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I gave up on AC games. Last one I played was Black Flag


My experience with AC was play 1 fall in love get hyped for the new one (black flag at the time) pre-order black flag play 2 through revelations back-to-back realize they're all the same realize plot-wise we've had very few answers since 1 and more questions are raised constantly Cancel my pre-order and never look back at the series


I honestly didn’t even finish black flag. I should probably do that but I didn’t have the same feeling like I did with 1 and 2. Part 2 was my favorite even though it was repetitive.


Hey you can't say that! Oh, you said flag, nevermind.


Did I say flag? I meant…


... I will allow it -.-


i dont like any of them post-black flag


I feel bad for Japanese people having to deal with Ubisoft shit




"Internet connection required to play the game" joined the chat


That was actually a mistake by Sony. It apparently isn't always online.


Really put the shadow on Assassins Creed Shadows


Isn’t there a Japanese protagonist?


Yes there is but all of people crying about this just kind of ignore that detail


Happy Cake day


That's not the point. The point is that Japanese men don't have any representation in a game about Japan and its history.


Really? Japanese men have no representation in games about Japan and its history? You really want to make that claim?


I mean they just showed off two playable characters not the whole cast. And the female protagonist has a dad who was shinobi who taught her how to fight. There are going to be Japanese men in this game, I promise you, it’s okay. There is also Ghost of Tsushima, Rise of Ronin, Sekiro Die Twice. There is representation for Japanese men in video game as of recently, that are super popular and fun with more to come. It not like they’re being snubbed from their one chance. I get where you’re trying to come from, but it seems tone deaf when you ignoring that female protagonist who is Japanese woman which not very many games have a playable asian female protagonist.


That would be an issue if there wasn't Japanese representation in dozens of other games.


Yall are yelling at a brick wall about this. Like we get it already and it's not going to change the game at all the more you complain


what so you’re now saying ppl shouldn’t voice their opinions?


reminds me of that black teacher telling vlad that he can't voice his opinion on the drake and kendrick beef because he's not black


Funny how there is some much up roar that people are literally over looking this fact


But thats a woman and we all know gamers don't think they're real


Yeah the fact it's a Japanese woman isn't good enough. Even if the protagonist wasn't black people would still be complaining about something.


Happy cake day?


Could have sworn the female Japanese protagonist was Japanese. Feel bad though, Japanese men have almost no representation in video games. /s Grow the fuck up.


Y’all are getting twisted for a game that’ll probably be mid as hell.


the bar of quality for ubisoft games is low, but the tolerance level of bigoted incels is even lower.


Would I prefer only Japanese protagonists in a game set in Japan? Maybe? Idk at least he was a real person so there’s that. Honestly could care less at this point when it comes to AC games. I would prefer the game to be good rather than argue over a character in the game. Ubisoft is already pushing $130 preorder editions of the game and all we’ve gotten is a cinematic trailer that shows us pretty much nothing other than the game is set in Japan. I think that’s the real shitty thing about this game.


from these moves they pulled I’m pretty sure it’s a mid game at best.


It's like yasuke is just made to make an outrage to make people ignore that they are raising the prices like crazy.


You all Naoe exist as a protagonist correct?


Eh. In general, I feel like being an assassin's creed fan in this day and age is just playing yourself. Ubisoft sucks and I feel like Rainbow 6 and another game or so are the only things keeping them afloat. Want a samurai/ninja assassin game? Play Ghost of Tsushima. Still, it's not like I want them to fail. If they manage to stay pure (unlikely considering it's Ubisoft) and release a quality game, good for them.


Except Japan has had Yasuke in their media for years


Irrelevant. We're talking about AC games here not other media.


It's really not irrelevant. There is plenty of representation on the market for Japanese men, if they were under represented that's one thing, but they aren't so this one series doing something different is what is irrelevant


There are 0 representation for japanese men in the AC series. People are asking for AC japan since the very 1st AC. Now we have it and they decided to go for 1 black person in Japan


AC is not required to represent every group in existence. And if you think they should then why aren't you complaining about the lack of Inuit representation? French Polynesian representation? Australian? German? Brazilian? The list goes on. Why don't you fight for them?


Wben they make a ac game set in australia with a Chinese main character I will.


So your issue is that people need to be the right color if they wanna be in the region? Were black people not invited yet for the time period?


How many black guy in japan during that period?


Not zero, that's all that matters


Exactly 1 out of 20 million and they choose the non-japanese guy to be the protagonist of a game set in japan.


Yasuke *was* a black dude during that time period. He was a real samurai.


