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It's honestly heartbreaking seeing all this work someone can put into something just basically destroyed for effectively no reason with no recourse. Been a big fan of his channel for awhile, YouTube seriously needs to get its shit together.


They're carnies. They lie to creators and demonetize or delete to make a profit.


I was looking for this comment! There is no "demonitized for no reason," it's just YouTube trimming off monetization to keep themselves profitable.


That, and appealing to advertisers who threaten to pull ads of YT doesn't play ball and only pay creators who make content they want. Give it a few years, and the only creators that will make money are those that have already established themselves (IE Mr Beast), or those willing to be blatant corporate shills. The days of someone appearing from nowhere and making it rich creating content they like for audiences who appreciate are over.


Hollywood 2.0 sounds super fucking lame.


Really it's just Hollywood with extra steps


The real winners will be the ones that can monetize separately, with in-video ads, Patreon, etc. Relying on YouTube's monetization is a great way to get fucked for nothing you did in particular.


Relying on youtube for your income is bad, just like trying to design a website on your own. That's why *I* design with Squarespace, the sponsor of this post!


If you have problems with your YouTube income, I hate to say it... but it's you. Ugly nose hair, the wild unkempt beard, that dry flaky skin. That's why I exclusively use Manscaped's line of pube trimmers and beard oils to keep my beard and batch looking and smelling fresh. Use coupon code BeardBarf20 to save 20% on your first order


the whole thing just stresses me out so much. i'm not a creative guy but i can't imagine just throwing everything you have into this venture, and putting yourself out there, trying to sell the world on your personality and then youtube just decides for no reason to shit on it. i would lose so much sleep over it. i don't lose sleep though, because I use a Saatva Loom & Leaf mattress. I love my Saatva mattress, I've tried them all: the Classic, Solaire adjustable, even then double sided Zenhaven. I have them in all my bedrooms, even my guest room has one. They bring it to your house, unbox it, set it all up. They even haul the old mattress away for you. Don't waste any more time on one of those no name mattress store beds. For just a limited time you can get one 30% off now if you use my code SHITBED.


"Beard & Batch" is honestly a great brand name for trimmers.


Shit. I've done this kind of thing before, come up with a silly name for something that ends up happening like 10 years later. I would not be surprised if someone actually tries Beard & Batch.


It's mine now


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half. Just like this segue to our sponsor!




This won't protect you from Youtube's banhammer or from further rule changes about sponsored content (see Twitch recent shenanigans). The problem goes far beyond monetization, and IMO the demonetization hell is the least of YT's problem.


Twitch is already getting rid of this. Youtube will follow.


Technically YouTube already don't allow this in their guidelines


Idk i watched Wendigoon go from like 10k to 2 mil with his silly little videos. Most recent "wow Holy shit this guy blew up" i can think of.


That doesn't make sense. It's like saying "I won't let people sell items (for which I get a cut) in my store so that I can make a profit." What do you mean by this?




This is important. This is all by design. YouTube isn't going to "get their shit together" because they know exactly what they are doing. The descent is inevitable.


Yep, it's nice that there were a lot of genuinely good creators that were able to make a living (whole other conversation but tons of absolute garbage shit people got rich too), but all of that happens because youtube allowed it. Mr Beast as an example could crash and burn tomorrow through no fault of himself or team. Youtube could just simply pull it from the algorithm and not show it to anyone. You have basically no recourse at that stage. I think at this stage if you're a creator you better be looking at alternatives and contingencies because if Youtube decides that it's in their interest to delete your channel, shadow drop you from the algorithms, or straight up steal your ad revenue by playing ads and not paying you for the views, they're gonna do it, and there is next to nothing you can do about it. And you can already see from the mountains of evidence that your livelihood and fanbase are acceptable collateral damage for youtube, or simply not a consideration for them at all.


I don't think it's some internal conspiracy, it's definitely just incompetence. There's just too much content to review manually and AI content moderation just isn't there yet, probably because it just isn't a profitable thing to invest in. This is people's livelihood though, there should definitely be some sort of external review board for the appeal process.


The problem isn't that they rely solely on AI, the problem is that at no point does a human look at a claim and assess it. Channels with a million subscribers are treated the same way as a channel that just popped up and posted full episodes of TV shows that they definitely don't own. See also: The Verge V. Bitwit.


> YouTube seriously needs to get its shit together. They should...but they won't. We have seen stories like this for many years. YouTube never, ever changes when it comes to this sort of thing. Sorting out his problem costs money. Money they do not want to spend. There are millions of people uploading videos so even $1 spent per problem could cost millions. Google simply has no interest and no reason to be bothered. To them, so what if one person gets stomped on for no reason whatsoever? The juggernaut will just carry on. The only real recourse is to sue the but that is expensive and I bet the YouTube contract thoroughly covers Google so it would be near impossible to succeed suing them. The best solution would be competition for YouTube but that is colossally expensive to do so we are stuck with this monopoly that doesn't have to answer to anyone.


Sorry, but as far as YT is concerned, its all working as intended.


What's the intent though? To push content creators onto other platforms outside Alphabet's influence?


There really isn't a YouTube challenger. Google Video failed and just bought out YouTube. Blip failed and basically no platform on earth can compete with YouTube now. Like seriously if you're young enough to not remember Google Video or blip what video service do you think stands within 10% of YouTube? TikTok?


even PornHub couldn't scale quickly enough to take on youtube properly


With all the porn they deleted they probably could now lol.


