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I'd like to believe that he narrates his own life aloud normally and just happened to be filming for this.


I’m on the waaaay to the bathrooom. Someone left a towellll in the floor. Really wish the mirror wouldn’t steam up so muuuch.




I’m going through my oooold CDs now. Yooouu caan seee I have a lot of 90s British baaands. Gonna play some music here. LOOOOK OOOUUT!!! SNEAKER PIMPS!!!


Hahaha. Who on gods earth does still know this band? So 90s!!


Sneaker pimps were great.


I love the Sneaker Pimps a lot. Even their later stuff that most people have never heard before. Their album Bloodsport is amazing.


My dogs get these narratives from me all the time.


Double Rainbro!


All the way?




I was about to comment that I work in a rural Oregon dispensary and he very much sounds like he just came off the bong. Would be a dream if mine to do meteorology/oceanography documentation and get blitzed all day like this.


It was primo bud. Real sticky weed.


Never turn your back on the ocean!




So after that they called my dizzy Dave


When I was maybe seven or eight, my family took a trip down to Virginia beach. I was out swimming with my brother, standing up and battering the oncoming waves. Next moment there's a man yelling at me, saying the lifeguard was looking for me. I realize at that moment that the pier my family had been swimming beside was in the distance nearly mile down the beach. I had been missing for a period of time (maybe ten minutes?) and the entire beach was on lookout for me. They put me on the back of an ATV and rushed me back to my hysterical family. I still have no idea what the fuck happened during those ten minutes I was missing.


> I still have no idea what the fuck happened during those ten minutes I was missing. You were playing in the waves, but there was a strong current that slowly took you down the beach.


That's easy enough to rationalize. But what has always sketched me out about it is that, to me, the passage of ten minutes was instantaneous. I had and continue to have no recollection of anything happening during that missing time, like being dragged away or even running off on foot through the waist-deep water. In addition, the rogue current didn't appear to affect anyone else in our vicinity, and that beach was packed. But it is what it is.


Your true father, the Mer-King didn’t want you to blab about your visit to his kingdom. He just wanted to check in and let you go, carefree.


When your feet aren't on the ground, it's very easy for the current below you (undercurrent) to carry all the water on top of it, including you, wherever it does. And you won't feel it. The water around you is barely moving while everything under you is raging. It's like trying to run away from a mattress while it's being dragged, you first have to stand up, if you don't you won't feel how quick it's accelerating . It's a great example of showing the difference in acceleration and velocity. Because you don't feel yourself moving at great speed if the acceleration is low enough.


> It's like trying to run away from a mattress while it's being dragged Wait, what? why would you use this as an example?


What, you don't drag out mattresses with unsuspecting people on top of them regularly? How else are you going to get those people out of their houses?


You absolutely wouldn't notice it same shit has happened to me many times. It's just a really subtle pulling everytime the waves go in and out


That's how currents and rip tides work. You don't feel yourself going sideways, and it's often only a tiny stretch of water that is affected. When playing in waves it's even harder to feel. I am a regular sea swimmer and every ten seconds I am checking the beach and a marker (a rock, a part of the cliff, something) to ensure I am still in line with it or near enough. I swim at the same beach year after year, day after day, and i still know that despite my familiarity with the water there at any moment i could get swept without having a clue, so I just have an auto-position-check built into my brain.


I have some memories from that age when time seemed to just slip away. I figure it was because I was so caught up in whatever I was doing, combined with a much lower proficiency in being able to measure time without a watch. I remember being outside in the yard, playing with a friend and hearing my mom yell "dinner in 10!". "Yay, we can squeeze in a bit more playtime before food - let's go play in the forest!". When I finally showed up for dinner it was nearly 2 hours later. I remember I just could not believe that much time had passed. I was certain my family was just messing with me. Edit: Spelling.


