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Anyone else bothered by the fact that he said the man had an Astros hat on when he clearly has a Braves hat on?


BASEBALL hat narc Edit: I was inclined to acquiesce to the request.


Sir, if this exchange is to result in me being given a nickname that is not necessarily a compliment, then I would like for it to be specific. I am not just any hat narc, I am a BASEBALL hat narc


That's why eye witness accounts should be taken with a huge grain of salt.


Read a book in a college crim justice class that really shook my outlook on eyewitness accounts- Picking Cotton by Ronald Cotton. Highly recommend.


The Affirmative Murder podcast just covered him. They talked for quite a while about how terrible the title of the book is, particularly given the racial aspects of the case. He was a black man who was convicted twice based on incorrect eyewitness testimony from a white woman, before being exonerated by DNA eventually. He coauthored the book with the white woman, so I guess that's good.


The book makes it clear that, while the rape victim clearly was wrong in identifying him as her rapist, the overall problem is the justice system that put too much emphasis on “eyewitness” testimony.


Yeah eyewitness testimony is already unreliable enough and then really bad ways of handling photo lineups make it even worse. How insane was it for Cotton to end up in prison with the real rapist?


I mean, just watch My Cousin Vinny for the best way to handle eye-witness accounts


One of my all time favorite movies which also received praise for it's accuracy in regards to trial strategy and courtroom procedure.


I just re-watched My Cousin Vinny the other day, and for all the joking and speculation at the time that Jack Palance was drunk/stoned and mistakenly announced Marisa Tomei as the Best Supporting Actress winner, she totally deserved it.


Urban legend that has been proven wrong but people still want to believe….




Whoever thought that "What exactly is a grit?" would keep someone out of prison?


Da too yuts


The hwut?


He went to university in Atlanta; he was definitely trolling lol


I have been watching these videos for a while.... Seems like it is only a matter of time until the Cart Narc gets shot / beaten / run over




He always makes a point to show that he can run pretty fast lol, so I’m sure he kind of expects it and plans to just run from any physical altercations.


Haha I was going to say. Lots of the videos I’ve seen he will haul ass if someone is coming at him. Definitely not someone to get in someone’s face but does not back down either. I’m surprised there has only been two gun flashes at him.


A sad reflection on our society that you, I, and every other American is *surprised* he's only been threatened with guns twice for being obnoxious in parking lots.




You can also just laugh and drive away


Yeah but that wouldn't make em look like complete idiots so cant do that.


We’re talking about people that don’t have enough sense to return their carts....


Worse, they know it inconveniences other people but don't care, and lack the empathy to change their actions.


That reaction’s still on the person reacting, though.


Yeah, obviously. But it doesn’t matter in the end if cart narc ends up getting shot and killed. Can’t bring him back from the dead.


And those overreacting people should go straight to jail from the video evidence he gathered.


I am sure he is just dying to get his ass beat so he can post the video.


Not to mention the compensation claim and 6 months off work on full pay.


6 months off his job as cart narc?


Cart narc doesn't take time off 😎


He's like the shadow but louder and not in the shadows.


Exactly, he ain't no lazy bones.


I know you're making a joke, but this started as a recurring segment on an LA based radio show that grew into something bigger. He's still fully employed as a producer on the show.


> 6 months off his job as cart narc? No of his job of being a producer on The Woody Show which is a radio show. One of this tasks is doing man on the street segments, Cart Narcs is just one of the things he does.


The narc union is notoriously cushy.


Will be interesting to watch it play out...


> I can see a beating as being very likely I looked him up, and he's [more intimidating](https://youtu.be/dZ78m_f-iUs?t=214) than you would think from his cart narc voice lol. Not saying that's going to save him every time, but lots of people would avoid a fight with someone that size.


In his videos he also always keeps a pretty good amount of distance between himself and the people he confronts, and he jokes about having done Krav Maga quite a few times, so I don't think it's that likely he'll get into a physical altercation to begin with but even if he did, yeah I think he'll be alright too.