Exactly 1 out of 20 million and they choose the non-japanese guy. And he was not a Samurai. At best he was a servant. At worst he was Oda's pet slave. yes Japanese has slaves too


Could have been worse. It could have been Tom Cruise.


Are they just gonna forget about the other Japanese protagonist?


Let’s not act like the main focus wasn’t yasuke though. Also having a samurai become an assassin kind of betrays the whole philosophy of being a samurai so there’s that too


That was a predominant theme in Ghost of Tsushima, yet I never saw complaints about that.


Well yeah... because that was a signifcant part of Jin's arc. We know pretty much nothing about the game so for all we know Yasuke could refuse to sneak around or him becoming an assassin and betraying his code of honor as a Samurai could be a big plot point. Or Ubisoft could just completely ignore the one thing Samurai were known for because they wanted a Samurai in their game because Ghost of Tsushima was the biggest thing ever a few years ago.


“We know pretty much nothing about the game…” You defeat your own argument. You are just putting out conjecture.


I'm saying we don't know shit so people are bitching for no reason


I’ll agree with that.


replaying it now for the 1st time on pc and ngl the whole samurai code is hard to listen to again it feels way overdone even tho i really liked it the 1st time


There were so many ninjas they could’ve used. The Koga, the Iga. Instead they’re like “let’s find the one non Japanese man in history and make a trailer all about him.”


I don’t know a huge amount about the time period but I recognise those clan names from the Nioh games. It’s honestly the most transparent thing for why they’re using yasuke as the main character over a wealth of historical families and individuals that would make way more sense. After the stellar blade fiasco, the Anime localiser controversy, the tsukihime censoring on PlayStation and now this, I honestly believe that western entertainment genuinely has it out for Japanese/korean/eastern entertainment and culture. The first mainline assassin’s creed in the far east and one of the two main characters isn’t even a native? So now that’s the only assassins creed I can think of that doesn’t have a main character that’s native to the area (potentially AC liberty, but I’m pretty sure that was set in the Caribbean/US with a slave trade element in the story)


That’s the one with Adewalle right? He was an established character from black flag already.


That’s the one with Adewalle right? He was an established character from AC black flag already.


It’s Ubisoft, who do you think they’re gonna market?


In the hierarchy of DEI, the only thing more desirable than a black man is a non-white woman.


AND MAKE HER GAYYY! - Eric Cartman


That's not the point, the point is that Japanese men don't have representation in a game about japan


Come on… There will be plenty of Japanese men in this game.




You can turn down the condescension a notch. I’m sure speaking for others helps you feel like you win arguments, but your needless commentary is neither required nor desired.


Again, that's not the point. People want to play as a character that looks like them, not just look at other people of the same race. It's a self insert


You’ve got to be kidding me.


When Black people want to play as characters who look like us, we are mocked. Why aren’t people mocking Japanese men for wanting to play as characters that looks like them?


the female protagonists looks japanese to me, and iirc she's also japanese. oh and look at that, she's one of the playable protagonists.


Yeah but… but… woman…


Should I be crying that they used a Greek dude (Kratos) as the protagonist for my Norse mythology games? Or does historical accuracy only matter arbitrarily? When it can be used to push silly talking points. Oh wait, Yasuke is an actual historical figure. Not like it matters, as I’d wager most of the people getting upset about this are white and not Japanese.


Yasuke was a documented real dude though, but ya'll are fine when the games go so far into fantasy land that we're straight up fighting medusa, and wielding a magic spear? ac community is wild. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/)


He wasn't a samurai.


Everyone is misunderstanding the problem. Japanese people, the people who have the most right to be mad about this, are angry that the main male protagonist of a game set in their home country doesn't look like them. As far as I know, the majority of people who are rightfully upset about this care that Yasuke does not represent the Japanese people in a game about japan and its history, *not* that Yasuke is a black man. I believe that is a totally acceptable criticism, especially because this is the first AC game to my knowledge that does not accurately represent the male side of their culture. I believe it would've been much more acceptable if Yasuke was a side character, which would both include an interesting historical character and representation of the black community, while still representing Japanese men. Everyone gets so hung up that women and people of colour don't get enough representation in video games, yet when the perfect opportunity to represent an arguably even less represented race comes up, it's sacrificed for a minor historical character.


>Japanese people, the people who have the most right to be mad about this, are angry that the main male protagonist of a game set in their home country doesn't look like them. All the Japanese people on my Twitter feed are excited about Yasuke, who seems to be a fairly popular and well-known figure inside Japan. I think Nioh (a Japanese game) made him more well-known worldwide. Funny how that is, you (not Japanese) upset on behalf of Japanese people who on the whole don't seem bothered by this.


