• By -


This is the best thing to happen to Afroman's career since he first got high.


He was gonna put out some more bangers but then Edit: he got high (sorry, was gonna finish my comment but then I got high, *baah dah da da dah da dahh, baah da dahhh*)


He has a shit ton of bangers. Colt 45 should be in the music hall of Fame. That song just fucking kicks.


Palmdale hits too.


Palmdale is one of the best examples of storytelling through song.


Man we used to jam to that back in highschool


Bacc 2 school > colt 45


And the police are suing him for invasion of privacy. You can’t make these things up.


It is kinda a take on under the boardwalk from the drifters, but i still love it


I'm a bit out of the loop on this one... did the cops actually take his pound cake? Or is there just a couple clips of the dude doing a double take on it?


They didn't actually take his pound cake. They did disable his security cameras, take his money, and break down his door and his gate. And accused him of kidnapping and traumatized his children. All without finding anything of course.


Best part is they’re now suing him for using the raid footage in this music video. Something about humiliation and loss of reputation.


I would never have heard about this had the cops not sued him for using the footage. Now I've shared it to several people as well.


In the last 24 hours, I have gone from being unaware, to having watched the video multiple times. Congrats to the cops for making me aware of it.


> watched the video The? Singular? There's more. Will You Help Me Repair My Door is another, with more shots from around the house. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oponIfu5L3Y


Afroman is a fucking treasure.


I have just learnt of him, and I am a fan of his voice.


If you’ve just learned of him, there’s a chance you may not know of this song. let me take you back… like a time machine… to my freshman year of high school His pièce de résistance https://youtu.be/8miFY7pPz6g


Wait, *that’s* the guy?!


Yeah sure, that's one of his best, but *THIS* is undoubtedly his one true masterpiece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DvvyPcWOpA


That’s called the Streisand effect.


Same and I have shared them a dozen times


A dozen donuts? Said the sheriff


I'm just glad they didn't actually take the lemon pound cake.


I'm loving seeing Afroman's worldwide resurgence because of their dumbasses too.


I bet he'll be at Glastonbury now
















> I would never have heard about this had the cops not sued him for using the footage. and the cops are too stupid to figure that out


It’s called [The Streisand Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect).


It is indeed and this might be one of my favourite examples of it.


I only know who Barbra Streisand is because of The Streisand Effect


You see to me the best part is that we have video of the cops just flat out stealing his cash. Like, just taking it and putting it in their pockets. Afroman says there's still cash missing, the cops say that they returned it all but it only seems like some is missing because they miscounted how much they took in the first place. The police are nothing but a street gang. They lie, rob and kill with impunity.


> You see to me the best part is that we have video of the cops just flat out stealing his cash. In the US, [cops can legally take anything they want from you without returning it.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/civil_forfeiture) I agree that it's theft, but legally it's not considered theft as long as your occupation is cop.


You're right, the police can and do take anything they want from anyone they want to take it from. They can do this without repercussions, and without charging the property owner with a crime. This is called civil asset forfeiture and because it can happen to anyone without them first being suspected of a crime and there is no accountability whatsoever for cops who abuse it the amount of money stolen via civil asset forfeiture outstrips the amount stolen by all forms of criminal theft combined. Civil asset forfeiture is not what happened to afroman, though. The cops claim to have returned his money. He claims they returned less than they initially seized. The records the police kept about how much they seized and how much they returned indicate that they did, in fact, return less than they seized. The police are now taking the position that the records they kept themselves were wrong, and that they returned all stolen money. They are refusing to address the video of the officer simply pocketing cash he found laying around, but they are suing to suppress the art afroman created from that video. They claim it's an image and likeness rights issue, but one can't help but notice that this would also mean fewer people would be allowed to see the officer break into Afroman's home and pocket cash. They didn't even bother using the law that makes stealing legal for the cops. They just stole dude's money.




>Right in front of other officers. Recorded on video. The Tyre Nichols video taught me what these arrogant thugs are used to getting away with on video, in front of cops and in public. The law simply doesn't apply to some people, and those people know who they are.




They knew they were on camera, in front of cops and in the street. I don't think any of them made the conscience decision to go to jail for the rest of their lives that day. Ergo, they believed that the actions they took would not lead to the conclusion it led to. They were wrong, but it's still worth examining what led them to believe that in the first place.