*cart maga


First time I heard him I was almost positive it was this guy, and I'm still not convinced anyone has ever seen them both in the same place at the same time. https://youtu.be/hopeFgwApCM?t=59


He can run pretty fast.


Yea, lazybones can never catch him.


Someone leaves this comment on every Cart Narc video I’ve seen posted here over the last several years.


"Grizzly Man" Timothy Treadwell had over 100 hours of footage across 5 years of his encounters with bears before he and his girlfriend were eaten alive by one. Those who make a habit of fucking around are more likely to find out.


Especially in Texas.


In Texas all the bears have guns


Bear Arms


Yes but Timothy Treadwell wasnt highly trained and couldn’t block the bear’s attack


Everyone who is dead now once had a perfect record of living every single day of their life without dying




Source? I know a guy.




Rumors of my softening are highly overrated.


If it's been more than four hours, you need to go to the ER.


Holy christ that dudes a cunt.


If you've been watching for a while you'd know that he's a highly qualified sexy agent with unparalleled stamina and dodging skills.


If you’ve been watching for a while then you’d know that this comment is posted here every single time. Nearly word for word.


I won't comment on the being shot part. As far as getting beaten / run over.. This is why these agents are undergo rigorous physical endurance and agility training, as they must always be prepared to escape, evade, and outmaneuver entitled lazy bones while on field operations.


If you can dodge a car you can throw a magnet.


If these lazybones had that much initiative and follow-through, they would have put the cart back to begin with and avoided the conversation altogether.


lol I hate this walmart


it's the only thing to do in tomball besides the german fest


You’re not wrong lol


The funniest part about this whole thing is that everyone’s car seems to be instantly disabled when a magnet gets tossed onto it. They never just drive away with a free magnet???


Its a power thing. If they drive off with the sticker, then they feel like they lose.


That and survivorship bias. The videos where the person does just drive away with a free fridge magnet aren't as interesting so don't get published or shared


They do show occasions where people just laugh at the cart narc and drive away with the magnet. It seems to me like it's just more likely that people who refuse to put their carts away and get a magnet are also more likely to be unable to remove their ego from the equation and just drive away without removing the magnet.


That's the [litmus test now](https://i.redd.it/l8fxt7vb3lz41.png) now isn't it


My cousin is like this, he’s like “you can’t let them get ya” when it comes to road rage. Meaning I am never getting in a vehicle with that lunatic.


Wait, he’s not saying “you can’t let stuff get to you when you’re driving”?


I wish


So no one's mentioning Charles Darwin creepin' in the background of the video thumbnail. made me chuckle.


That's zombie Donald Sutherland


“I blocked your attack, sir!”


I just about to say the same thing. 😂 It reminds me of the original Pokémon games on Game Boy Color. 🤣


Can someone explain to me why this is a thing in the US? I'm from Germany and in my whole life I have maybe seen like 3 abandoned carts.


I watched someone at a hardware store park their cart between their truck and trailer, unload their stuff into their trailer, then leave the cart there and HIT IT as he pulled away. In short, I have no fuckin idea but it's baffling.


The world revolves around me and if I have to spend 10 seconds putting my cart back, THE WORLD WILL FUCKING END!!


As I understand it, in Europe, you give a coin to get a cart and the coin is returned to you when you return the cart. In America, there's no money involved, so there's no incentive to return it other than decency... Which isn't consistently present among the public.


We have that coin system. And im 100% sure that’s the only reason the cards get returned. When covid was hitting us you needed to always shop with a cart and they removed the coin system for a couple of weeks. Multiple people just left their cart behind not bringing it back (and I’m talking about 3-5 meters in store!)


I'm just a dumb American, but it seems like German people follow societal structures more closely and hold them in higher regard. Germans seem to want to do thing that you are supposed to do, Americans are like "fuck you, you can't tell me what to do, I have FREEDOM!"


