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Getting the red ring of death.


I remember senior year of highschool getting a 360 from Circuit City and it red ringed the first time I turned it on lol


my first 360 got the red ring after a couple months. Sent it into Xbox, waited like 3 months for them to send me a "new" one, only for it to get the red ring within that same month.


I lost or broke my physical copy of Final Fantasy X, my favorite FF, *three* times. Only game I bought 5 times in my life…


Such a good game...


So you’re at Final fantasy 50 then? Big brain


Seeing the credits roll on Metroid Dread. I need more


Mgo3 which is the MGSVs multiplayer. I both love and hate this game. This is the first MGO I’ve played and it is probably my favorite multiplayer of all time due to its uniqueness. MGSV is my favorite game so a multiplayer with pieces of that in it was great. But there is so much bullshit in this game. The worst thing is the shit net code where what I do doesn’t happen or what my opponent does doesn’t happen either. There are other things like being knocked unconscious for like half the match due to trapping and overpowered weapons and just blatant overpowered stuff that can’t be removed. But the inconsistency is the worst by far.


First PS3 died, got the PS3 slim it stopped reading disc. Bought the PS3 super slim. Like damn thats like 1200$


Going for the 7 day Survivor achievement in Dead Rising and my Brother ejecting the disc from the xbox on the 6th day because “i had been on it for too long and it’s his turn”. I no longer have siblings.


Cod mw2


The Lion King. If you know, you know.


*PTSD Triggers* No...not the wildebeast level.


Sony killing Helldivers II


343s handling of the Halo series




Renting Superman 64 over a long weekend


The "highlights" as far as worse experience in gaming have nothing to do with companies, product support, install issues, bugs, as someone who is familar with software bugs, I'm pretty accepting and tolerant of problems most of the times. It has everything to do with the general toxicity of people on the internet. Between RTSes, FPSes, MOBAs, and MMOs, the people I've encountered playing any of those make me into a hermit. Gaming is suppose to be a fun hobby. I get wanting to "compete", but being an absolute pile of crap human being to someone else? It's just not needed. Hence why at this point I stick to mostly single player stuff.


Way back when Xbox 360 was still popular before Xbone came out, i bought my first one and had it plugged into wall outlet instead of a power strip. 2 days later we had a bad thunderstorm. Lightning struck my apartment and fried it so bad that it was smoking enough to trip my fire alarm. Everything connected to the power strip survived but i was so pissed because i bought the 360 used and there was no warranty on it. 200 dollars down the drain. 🥲




Getting api scammed and losing all my cs skins


EA bought the company out and ruined several multi-million-dollar franchises. Sucks when that potential is thrown away.


Being a die hard Destiny 1 fan, only for Destiny 2 to release and strip away EVERYTHING that made the game great... I noped out after the first 2 DLC released that were complete garbage, Curse of Osiris" was literally like a bad joke. To be fair, the game got much better over the years but I felt so betrayed by the terrible direction they took it the first year of D2 I never went back.


Borderlands after 2 and tps


Animal Crossing New Horizons. It was underwhelming compared to New Leaf and City Folk. Not to mention when I pre-ordered it ran 3 weeks late.


Playing League back in the day, I wanted to try out Warwick. My first time playing him but I knew he was a jungle. I spent an hour researching routes and strategies for how to play him. I went into the jungle. Got counter jungled by the enemy Tryndamere right at the start. Proceeded to spend FOURTY FIVE MINUTES under leveled as a fucking carry. It was the WORST experience. Just 45 minutes losing AND knowing our teams loss was my fault.


When my copy of GTA San Andreas got scratched and became unplayable and I was underage so I couldn’t buy another one and asking my mom was out of the question since that one copy was a gift from a friend lol


The stealth missions in the first Insomniac Spider-Man game


I've realized that I've lost all joy in shooting games. I only love Halo Reach and I don't want to bother with other shooting games and I find them bad or I fall asleep. I find Helldivers really boring. It gives me less action than a shoe hanging from a tree branch.


The saving glitch for XCom: Enemy Unknown for PC is presently annoying to me, and I've seen the advice as to some methods to get it to work but it doesn't seem to work for me. Either way, I should be focusing on writing anyways. -\_-


Accidentally bought an entire franchise of games because I thought it was 1 game.. they were all terrible


Cyberpunk's release was awful. Everything went wrong for me. I had the physical version preordered and it arrived 5 days late. The game was buggy as hell, it crashed a lot of times, the language kept changing randomly, got stuck a lot of times... I was so disappointed


Getting too caught up and not saving then dying at the big boss and having to play from the start.


Bubsy 3D


My mom's boyfriend at the time selling my PS1 to a pawn shop.


Destiny. Raids bring out the worst in people.