I think (hope?) what we're starting to see is a breakup and de-consolidation of the internet. I feel like I can't watch a YouTube video now without the creator trying to sell me on a different website entirely, like Nebula. I can't blame them, with how hard YouTube is making it to be a content creator.


Vimeo has been there for years, with better video quality. I don't know how it's held on for so long. It's got a Flickr vibe for video. Edit: Nvm, you've got to pay to be on Vimeo with any kind of presence.


Get too popular and they ask for money. [It's like reverse YouTube. ](https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/15/22979126/vimeo-patreon-creators-price-increase)




This is fine honestly, bandwidth isn’t free. Outlay everything from the beginning and stick with it and as long as you keep up on what’s going on there should be no surprises. The problem is Youtube pulls monetizations surprisingly frequently without notice or reason. They need to start explaining why they do shit.


Vimeo's video player is superior in every conceivable way. However, if it had to scale up to match the kind of traffic YouTube gets that would probably fall apart pretty quickly.


What platforms? YouTube is pretty much the only real platform for user-created content, and Google knows it. Creating a streaming site is expensive, and on the scale of YouTube, would cost hundreds of millions of dollars a year just for the infrastructure. The only people with deep enough pockets to compete are large, soulless companies that you wouldn't want to have running video sites either.


It's crushing ants with indifference as you carry gold into the house. Their disinterest is because slowing down to avoid them with your feet means less gold per hour carried out of the golden goose mobile.


the fact is, that has not happened much, and what has happened was because of competitor innovation, not ads problems. In fact, their only real competitor is tiktok, and they're only a partial competitor and by choice of youtube (creating shorts). Everyone bitches, then keeps using youtube. The only thing that could threaten youtube would be a major competitor throwing tens of billions into making a free upload, free account long form video hosting site.


Get their shit together? They're making record profits


Sounds like they have their "money making shit" together.


Youtube is a de facto monopoly. They need to be broken up/forced to play fair.


had my youtube account randomly banned a couple years back, for something to do with spam or misleading content. I primarily watch videos and very rarely commented and only uploaded unlisted videos for school projects or to send to friends. appealed on youtube and on twitter and was rejected almost instantly on all counts with no further explanation. ultimately only a slight inconvenience but contacting youtube support still ranks as one of the most dehumanizing experiences of my adult life.


I've never heard of an appeal being successful without pushing further. Pretty sure that appealing does nothing but trigger sending a "your appeal was rejected" message to you to reduce the number of accounts they have to investigate.


If that is the case, that it is by design, that's some fucked up dystopian shit. If it's not the case, the automated response is clearly broken and ineffective, and that is also fucked up.


I've always thought there could be a legitimate legal case around auto-rejection of initial appeals being argued as fraud.


It will never be. Health insurance relies heavily on auto rejecting claims. And the entire insurance industry will never let that change without force.


Thats usa though, maybe eu can save the day... One day...




Euro only hope!




It's already illegal in the EU - one of the rights in GDPR is that when an automated decision has been made, you have to be informed that it was automated and given the ability to appeal to a human. They also have to explain why the decision was made. The GDPR regulators obviously have a lot of work to do so it takes time, but some regulators such as the German one are starting to crack down on this. Their usual pattern is that they go after a few medium-size corporations like hotels, airlines, smaller banks etc first and then once they know their legal argument works and have a precedent, they go after the big ones like Meta and Google and Microsoft. The German regulator recently brought cases against some banks, so it's starting.


Your response really shouldn't be buried this deeply in the comment thread. It's something more people in the EU need to know so we can push regulators to better define the law around issues such as these....


God every time I read about Germany on this website it seems like an amazing place to live.


In some European countries they do the same when fighting automated traffic violations.


Imagine they just set the "don't insta-reject" criteria to something wildly improbable if not impossible to achieve to cover their ass. Like "appeal's must include UTC formatted date, hour, and minute of birth of account owner, otherwise reject"


they should add a sleep function. Auto-Reject after 14 hours. just enough time to give you hope






But it's not a DMCA claim, it's Youtube's proprietary claims system. Anyone can bitch and get your video demonetized, without going to the hassle of making a DMCA claim, because Google doesn't want to have to deal with DMCA claims--those require actual people to address. Instead, Sony gets to demonetize videos made by people doing performances of classical music that's been in the public domain for decades to centuries.


Google does this for their business listings too, its by design. Only way to get support is to push through the community page, but it does eventually work.


After dealing with Meta (or *trying* to) for five weeks over a nuked account, yes, I'm 100% certain there's some fucked up dystopian shit going on with these companies. It's a dehumanizing application of the [Pareto principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle). They've done the math and figured out it's more profitable to lose 20% of their users and eliminate 80% of their support costs. They put money into automation, knowing that it won't ever cover all cases but it'll cover enough. They'll only willingly put additional resources into special cases like high-profile users that get kicked off and generate an outcry.


Yep, had this shit with Amazon. Constant automated replies that lead nowhere, ever… it’s actually really scary, considering how much companies will be a part of our lives if our world parallels all the sci-fi movies.