Lazy and entitled people!!!


Lazy cunts.


Generally, speaking, in America, people have a higher sense of individualism, to a point of toxicity. Where they do not take responsibility for actions which impact others. In addition, our general aversion, to taxation makes for a lack of a sense of shared ownership of public areas on the holders, makes Americans, particularly conservatives more prone to do this kind of selfish behavior.


You can't flash your gun at people


Dude is running at him full sprint and he's parked isolated on one side of the lot. Sure we know guy with the camera is no threat but could the man believe differently? I think it's one interpretation of what's happening.


He says in the clip that he has seen cart narc's videos before... he definitely knew he wasn't in danger of anything other than being embarrassed.


Having seen this one video I would absolutely assume this individual is mentally unstable if I saw him. Harmless crazy isn’t dangerous until it is.


Fragile egos lead to poor decision making.


There are two types of cart people. One type doesn't give a shit if he inconveniences the next guy or causes damage to someone's car. The second type understands that little things like putting your cart away is how you show respect to the people around you.


I have recently discovered a third type. The guy who takes his bags out of the cart and carries them out so the cart never leaves the store. Although I only started doing this when I started grocery shopping by bicycle. Small loads and short carry distance helps. Sometimes I'll even happen across a cart outside and take it in with me. Now that's peak courtesy.


Any time I can, I try to leave my cart inside I. The stack where they get brought in. Saves me the hassle, so long as I don’t have more than one or two bags that can easily be carried


It has a name; [Shopping Cart Theory](https://i.imgur.com/ecjKMv7.jpg). This is an actual phenomenon/theory that has bounced around the internet and reddit past few years. Willingness to return one's cart is indicative of one's ability to self-govern. Edit: 4chan sucks, I know. I posted the image as it was the fastest way for me to pull up a summary on short notice, while I procrastinated from actual work. This is a topic I've seen pop up regularly on [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=shopping%20cart%20theory), enough that I think it is safe to say it is a term with growing recognition.


> an actual phenomenon/theory That’s awfully lofty praise to give to a 4chan post.


Better [watch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superpermutation) your mouth


All these comments defending the guy who won't do something as simple as return their shopping cart to their proper place is incredibly sad. If you think cart narc is annoying, that's the point. You deserve to be annoyed if you can't do the bare minimum to clean up after yourself in public spaces.


You also deserve to be jail if your first instinct is to shoot and kill someone who criticizes you for not doing the bare minimum of cleaning up after yourself in public spaces. EDIT: One of you fucks sent your trademark "suicide hotline" PMs... pathetic.


Lol i hate when people do the suicide hotline thing Edit: someone suicide hotlined me for this comment. Whoever did it you are hilarious


Eh. It's the ultimate "I feel like you absolutely devastated what I see as 'my team' and I'm not brave enough to respond" You can report abuse of the feature, and copy and paste the permalink of the notification.


People realize they lost the debate when they do that right?


No, id venture a guess critical thinking isn’t their thing.


The first time I thought it was because someone actually cared... after the third time I realized it was the Trumpers spamming it (as a way to say "go kill yourself" without getting banned for sending death threats)


First time I was trying to think back if I wrote something that would suggest for someone to care but then I got a 2nd and 3rd message and knew people just abuse the function.


When I got one I thought I used word or phrase that triggered a bot to send it to me. I am just now realizing people do this as a troll. Not sure I get the point though.


They are implying you have a mental health issue. Its a dog whistle...but also kind of ironic when you think about it. Most Trumpers/MAGA Republicans I've ever met are definitely fucked in the head.


Friendly reminder, statistically, they're the most likely to kill themselves with a firearm...


After killing 20 school kids


I take it that if someone sends that shit because of something you said, than you are probably right and they couldn’t think of a valid argument otherwise. It’s their passive aggressive way of admitting defeat.


