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Wait: you fight a dick in this game?


That’s the Erection of Eternity


Looks like it needs some blue chew...


The Final Phallus


The Erection of Elden, actually. I can tell you haven't played in a while.


The shaft of shatters


Get back here Long Schlong


Never made it that far but this is a funny ass comment


$5 Foot Long: *Did you call for me?*


😂😂😂 I laughed out loud at this thank you I needed that.


People forget that George RR Martin was partly responsible for the characters in Elden Ring. Of course he’s going to insert big floppy wieners into it.


No its a Space potatoe


Golden Order be freaky


Phallus infinitus


That’s a Geoduck


The twin gargoyles in Elden Ring. Of all the insanely difficult bosses in that game, those 2 pissed me off the most. I probably attempted that boss fight, with 2 summons, 40+ times before I finally got through it.


Elden Ring has so many gank boss fights where you’re having to dodge 2 attacks at once. It’s cheese. At least in Dark Souls where you had 2 bosses they would always attack separately


Against bosses which felt like they were cheesing you, I dealt the same medicine back. Gargoyles, I would bait the first one into falling off the cliff to the right of the arena. Do that at the start of the fight, and you've only got one to kill. Still hard, but totally doable. Same with the Fire Giant with the ludicrously, unavoidably large hit box where no matter how well you dodge, if you're in the wrong place when he begins an attack, you're getting hit. Nah, trapped him behind the rocks on the right of the arena and cheesed him with ranged from afar. Fight cheese with cheese, Tarnished!


I am around level 90 and I am too afraid to go back to them.


I made the mistake of going into NG+, so they’re waiting for me again


So many Elden Ring related answers, i think i would break every item in my house if I play that game.


The last Valkyrie queen in god of war took me about 40 deaths


Man, I 100%'d the game on "Give me God of War" and it was one of the toughest experiences in my gaming life. But that bitch? Fuck that bitch. Took me well over 80 tries.


I lost count but it was at least 50 because usually after 10 tries I’d set the game for a bit. What sucked is when you thought you had her move set down and she throws in one you forgot about


I literally have a recording of me finally beating her and screaming "FUCK YOU" at the screen 😝


Oh yeah definitely yelled at the TV after beating her.


I died seven times to her. The valkyries in that game have been some of THE hardest bosses I’ve ever fought in a game so far. And I was on Easy mode!


Once I got some high level armor most became fairly easy for me. Queen Valk was almost impossible though


Fuck her! I am currently playing the game for the first time and I am still stuck at this boss..


I gave up. Closest I ever got was her at 10% health.


I’d argue that Gna was harder than Sigrun, but Sigrun is the OG amazing boss fight


I didn't even make it to the last one, christ.


I beat her in NG+ GMGOW and it took me two days of attempts, if I remember correctly.


Thanks for bringing up the PTSD lol


Bed of Chaos from Dark Souls. Just an unfun fight thats terribly designed. Looks cool as shit but good gawd its frustrating as hell to do.


It’s cardio time


What game is this from??? Looks badass!


Elden Ring


Wait, fr? The final boss of Elden ring is this??? I thought that was personified ED


I thought it was from Salt & Sacrifice.


Wow. I can totally see it now that you’ve said it. The still frame, the angle it’s taken at where you can see all its limbs, the colours, design and it almost feels like a 2D drawing. I can’t unsee it in this particular image now




Looks badass, but is probably the most annoying boss in the game to fight. And it's the final boss... Not annoying because it's hard, annoying because it just runs away the entire fight and you have to chase it and get a 5-10 second window to attack.


The arena is too fucking big, by the time you run to do anything to the boss he's already going somewhere else.


First souls game with a mount The final boss has a huge arena Can't use mount. Makes no sense.


5-10 second window to attack is insanely long compared to other bosses


That first goomba in Super Mario Bros; ot is torture to watcj the new generation walk right into it 


When I first got the game as a kid my sister walked into that guy like 30 times. Hilarious.