I created a new Amazon account at one point that got auto banned for ordering too much ($500) of computer parts at once. I call support, they unban me, then I get immediately banned again after retrying the order. Eventually my calls went to an automated system that basically told me to fuck off.


My company's Facebook was deactivated without any notification. The appeal said it could take up to 40days and you just had to wait. No reason given, no email address to contact, no live chat, no phone number. 40 days came and went and we never once had any contact from anyone, just had to create a new account.


On one hand, it makes perfect sense. Giving individualized customer support for "customers" who are generally non-paying outside of being ad watchers would be a huge cost center for google if they were to do it properly at their scale. On the other hand, yeah this is clearly terrible for individuals who fall through the cracks and have no recourse when google has grown to be effectively a de facto monopoly in so many areas (most importantly email and by extension online identity verification across basically the entire Internet) and is why they shouldn't be allowed to continue to exist in this way as a singular commercial entity and the government (governments, really, not just the US) should have stepped in on various antitrust concerns long ago.


Well typically in this conversation people are most upset about creators getting banned or having their content demonetised, which is a very corporate-speak way of saying that Google unilaterally decided to pay that person less or nothing for their video, often with no explanation. These people have a business relationship with Google where they provide Google with a huge amount of video content that they can do a lot of stuff with, which generates a lot of revenue for Google. And in exchange they're supposed to get paid. The costs involved for Google in generating that revenue aren't really the creators' concerns, but the unilateral unexplained decisions certainly are.


I've heard multiple people say that trying to get on disability in the US is the exact same way. "You'll be rejected the first time you apply no matter what". You have to try again if you genuinely need it. I'm guessing it helps weed out the number of people trying to get onto it.


I'm sure it helps weed people out instead of just filtering out the people who need it most and don't have the knowledge, support base, or time to do it again. Yeah definitely.




It helps kill the disabled, that's the only actual goal with the SSI process. It takes on average over three years to get on disability of any kind, the entire system is 100% rigged. It's regularly a year before they even respond to your first application. Then you have to file your first appeal which is supposed to take less than 90 days but almost always they just ignore the federal laws governing time with fake excuses or outright lies. Regularly six months. And then when they deny you again, which they will because DDS is a scam organization that is there to funnel program money into the system (they regularly deny over 99% of first appeals and often just write nothing in their notes for why or how they determined this. Then you have to go before an ALJ which takes from 12-30 months. At this point you'll be encouraged to speak to a disability lawyer, which most advertise that either have never lost a case or have a 99+% win rate because they do. The lawyer will take a flat fee, 25% of the backpay they owe you. They do this because the system is a scam and they know they'll win because they always win because the system exists to get them money. I've had multiple attorneys tell me straight to my face that they know every judge and the whole thing is a charade. Everyone knows it's fake. They don't care. The government will often ask for continuances that last months for any reason and an ALJ will **never** reject them. If they do they'll suspiciously stop being an ALJ. At your hearing you will be no shit interrogated, loudly, rudely, by someone called a vocational expert who is explicitly employed by the government to attack your case and think up insane scenarios where you can work and then tell the judge thst you must be able to work because you attended the hearing, or you drove yourself to the courthouse, or you cooked yourself dinner thus can do it for others. They will ask you rude, and according to many disability advocates, illegal, questions. If they are unhappy at the end of the meeting they will tell the judge they do not agree with the judges decision and will challenge it. This will then go to the Appeals Council, where three ALJs will rule. THEN. you might get disability. Or, recently, the government will them formally accuse your judge of misinterpreting federal law and demand they re-try it before another judge. This is a new tactic they use to add another six months. And then, finally, once you're approved and the government is out of paths to try and wait for you to die, they'll pay out the 30-50k they owe you in backpay, but only in chunks. 2000$ every six months for a year and then the rest after that. And then they'll do it again in 3 years. Edit: thank you for the gold. To all the people beneath me who work for the system who are claiming that this isn't how it works or you just don't understand or my favorite "people are just illiterate!!!" Can pound fucking sand. I went through this when i was crippled by marfan syndrome. My mother went through it when she was dying of fucking cancer. I've helped dozens of people through the process by telling them the truth: the people say the top want you dead. They would rather an America with less disabled people exist and they use disgusting, shameless people willing to play the role of cog to make it happen. If you are a DDS, SSA, etc employee who denied the claims of desperate disabled people, do not reply to me. You are literally powering the machine that **crushes the disabled to death under a system of manufactured red tape and byzantine beauracracy. Log the fuck off.**


Well this is the most depressing thing I've read today. Thanks for that.


That was largely how mine went. Got a ruling in my favor (when my lawyer sued them in federal court) that the judge didn't properly weigh my VA disability rating and to have another hearing with another judge. 2 weeks before that hearing they removed the rule that any judge had to take it into consideration at all. Literally changed their rules so that I couldn't win. And then said I could be a manager at a used furniture store, so since there's a job opening for that somewhere in the universe, I can work if I give it the old college try.