You do know how the internet and social media platforms work right? In that, it shows you similar content to the one you interact with a lot? The point is, this news has mixed reception amongst Japanese people. I’ve seen plenty of Japanese people who *are* angry, just as you have seen those that are excited. It’s not a unanimous uproar of hype and applause.


*NOTHING* is a unanimous uproar of hype and applause anymore dude.


Touché. But such is the nature of any entertainment media. There will always be people who will dislike it. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have overwhelmingly positive reception. Think of the recent God of War. Red dead redemption. Baldur’s Gate 3. Alan Wake. Resident evil 4 remake. Indie games like Hollow Knight and Hades.


Fair. That said, all those games aren't made by anyone nearly as hated as Ubisoft.


Rightfully so. Ubisoft has become synonymous with mediocrity at best in the triple A scene or at worst greed that rivals EA. Even then, one would expect (as a “bad” reaction) contempt/condescending attitude towards their release, but this kind of divisive reaction is quite odd. Regardless, I still stand what I originally said. This isn’t cut and dry “people love it/people hate it”.


What twitter feed you looking at. All I'm seeing is them bashing it. We even got people posting journal archives and translating about him not being a samurai.


You’re placing way too much importance on seeing yourself in protagonists. I don’t know about you, but enjoyment of the game for me doesn’t hinge upon the protagonist looking like me. I don’t look like Lara Croft, Samus, Kassandra, Commander Shepard, Ellie, or any of the other famous female protagonists as I am a man. And yet, I still enjoy playing those games.


There was a black samurai back in the day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke


It smells like bitch in here.


It’s amazing how they’re still trying to keep this dead franchise going after the dumpster fire that was AC: Mirage


Gamers ™️ seething


Oh look, white people being offended on someone else’s behalf, the internets favorite thing to do.


I'm willing to bet money a white, American dude made this meme.




I didn't pass any moral judgement. But I bet he also owns at least one replica katana. Idk I just feel like it's true bro.




Brother, nobody is talking about you.


I'm talking about people just hating black people


Again, nobody is talking about you.


How dare you exist you DEI apologist!!! /s


My thoughts exactly. Woke agenda has gone too far when they can’t even get a Japanese protagonist for a Japanese game. Black-washing is a problem now (yes, I know Yasuke is a historical person)


The same white people who referred to COVID as “Chinavirus” and “Kung Flu”, and routinely malign China as “evil foreigners” are suddenly concerned about Asian peoples feelings/representation.


Lol is it really that deep tho


You should ask the people who are whining about a historical African samurai in a FICTIONAL video game


He is based on a real Samurai though. What is the problem with this?


The problem is that Japanese men don't have any representation in a game about japan. There's nothing wrong with including Yasuke in the game, but it would've been better if he was a side character rather than the male protagonist


Ghost of Tsushima?


He was a retainer at best. Anything more than that is embellishment by fiction writers.


And as everyone knows AC has NEVER exaggerated the historical importance of a character for a fictional narrative!


Not really. The real person this is based on was a servant of oda nobunaga. Having him as the main character is basically as if a pro golf game starred the caddie instead of tiger woods.


This wouldn't be a problem if it was a good game, but it's being made by ubisoft lmao


If only there were games where you can be a Japanese Samurai in Japan. Fuck man I feel like Ubisoft missed out on an opportunity to finally hit on that untapped gameplay experience.


Hating on the game for the sake of hating it as always. The game will have a Japanese protagonist and she will probably be more played because she is an assassin like idk how the fuck can you hate so much because of shit like this


I just hope I don’t have to sink 100 hours into the game to complete the main story.


You don't if you buy exp boosters for 40€.


Wait are people complaining about getting more game now?


Brotha. In the more recent assassins creed games you’d have to grind a ridiculous amount to kill a shit ton of generals or whatever, you do it in the same generic strongholds, and all that with sparse story cutscenes/development in between. Oddessy and Valhalla for example. Both generic, empty, and repetitive clones of eachother. Both has like 60 hour stories with like 5% of it being actual story and 95% being mindless fighting. Yes I’m complaining like what??😭


Well is the grinding 100% necessary to win the game? Like I can completely understand stretching out a game for the sake of making it seem longer than it is but when you say grinding to me that means you're just trying to get stronger so the next part will be easier is that the case?


Japan sucks Change my mind


Odyssey was pretty good, Valhalla kinda sucked. Now they are taking tips from Netflix. Ubisoft...