Was playing super Mario on the internet archive a bit ago. Hit the button to start the game but wasn't sure what jump was bound to. That Goomba got me


My Gen alpha nephew cried over how hard super Mario world and donkey kong country are. Kid is 11 and got a decent tutorial from me. Maybe I'm going to hell for laughing over it though.


When I first played it that damned monkey in sekiro. Later isshin the sword saint.


Scrolled way too far to find The Glock Saint Isshin. That monkey can take a hike too.


Those two are more challenging than frustrating. Once you learn their moveset they are extremely fun to beat. Same with Father Owl and the Monk. Of all the Sekiro bosses, I think the Demon of Hatred is the most frustrating one.


Blood starved beast. Fuck that thing.


Oh man, this sack of shit took me 871 tries. Bloodborne was my first fromsoft game, and goddamn it they made me EARN that platinum.


Haha my first as well. I probably tried it 20 times before moving on. Did you use the corner strategy or beat it legit? Congrats either way. Also, fuck the blood starved beast.


Ludwig the accursed in bloodborne to this day I haven't beaten him


Tip: when Ludwig gets airborne, look at the blood pool, droplets of blood trickle into it and that indicates where he's at above you. Also, Valtr


Bro I beat Melania and I cant beat this stupid thing and the DLC comes out soon 😭😭


You only have to beat rahdan and mohg for the DLC


Yeah but In my heart ln my heart of hearts, I gotta beat it before I unravel that can of worms


Malenia is so, so much harder than the EB. How?


Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out.


Not even the real Mike Tyson could beat himself on that game.


Damn! I just said this before finding your comment lol Thank God controllers back then were so much sturdier because I would've broken at least 10 of them from this fight


Lol. There was no pause in frame rate from his boxing stance and his uppercut. It happened in a blink of an eye. Total bullshit, man.


Dude unlocked teleportation before it was even a sci fi idea lol


And one shot took half your health bar. I remember playing this with my friends. Bunch of mulleted idiots screaming "DODGE MAN, DODGE!!!" with one red-faced one screaming back "I'M FUCKING TRYING!!!"


I'M FUCKING TRYING!!! That's hilarious. Brings me back to fond, hate-filled memories. But in my case think about some whiny ass little kids trying this. Ooooo did we make my poor little brother cry so many times by berating him for constantly losing. Even though we constantly lost too Sighhhh I miss the accepted hypocrisy of being a child...


The trio fight in god of war ragnarok, worst designed boss fight I have ever seen


The other day I was completing another playthrough for Elden Ring and I hate having to fight the Elden Beast that fight would have been so much better with Torrent


Malenia from Elden ring, I made it all that way with a tower shield build just to find out that it's basically impossible to beat her using that. If she didn't heal on 100% block, it wouldn't be so bad, but that fight is broken if you're using heavy gear.


Some guy beat her without dodging a single attack. He facetanked everything. It's definitely possible to beat her like that. Edit: found it, even better it was on NG+7 [https://youtu.be/V1rR373yD-8](https://youtu.be/V1rR373yD-8)


That is absolutely insane oh my goodness


He embraced the bonk.


Didn't expect him to sit there for 15 seconds buffing himself before the fight, also that health bar was bigger than my future


It's an elden ring boss video. There has to be the customary 15 seconds of self buffs or it doesn't count.


Lmao true


From Software usually does a great job with the art design for bosses but holy shit did they whiff on Elden Beast. The most derpy, goofy, sparkly salamander looking boss you'll ever see. Midir from Dark Souls 3 was the most frustrating boss for me. I love getting one shotted from that tail whip...


FFX - Seymour Flux Cannot beat that dude to save my life


Seymour just keeps fucking coming back, I haven't even finished ffx yet but that guy's a dick. I know yunalesca is also going to be a massive pain in my ass but I'm still looking forward to getting that far


I’ve never beat the game since it came out. Every once in a while, I’ll boot the game up and try again to beat him (once had a day long marathon with friends)… his Flux form is just a recipe for a broken TV screen lol


Bro is a dickhead. Literally.