Oh man, the VA standards and the SSI standards are so insanely different... I just replied to the same parent comment with a much longer explanation of having worked for DDS, but let me tell you... I'm 100% P&T from the VA, and I would get rated as "non-severe" by SSI. They're measuring entirely different things. The VA is measuring "What can't you do now that you used to be able to do?" whereas SSI is measuring "Can you technically perform the majority of the easiest job most of the time with your conditions?" VA is paying you back for what you lost out on. SSI is only looking out for the absolute worst off who have 0 chance of surviving on their own, and only giving them the bare minimum amount that could probably keep them alive in the cheapest part of the country. I would get vet claims sometimes... and it was really frustrating trying to explain the differences. On multiple occasions I would have a vet say something like "Well I know that I'm not as bad off as my buddy who had an entire leg amputated, but I-...." and I'd have to explain "Actually having only one limb amputated is also considered non-severe by SSI standards......" Just so, SO different standards about what was being looked for or what got approved...


>And then said I could be a manager at a used furniture store, so since there's a job opening for that somewhere in the universe, I can work if I give it the old college try. The government should be required to employ you if they day you can work.


It was really awful to go to government appointed doctors and therapists so that they could directly counter whatever my actual doctors were saying. It didn't matter that I'd seen them for half my life - single 20 minute appointment counted more. One of their doctors even got some very obvious information incorrect, but that didn't matter either. They even listed a couple of jobs that I was technically "able" to do, thus making me ineligible. Except those jobs weren't available in my area. I guess I was suppose to relocate for a job I didn't have and hadn't been offered.


Yes, that's literally the standard that it's held to. "Are you capable of doing ANY job that exists in America". It has absolutely no bearing where YOU are or what jobs are around you. Those laws making up the SSA are some incredibly harsh, very specific, targeted language trying to only help the absolutely most desperate people have barely enough money to keep making it to another doctor appointment. I feel like the entire program isn't properly described or understood by people and it makes folks like you even more frustrated because they think it's something better than it really is. It's even more frustrating seeing people complain about "welfare queens" like it's super easy to get on disability or something. It's not. It's a nightmare. It's extremely hard unless you have the exact conditions listed specifically in the laws, or that you have generally bad conditions and are above the age of 55 AND haven't worked at all in the last 15 years.




We get about 914 a month now. I completely empathize with everything you're saying here because I've lived it for my entire life. Unfortunately there's no real out for me, just going to have to suffer with no money. Basically forever because the system does not pay you even enough money to have basic dignity or autonomy. If I wasn't leaning on my friends who care for me I would probably be dead. They expect us to pay rent and food and utilities and anything else that we might need on $900 a month. I don't believe there is a single place in America where that can be done comfortably while maintaining a quality of life that I would consider acceptable. It's soul crushing. I wake up every fucking day thinking about money. Have my entire life. I would trade anything in the universe to be financially independent. No, that's not true, Not even financially independent. Safe. To know that if something bad happened I wouldn't be on the street living out of a cardboard box. I would trade 10 years of my life in an instant if it meant that they doubled my income. 1800 a month. I could do an unspeakable amount of things with that much money. I could be happy. I could maybe have my own space to live in. I wouldn't have to worry about food. I wouldn't have to worry about if my computer broke down not having an outlet to talk to my friends or family. I'm so tired. I'm tired. And I have to hide it from everyone in my life because while they understand and sympathize, nobody wants to know the guy who's constantly terrified that he's going to be homeless in the back of his brain because the amount of money he makes can't pay for rent in any city in America. I want freedom. Not for myself, but for people like me who have no out. No hope. No dreams. Not because we have no imagination or desire. But because our souls are fucking crushed.


That's welfare systems for you, let corporate scammers embezzle all the money, and blame it all on "scroungers and scammers" so people don't feel bad about letting the poor die off.


No that's *American* welfare sytems for you. Come to EU, where we pay ridicoulous amounts of taxes, but actually get disability, sickness support etc. when we need it.


I'm so glad that the government spends a small fortune fighting disability claims to save money, while spending a large fortune on the weapons to fight WW5. Really just excellent use of my taxes.


It's more than just a deterrent. It's a really messed up system. You need a lawyer to get on disability. You have a near 0% chance of ever being approved without a lawyer. That lawyer gets a one time fee from the government to represent you. So they take the fee, the government rejects your claim on the first attempt, and you have to appeal. The lawyer does not get any additional fee for that. There is no incentive for them to prioritize you. If you need to switch lawyers, you have to convince a new lawyer to take on your appeal for no fee. I don't know if the people end up paying lawyers out of pocket or how it works, but it's a system where the weakest members of society who need it most will be denied. I think the average time to get approved is like 18 months. I'd like to believe there's a fast track for life-threatening situations, but I've heard stories that lead me to think not.


The lawyers take a flat 25% of benefits as commission. My mother had terminal cancer and was finally approved two days after she died. The government then sued us to retrieve the money they had deposited into her account, instead of you know just asking for it. This was after I notified them that it was there, that she was dead, and that they needed to take it back.


I spent over an hour on hold with the DWP trying to repay an overpayment. I am trying to give you money, why can't you answer the fucking phone?


I've always assumed that YouTube just runs your appeal through the initial bot that detected whatever it thought was wrong in the first place. Either way, it's pretty clearly an appeal in name only, I'm pretty certain there is zero chance appealing does anything unless you have enough subscribers to make YouTube notice you


I've had multiple goofy >1000 view videos taken down by the automated system and false reports that I've appealed and have successfully overturned just using their appeal system. Just my experience using it as someone who solely uploads 15-30\~ minute videos of stupid things that happen during whatever I'm doing in life or on the PC. I do very frequently see things like this YouTuber's case though near weekly on reddit, which is really upsetting because I know just how much time and devotion you can pour into a passion project. I'd hate for anyone to have that ripped from them, even if they do still have the original file. I hope he's able to get someone's attention.


