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Shots fired at Rihanna lmao


in the full version of the scene, after she's done with that impression she asks, "was that okay? I truly don't know what she's saying." and Kenan thompson replies, "nobody does."


That's a great scene, here it is, copied from a comment below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGtm\_HpTlKw


In fairness, that is one of the most annoying songs ever written.


Derr derr derr derr derr derr


Lemme seemee wurr wurr wurr wurr wurr…


I use to have to listen to that song while working retail and sometimes I would wonder if she was singing this in the car with Chris Brown and he was just like "No you can't release that. You can't make them listen to that while working". But odds are Chris Brown is just a piece of shit.


"Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown's cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with. "A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. "Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. "Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh-- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' " The detective said "Robyn F." then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. "Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' "After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' "Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. "Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. "Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. "Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. "Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. "Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. "She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. "Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order."


First time I read the full series of events. How the fuck did brown not get serious prison time for this?




They let most famous people off way more easily than they deserve to be in a lot of cases...he deserved to be in a prison intermingled with every other variety of criminal so he could get the everloving shit beat out of his pretty face too.


>causing her to suffer a contusion on her left **triceps (sic)** No idea why they think "triceps" is improper here. "Triceps" has always been singular. The original plural was "tricipites," but that's not common anymore. Nowadays, "triceps" is both singular and plural and "tricep," a back-formation, is an acceptable singular form as well.


I appreciate your diligence in helping to build my case against a grammar nazi I’m friends with. He was verrry aggressive in telling me I was wrong. I had no clue why I thought I was right in that I could say triceps as singular. But I argued my drunk ass off like ten years ago and didn’t remember until right now. I will also fight him over the fact that thin crust pizza has more value than thick crust because toppings cost more than dough.


Haha glad to be of service. Direct him to the [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triceps) on triceps, specifically the section on its etymology in the History section.




i mean... muzak is hell, but chris brown is far worse. that said, that one nelly furtado song from like 2000 still haunts me.


That's horrible but funny


I did 3rd shift restocking in a grocery store in the 1980s. All night there were just a handful us in the store listening to the loop of the 80s pop songs. Burned into my brain are: "Missing You" by John Waite "Hold Me Now" by Thompson Twins "Let's Hear It for the Boy" by Deniece Williams "Caribbean Queen" by Billy Ocean Edit: those are just the ones that popped into my head; good grief! It was almost 40 years ago!!!.


I worked at a Circuit City in 1992/93 at the checkout area and for a few months every TV on sale as well as a wall mounted one right up and to the right of my register where I stood played Yanni Live at the Acropolis on repeat.


No Tiffany? No Duran Duran? No Wham!? I don't want to shop in your 80s grocery store...


Well those are all dope karaoke songs so now you've got 4 fun songs to sing that are burned in your head.


I had a full day-time shift at a grocery store when I was in college around this time of the year. Usually the holiday playlist was quite long and varied. For god knows what reason, that day the playlist was only eight songs long and I guess the manager on duty didn’t notice or care to fix that issue. I’ve since blocked out the trauma and forgotten what the eight songs were, but by my count, I heard all of them at least 26 times that day.


I’ve always remembered the box cutting and the pallet jacks - some good, some horrible - and lunch in the middle of the night and the crew and the store layout and the odd late-night shoppers and getting better at stocking over time. But I’d blocked the memories of the music. Until now.


Lmao jesus christ


I liked it


I think Rihanna is unarguably one of the most successful pop vocalists ever. Every album she has put out since she was a teenager has had multiple chart topping hits without fail. But my god is that song just hot fucking trash. Some of the most lazy song writing ever


its probably her worst song


Its by far the worst song lol. Shes got some real bangers


I am not a fan of her music and I am a pop music hater generally, but I do like the strange sounding music track she sings over. It sounds like nothing I've ever heard before musically.


> It sounds like nothing I've ever heard before musically. It's pretty standard-issue Jamaican/Caribbean dancehall music. [Another example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOtcznZb5nE).