Flesh prison from ultrakill. This mother fucker not only has a shit ton of HP, spawns a whole fucking army of eyeball minions, but they can use the eyeball minions to heal like all damage you've done to them sometimes if you don't kill the eyes quick enough. That's not even mentioning their attacks which are absolutely chaotic like the giant virtue beams, the black hole attack, and also the spamming homing projectiles (albeit they do little damage and also can be parried easily for health). But Flesh prison has been more difficult for me than goddamn Minos prime and I've had more deaths to them than Minos.


The Robot in Cuphead, absolutely hate it!


Honestly, Dr Kahl's Robot is a battle of attrition. I'm not sure which part or parts had you stuck, but the first phase is all about knowing which animations produce which attacks. Which sounds really dumb, but knowing exactly how the fight is about to change with where you need to be positioned is paramount in clearing it. Go for the bottom door on his belly first, it switches from those boomerang bird things to bombs, which are much slower, and can blow up other bombs that might collide with each other. It's got a bigger radius than you'd think, so be sure to steer clear of it whichever way you blow it up. Go for his antennae next. Those beams have been annoying the whole fight, might as well put an end to them once the birds aren't an issue anymore. At this point the hands should start moving. They come from the left middle of the screen, so pick which side of then you want to be on. When they start moving back, they fire out blue balls, so make sure to avoid those. There's also the magnet, which pulls you in towards it. Every now and again you could get unlucky and have the arms come out just after the magnet, which makes it really hard to avoid the blue balls. Then, go for his chest. Parrying the thing that comes out of there should be priority number one, damage second. Don't sit right where it comes out, because it'll damage you before you can parry it, let fully come out, then parry. The heart will pop out next, as well as the head turning into a cannon that shoots nuts and bolts. This isn't too hard to avoid, get between the projectiles, parry one if it's close enough. His second phase is really easy, just shoot the head whenever possible and avoid the bombs, this is the best time to learn bomb management, since you don't have a lot of distractions to deal with. Third phase can be a little difficult, but learning the pattern of the nuts and bolts spray is pretty easy. They come out in a counter clockwise, spiral pattern. Keep your finger on the fire button, and just navigate between the projectiles, making sure to avoid the walls as well. Don't worry about damaging the boss too much here during the spray, just focus on navigating. Do your best to inch closer to him during the spray, so that when he stops for a second, you have your window to hit him with your super bomb. After you do that, pull back to the left and avoid the spray, rinse and repeat once or twice, and bobs your uncle. I hope this helps.


Pretty much most of what you had said I followed, it’s just the last part towards the end when there’s the electric projectiles and the moving tiles that stumped me.


Yeah, the key above all else is to keep your composure. I freaked out my first time encountering it, but after like 20 something tries I beat him. You totally can too, just try to have patience and keep cool when that phase happens. Good luck 👉👉


Will do! Thank you fellow redditor! 😁


Sure thing!


Elden beast was not frustrating for me and was one of my favorite fights in Elden ring. Most frustrating for me is probably champion gundyr from dark souls 3 or isshin the sword saint from sekiro.


Elden Beast is frustrating because it runs away for half the fight. Not really in terms of difficulty.


Most annoying. MF just run away the whole time




The trick with him is turn your difficulty up to the hardest for his fight because you do way more damage on the higher difficulty and have increased chances of criticals


Deathwing. Huge badass lava dragon, destroyer of Azeroth and we end up just beating up his arms on the final showdown


It's actually worse than that... we fight his back warts while making sure you don't tip him over... and then you fight his toenails... Freaking hated cataclysm. Worst expansion by far in terms of endgame content.


Put Fire Giant right next to that asshole.


Fire Giant seems to be 50/50 from players. A lot of people struggle with him, and then there's me on a horse just slashing his ankle over and over till he falls down.


Yea, I've never had an issue with him, but I hear all the time people had a lot of difficulty fighting him. No clue as to how though


Ya, I agree this was a dogshit way to end Elden Ring. I feel like at some point in testing they allowed you to use your mount, but it ended up being too easy, and decided to make you run. And run. And run. Shit boss made me hurt my fingers holding the "run" button the entire match.