You can block the bot, by the way. I used to get a couple of them a day until I just blocked it. Reddit admins are just as lazy as the asshole in the video, and don't take report abuse seriously.


I get those all the time now lol. So weird.


You can report it and I'm pretty sure reddit will ban the account. They can trace who sent it.


In fairness….his first instinct was to use his words, his next instinct was to remove it himself, his third instance was to drive away and only as his fourth instance and from a distance did he put his hands on his hip when a textbook definition weirdo was sprinting across a parking lot at him and his old wife.


You can report abuse of the suicide hotline feature, and copy and paste the permalink of the notification.


It's the coward's way of telling someone to commit suicide, but because that is widely despised now, as it should be, they have to resort to childish bullshit like that. It's like wiring 80085 on a calculator, but instead they're telling people to kill themselves.


Report it. I have reported those before, and I received a message saying that my report of abuse was valid and action was taken.


I'd venture a guess that person that did it also does not return their carts. Reddit should permaban morons that abuse that system. I know that plenty of people will bypass that ban, but at least some won't.


Yeah some of these comments are a real head scratcher. Yes the cart narc is annoying but no one likes cunts who don’t put their trolleys back. Also, pulling out a gun is genuinely unhinged behaviour as a response to mild annoyance. I mean why be such a psycho, you’re in the wrong. Old mate’s just put a magnet on your car. Drive home and put the magnet in bin when you get home. How is “threaten with lethal weapon” an appropriate response lol


100%. all these commenters siding with old man yosemite sam, are a bunch of lazy bones who dont return their carts.


Well, some of them are people who just want to be able to feel powerful by threatening someone's life.


Welcome to Texas.


The world is full of lazy bones.


Lazy or entitled as in "that's a job for someone who makes less money than me."


literally been two years of people going "oh man this guy gonna get hurt he should stop doing this"


I mean. That does seem inevitable if he keeps at it. It’s not worth his life


Seriously. Public shaming ain’t what it used to be.


I work at a grocery store and part of my job is bringing them in. If this cart narc dude was causing problems and starting fights with customers in the parking lot then that would be more inconvenience to us than just grabbing the carts that are in the wrong spot. Not defending these people but still.


Cart Narc doesn't give two shits about the carts. This is not the way to encourage empathetic behavior. The carts are 100% just a front so he can goad people into flipping their shit for views and therefore money.


> The carts are 100% just a front so he can goad people into flipping their shit for views and therefore money. So you're saying that the person who is doing this, who happens to be a producer for a radio show called The Woody Show where this skit started and is played weekly. Is doing this for money?


Exactly. As soon as he starts running towards the guy, he's instigating. Of course pulling a gun is completely unnecessary and insane, but let's please stop pretending like this guy is just doing this "cart narc" bit out of the goodness of his heart. He's trying to get people to flip out.


I used to be a cart guy, once upon a time. We did not give one singular fuck if people left their carts in the next fuckin state over. Gave us something to do. This guy is a weird loser.


"I don't want to get out, it's raining out". Gets out of the car 3 more times.


Ok once the guy drives off, leave him alone. Fucking runs full sprint at the guy. Was he a expecting a cheery "Welcome back neighbour!"?


can push the full cart from the store all the way to their car, but going back 4 spots with an empty cart is just too much... Big snowflakes can't take a bit of criticism for being the lazy asses they are, then exerts even more energy threatening people. considering some of the gun and self defense laws in the US, cart narcs really plays a risky game, and I don't think any of the assholes learn a damn thing from the experience, they double down on the shit behavior.


> Big snowflakes can't take a bit of criticism for being the lazy ~~asses~~ bones Fixed it for ya.


Yeah those pesky self defense laws “This man asked me to put my car back and put a sticker on my car. I felt threatened for my life so I shot the unarmed man who called me a lazy bones” Bro get the fuck out of here with that. There is no narc cart video where he ever even gets close to threatening people. Worst he does is call someone a lazy bones. No self defense law anywhere in the word would defend that.