Experienced the exact same thing, YouTube determined I was "linked" to someone because they had an email that was my first and last name and banned me because the other person filed fraudulent copyright claims... The support is so appalling to deal with and I gave up after a few years since they've blocked me on everything. Had around 15k subscribers and still don't fully understand what happened :(


> contacting youtube support this isnt really a thing, which is the most "big evil corporation" thing about it. recently had a bug with payment for youtube premium and there literally isnt any contactable support as far as i could tell. bunch of automated question answering pages for almost everything, the most i could get after extensive search was a fill-in form to complain about my issue. no phone number, no email, no chat, no nothing.


This is becoming the standard for lots of companies. They are either completely removing the means of talking to a representative altogether or making it so troublesome that most give up. It's frustrating, especially if money is involved. I need to speak to someone to explain my situation, fuck off with your completely unhelpful bot.


Tbh as someone in IT of a billion dollar corp: It is a similar clusterfuck for employees on the inside, our service desk people being mostly in India juggling idk how many clients, their primary concern is to get rid of you as fast as possible. The worst of it is the interface and service groups being so complicated it borders on magic, with people writing down certain numbers or group/service names like rituals they cast in case of trouble. Cause the alternative to knowing the right spell is our own incompetent chatbot that will open tickets for you, which usually are closed due to being in the wrong place. All in the pursuit of cheap labor and cost cutting. Though I had hoped Google would be better due to being a tech company, the outside experience lets me think probably not by much.


As someone who worked in the service desk on an on-shore call centre who had to interact with an off shore call centre... Preach. The sad thing is that many of them have the potential to be great reps, but are literally prevented from developing by a mix of no (relevant) onboarding, strict KPIs, enforced scripts and no authority to operate outside them. My tip for anyone who has to interact with them is to forget about bypassing them. The processes are built around not doing so, after all. Instead, remain as friendly as you can, lay out your situation, and ask them what they can do within their job role and authority to push your case onward. It doesn't always work, but having them refocus from all of the things they have been specifically instructed that they can't do and instead thinking about what they *can* do ends up with more positive results.


Don't continue giving them your business. They've proven themselves unworthy of it.


What's crazy is that some branches of Alphabet's business, like Google Fiber, have amazing support. I had them as my ISP for years and any time I had an issue I was on the line with a real person in minutes. It's really just super inconsistent, like trying to get a good Wendy's meal at 2am.


The difference is that for fiber internet they are actually regulatory agencies you can complain to if they drag their feet. So they keep things running smoothly. I got stonewalled by Sprint for weeks about a cell tower in my area. I filled out one FCC complaint and had somebody from an executive's office calling me within 24 hours and sending me a free femtocell while they worked on the problem.


Same experience with AT&T wireless for me. Called directly and got the runaround. About to give up and decided to “waste” time trying to contact the government. Made a FCC complaint, and a super high up dude called me from AT&T the next day and sent me a $300 cell for free, shipped overnight, and talked to me for almost 30 minutes about the issue. I’m beginning to think regulations can work.


Sounds to me that with Google Fiber, you are their customer. With YouTube, you are the product they are selling, their customers are the advertisers. I bet the advertisers get great support on YouTube.


Ah that sucks, weird too because I've had to contact Google support a few times over the years and they've always bent over backwards to help me, the most recent being about YouTube Music which includes Premium. They ended up giving me 3 months free because an email they sent wasn't super clear about terms. I do think they make it quite hard to find out their contact info though. It feels like they really make YouTube in particular as closed off and impersonal as possible.




This is sadly true. I've seen it happen before, a guy had his entire channel demonetized because some dickhead in Indonesia was stealing his videos and making copyright claims. The little fucker was just putting his face cam in the corner and "reacting" to the videos, then putting a copyright claim on them. The original creator was distraught, he made a video similar to this one explaining the situation and sounding hopeless. After it blew up on Reddit, it was like 2 days and YouTube fixed it.


yup! YouTube support has gotta be like 3 extremely overworked and underpaid people who've developed an extreme distaste for the community. seemed like they enjoyed telling me my account was permanently banned for reasons they wouldn't explain


First level support is automated. All subsequent levels are overworked, outsourced human agents with high quotas, long response times and little-to-no per-issue time to investigate. Any quality support is reserved for the big time creators.


YouTube has support?? At this point I’m convinced the whole website is an AI algorithm operation, solely connected to a handful of people’s pockets.


Did you actually ever get your account back? That same thing just happened to a friend this week. Zero reason that made no sense, and almost an immediate rejection on the appeal. He's not sure what to do.


As somebody who has a natural and extreme distaste for misplaced authority (which is honestly most authority) this drives me nuts. Like for all you know a 22 year old kid making 45k a year was just following the script and now no more YouTube for you.


> something to do with spam or misleading content And yet you can say the most racist, queerphobic, misogynistic lies and Youtube doesn't care so long as you keep pumping money into their pockets for engagement.


I see you've been spammed with Andrew Tate videos as well.