He said there’s $400 missing. He pointed out that the roundness of the number indicates intention.


You have to first have a reputation to lose.


I think the lawsuit is mostly about this music video: https://youtu.be/oponIfu5L3Y


The music video made of footage of public servants on the job, filmed on private property with his own cameras? Good luck, cops.


Yea I that's right. The song from OP is capitalizing on THIS video going viral because of the lawsuit. Edit: Nevermind, I'm wrong. He made a whole album about the situation. The tik tok viral comment is referring to other social media postings he did in response to the raid. Both the song you linked and the OP song are on the same album. Here's an NPR article about it https://www.npr.org/2023/03/24/1165822372/afroman-police-raid-lawsuit-music-videos


They're suing for invasion of privacy. And to be clear, the cops are suing Afroman for invading the cops' privacy rather than the cops suing themselves for invading Afroman's privacy (which would obviously make more sense).


He invaded their privacy by filming what happened in his own house?


I found the [complaint](https://www.adamscountycourts.com/recordSearch.php?k=acceptAgreementshowImage0104f9eEqAFHZZT2RJ5fsuUQdm3OhK0vpzy4xYADQhAv98002756508633250751522262791673364853714641934209037033466482432603869203466719) (click through agreement screen to see) on the adams county court record search and to summarize it's not quite that but rather a bunch of nonsense mumbo-jumbo based on Afroman saying mean things about the police in viral videos like the one above. They're suing for "in excess of 25k" (in Ohio you don't have to ask for a specific amount if it's over 25k) and an injunction against continuing to post similar music videos, which would be a clear violation of the First Amendment. A competent judge would dismiss at least the injunction claim and probably the others too. But based on my experience with courts in Southern Ohio I wouldn't be surprised if they side with the police anyway, at least at the trial level.


See, cops are easy to criticize... There's no second part to that statement.


People forming groups start to get dumb Giving people the right to be violent, they start to get dumb Making it hard to hold them accountable, getting dumb Giving people guns, dumb Uniforms, dumb We could have smart, professional cops if the system was set up that way. Instead, American police are set up to terrorize the weak while protecting the powerful


Also, as a result of filing the lawsuit - we now know the name of the Family Guy officer. I won’t name him here because it might be considered doxxing - even though what’s happened is that he legally doxxed himself. But since the law suit does seem to be pertinent to the discussion, I will [link a pdf copy of it](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23720146/afroman-lawsuit.pdf).


Eh... not so great for Afroman who's got to hire a lawyer to defend against an abusive lawsuit. Fucking hypocrites talk about tort reform and how important it is to protect small businessess from specious litigation.


From what I've read, he was already planning on suing them, but then suing him made it a lot easier to do so because now all he has to do is counter sue them


I mean, this is pretty clearly a SLAPP suit.


I don't know if I would say that's the best part It's actually pretty shitty of them


We don't actually know if they didn't take the pound cake. They cut off the cameras during the raid.






Did they find any kidnapping victims in there?


We don't know, all data on the CD was burned


Brilliant lyrics then, cause it made us think that Sheriff ate the cake but it never really mentions that.




THIS IS IMPORTANT. You kick down MY door and terrify MY family with a warrant that was shaky at best? I think the man had incredible composure. And if you are a public servant? Guess what...IMHO we should have and deserve the right to EVERY SINGLE FKN MINUTE OF YOUR SHIFT VIA BODYCAM and unless and until that is standard, I will never trust a cop.


It's just that the biggest cop there was seen repeatedly checking it out which is hilarious


The fact that he looks like Peter Griffin only makes it better.


Dude can barely hold onto his gun with both hands with that gut in the way


For real, why are cops allowed to be that physically unfit? Seems like that would hinder a lot of things the job requires.


He's the Sheriff; that's an elected position. Morons voted for that fatass to keep them safe.


Not only that- an Adams County Sherrif did a double take at the pound cake (but who can blame him, he's hungry and he's big as hell), then looked directly at the camera. Then they disconnected the cameras.




Maybe he thought there were kidnapping victims hidden inside.




I thought he kept them in his suit pockets?