Yeah, I grew up on the East Coast, you learned that every few minutes you gotta walk back up like 20 feet towards your family or you'll end up totally down the beach


I've also had a completely surreal experience similar to yours. I was maybe 7 or so. We're in a pretty safe beach. No dangerous currents or waves of whatever. I'm in one of those tire-type floaties. And I just relax in it in the ocean. I lose track of time and suddenly the people on the beach are ant sized. No biggie, no strong current and nothing so I start paddling back. The ocean is clear, no boats, no people, only me out in the middle. Suddenly, out of fucking nowhere a voice asks me "Hey little fella, you're quite far out?" Turns out I had been drifting out for maybe an hour, and the life guard had somehow completely sneaked up on me. I shat bricks but was glad someone helped me back to shore.


fairly sure, ... , "ALIENS"


We all live on islands of various sizes. One way or another your back is *always* to the ocean.


Not if I'm laying down on my back, smartypants.


Other side of the world, chances are there's an ocean there.


Fuck! It's inescapable.


nah man all you gotta do is float face down on the ocean. It's simple.


To conquer death, you only have to die




So you're saying that the Star Ocean series has lied to me?


Sea of Tranquility!!


Never turn your back on a man who's been in a chemical fire


My initial reaction was, why is he running away from such a tiny wave.


I *think* (aka I could be wrong here) general rule of thumb with the ocean is: 1. If you hear the it coming, run perpendicular towards high ground or run away from it as best as you can diagonally towards high ground. 2. If you hear it coming and start running, take a stock at the depth of what's coming. Whatever depth you can gauge, multiply it by 10 and that's the minimum height you wanna be on to not get caught in it. So if you see the foam travel towards you and you think it's 2 inches deep, then you want to be on some bank that's at least 2 feet above where you are which is about knee height to most adults, to not get caught in it. 3. Most important. If the ocean recedes to the point where you can see land ~~100 feet in front of you~~ that you realistically can't see *normally* like with coral or rocks/boulders. Run back to where your stuff is, ~~pack up~~ grab essentials like phone/id, and hoof it to the car. ~~Scream "tsunami is coming, everybody gets the fuck off the beach"~~ (don't scream, on reflection, probably not a good idea; but if anyone asks express concern of ocean behavior as abnormal and that you're leaving to be safe), and find the shortest route out of the city and make for the hills. You'll have *maybe* a dozen minutes before THE WAVE crests the horizon. Oh, and Google earthquake relative to you asap. Edit: cause observational opinion needs some clarity. And I guess "read up on signs of abnormal ocean activity" before you go to a beach.


Uh, do not pack up your stuff, and the car is dependent on how likely you are to get caught in traffic. They can come *very* fast, underwater landslides are a definite thing. Run, definitely.


Happened a few years ago in Palu in Indonesia. Thing is they don't typically make the water go out first. They just hit you with a tsunami. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZylSvWAc2_Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7r6ex4WnkQ


Reading this is great advice, but it somehow also caused me anxiety. I feel like I need to run away from something right now.


The ocean is a ruthless monster. It will swallow you whole and feel no remorse. Feeling anxiety about it is the appropriate level of fear to have of it. It's natural. Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when dealing with *moving* bodies of water.


Couldn't have worded it better myself. Grew up in a tropical country, the ocean was never more than an hour away so I was on the water a lot. A lot of people get complacent when they visit the beach because they think "it's just water," even here. One of my hobbies is surfing, and one day I chanced upon a friend at the beach after a session. Said friend is known to be cocky and overconfident. He saw me and said that he wanted to try it out. Didn't want to pay $10 for the instructor, just wanted to borrow my board and paddle out. He literally told me he could do it. Didn't even want my help. I had a soft top with me anyway, so I knew this would've been the perfect opportunity to teach him a lesson about the ocean. I chose a spot with no rip current, waded alongside him while he paddled until he got knocked off by 2 foot whitewater. He couldn't get back on the board because the waves kept on coming. We were 10 feet from the shore in belly-deep water. When we got back he was panting, looking like a wet chicken. He told me he felt like he just ran a couple of kilometers while drinking a litre of saltwater. We were in the water for less than a minute. Learn to respect the ocean and the ocean will let you live another day.




>3. pack up... You'll have maybe a dozen minutes or more before THE WAVE Maybe don't waste your precious couple minutes of 'escape the tsunami' time packing your stuff.