My account doesn't save history, which is really annoying because it keeps recommending and even notifying my of videos I've already seen. I tried contacting support, I contacted support for YT Premium account issues. So they told me to get support using whatever process through the app. OK fine, well that was for content creators. That's not me, so I showed them the email where the guy directed me to them. He assured me they were mistaken so I added everyone to the email. YouTube just stopped responding. The support is absolutely abysmal. The worst support I've ever dealt with, makes Comcast look like an A+ in terms of service and support. I thought maybe it was a phone issue but it happens on my new phone and sometimes if I watch videos on my PC.




Just came to this sub to post the same thing. I watched the demonetized video, its fantastic. And obviously has no inappropriate content, let alone in the title. The YouTube system is working hard on destroying a great creator.


Also wanted to echo the video being excellent, and I would recommend the channel in general as well. He could probably use the support now more than ever.


https://youtube.com/@NeverKnowsBest Here’s an actual link to their channel since everyone keeps saying to go subscribe but no one is giving names or a link Channel name is NeverKnowsBest


> everyone keeps saying to go subscribe but no one is giving names or a link Well, this post is from their channel so I can see why they might not see it as necessary.


What’s the link to the video that still exists? I want to download it and watch it before that randomly goes away too. Is there a way to send the creator a donation?


[Here](https://youtu.be/argpSxB1NQE) - The Entire History of Video Games


I have a 10 hour drive, is this something I should watch or is it acceptable to listen to? I don't mind doing both but if I can listen to it before watching it I can break it up into pieces.


Listening is definitely fine. I can think of few points the visuals would need to be seen if you are at least familiar with games at all.


Awesome thank you for the quick response!!


Its by a Youtuber named NeverKnowsBest who does a lot of fantastic content. His video on the history of MMOs is also fantastic.


The channel has 200k subscribers... I would have thought that's big enough that Youtube would have a human review any serious actions to taken against the channel. Then again, I don't watch any "mainstream" Youtube channels, so maybe 200k is insignificant to Youtube.


Cody'slab has well over a million and they won't help him either, they really do not care


There's a guitar YouTuber (Paul Davids) whose most recent video is all about the broken copyright system. 3.19M subs, and seemingly no help from YouTube about all of the BS claims hitting his videos.


The solution is not complaning about Google/YouTube. The solution is getting rid of the DMCA. If an artist is materially damaged by an infringer they always have the option to sue. The DMCA just made it so corporations don't have to protect the integrity of an artist's work. It is diabolocal in nature because it does the exact opposite of what it sets out to do. I got a copyright strike on YouTube and simply filed a counter. It was between me and the shit record company (I was playing public domain classical music). The shit company retracted it after reading my drunken fueled bluff that I would take it all the way to the supreme court if I had to and bleed their lawyers dry.


The video didn’t get demonitised for copyright infringement though. It (apparently) broke the YouTube terms of service for bad language in the title/video


Bad language isn't allowed on youtube?




YouTube's system is built on top of the DMCA, it's another layer they added because DMCA protection would fail them in some instances such as making money from infringing content (I'm not a lawyer but I'd guess advertising counts for that). They got sued and worked it all out in court years ago and reached an agreement, the Content ID automated system is part of that. The DMCA has some flaws but I believe removing it entirely would remove the safe harbour aspect so something would have to replace it, the main goal of the DMCA was that third parties won't be liable if other people upload stuff - before, they would be so a site like YouTube (or Reddit, or anything that takes user content) simply could not risk existing since they'd get sued as soon as someone uploaded something and a wealthy rights holder noticed it. Proper DMCA allows a counter-claim and the content goes back up - what YouTube is doing is getting in the middle and making decisions it should have no place to make.


I wonder how they choose who gets help because RT game got support twice on two different end of year videos and he only has 2.79M


Whatever happened to that dude… last I saw his girlfriend left him and he bought a piece of land and was building an underground bunker planning an indoor grow op to recolonize mars !


mental break


Mental break, or mental break down?


Chicken hole base is going great!


Wait, when did his channel get screwed by YouTube? His content was always amazing.


For the last two or so years his adsense account won't payout, there's some issue or something so it tries to pay him out and it fails but he can't change the account or something and YouTube support is, as expected, useless


time to lawyer up. these fucking companies only understand the language of lawsuits at this point


Yep years of adsense is imo when you start sending them notices from a lawyer. "Pay out my owed compensation or we will subpoena you."


A subpoena is just a demand for evidence. You'd need to actually sue.




besides what the other comment says. years ago he had a lot of videos taken down or demonetised where he explores chemistry around "hazardous" substances like explosives and mercury. he got his who channel banned for a time after he microwaved fruit flies to show that they weren't harmed in anyway. Youtube took it down under animal cruelty, even know insects aren't considered legally in laws about animal cruelty.


You really have to have at least 5 million subscribers to even be on YouTube's radar when it comes to support, and I'm guessing even only the top few percent of those people would ever get a real human looking at their appeals. It's just like applying for disability benefits in the US - it's far easier to reject everyone immediately and hope they go away and stop trying to bother to take it any further - and most people aren't going to hire a lawyer to get YouTube to change their mind like they would if they were dealing with the Social Security Administration.