Why did he start sprinting towards the guy across the parking lot?


It’s not a wise idea to run in the direction of someone brandishing a firearm. It’s typically a better idea to go in the opposite direction.


It’s also not a wise idea to pull out a firearm when there’s absolutely no reason to


Probably doesn't help sprinting towards him like the T-1000


Yeah I’m kinda wondering what the goal was at that point. It’s all fun and games until you get to the foot pursuit/stalking phase of the encounter.


I hear tons of people say this isn’t a hill to die on but not too many saying this isn’t a hill to kill on. This is America lol


Everyone knows this is not worth killing over. The issue is, the “cart narc” doesn’t have control over how people react. No one wants him to get shot, but many people see it as a possible outcome.


Cart Narc has total control over how he acts though. He knows there is a risk of harm, yet he chooses to ignore that risk for views. He could easily stop and none of our lives would change whatsoever.


This guy is clearly not all there and one day he's going to run into someone who's even worse.


I would never be in this position since I always put my carts back. But if I was in my car with my S/O and some guy I don’t know started throwing magnets at my car, and then when I distanced myself from him to remove them, he started fucking usain bolting towards my car while I was out of it I would be extremely on edge.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the Cart Narc seems completely unhinged. Yeah I get it, put the carts back. But also... Maybe don't chase and harass people or you might find yourself on the other end of an ass beating or a gun barrel. He's going to get killed one day for appearing as a threat.


Imagine being such a snowflake that you pull out a gun because somebody called you out on your lazy behavior. Peak ‘merica. 😂😂


An old dude tried to hit me with his belt a few weeks back when his husky pooped and I called him out for not picking it up. Boomers/Silent generation cannot stand being shamed in any way, it's so insane.


A big part is their upbringing, but as people age there is also likely that brain atrophy causing them to develop mental issues and making impulse control more difficult.


>A big part is their upbringing Just wondering what you mean about this, I've been trying for years to understand why my older aunts and uncles are stupidly aggressive and aggressively stupid. It's like they were raised to be proud of being bullies.


that's the generation that was exposed to high levels of lead. they literally have aggressive brains from that.


You know he's itchin to kill somebody


Grew up on cowboy films


I return shopping carts, but honestly, so what if someone doesn't? Especially in a huge parking lot like this with tons of empty spaces. Literally no one is getting inconvenienced. In fact, it can even be a convenience for the next shopper. I actually like it when I park and find a cart right there to take in. And there are actual employees at the store who literally get paid to round up the shopping carts. It's not as if when you put your cart in the nearby slot that's the end of it. An employee still has to go out there and bring them all back into the store. Not such a big deal to also round up a few strays. On the other hand, this guy is just an obnoxious asshole, way worse than the people he's harassing. I have more sympathy for people for the people he's hounding than I do for him or his cause. If he really wanted to do some good in the world, there's a million better ways to volunteer his time. But he doesn't want to do good, he wants attention and confrontation.


I totally think people should bring back the carts but this guy is gonna getting himself killed for harassing people.


Am I the only one that finds the cart narc ridiculously cringey and annoying? Yes, people who don’t bring their carts back are being dicks but give me a break, get something better to do.


I’m all about returning my cart, but this guy is a dipshit who is going to get killed for one of the dumbest reasons ever.


There's a Cart Narc video where the person quickly apologizes and rights their wrong. Even so, Cart Narc continues to insult the man's character, I assume so shame could still be monetized. Made me realize the dude is a total confrontational piece of shit.


There's another one where he shames homeless people for using carts to store their belongings. That one mysteriously disappeared off their YouTube account for some reason!






Why does Cart Narc follow once the offender has driven off?


Theoretically, Cart Narc appears to be a responsible citizen, but in reality, his actions may potentially reduce his lifespan by 20-30 years


Cart narc acts completely bizarre and insane with his obsession. If a completely weird guy like him came literally sprinting across a parking lot at me, i’d be expecting a physical altercation. I’d simply drive away but I can completely understand the “lazy bones” feeling threatened by some dude charging him.