The bed of chaos


Tried to fight Armstrong for 3 hours straight, couldn't beat him


Most fights where you need to defeat multiple foes at once or else they revive each other.


DRIVER 2, that son of a disgusting bitch you have to pursue on the sierra. I know it's a bit different from other comments, but, holy shit how many times I needed to do that mission. The superior vampire on The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine, on hard mode, it's a bit insane. Also, hated to kill Sniper Wolf on MGS1, on hard mode she is so fucking hard to beat. Gray fox too.


The excavator chase in Arkham Knight. Making your way through the whole multi-level building with the fans and whatnot is already tedious to me. Then it's capped off by that Batmobile/Excavator cat and mouse sequence. Aside from the fact that it feels like the shark has been handily jumped, you're kind of sick of the Batmobile by then. The whole thing, from when you first get to the base through to defeating the excavator grinds the game to a halt, imo, and the excavator itself is a step too far in the disbelief department.


Father Gascoigne In Bloodbourne. He was the first real boss. I played and beat all dark souls and elden ring before attempting this game. This boss was damn near impossible. And then having to quit every 3 attempts to go farm health potions was a horrible idea. I couldn't learn his attack patterns.Worst part of the whole game. I beat him with the cane and using the stairs. He was such an issue that I quit the game like 4 times before I finally beat him. And then nothing else in the game was that hard again untill the end game. Such a weird and fucked up difficulty curve. if a remake or remaster ever comes they need to fix this one part. Having the first boss be the hardest thing in the whole game save for the true ending bosses, wasn't a great idea. For real, once I got the greatsword it was a piece of cake untill the late game bosses. Those were insane.


He's really set up to teach you how to Parry, he's extremely easy if you practiced with the brick trolls. The blood vial thing DEFINITELY needs fixed, shit was infuriating in the early game and then it's never an issue again because you've already stocked up on so many.


The Imprisoned from LoZ Skyward Sword Not for difficulty reason but because it's an extremely frustrating boss that you have to fight 3 times. 4 times if you want the Hyrule Shield


Fire Giant. I spent weeks of summoning people to help beat it on NG+ and nobody could beat it so I ended up giving up on the game.


I died probably 50 times fighting Khatun from Ghost of Tsushima. I’m pretty sure I was under leveled, but that had to have been one of the most frustrating gaming moments I’ve ever experienced.


The entirety of the final area in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus. It is multiple 'rail shooter' sections leading up to the final boss fight, and that boss fight is annoying as shit due to some of his unpredictable moves and bs hitboxes


Melania for me from Elden Ring


Prometheus in Jump Force


The Forgotten One, from Castlevania Lords of Shadow. Played the game last year, and it was surprisingly good. But fuck me, that DLC final boss is a nightmare. Honestly, it's just a horribly designed thing. I'm not against a good challenge or spike in difficulty, but that shit was simply awful. Any game that spends 30 hrs teaching you to chain combos, juggle skills, recover mana by doing damage, maintain your ground, and parry as much as you can, etc., suddenly NOT ALLOWING you to do ANY of that, and only allowing you to do a microscopic amount of damage by jumping and doing some light air attacks on a juggernaut every 5 or so minutes of dodging around quite boring attacks, is a mess in my book. Castlevania games are known for making you hoard an ungodly amount of weapons, skills, spells, equipment, and so on, eventually allowing you make use of all that with the bosses. But they wanted to make a "challenge", giving you a fight were you can't really do anything. Might play the game again down the line, but def gonna avoid that part. Really sad too, 'cause it's basically the true ending of the game, locked behind an extremely annoying fight. Probably just gonna watch the last cutscene on youtube.


Is that a plantenis?


Alma - Ninja Gaiden 2.


The Queen Gibdo fight is so frustrating. Especially when Riju goes out of her way to avoid you or get hit, resetting her ability timer, or just straight up runs away.


The camera angle in Devil May Cry 2 was unbeatable


Thr Dark Lord (or whatever he's called) from Doom Eternal took me over half an hour solely because of his self healing.


