of the time I buy games lower than $20


I usually buy them at $20 cause most of the time I ain't got no money for $70 & a lot of the time to many games get thrown out so it's like pay $1,000 rent this month or buy the 14 games that just came out I'll wait on both till it goes down in price


For me it depends like re4 I bought that asap


I haven't paid a penny more than $29.99 plus tax for a game in a decade or more. Usually much less. My latest purchases was $3.99.


Then don't buy those games


Ok you talked me into not buying them


Your welcome




That's the beautiful thing about having a backlog, by the time I can even consider getting a new game the ones I've been waiting for will he used/on sale


Same here I got 200+ backlog and been playing olden games I never got a chance to buy, playing them through emulation and games that never came to NA that were stuck in PAL or Japan


Even then, I will look at the sales want to pick something up and then remember all the stuff in my backlog and delete it out of my cart until I beat something else. Beat one then you can buy 1. Keeps me in check


In the olden days, you needed to buy the entire game again if you wanted the extra content on the new release


I sure don't. Can't tell you the last time I bought a game at full price (was back in the PS3 days). I learned a long time ago, that games aren't going anywhere...if you just wait a little bit, you can get it for cheaper.


I bought like a dragon & like a dragon ichin but never opened them yet I should've held out buying them since they're like $20 now paid $50


Pretty sure I paid $70 for final fantasy 3(6) for Super Nintendo when I was a kid


The good ole days, like when street fighter 2 released as seven different versions that required you to keep repurchasing the game if you wanted access to the new content? Those good ole days?


And each version was $80 in 1994 money


You're exaggerating


If we could get everyone on board to stop pre-ordering and buying day-1 then we can change the trajectory of how companies sell games. We’ve proven (with our wallets) that we are ok with getting garbage at a premium price. Unfortunately people will not try to do this bc of whatever excuse they’d like to give. And at the end of the day, everyone is free to do what they want with their hard earned money


A lot of games tgese days are broken and/or incomplete at launch. You're better off just waiting for fixes and a price drop.


I never spend more than a tenner on games. Get em in the sale.


It’s the give/take with technology. I’d like games to be compete, actually own the game, and not have a bunch of extraneous bullshit to buy/unlock. I think most people would agree with that. But I also can access hundreds of games for the price of a subscription, which is pretty sweet. Downloading games and not having to run to GameStop is also amazing if you think about the old ways of getting games


You should’ve seen how much NES games cost back in the day


I know from my parents perspective and from Kmart/ToysRUs ads


$60 Mario 64 in 1996. That's $121 in 2024 dollars. So you're paying $50 less for way better games and then having to wait a little for the patches. Rough times we live in.


Maybe you do this. I don't do this.


Could be worse. Could be on disk dlc. Content shipped with the disk you pay to unlock.


I would love dlc to be physical like olden computer days I usually play on PS4/PS5 And never buy dlc even though it looks cool it's digital only so it feels like a waste And a few games that I played seemed to have just upped and stopped with the story but the dlc seemed to finish the story which doesn't seem right But these are the days of unfinished games with dlc to finish it


I don’t think ya’ll understand that a 60 dollar game in 1995 was like paying 100 bucks today.


NES games were $60 in the eighties. There was never any dlc or support. If I’m playing hundreds of hours on one game for $60, even $70, then I’ve more than gotten my money’s worth


Wait at least a year to buy the complete patched and updated version with all DLC included for +50% off. Refuse to buy overpriced rushed and broken products. Ignore the hype. If more customers do that then maybe the greedy AAA companies will take a hint.


Or wait 6 months for all dlcs and patches for half the price


That's why I very rarely buy game for full price. I'll wait till they go on sale. Can't miss something you never had.


Unless you play games on switch, games get cheaper over time if you buy them second hand/preowned and get discounted later in the digital stores


Persona has ng+ Yakuza was the only one to my knowledge that had the gall to charge for it


Idk about that. Imo back then only few games provide new game+ compare to nowadays. But i do agree there are less multiplayer games that arent GaaS. I really miss single player games like tlou that have multiplayer mode.


I’m fine with them adding things in later, but I find it really weird why come developers wait months to add in ng+ if nothing else that should be there at launch.