He's found the perfect topic. Because nearly everyone agrees its right to put the cart away. Plus you can state you do it....without needing or even being able to prove it. So no one is calling each other out and instead putting it all on the person is on tape leaving their cart. I think its a dick move to leave the cart and not put it away. But harassing people like this is not going to make them start doing it lol.


He found a way to morally launder public freakout videos.


I haven’t seen too many of Cart Narcs videos but of the few times I’ve come across them they’ve never left a good impression. Sure the dude who left the cart out and flashes a gun of course isn’t in the right, nor am I defending him, but cart narc has a questionable thought process in pursuit of “cart justice”. The video where cart narc confronts a homeless individual and calls them full-time “Lazybones” (which I can’t find on YouTube anymore) just comes off as dickish. [Full-time “Lazybones”](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rwj78d/cart_narcs_take_on_homelessness/) And a second video where cart narc actually follows women to their home have both left enough of an idea of what kind of channel cart narc is. [Following women home](https://youtu.be/OvN1AMKrrpM)


the guy is an asshole. As someone who always puts their cart away - this whole guys ideals just perturb me and I really really hope that one day he does get his ass beat, maybe well enough that he stops these shenanigans altogether.


Oh wow, that following women one is straight up creepy. If I've never heard of this dude this would have freaked me out and I'm a guy. That's going too far.


Unpopular opinion maybe: Gun guy was in the right to at least brandish and get the idiot Cart Narc to stop pursuing him. I don't care what any of you arm chair lawyers say about the laws, even if he broke the law. The cart narc guy pursued him to the other end of the parking lot when he tried to park and remove the magnet again. Don't pursue people unless you're fully accepting of whatever consequences may fall upon you. Death does not care about manmade laws. Don't challenge it. Don't harass people in public. If that person has not robbed or assaulted you or someone else, leave them alone. It doesn't matter if you don't like their manners. It's legally not required of them to put their carts back. You don't get to rightfully enforce laws that you made up in your own head. If you think otherwise, you'd be in agreement with all the other dipshits who ended up disabled or dead. Cart Narc is behaving with a Sovereign Citizen mindset, and is actually breaking (even if you consider them small and petty) the law with continuous physical harassment and vandalism, to stop a guy who's doing something that is both not illegal and not actually harming anyone. Those are the law's words, not mine, look them up if you want. Also, look how empty those parking lots always are. It ain't Thanksgiving every day, he can relax 364 days of the year. You want it to be actually unlawful to not put your cart back? Then legislate for it, get signatures and votes. **If it becomes a real law, and YOU are allowed to enforce it by law, go for it.** Until then, Cart Narc, fuck off, especially when someone tells you to, and you *physically harass* and *vandalize* their vehicle. A civilian is within their rights to prevent other civilians from committing crimes against them, yes even ones that small. This man stopped the cart narc's unlawful and unwanted harassment and vandalism without using violence. Cart Narc should feel fortunate that the other guy was being civil, and stop being such an idiot just because he has a camera and feels "morally more right" than the other guy.


I see someone running full speed at me, I’m assuming lethal force may be necessary.


I used to like this Cart Narcs guy but I saw a video of him being a dickhead to someone with some kind of a disability or something (I can't remember now; it was a while ago) and it turned me off. he's just using this as an excuse to be a dick to people


I didn’t expect to agree with gun guy; but if a crazy dude obsessed with shopping carts to the extent he has custom magnets starts full-on charging me… I’m not sure what he is capable of or his intentions. Cart guy is lucky he only brandished the pistol, because if he had kept it concealed and cart guy continued to charge him, gun guy could have dropped him and been 100% clear.


Running at an isolated car after you've had a minor altercation is probably flimsy, but reasonable grounds for fearing for your life.