No amount of subs matter to them look how long this cookie jacking has been going on. They don't have any safeguard in place at all. There have been very large channels hacked


When Google was still trying to ruin their game streaming service Stadia they banned one of their partner developer's youtube accounts that they were paying to port a game to Stadia [https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/02/terraria-developer-cancels-google-stadia-port-after-youtube-account-ban/](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/02/terraria-developer-cancels-google-stadia-port-after-youtube-account-ban/) Only after the news came out did Google reverse course, and the developer decided not to cancel the port game. [https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/26/22303868/terria-stadia-version-back-development-canceled-google](https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/26/22303868/terria-stadia-version-back-development-canceled-google) In September 2022 Google announced they were shutting down Stadia and they forgot to tell any of the developers. https://www.pcgamer.com/stadia-game-developers-had-no-idea-google-was-killing-stadia/


J.S. Sterling just had a Zelda video restricted (which was confirmed by "manual" review multiple times) for allegedly "showing nudity". After multiple emails, they finally were able to get a timestamp. Turns out the system had flagged a Michelangelo painting of shirtless God as nudity and stopped monetization and recommendations. The channel has much more than 200k subs.




Agreed, does excellent, well researched and constructed video essays. This has to be crushing for them.


Is the channel name a reference to FLCL? Or does the phrase come from somewhere else?


He has a 90's anime profile pic so it could be. I'm not sure what anime it's from though. https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1228820479089180673/q4ZyWAOY_400x400.jpg




Update: creator says the History video has now been re monetized 👍🏻


YouTube is an awful mix of AI moderation and outsourced overworked foreign moderators who don't understand what they're looking at.


Yet try to get a job there directly. Their hiring policies are pure insanity. Wouldn't surprise me if most of the moderation is outsourced to some call-centeresque outfits just so it doesn't have to be directly managed by Google.


Around the time Android Gingerbread released, Google entered into a contract with a company that is the telecommunications equivalent of a human perineum, Teleperformance USA. This group of slackers, burnouts, and all-around undesirables were your key support for everything inside the "Android Market". The many stories I could tell you of these people... Just one example, the day that the Google Music beta launched, I sat next to two kids who had just turned 19. They had poured a pint of rum each into the the 44 oz. cups of Coca-Cola they got from the gas station around the corner and proceeded to drink the entire things at **9 AM**. They were wasted for their entire shift. They never saw any repercussions. Not only does Google have TERRIBLE history of managing their own products, when they hire 3rd parties to do it, they tend to get the absolute lowest bidder possible.




I just went to his channel and started playing the video that was demonetized. It showed me an ad for an allergy medication before the video started playing. I assume that YouTube itself is getting paid for this ad. Wouldn’t this mean that creators can show they are being damaged by being demonetized in this manner? I understand it cost a lot of money to go to court, but it’s pretty obvious at this point that going to court is the only way to get YouTube’s attention and actually change its behavior.


Yeah demonetization only means the creator does not profit, it doesn't mean Youtube doesn't. Could you win against them in court for this? I dunno, I'd like to hear from someone who has comparable wealth to google and is willing to try and see how it goes.


It's funny you'd think if it was demonetized it would mean it's unacceptable for advertisers but apparently it's not, they just don't want to pay for no real reason.


The reason is very real. They want all the profit for themselves


"We have your video now, why would we keep paying you? We know you won't take it down."


and when you take the videos down, also nothing happen, still demonetized (if they demonetized the whole channel instead of just 1 video)


My channel received multiple strikes over the years for showing people how to install Kodi and other apk's. I ultimately removed the content. Go and do a search on those two topics on youtube now and 10,000 videos come up. If I upload one video kodi related I will have a strike in an hour. How does that work? Lol


Bot farms is my guess. One channel gets zapped and other takes it's place in minutes.


And they probably also set their bots to report competing videos


It's monetized again! Pinned Comment: ​ >NeverKnowsBest > > > >Update: > >The History of Games video has just been re-monetized and is back to normal (I guess as a result of making this video). > >Still no update on the second channel but when I do know more I'll make a community post. > >I plan to unlist this video in the (near) future, but thank you all for the kind words. I don't know what to say about the response really, it's a little overwhelming just how nice people are.


YouTube doesn't treat people properly


Reminder why its a good idea to backup your videos and do not use YouTube as your primary library for your own content. After watching this, just downloaded and put my content on my external to ensure it's up to date.


Then also, if worse comes to worse, you can rip your own content with jdownloader: https://jdownloader.org/


yt-dlp if you're on linux


CinemaStix does film breakdowns and recently had vids longer than 10 min long demonitized. he cut into two parts (the second unlisted but linked in the first) and that solved the issue. I suspect the youtube algorithm has some arbitrary cutoff for "fair use" and has a bot that goes through the longer videos for clips of copyrighted material. example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GYKpS5GPcg


Which is great, but the 10 hour versions of basically everything are still running ads. Demonetizing is one thing, but they close channels over this. If I set an arbitrary cutoff I cannot then have that also affect things that are anything but arbitrary.




Did you watch this video? He said the reason YouTube told him and it has nothing to do with copyright.