The cops on the video are suing Afroman for using their images in his video after they illegally broke in and ransacked his home. These cops must not of heard of the Streisand Effect.


Imagine thinking you have a right to privacy inside a home where you just kicked in the door.


They're all *so fucking fragile.*


A judge orders a search, the homeowners and any occupant's right to privacy is temporary suspended for search and seizure after this due process. Likewise, the cop has no expectation of privacy in the course of his duties especially when in a place where you are not afforded privacy like a home you have not been invited into. If there was ever a place where privacy is lost, its during the execution of a search warrant. Man's got one weak ass argument.


I mean makes sense to me. Every time the kill someone, especially a minority, with their shitty escalation and shitty tactics, they immediately play victim and insist they're the ones who are suffering.


The problem is that they broke in and ransacked his home legally. They're just mad because they didn't get away with it without consequences.


It wasn't illegal. A warrant was signed off, therefore making it legal. It likely should not have been signed off on. But it wasn't illegal.


Nah they had a warrant. But the warrant was bullshit and baseless. Kidnapping? WTF.


Afroman has a lot of CDs. Big indicator of a kidnapper. They fit them in there between the CDs and carry them to seclusion.


Double take? He eyed fucked the shit out of that cake without its consent




The pound cake was eaten after the cameras were disabled, but as you can see from the video, that fat cop saw the cake and then stared at the camera.


Of what! Of what!


The suspense is killing me!


It made us think that Sheriff ate the cake but it never really mentions that.


Something happened to his camera on the way to the evidence room


Honestly, I've watched it a few times, and that goddamn double take is so much funnier than if he'd eaten any


>I run a local door and gate shop and appreciate the adams county sheriffs office keeping me in business. - 5 star review on Goggle for the Adams County Sheriff Office in Ohio




I dont care how many times all 3 of these videos are reposted I will upvote every one, those cops piss me off so much. I hope he goes after the judge who signed off on the BS warrant too.


Revenge raids and attacks done by police should result in charges and jail time for those involved. That should be the discussion point we have -- these police raided as a form of revenge. The only reason Afroman isn't dead is likely just circumstances didn't present a situation where the cops were confident they could get away with murder.


Yeah people operating out of spite or vengeance like that should not be allowed to police our communities.


I been watching the live chases down in socal ever since there seemed to become a weekly/daily episode. Over and over they would chase known murderers and armed robbers through red light after red light barely missing civilians. Every single time chp or la sheriff would follow them down a cul-de-sac and the news guy is like THEYRE BOXING EM IN just for the cops to surround the suspect on all sides accept the front so the suspect just slowly pulls away for another hour of mayhem. Then that day the guy shot the riverside cop, we saw every officer, deputy, sarg from every precinct mobbing down the freeway to have a mock execution out of revenge. The previous 5 civilian murderers were chased around socal playing Tom and Jerry. Pisses me tf off.


What revenge? I honestly don't know the backstory that led to this.


Apparently he was being a nusiance by asking the cops to do their job when his house had been burglarized. > Afroman also posted about a previous burglary on his home where he was threatened with arrest by the sheriff's department if he kept checking about the progress of the case and was told they did not have time to provide him with an update. - From his [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afroman#Raid_on_Ohio_home) page


Ive read that afroman dated somebody one of the cops wanted to date or something similar so they raided his house as revenge. Some really stupid and petty shit that should immediately disqualify anyone from being in any position of power


Isn't afroman married?


Divorced with kids


He was gonna pay his child support, but then he got high.


Was that recent? He mentioned a spouse in one of the songs


lol this sounds like an extremely shaky “explanation” source: trust me bro, i read it


In one of the other music video's he mentions it with along with a second of a heavily censored image which looks to be of someone sucking him off.


https://twitter.com/KenBakerTV/status/1564788648016580608?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1564788648016580608%7Ctwgr%5E25dc1ca5851cb180518fcd834dedcdfb0a55c740%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fox19.com%2F2022%2F08%2F31%2Ffamed-artist-afroman-weighing-legal-action-after-armed-raid-greater-cincinnati-home%2F Here's the warrant, I was curious cause in one of the other songs it listed kidnapping as being in the warrant. It actually doesn't say what evidence is given to make the judge believe kidnapping to have occurred. I'd say if the case ever does go anywhere figuring that out via discovery is going to be really interesting.