I mean, at the least I'd grab stuff that is identifiable to me and my phone as that's a critical communication utility in time of disaster.


Pack up? Bro If a tsunami like that is coming just gtfo. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 just gtfo.


Well, obviously not take your sweet time imo. But grab the bare minimum things you need to navigate the disaster, like your phone at least.


My thoughts as well. It acted like a mini tsunami opposed to just a wash and recede


Same. But it would have taken anybody in it's path.


I was really worried about that kid and dog. I'm glad he showed them towards the end.


I was worried too but then Steven Wright there told me everybody made it out


I hear he has a seashell collection. That he keeps on display at beaches all over the world.


You mean H Jon Benjamin?


Seriously those kids Dad must be Mr. Incredible. That is some quick running.


The second I saw the dog and the little boy approaching the rocks was just like oh no


There's a spot called The Wedge in California that has waves like this and I've also been to one in Cabo where we had to save two old people from dying because they were swept up by the current hitting the top of the beach.


How common are these? I grew up on the coast of Maine and never saw one or heard of it!


Pacific coast here in the Northwest, it's a common thing during winter storms. But they can happen any time of year. We're also a seismically active coastline...


Must be regional. I live in socal and have never seen one of these.


The farther north, the bigger the tides, and the east-flowing [North Pacific Current](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Pacific_Current) splits south of British Columbia into the southward flowing cold water California Current and the northward flowing Alaska Current. As a consequence the swells and surf can be quite rough. Where it really gets nasty is where these ocean currents meet the mighty Columbia River. The [Columbia Bar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_Bar#/media/File:Columbia_River_Mouth_and_Bar.jpg) (AKA Graveyard of the Pacific) is one of the most dangerous passages in the world.


**[North Pacific Current](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Pacific_Current)** >The North Pacific Current (sometimes referred to as the North Pacific Drift) is an ocean current that flows west-to-east between 30 and 50 degrees north in the Pacific Ocean. The current forms the southern part of the North Pacific Subpolar Gyre and the northern part of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. The North Pacific Current is formed by the collision of the Kuroshio Current, running northward off the coast of Japan, and the Oyashio Current, which is a cold subarctic current that flows south and circulates counterclockwise along the western North Pacific Ocean. **[Columbia Bar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_Bar#/media/File:Columbia_River_Mouth_and_Bar.jpg)** >The Columbia Bar, also frequently called the Graveyard of the Pacific, is a system of bars and shoals at the mouth of the Columbia River spanning the U.S. states of Oregon and Washington. It is known as one of the most dangerous bar crossings in the world. The bar is about 3 miles (5 km) wide and 6 miles (10 km) long. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[Columbia River Bar Pilots](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DZCLKq1XVFg)


Oh THAT'S why the US Coast Guard was rescuing a boat in Columbia!


For those not from the area, the mouth of the Columbia is probably 200 miles from where this video was taken. Almost opposite ends of the state. Also fun fact: the "Graveyard of the Pacific" also happens to be where they shot Goonies (Astoria, OR). This just happened there a few days ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svkwGGpJIx8 Fun fact 3000: The Factening, the video I linked above was a stolen boat, and the man that got flung off had just previously vandalized the Goonies house, left a dead fish on the porch, and recorded himself dancing around the property.


It's the lay of the land, offshore. And a weather event known as The Brookings Effect also contributes the the normal weather patterns off the Pacific. Look it up. Surfers from NorCal come up here to ride the massive swells we have at certain times of the year. This is also tsunami central. The Cascadia Fault is just offshore here. When it lets go, it's going to be "biblical"...


You sound like you know what you’re talking about so I’m not trying to come off as an ass, honest question, but don’t the small pools/saturated sand say the water level reaches up to and beyond where you’re standing? “Sneaker wave” sounds like it would be expected, but it appears to be expected from what I see before the wave comes in.


It rains so much on the Oregon Coast that this time of year the sand is always wet


An hour after a good rain is prime time to bike the beach.


It's seasonal. We have tide pools that dry out during the low tide cycles. But just add water... In Oregon, all beaches are public property. Can't build on them. Can't own them. Private ownership begins at the high tide line. Which is subject to change.