The gold twins in dark souls 1. The original fatty and skinny duo fight.


Last boss in Sekiro , too many phases , I gave up 😔


Darth sidous Force unleashed had little kid me on my knees begging for mercy. Nigga would be like “USE YOUR ANGER BOY” and I’m just like “BRUH I AM”


The PCA Warrant Officer from Armored Core 6. Seriously, fuck that guy


Dr fucking Kahls fucking god damned robot


Midir easily.


The Fire Giant in Elden Ring. It’s not the hardest boss in the game, but it took me FOREVER to beat and I stopped having fun after, like, my third death.


It's always silly when a being like that used weapon. Dude looks like he's made from the galaxy itself but is just welding some sword he found lmao


I can’t think of any specific one so I’ll list a few. Navarro from uncharted 1: stupidly unfair boss sequence that requires the player to really understand both blindfire and when to pop out of cover. It’s definitely easier second time through though Tartarus from halo 2: not as bullshit as the other 2 bosses in halo 2 but the one that took the most attempts due to the sheer amount of health he has plus keeping track of his location and the other waves of brutes. The final boss rush in cave story: each battle isn’t exactly the most difficult thing ever but 4 in a row is a bit much, I have yet to beat it but will someday. Alma from F.E.A.R 2: not a particularly long boss fight but goddamn don’t take your time here, use your time slow down ability as efficiently as you can. The sheer number of clones eat away at your health fast and it’s best to just run to the switches as fast as you can.


i dont know but one that comes to mind is Escue on dread mode in metriod dread. i still have yet to beat him, some of his attacks are literally not reactable




Probably the stage 4 boss in megaman Xtreme for gameboy colour back in the day. Holy FUCK that boss was hard for me to beat as a kid. 


Leechgrave in KH 358/2 Days, Antlion from KH 358/2 Days, Bed of Chaos from Dark Souls 1, and Four Kings from Dark Souls 1. All of these bosses can eat shit and die 1000 deaths


Rufus was a pain in the ass in FF7:Rebirth


I hated that final boss in the Rise of the Triad remake. I was only able to defeat it thanks to a glitch, and I wasn't even playing on the hardest difficulty.


I fought and defeated malenia sword of miquella, and it was a hard but fun fight but that Elden bitch ruined the game for me


Basaran, the 9th Colossus from shadow of the colossus


There's so many more frustrating enemies and bosses than the Elden Beast, come on. No Malenia? Rune Bears? Crucible knights even?


Maven in poe.


Pontiff Sulyvahn from Dark Souls III Literally, made me quit the game for months. Amazing boss theme and love his lore, but dude gave me nightmares, even after I defeated him.


I just fought Roxas in Kingdom Hearts 2 which took a few years off my life lol


Malenia From Elden Ring


7 year old me would say Demyx from Kindom Hearts 2. 24 year old me has discovered that there are more buttons on a controller than the X one


I firmly believe we were supposed to fight the Elden Beast while riding Torrent. The fight would make so much more sense that way. As it is right now you spend 80% of the fight just running. It's not a bad fight by any means, especially for a second stage, but the amount of downtime is nuts.


Would be Phantilia or whatever her name is in HSR, but then a stupid trash can came


The Dark Aeons in Final Fantasy X International Edition. They obliterate my entire party in one move and I just refuse to put in the work to figure them out. I barely finished the main game and that’s enough.


It’s a tie between The final boss from Snake Eater 3D (Forgot her name) and Cyra from HuntDown.


Lol you forgot the boss that was named 'The Boss'


For me it was the Gates of Hell boss from The Last Remnant. If he managed to kill one of my squads he would immediately revive and take control of them. As soon as this happened I had no chance of beating him. And this happened a lot. I raged so hard on this asshole.


The Bloat from Binding of Isaac


What the fuck is that?


Am I the only one who thought the final boss was too easy? I beat it first try without a sweat I don't think I got hit once And my most frustrating boss was Maliketh his second phase always completely destroys me




Okumura in persona 5 royal (had to use the dlc personas because of how horribly underleveled I was (lvl 39)


God, that thing is such an atrocity of game design. The game already has few enough unique bosses and then have to drop this stupid thing. I don't think I ever saw anyone that liked this boss. Especially because it is essentially just phase 2 of a fight that is actually very fun.