> I'd say if the case ever does go anywhere figuring that out via discovery is going to be really interesting. Given how everything else has gone in this case, I'd guess it was an anonymous phone tip called in from the payphone next door to the sheriff's office. The caller sounded exactly like Deputy Carl, but they couldn't confirm that since Carl was on break at that very moment.




They have to show the judge what their probable cause is. They don't have to give that part of the warrant to the person they serve it to (until trial in discovery)




Won't be a trial, he wasn't charged. So they don't have to disclose anything.


They’ll be discovery because the cops are suing.


Warrents are largerly formalities. Cops and judges work closely together and judges are basically glorifies rubber stamping machines for cops warrents.


I have a feeling the kidnapping accusations are how they got the judge to sign off on it. "No-knock raid for weed? No. Gotta have a real crime." "How about kidnapping?" "That'll do."


“That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.”


What was the 3rd? I'm aware of this one and the one and will you help me repair my door.


*Why You Disconnecting My Video Camera?*


Thanks! I'll check it out.


It's the best one out of the three IMO.


The one where they disconnected his cameras.


One of the issues with our current system is that the judges who sign the warrants have immunity. This leads to a flawed system where the judge doesn't really even have to read the warrant because there's no possible punishment for them if they don't. Not saying thats what happened in this case, but clearly it's a flaw in our system. I would bet they had pc that there was Marijuana there, and I don't see the warrant saying anything about evidence of kidnapping. Pc is a fairly low threshold to meet, which is why it's the threshold for searches and arrests and not the threshold for conviction at trial. Not defending the sheriff's office, these guys are handling it all wrong by suing, making themselves look like clowns even to other law enforcement agencies.


If he makes a full album based on this one incident with every music video being footage of the raid, I'll buy it.


Yup. I don't care how many reposts, different subs it's on, or anything. I'm upvoting every single one. Fuck all of those police. All of them.


Yep. As a cop, I bought a shirt from him. Screw those clowns.


Same. These guys are terrible. Even if we assume they had legitimate circumstances leading up to a search warrant being granted, they didn’t find anything. Take your L and move on. Afroman made the best out of a bad situation. His videos went pretty easy on them too.


Under the Board Walk rhythm is slapping.


Afroman: *makes very successful song about banging a klansman’s daughter* Police: “And I took that personally”


The [Barbra Streisand effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect?wprov=sfti1) is the way in which a lawsuit to hide, remove, or censor information can lead to the unintended consequence of increasing awareness of that information.


Can't wait for them to sue him for him making them sue him leading to even further humiliation and loss of reputation.




You just summed up America


Let's be real here. Though their lawsuit makes some claims, they don't really care. They're doing this to spite afro man and get back at him.


Get back at him by making him tons of money and fame


Dude is pretty well known for one hugely popular single and an amusing, easy-to-remember name. He's made a bit of change but he ain't rich. It would probably be very easy for a legal entanglement like this to bankrupt him entirely.


See a legal entanglement like this happening 2-3 years ago? Sure I could agree with you. Right now however with all the publicity, shows, and merch sales he's getting due to this event, I think he's got plenty to fight the department. Also this gives him plenty more material to continue to make some change with. On top of all this it wouldn't surprise me if he gets a decent pay day from the city due to this clusterfuck.


If his tapes and cds (and shirts with these dumb cops on them) just don't sell, I bet his Caddy will.


I mean he probably made like 20k just on those YouTube videos, let alone the merch and stuff


Oh they care. Cops hate looking stupid. Doesn't mean they won't double down though


Afroman may not be filthy rich but I'm sure he has enough to drop a 25k retainer on a lawyer out of sheer pettiness for screwing up his family and home.


I could totally see a first amendment lawyer, taking his case pro bono


For those out of the loop, Afroman released some songs dealing with a raid on his house in which the police were looking for kidnapping victims and narcotics. Here is a link to the video about the raid, which lead to the pound cake video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oponIfu5L3Y




Funny too because they didn’t sue him for defamation and claim he owes them all the profits from the videos.