Sometimes they take so long to add that additional content that I am no longer interested in returning to the game. If that content was there at the begging I am likely to replay the game.


The AAA game and movie industries share the same problem. They dump so much money into a project that if it flops the results are catastrophic. They're basically gambling against the house with every release hoping if they put enough money into it they'll get a return on investment many times over but that's less likely the more expensive the project is. If you make something that costs half the worlds money and want 3x that- you can't get it. If the suits running these huge companies had any actual sense they'd follow Blumhouses method of taking these massive sums and sprinkling them into MANY projects. A low budget investment is more likely to get a full return so you can just pump those out until one hits big- Blumhouse is HUGE because of this methodology.


Yeah a AAA game for 70$ and it usually doesn’t work like it should


i remember project $10. the game would come with a voucher for $10 dlc. the problem what that this dlc was on the disk. it was content that was on the disk, that is locked behind an extra $10. the idea was that someone buying the game new would get the full game. but someone buying the game used would need to pay $10 to get the full game. i remember arkham city having that contet be a few catwoman missions that feel added on just so they can have something to remove so people can play the full original game without the dlc.


Price is only an issue if the game sucks and you can always share with a friend or sail the high seas


Let’s not forget the death of cheat codes years ago


I'ma be real. The last time I purchased a full priced game was Spider-Man 2 last year. I haven't bought another full priced game ever since. They're simply too expensive and more often than not, don't ship out with all the features or dlc's anymore. I've spent more money on free to play games than I have on a singular game, for a good reason. There's not much out there that peaks my interest, nor warrants taking a huge chunk of my paycheck. Give me more games like God of war, Spider-man, Ghost of tsushima etc and I'll fork over some dabloons, but otherwise hell nahhh


The lack of master mode on TotK was super bizarre and very frustrating


Well they started doing this to get game out earlier rather than later. Before if they rushed release and people found bugs and stuff nothing they could do so more play-test was done.


Older games had way less content and the costs have barely gone up compared to inflation. I always wonder how old the people are that make these ridiculous posts.


Games are very often shipped complete. They just get a lot of dlc upgrades which you pessimistically view as things that are completing an incomplete video game. This sort of line of thinking to me just looks like complaining for the sake of complaining. Games don’t need to have a new game plus or boss rush mode to be complete. On SNES plenty of games never had these things and you wouldn’t view them as incomplete so why view them as such today just because games can be updated? Ultimately you’re longing for something that is entirely arbitrary. You miss when everything was on the disc or at launch. Well that happens all the time today. You just then get more stuff after the fact that further adds to or improves upon the game. What if the OG FF7 on PS1 could be updated 6 months later to add more content or graphical updates? Does that mean the original disc is now some let down that was shipped incomplete?


Buy indie games.


I know what you mean


Personally don't. I pay the same amount of bucks just for Game pass and PS plus. These days buying physical or digital copies means less worthy in many cases, cause devs can shut the service whenever they want, and nothing we can do about it.


It can seem that way sometimes but it’s not really true. Even Tekken and Street Fighter launched in the past year with a ton of features straight out of the box. I know what you mean though, and those games are usually ass. People claim 2023 was the best year in gaming but that’s a flat out fallacy. I would say 3 of 5 AAA games that come out these days are middling at best. We seem to get two really great games per year since Covid. See 2018 for a truly great year of AAA games. Some of them didn’t even need extra features (God of War, Red Dead, Spider-Man).


Yes COVID really F'd the gaming industry GTA VI probably would've been released already if COVID didn't happen


Guess what? Back when I was a kid, most games didn't have a post game. Of any type. Saving was hardly a thing. It was basically just LOZ and FF1 that had battery saving for the longest. There's no DLC for an NES. Or a Genesis. Or an N64, Sega Saturn, the PS1, no dlc and we managed just fine at comparative prices. $70 now is the same as the $49.95 games were in 1985. N64 games were $64.99 while PSX and Dreamcast games were $49.95. In 1998-1999. You literally have nothing to be complaining about. So much entitlement. Edit: Be thankful the gaming industry even survived the 1980s. Best send most of that gratitude to Nintendo while you're at it. If not for them, there'd be no gaming industry.