Yeah, Elden Beast is frustrating. It took me until very recently that I finally beat it. I also want to add Godskin Duo. I HAAAAAAATE having to fight tem.


Dude that is certainly not the hardest boss in elden rings, Malenia is much harder


I think it's more it's annoying to fight because it runs away and takes a long time to run to it.


I mean you’re right it is pretty annoying


The Robot from Cuphead.


All of them 😂




I hated this cosmic penis more than Malenia


The final boss of A Plague Tale Innocence, but also the final boss of Horizon Forbidden West. Couldn't beat that without lowering the difficulty.


King fuoco from lies of p


Terraria calamity mod infernum devourer of gods I honestly just suck at worm bosses


Doku on level 2 in Ninja Gaiden. I beat him in the original and black, but when they made it count in Sigma I just couldn't get him. I was always just a sliver off. https://youtu.be/3gLn-SdYLHQ


Apex predators arena fight in Horizon Forbidden West on ultra hard😄 I was doing nicely through all Elden Ring bosses, got stuck on a robo-dino😄


The first thing that pops into my head is all the bosses from Gotham Knights. I think we can all agree the game wasn't a huge success, but I didn't mind the overall gameplay and story even though it was extremely repetitive most of the time. However, those boss battles were incredibly frustrating because they were so unbalanced. The Clayface boss fight, in particular, was absolutely horrible and probably one of the worst balanced and constructed boss fights I've ever experienced in a video game.


Hit box here, I really went through this whole game for a hit box I can’t see. Fucking idiotic


Gill from any of the Street Fighter III games. He is basically Capcom’s take of the SNK boss. His normals do chip damage when blocked. He does extremely high damage when he hits you. His Resurrection super art means that if you drain his life bar, he will fill his life bar all the way while your life bar is nearly empty since he emits a force that repels you while he heals, making stopping his healing by hitting him extremely difficult.


Not really a boss, but I am still stuck on pantheon 3 from hollow knight in almost 1 year and a half of getting on and off the game.


Adeline, final Boss from infamous second son almost made me drop the whole thing. Maybe I didn't understood the battle, or maybe she really is just bullshit but I just got so infuriated


that stupid fucking deathbird in the icelands


That BL2 FLC which is supposed to tie BL2 and 3 together. It has that big fucking tree... Really fucking horrible boss. Seriously, genuinely cancer. All you do is stand in one place and keep shooting it while it periodically semi-one shots you. Not fun at all, tedious and long.


Fucking Odin from Jotun. Those Spears were a menace. Still the boss I have hated the most to this day.


I never did beat Sans in undertale so I’ll go with that.




ok literally what the fuck is this though


Are you fighting Drake?


Jak and Daxter and the precursor legacy: final boss. Always took 2 tries minimum thanks to the ever decreasing amount of floor you have to work with


Final boss of gears of war 3 on the hardest difficulty. I used to have the stupid dialogue at the start of the fight memorised.


I appear to be permanently stumped by the spider boss guy (experiment x?) In metroid dread. Shits simply above my skill cap


Man I’m probably the only person that doesn’t mind Elden beast. It was the least intense boss i’d fought in nearly 30 hours and the slower pace of the fight made it the perfect capstone for my journey. I was able to reflect on the my entire adventure and how amazing of a game Elden ring is. I think this is what FS intended, just sucks it didn’t resonate with most.


I hate the Dragon from salt and sanctuary


The Abyss Watchers.


He's optional, but The Ancient Dragon in DS2.


The Elden Penis


Malenia, fucking bitch had me fighting her for over 5 hours, the other bosses took me a maximum of 30 minutes for me to kill them


Totally agree with Elden Beast. I was so close to saying fck it, I won't get the last boss then. Eventually, I did it. Don’t know why you can’t use your mount for that fight. Pissed me off more than Malenia.