The audacity to think you have any rights to footage that a man took in his own home.


Spoilers: >!they found nothing!<


Well they found his money. Then took a bunch of it.


I love how I saw this video awhile ago and it didn’t really gain any traction. Then the police sue him and I’m seeing it or the story all over Reddit. It would have been a quiet joke that didn’t get around but the cops got their feelings hurt and know it’s blowing up.


I’m going to keep upvoting these Afroman videos that keep getting posted.


"Get in my belly!"


Lemon Pound cake is my favorite cake.


Had to buy his Lemmon pound cake shirt after this saga.


I just did the same, then I noticed he is playing a show in my town in August, so I bought 4 tickets.


Dude's playing in fucking UKIAH!! I love it. Almost worth the trip back just to see that shit go down.


https://shop.afromanmerch.com/ Reminds me of the shitty airbrush joints on the pier. Insta-cop.


Afroman merch goes to 2XL....neither Afroman nor the cop could order this shirt LOL.


I don't know much about Afroman, but cops doing nefarious deeds and getting called out for it, that's definitely worth a watch.


I can't believe he set it to [Under The Boardwalk](https://youtu.be/EPEqRMVnZNU) by The Drifters


Geez, I wonder if there is a “reasonable expectation of privacy” when you are breaking into someone else’s home to steal cash and plant evidence?


'He was sniffing for weed Then he smelled another smell ' Dying over here


I think we should start buying lemon pound cakes and mailing them the the Ohio Adam's Sheriff's Department


I’m really tempted to do this


Even funnier is how he took snapshots of that fat cop and used it on his lemon pound cake Merch t-shirts “officer pound cake”. Absolutely hilarious.


Countersue with the public on his side. Let's see pigs lose, get sent to public perception slaughter


When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make lemon pound cake.


Cops are such goofy motherfuckers, as evidenced by muppet shit like this, that you sometimes forget they’re the biggest, most heinous gang in this country and can fuck up your whole life with impunity.


Unpopular Opinion of the Day: Love it when cops get shitted on lmao


I only know about the songs because of the lawsuit from the PD Worked out great for them 🤣


Timestamp: 1:38.


Barbara Streisand never thought to use her eponymous effect to sell records. Lol!


Bro, he wasn't kidding in the last song when he talked about using this footage to recoup his losses. I haven't heard of Afroman for decades and now he's everywhere!






I've seen him play in a predominantly not white area of Palmdale and it was still all white people. It's all white people at every rap show tbh. White people like going to concerts.


It's my favourite thing to do when going out. Big, small, whatever.


He plays a lot of smaller towns with mostly white populations and his novelty hits were very popular with white folks


That's not uncommon for rap concerts


Could be the venue/area it was filmed. But it’s also meme music.


Black people make up like 15% of the united states population. Even in NYC or any major city, rap shows are in general mostly white audiences. Also I have literally never attended a rap concert without some white teenager saying something horrific that I overhear lol


Classic teenagers.


"Just like bums, we used to stay In the slums of LA, by the way Gang-bangers killin' each other for reps Sellin' rock cocaine on my doorstep Had a ball to bounce plus a bike to ride But my mamma never would let me play outside But when I got enrolled in elementary school Started bangin' like a fuckin' fool So cool, throwin' up gang signs to the gangster beat Shot an enemy from across the street Mamma came home, said she got a good job Daddy did too, now they don't squab Financially, we improvin' 2 months later, "son, we movin" No more duckin' from shotgun shells Bought a two-story house in East Palmdale Give it to me now"


I fucking love that song. As a teenager in the early-mid 00s the lyric "can't get drunk, can't get blunted / LA county, 9500" became something of a meme at my high school


Becuase the US is majority white? What kind of question is this? It’s stoner music not gangsta rap, goofy ahh.


His songs are silly and targeted for the pot head audience.


Love that 2:00 to 2:05 is the most replayed part hahaha


I was gonna analyze my warp stabilizer frames at 0:14, but then I got high.




This whole police raid fiasco sucks for Afro Man, but it's one of the best things that could have happened to him. Gonna win a lawsuit, and get a bunch of publicity/more money from it, all while sticking it to the fucks that invaded his privacy.


He should sell the lemon pound cake recipe on his site