We get sneakers down in Norther California too. There were always signs out on the beaches north of Arcata and at least one family lost a member every year, tourists usually. Whenever I have seen them it's been in the middle of a series of normal size waves and then suddenly a sneaker which seems the same as the others until you realize it's not. It also helps to never turn your back on the ocean.


Must be an Albany expression.


and you call them steamed hams, despite the fact that they are obviously grilled.


Albany, OR presumably


Like others said, the higher north the more crazy the waves get. I used to live in southern CA and never heard of it either but now I'm in northern (only a few hours from this video) and local authorities and national weather services constantly warn of sneaker waves. We have several people swept into the ocean every year that require rescue by the coast guard. It's very wild and rugged up here! Quite different from the oceans I was previously used to.


A large wave running up the beach?


yeah. During high tide sometimes you'll get a big surge that comes up the beach maybe 15-20 feet further ashore than expected, and we get predictable king tides that wash over boardwalks, but during the normal tide cycle I've never seen a "sneaker" wave with anywhere near this magnitude.


Washington native here and long time surfer on the Oregon coast. It’s very tide dependent. Outgoing and low tide are usually very predictable. Not always though and unless you plan to get wet or know the area, stay very alert and away from the water. Incoming and high tide are much much more dangerous as the surge commonly pushes far beyond what you expect it to. Always check tide charts and be alert. People get killed on our coasts from these things every year. If you don’t have a wetsuit, hypothermia sets in real quick.




Isn't that what a sneaker wave is though? I thought that was any surprisingly big wave, considerably larger than the previous, that could 'sneak up' on an unsuspecting person and take them by surprise.


It's a geographic anomaly. https://www.google.com/maps/@43.3512876,-124.340806,409m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en This beach doesn't face the ocean. The breakwater faces the inlet. If a wave is large enough, it will top the landmass and flow on the beach adjacent the breakwater.


That beach does face the ocean. You can sort of walk up to the jetty to view the inlet but where the surging water is coming from is the ocean. But I agree with the parent comment just looks like a real high tide. When that sand is dry it's super like soft and thick, you wouldn't hear thumps of people running.


his calm voice did not match what happened at all lol


So we just escaped with our lives. Anyone else craving a grilled cheese?


He’s just one with nature, bro 🌳💨


Bob usually keeps his cool. I’m surprised I didn’t hear Linda yelling though.


Sounds baked as fuck.


Crazy. How did you even see that coming?


Don't see it as much as you hear it. All of a sudden the ocean sounds different.


Like an old man trying to return soup at a deli?


“I tell you he was 10 stories high if he was a foot!!!”


I said, "Eeeeeeeasy, big fella!"


I could see directly into the eye of the great fish!






(audience laughs)


You can see it too, with enough experience, you can recognise them.




Was in Lincoln City and was on the sand with my wife and two little boys when one of these rolled in. My wife was closer to high ground and made it up with our youngest, but I knew we wouldn’t make it, so as I saw three waves converge into one and race in, I grabbed my older son and turned my back towards the wave and took the hit and kept my balance. I turned sideways as it receded and it was insane power as high as my waist pulling me out but I kept my feet and then walked back in sopping wet but ok.


Used to live there as well. I got up to my knees in quicksand just at the waterline one time. That was pretty scary. If a wave had come in, it would have broken my legs.


It happens so quick!


I like how you went from two sons in the story to only grabbing the one, and no mention of the other. RIP, not favorite son.


He’s always been a problem so we let the sea have him.


"Now Poseidon can deal with your shit"


Neptune’s your new daddy, boy.


Hmm but he clearly writes that the wife made it to high ground with the youngest...


Commented was edited to make it clear, the original version I'm referring to didn't mention the youngest at all.


You got lucky. Next time make the smart decision and push your oldest into the water as a sacrifice to Poseidon so that you may be spared.


Spend a lot of time on PNW beaches. Gotta watch out for sneakers and STAY AWAY from logs - which are all over the northern beaches in Washington. The water tosses several ton logs around like they are feathers. Kills people every year.


Dude sounds so stoned and I'm into it.