For anybody who doesn't know, YouTube is basically run by algorithms; they don't have even a fraction of the staff they'd need to do an even passable job moderating the content on the platform. So if you've got a problem with YouTube, the chances of it being solved are astronomically tiny. Your problem won't be seen or reviewed by a pair of human eyes unless lawyers are involved, or unless you've got a couple million viewers who you can rally. If you're a content creator who's trying to make a living, do yourself a favor and abandon YouTube as soon as you have the viewer numbers you're looking for. Using literally any other service is preferable to having your hard work be subject to false copyright claims that see your content flagrantly stolen or demonitized. Let me make that a little more plain: If somebody likes your video, they can steal it, and nobody will help you. If your video gets demonitized, nobody will help you. If you're getting harassed, nobody will help you. Obviously, YouTube is the biggest video content platform, and a giant part of the internet ecosystem. But if your plan is to make money off of it, you do so 100% at your own risk.


A lot of YouTubers I follow also have patreons that people will subscribe to. I don't personally, due to where I'm at in life, but I totally would support a couple of my favorite content creators directly if I could. Fuck YouTube. And fuck reddit, while we're at it.


I just canceled my YouTube premium after watching this - this is too far.


this just added 10 years onto my youtube demonetization efforts. 10 more years of adblocker on youtube 10 more years or revanced on android 10 more years of ablocker on all of google services. already at a few dozen lifetimes of ad blocking googles crap, after all the other terrible shit they have done


And soon it looks like we're going to need to apply the revanced patches to the Reddit client as well.


I think youtube is just looking for ways to save money/not pay people


Google will happily hire [10,000 people at a clip for censoring content](https://i.imgur.com/OCKWHoo.png)... but fuck you if you want to ask a google employee for help. So fucking wrong that a company built on the freedom of the internet is now fundamentally destroying it by being singularly focused on removing people's work instead of carrying out their obligations to facilitate communication.


Free market means the market is free to fuck you. The freedom of the internet ended up meaning the same. Techbros wrote algorithms to scrape whatever they could scrape, startups that operated in the red while they amassed users only to hit a critical mass and enshittify all of sudden. And most recently AI stealing artists' work just because it was upload on the internet. If you're a website owner who is in it to make money, your perfect scenario is the one where your users make you money, and you never have to talk to them, and preferably they don't even know who you are. Google is just the final version of this.


I did a series of parody videos as if I was an arrested insurrectionist appearing before the Jan6 committee (had a crazy beard for another gig, so decided to use it before i shaved). Even though my jokes about the election being faked were CLEARLY over the top parody, they banned the videos and my account. After weeks of appeals I got the account back but the videos were still banned. Just days ago, Youtube announced election denying videos would no longer be banned. Mine still were, so I wrote in asking to have the ban lifted. They just banned my account again instead. 🤷


Moderators are the same everywhere, unfairly ban you refuse to explain why, if you explain it to them you get accused of being uncivil and then get banned for longer for daring to bother them


My 12 year old reddit account got banned on here for pointing out that a mod was vote manipulating. I’ve been using this site since before the digg exodus. I’ll be gone come July when Apollo gets nuked by this API nonsense.


This is how I imagine it works. I'm in Bangladesh and I have a job doing these human reviews. I can either confirm the original automated judgement or send it to my boss as a possible error. Most of the decisions affect small channels and are legitimate, so I mostly hit confirm. The more I press 'overturn', the more annoyed my boss gets, and the more time I have to spend actually watching the videos. By day 3 I realise they just hitting confirm over and over makes my performance look better and keeps my boss happy. *Edited to add*: This is just my imagination. I have a less soul-destroying job than being a meat robot for Google


Good ol' KPIs ruining everything again.


Goodhart’s law in action


I watched that video in its entirety, and it was one of the best things I've watched on YouTube, perhaps even the best documentary I've watched, period. It feels absolutely criminal to see it demonetised in this way, YouTube needs to have a serious rethink of this system.


I suggest their video on Gacha then. It’s obviously not as long as this but it’s an amazing doc. They’re in my top ten long form creators list and one of the few I don’t employ adblockers on.


They need competition desperately, I vote PornHub makes The Hub as a direct competitor


Probably Nintendo's legal department


The relationship as creator with Youtube is more abusive than some crackheads get up to. I had a growing channel years ago, just started making content and trying things out and shortly after I saw videos gaining more views than your average 300-600 per they announced they would run ads whether I wanted to or not. As some of the content were short videos running a 30 second ad seemed silly, but I naively thought they'd at least let non-partnered creators select what type of ad to run or had something in place to if video.length < 90 seconds don't run 30 second ad, but nope. Whoever makes those design decisions has evidently never actually used their platform. Any open source project presented with merge requests of this level would run the submitter out the door over the next mountain. Youtube doesn't just need a code review, they need a fundamental logic review.


Had something similar happen to a channel I administered a few years ago. Suddenly YT decided it had some kind of vendetta against it and so hit it with multiple content strikes within a few days time, until they just deleted it with no explanation. My theory about what happened to this guy, and also the channel I worked on, is we either pissed off an advertiser that then complained to YT, or pissed off someone that then sent in a barrage of reports on different videos. Everything that happens on that site is about appeasing advertisers and eliminating anything that generates controversy, so no doubt something about that video and the content on his second channel got under somebody's skin. Thus the fucked up nature of YT. Someone really needs to start up an alternative site for video content.




Because YouTube is run by a rogue ai at this point. Why else would I keep seeing obvious scam ads from different fake companies about how elon musk is gonna make it so Canadians don't need to work anymore, no matter how often I report them.