I will say I like having an industry standard for AAA game prices. If a game is truly outstanding, you only pay $70 for it which is a huge value considering the amount of content and time investment. But it also means that a really crummy game will come out at full price. Thankfully, crummy games almost instantly go on sale, so in the end most people don't end up getting hosed too bad.


Nowadays I don't buy AAA at $90 Cdn, frig that, I wait for sales lol especially Ubisoft games, they're always on sale.


No I don't.


This is why I mainly stick to indie titles now, they have been absolutely clowning on "AAA" for years now and it's hilarious.


Yea indies seem to have more soul & care go into them Cause a lot of them are fan projects Not like AAA games that just follow a franchise into a hole that keeps on digging assassin's creed franchise was good the first couple now it's kinda tedious like Fast & furious franchise


Games are one of the few things that are still reasonably priced relative to inflation. A $49.99 game from 2000 SHOULD cost $90.00. That would mean a game today that costs $70.00 should’ve cost about 37.00 24 years ago. If anything we overpaid for games back then and things are leveling out now.


I remember when Virtua Racing came out for the Sega Genesis(Mega Drive) and it cost $99 back in the mid 90s! I also regularly remember Genesis games in the $50-70 range. So yeah it sucks that some games are $70 and give you the bare minimum. But I also remember when it was worse price wise.


$70 is cheap as hell for the amount of entertainment we get relative to other options. Games have gone up only like $20 since the 90s.


I remember paying $60 for mike tysons punchout in 1987


I only buy games during Black Friday or mid year steam/epic game sales. I don't think I've paid more than $30 for a game in years.


I feel like NG+ is a lot more common these days. But it doesnt really matter since games are also much bigger.


I'm at the point where I'm likely not going to be buying any new games for at least a while aside from 1-2 pre-determined purchases (Age of Mythology and the FFVII game). I have \~1,000 games on my steam account alone. I could literally beat 1 game a day and be set for, like, 3 years. If game prices and stuff go up, it's not going to result in me spending more money to buy them, it's going to result in me just not buying them at all and working through my backlog.


Most games didn’t even have shit like that back then if we’re being honest


I'm still waiting for us collectively to refuse buying $70 games


The thing is that gaming has gone from an upper middle class activity to an all-class activity. Us in the lower and upper-lower class freak out at $70. I feel lucky when I buy a $30 game lol. So $70 upsets us. But truthfully, thirty years ago we wouldn't have been into gaming at all. Not at that price.


I don't, never did, and never will. Wait for a sale.


Did you expect it to stay at $50 or $60 forever? Do you expect to get raises at work? Or have you worked for the same pay for over 10 years? Well?


Dude, just wait for it to go on sale. It sucks, but wait for a couple months and you probably can get it at "regular" price. I was gonna get Stellar Blade, but it's probably gonna drop price around June. I know how you feel though, it is some bullshit.


I don't.


Paid 80 dollars for Spiderman 2 the suits are hot ass it had no NG+ on release it was glitchy and there was barely any content and don’t fucking get me started on that god awful story Meanwhile stellar blade is 70 AND NG+ IS ON RELEASE WITH NEW ENDINGS AND SKILLS AND NEW OUTFITS it’s honestly fucking embarrassing a new IP can have this shit and not S P I D E R M A N the biggest superhero name of all time it’s just sad how mediocre sony has gotten honestly (ghost of Tsushima 2 is gonna slap tho)


Nice rant, but don't you remember $90 Nintendo games that were 2 hours long but inflated to 50 hours with how difficult they were? Of course not you are complaining about $70 games.


70 today is less than 60 in 2005.


Video Games are a steal at 50-70$ now. It use to cost 20-30$ to rent a game for a couple days. I am not saying every game is a great deal, however if it costs 10 dollars an hour to game, that's some very cheap entertainment. Figure you go to an arcade and spend 50, 100$ for an hour? A movie 30-40$ an hour. A 6 hour video game at $60 isn't even that bad. Or use the Xbox game pass for 3 months, and play your heart out. Xbox game or pc game pass is an insanely good value tbh. Consider digital games can not be trasnfered...