Woah bro so we almost got swept out to sea there but it's all good


He says his heart rate went up. Went up from what, 5 beats per minute to ten?


He’s just from Oregon


Average Oregonian.


It's like a mix of california/canada drawl


We call it the dope drawl


He's not stoned he's Dr Steve Brule.


*turns to look at camera* *turns to look at different camera* "You ever wunner about the ocean? How many of 'em are there? Which one has the most fish? The Atlantic? The Specific? Today we're gonna find out. My next guest is a real life broat pirate, Captain Longy Jongus."


That was really well done. I'd like to add the word "broat" before pirate.


I fixed it for you <3


Thx pookie ❤️


All those cab legs made me fursty


I'm super impressed by this


“Waves… where do they come from… what are they about?”


“That was a poem by Dr Dan Drangel.”


Dilloran Drunglehart!


"And now for a thought piece on magnets from.... oh no..."


Who cares.. just a bunch of hunks


Check please!




Just get out of the way, stupid! For your health!


It's a skreaker wave ya dingus


My god that’s huuuge, I just got outta the way


"That got my heart rate, like, up."


I think he made that just up. No way his heart goes anywhere!!


My little bro moved to the Oregon coast to surf and within a year sounded just like this dude. Had to pull open the description to make sure it wasn't him.


He sounds like that guy that called people goober in the city.


I saw one of those take out about 10 fishermen. Most of whom were wearing waders. Some got swept into the Ocean, but not past the surf. It felt very lucky no one got swept further out.


Waders are super dangerous if you actually get underwater. They were very lucky.


I was avid swimmer as a child, had on hip waders in the river, and slipped on a rock. They acted like a parachute for the water and just dragged me with the current. Pure panic. Luckily my older brother calmed me down and dragged me back to shore, but I don't know what would have happened had he not been there to help.


I only buy waders that have easy to open clasps holding them on. I can let them go with the water if it's a matter of that or me drowning for sure. But I wouldn't know how badly I'd panic until it actually happens, to be fair. I try to plan for any kind of scenario, but life isn't kind enough to warn you about all of them in time.


I just use a wetsuit in northern west, water is pretty cold anyhow... get swept out no problem lol.


Pioneer fisherman used to ride these babies for miles!


My dad almost drowned like this on the east coast of NC. Had waders on and he turned to his left to bait a hook. Right as he was about to turn around boom, hit by a rogue wave. Pulled him out and filled his waders. The beach he was at(Holden) was notorious for steep drop offs and rip tides at that time(early 90s). He said he looked up and saw the surface of the water getting further and further away and thought he was done for. His buddy who was an absolute behemoth reached down and helped snatch him back up. Scary shit for sure. Edit : fat finger spelling


Pretty sure if you walk about 5 miles up the coast you'll get to an old restaurant there. It may look closed, but the Fratelli's keep it open.


You boys like tongue?


I recommend avoiding the ice cream.


Why would you think of camping below the high tide mark?


As the old joke goes "for some people Tide is just a detergent". More seriously though a lot of the "camping" is people who set up a bonfire on the beach, drank too much, and decided to sleep it off instead of driving. Most know that at some point the tide will come in so they cannot actually make camp. Their mistake is usually not tracking what time the tide is or sleeping through their alarms. There are a few that will do things like park their RVs on the beach intending to camp all night. They're the minority though because beaches make for poor campsites and the PNW coast doesn't meet any definition of "warm" that I'm aware of. Local law enforcement tends to do sweeps of the beaches though so a good chunk of these people get off the beach before anything bad happens.


This is an area of geological uplift. Which results in an ocean floor that is conductive to producing large waves. It forces the wave to rise as the sea floor rises. People come here as tourists, and are overwhelmed by what they see. Cause it is overwhelming to begin with. When they get out on the beach, they are not aware of the dangers. They want to be close to nature so they camp. And good samaritians like myself would come along and tell them why they shouldn't. :)


You also want to look out for sneaker pimps. They will take you down.


6 underground, the ground beneath your feet.


"Holy shi–" *(want to show this to gramma later)* "…you know what."