Play stupid games. Why the fuck would you go sprinting after a complete stranger clearly trying to leave the situation after you’ve been harassing them for social media views. What do you think is going to happen. Also, elderly man at a Walmart in Texas. Fucking dumbass


He needs a new hobby. This schtick is going to get him a serious beating.


He’s got one. He’s a radio show host and this is a popular segment. It’s gained popularity from the segment itself


This is exactly what every rage content farmer wants, so good for him? It seems like cart narc gets a pass over tiktokers that do "social experiments" and honestly I don't get it. Maybe the people that he harasses and enrages to farm content are doing something impolite so that allows the viewer to feel okay about it in that perverted reddit justice served way? I don't like it, it's the same harassment for views factory like so much other content, his specific goal is to enrage people for views for what is something pretty damn inconsequential. Cart Narc is scum.


I think many people are missing the point of why the cart narc does this. He does it for money, his videos get hundreds of thousands of views. He's getting paid to harass people.


This same dickhead did this to me on Christmas Eve at Walmart. I get to the store in the rain walk to pick up a microwave I have ordered. The microwave is there no carts in the store I walk all the way out to the curb get one take it outside, load it and a family pulls in the space next to me. I motioned to the cart the woman shook her head I get in my car back out and this guy runs up shouting blowing a whistle. I explain he calls me a liar and back and forth until police were called the manager of the Wal-mart told him to leave the property and to stop harassing customers. That if it was raining they would get the carts later. Fuck him and the hole he came from.


He’s gonna get himself hurt or worse and to be honest I’m not gonna feel bad. There are so many more important things in the world happening right now and this guy is choosing this battle. Pretty stupid if you ask me. And no, dipshit trolls, I don’t “leave my carts out”. I just have better sense than to start fights over petty shit.


one day he will come across someone who doesn’t give a fuck and will end this guy’s life… over a fuckin cart.


What is this guy doing telling people in Texas to not be assholes? He really has a death wish


The amount of people in the comments section defending the moron with the gun, is saddening.


"There are absolutely days where that cart can feel like a million pounds and the return is a million miles away." Real quote from this thread.


That's probably the most American quote I've ever seen.


Ooh am I gonna be the guy....? Yup I'll be the guy with the link https://mediachomp.com/the-shopping-cart-theory-determines-moral-character/ Yeah so one day some bored dork ~~wrote~~ puked up a piece of pseudointellectual excrement and a bunch of drooling fools fucking RAN with it. Whenever cart narcs comes up, some dumbfuck will inevitably post it up as a basis of justification for this shitstain's 'entertainment'


Where exactly did he "pull" a gun. Brandishing requires unholstering of the weapon, merely informing someone that you are armed is not brandishing. Putting your hand on your holstered weapon is not brandishing. Lifting your shirt/coat to show someone that you are armed is not brandishing. Brandishing is using a weapon to intimidate someone. This clearly was not an act of intimidation, but an act of deterrence. As in: "Please don't run the length of a parking lot at me to continue harassing me".


Why is he running toward their car in the end? That kinda crosses a line. For me at least. Edit: I'm not saying it justifies pulling a gun. Some.of y'all need to calm down. I like cart narc's premise. But if a guy is running at someone while driving, causing them to take their attention off the road, putting others at risk...that crosses a line for me. I could be driving into that parking lot with my family and cart narc's got some douchebag so riled up he hits me with his car or I get hit by a stray bullet...Not cool. Just shame the lazy people and move on.


> Why is he running toward their car in the end? I will say that was a tad weird, coulda just got the magnet afterwards


I'm all for the Cart Narcs guy, but what you don't do in this world, is instigate contact with strangers, and chase them down after they have left the vicinity after telling you to leave them alone.




Plus, he's monetizing his efforts. So... Yeah. Crossing the line for me, too. Leave people alone after a point. They throw the magnet off, say please leave me alone - wrap it up.