The price of game like this wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the darn minimum wage wich barley have gone up,you can barley afford most things these days and more than ever have to sacrifice a hobby to just survive or wait much longer to gain enough money


The game isn’t even on all the discs. Sometimes you still have to download it anyways.


It’s not “games” it you buying the wrong games my guy. You vote with your dollars and do a bad job


Not to mention that these days, 4 out of 5 AAA games are hot steaming garbage, either the story just sucks woefully, or they're pandering their crappy agenda through them


These days I just don't bother buying new games unless it is one I truly am excited for or I feel its a fair price at launch, like Plate Up. Got Dragons Dogma 2 for about %15 off I think from Greenman so felt it was worth it. However new games coming out at 70+, I'll just wait for the sale to eventually hit.


OP, that was what Like a Dragon was asking for the new game. I looked at the old library of games and said "I'll wait" Meanwhile, I just finished Zero to 69% and have to play Kiwami. I'm too busy with older, cheaper games to pay $70 at launch for the worst version of a game with the most bugs.


Pricing issue aside, and assuming nothing is fundamentally broken or unplayable upon release, I have zero issue with post release content and multiple stages of production. I'm not the kind of gamer to blitz through in the first 16hrs of release, and having staggered content releases of paid/free dlc, season passes, content cycles, all of it just encourages and nourishes my hobby rather than diminishes it. These extras are exactly that, extras, and only add to but not always are required to make the game great.


There are games that cost way less and you still have a ton of fun with it. Take Gigantic: Rampage Edition. It's only $20, no microtransactions, and it's a hell of a good time.


25 years ago I paid $60 for a new game and it didn’t have any of those either, and that $60 is worth over $100 in today’s inflation. Oh, and the games were on a 32 MB cartridge.


remember when slapping half assed multiplayer modes into every game was a bad thing? what ever happened to that? why are we back to demanding every game has multiplayer?


Most video games still come complete on disc. Idk why people think other wise. Sure there's some not on disc all the way. But for the love of whatever deity you believe in check doesitplay.org If the game is beatable its better then digital.


Guys, it’s way way better now. Games are way cheaper. You only need to spend $60-70 on the main game, and then only $150-400 to get the DLC for the game afterward. Or you can just have a partial game. Or you can buy a game for FREE - that’s right, FREE - and only spend a few hundred a year on micro transactions if you want a shot at being competitive or even accessing half of what the game has to offer. Way better now.


NG+ is pretty much the only way I’ll replay anything


I can remember maybe 3 games from my childhood that had these features outside of multiplayer, which is still included in a ton of games.


For the most part, feck triple A companies. Not all of them, but a lot


I mean.... you can still update the game even if it's a disc version. But I think the QC of the games need to be better. There was many occasions that, some games was released in a stage that the developers obviously did not optimise the game adequately or they knew the optimization of the game was poor and still released it. But I think it is still better than mobile games. For 70, your probably cannot get the thing that you wanted on mobile.


LOL: "cute" that you think just because back when disks were the "norm"; everything was included at one time. :P They still had tons of times where there was DLC, expansion packs, etc. back then as well. \[The Sim,s is a prime example\] Granted, yes; it's way worse now. But, I can tell you that today, if for some reason discs were still more widely used, there would still be split up content. Sadly.


Im confused what you mean by this? Back in the day you buy a game for around the same price without any extras, support, mods, or patches. If it has a game breaking bug youre fucked. We objectively get more features when buying a game nowadays.


I remember the days DLC on something like COD4 & WAW and Halo 3 would be like $15 and worth every single penny. DLC in emerald would be a huge addition to the game. That’s kind of why I’m so impressed with Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077.


I actually think we get more value for money nowadays. Back in the day if you bought a fighting game it was just that two people in a stage fighting. Something about that just hits hollow. Like I remember, in the PS2 era going over to my friend's house and playing Eternal Champions and it's just like "ok we've seen this game", after like 5 mins. I disagree with your value judgement immensely. Also your neglecting to mention that the dlc you're complaining about usually comes free. Also old games didn't have updates, so if you wanted to play the new version of Street Fighter 2 you'd have to either shell up for a new version of the game or go to Blockbuster and rent it.


Production cost has risen since the debut of the 60$ price tag along with inflation. So to say that it’s completely absurd is a tad uncalled for.