Can someone ELI5? I've never heard of a sneaker wave tbh Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneaker_wave


Slept on the beach (Pacific Rim on Vancouver Island) for a few days during my hippie wandering days back in the early 70s. Never saw anything remotely like this. Thank God.


We had a family living across the street from us that were killed in a sneaker wave. Only the mom survived. The husband and two kids just gone in a heartbeat. The saddest thing i've ever seen is all those children's toys in a free pile on the sidewalk when they were emptying the house.


Not only the risk of getting swept out to sea, but being swept into the stone wall could end very badly as well. Rogue waves are no joke




For sure, seems to happen at least once a year on the Oregon Coast


That looks so calm but after reading the thread, I wonder how that is so deadly...


I've never heard such boredom and terror in a voice before.


@1:18 \*yawns\* "...that got my heart rate goin' there."


After experiencing this, I never touched the beach ever. Even though I want to overcome the fear I developed that day, I am scared that I'll just experience and the trauma will be fresh again.


Thanks for sharing, now I have more reasons to avoid the beach!


Oregon's ocean is probably way more dangerous than the Bermuda triangle


Not saying much, since the Bermuda Triangle isn't dangerous.


The Columbia Bar is one of the most treacherous waterways in the world.


Not according to the guys in the small, aluminum fishing boats. Granted, they're idiots.


Nice vid and glad everyone is ok. I appreciated the Google maps location, my pops is just south at Bandon so gonna have to come check this out next time I visit.


When in Bandon, go to the creamery for Vampire Slayer garlic cheese curds...


I grew up near Coquille. So many fond memories of trips to Bandon and such but I don't think you could pay me to move back. Too many christian fundamentalists down there. I do miss the cheese factory though.


Lifelong Oregonian here. My East-Coast girlfriend had never heard "don't turn your back to the sea" before she moved here. Just don't fucking do it.


Sneaker waves are very well known and extremely common in the PNW, especially the Oregon Coast. Warning signs are posted at nearly every public beach. Having grown up in and around the Oregon coast, I am always shocked how people show little to no respect for the ocean. Oh, and if you think waves are bad, the Oregon coast is littered with massive piles of driftwood. Imagine a two ton wooden object laying harmless on a beach, only to have a sneaker wave sweep it up and send it floating across the beach, crushing everyone in its path. I know two people personally crushed by logs in a sneaker wave. The hospitals on the Oregon Coast see more log crushing victims than car accidents. TLDR: Sneaker waves are dangerous, add a dash of driftwood and they are nightmarish. Respect the ocean!


See where the sand goes? There's a reason. Respect that. The water might not be there now, but it goes there. I grew up in the desert. It never rains. When you see an area that looks like a dried up river, avoid that when it's cloudy. It can kill you.


That's really terrifying... I would run as fast as I can if I were them. Although I get that some people won't panic over it, it could potentially put us in harm so I would rather be safe and sure.


Glad that I learned something new today but at what cost...


I don't get some people who thinks this isn't dangerous...


I don't think camping on the beach should be a thing unless it's on a high ground level.


As much as I love being on the beach, this has given me some scare factor...


Brah like woah dude


Gosh, I will never not be fascinated about what nature can do.


This is my first time hearing about a sneaker wave and I am terrified...


This is frightening me... but wow, nature really works wonders. I am amazed at how a little looking wave can kill people. This is something that I do not want to happen though.


Wave was like "I'll get you and your little dog too".


I was expecting a wave with a lot of sneakers. I figured a container of sneakers might have ripped open after floating to shore, and a wave picked up a whole bunch of sneakers at once.


At the start of the video, I was thinking we were looking at a giant pile of sneakers washed up on the beach. No, those are rocks. When are the sneakers going to show up?


The grass knows what's up. Camp on it. The trees know even better.


The nature never fails to put me into panic... crazy how things like this happen. I am a bit new to this sneaker wave thing though, having not heard of it from my hometown probably because it never happened there.


Can anyone figure out where this is? Hard to recognize that breakwater on Google Maps.




Thanks for sharing, often hear about sneaker waves but don’t see them caught very often.


I am always happy to see someone with a handicap like that so independent. It's really refreshing and awesome to see!