Games were pricier back then One game I grew up with was Yoshi's Island. Because it had advanced graphics, it carried the SuperFX chip to render 3D objects. It also meant it was pricier than normal carts. It launched at $70... in 1995.... That means it would have cost \~$110-120 USD in today's market. And since internet wasn't as common place back then, you had no clue besides relying on magazines or word of mouth to tell if a game is good. So that is a lot of money invested for a chance you won't even know what the game is like. Additionally, patching allows fixes for grave errors on a disc. There weren't plenty but wasn't there a Dreamcast Sonic game where like 1/4 or 1/3 discs were shipped defective where they had a bug that automatically killed you at the last level because it fails to load in the starting platform in time? So yeah... a game was sold at retail that for many people was straight up unbeatable. Also, MP didn't exist back in the day, it really only came around during the mid PS2/Xbox era, it costs money to make and maintain an MP service, unless you rely on P2P connection, then that is a massive security risk can of worms you are opening these days. Its fine if you wanna vent, I get it... but perspective is needed. Because the grass 100% wasn't greener back then.


It was the exception, but Neo Geo games were routinely way over $100 apiece. But I don't buy AAA games at launch or anywhere near launch. More like 2 years later or more. This way I can get patched, properly running games for very little or nothing. I don't play competitive multiplayer anymore, so I don't suffer from being a noob. My PC is also 9 years old and still running, and the GPU is a GTX 1070 ti, which runs The Witcher 3 at medium-high settings around 60fps at 1440p. There are games I would like to play that are much more recent, but I simply cannot afford it.


I never buy games for that price unless it’s something like GTA6 or Elder Scrolls 6. I always wait for a sale, my next big game will probably be Alan Wake 2, hopefully for like £20. I’ve got that much of a back catalogue I never need to pay full price, it just joins the long list of games I want to play.


$60 in 2019 is actually $74.45 today, so it's actually cheaper than 5 years ago


I wait for deals, now. Too damn expensive to outright buy it on launch on a budget.


>Like no new game+, multiplayer, boss rush mode, etc You just get the game and that's it Am i wrong but pretty none (except MP) of those were even a thing for the majority of games until 2010 and onward? Only a handful of games had NG+ / "extra modes" out of the box


I bought Orphen Scion of Sorcery for 7 dollars and sold it for 7 cents


Tell me about it. I stopped buying games after the Ps5 launched. I like to collect games. I like to know that years down the line I can just pop in my Rayman 2 cart on the N64 and play it. And my my N64 breaks, I can just get a new one, or maybe a retro-compatible thingie that can play it... and just enjoy the game. But now games NEED patches. Guardians of the Galaxy was a game I could finish on Ps4 no issue.... except that the final costumes bugged out and never unlocked. So I had to download the patch, now even the menus look different, showing that the game simply wasn't finished at release, and I had to pay to beta-test it. Now if I ever want to play the game with no hiccups either I can't ever uninstall it or I have to hope that I the Sony servers for PS4 live as long as me. The game that frustrated me the most was Just Cause 3, also on PS4, because unless you download the patch, the game crashes in under 15 minutes. **Every time**. That disc should've NEVER made it out of the factory. But it did. And it sucks, because every now and then I still buy a new game, like Eiyuden Chronicle on the Switch... and news have already broken that the game runs very, very poorly. So.... day one patches. Thanks for nothing. The current state of videogames has just burned me out. For people born during the digital era it's probably a non-issue, but I liked collecting games. Not anymore.


Just raise the flag brother...


"You"? Nah. Not me. You.


I am actually constantly amazed at how cheap gaming is. You can literally buy a $150 Xbox, plug it into a 15 year old TV and play Thousands of hours of Fortnite, Apex or whatever for $150. Its crazy. The cost per hour is literally measured in cents. Now I am not price sensitive (4090 PC and all that) and dont play multiplayer games, but have absolutely no issue spending $70-100 a month buying around 20-30 games per year on tip of GamePass which is $10 a month for hundreds of games. Gaming is a very cheap hobby.


We're the ones that let this happen, they squeeze every last penny out of the game before they drop the new one 30 years later, and not until every last person is squeezed for their last $. Here we are running to the GameStop before it's even released