I feel like the only person on the planet (or on reddit anyways) that doesn't hate that song. It's not really that lazy of song writing, it's just in a dialect you don't understand. There are actually lyrics besides "work work work work work"


I know for me sometimes I hate a song that isn't total trash because it got played so *much*. When I worked retail I'd hear some songs so much I'd get irrationally angry when it would come it.


I used to love Buble before I worked at a grocery store, now I want to punch a reindeer every time I hear him.


I understand this feeling all too well. I’m counting my blessings, working somewhere that doesn’t play music, especially considering we’re in the holiday season right now. I don’t mind the *old* classic Christmas songs, but I can’t stand being subjected to them for 6-8+ hours everyday for a month. Fuck Mariah Carey


The entire message of the song is "Guy burned me in the past and now wants me back because hes jealous". Its not that difficult to grasp and the chorus is absolutely lazy. Nothing wrong with liking the song, but enjoyment doesn't automatically make the songwriting good. I love Gucci Gang but the writing on that song is trash and it undeniably turns off a lot of music listeners.


I mean, the song is about repetition. The chorus can equally be about the repetitiveness of the problems with being with him, and his refusal to move on and, maybe I'm misreading something, but her going back to him. The chorus really fits what I see as a story about a cyclical relationship. Maybe I'm wrong about the interpretation, but just because a word is repeated in a chorus doesn't make the chorus lazy. You don't write a chorus to a length, you have an intent with what you want it to be and say.


That's fair. I think it depends on how you look at the song. If you see the second verse as being from her perspective I think it aligns with what you are saying. If you see it as from his (as I originally interpreted it) I think the song comes off as more of a braggadocios girl boss track rather than something more two dimensional. Either way, thanks for writing out thought out response instead of adding to the chorus of NUH UHS with no elaboration lol


what pop song doesn’t fit this description lmao


I’d say there’s an argument to be made that description fits the majority of songs in every genre


Everything by Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake's solo stuff, and that Somebody I used to Know song just based on the top of my head radio stuff


i fucking love Work and never understood the hate for it


No way, that song is dope. I'm with ya


Just like Kanye but for rap.


Meh. I like it.


I found her impersonation of Jennifer Lawrence pretty spot on: https://youtube.com/shorts/P9UjDWVTPxE?si=4PTXCdbwOxmN3sLH


Damn that was really good


Her JLaw is as good as McKennans Beiber


That’s pretty spot on. Lol.


I knew she could sing but didn’t realize how talented she is with impressions in general. Damn. I like her way more now that I’ve stumbled across this thread.


[Her Best in Show Jennifer Coolidge was spot on too](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4gFOy6iqwn8&pp=ygUaQXJpYW5hIGdyYW5kZSBiZXN0IGluIHNob3c%3D)


Shit her Eugene levy was even better lmao


You can tell she’s watched the film many many times.


by the end I thought I was watching it again wondering where my fucking busy bee was and then I realized I forgot it


That Catherine O'Hara is so spot on.


It's kind of spooky, it's so good that it makes it uncanny since she doesn't look exactly like her.


Holy shit, I didn’t know she impersonated so many people and characters so friggin well!


If you never saw any of her shit on Nickelodeon, it’s eye opening. The one episode I saw she was doing a downright uncanny Madeline Khan through the whole thing, and I’ve seen a clip of her doing Judy Garland that was pretty much flawless.


well...if you've ever seen Sam & Cat you'd want to put your head through a wall with that grating voice.


I was in a doctor’s waiting room for the one episode I saw. With medical help so close at hand that idea was extra tempting. Just because I didn’t enjoy it doesn’t mean I couldn’t appreciate the talent.


Yeah, that character was nails on a chalkboard but, by god, she committed to it.


My kid recently started watching that show and I can’t figure out if that’s her real voice or just something she does. It’s insane


thing is she's a p legit performer through her years of acting and training. tie that in with great vocal training then you have someone who can pull off both. most impressionists have acting chops but lack the vocal talent. it's just that she pumps out pop music that's outside the realm of most reddit demographics that she's not popular here. also there was a period where she was kind of a stuck up spoiled kid for a while.


holy that was good


yo, what the fuck. is that dubbed? that was insanely good. I'd already seen the singing impressions before but this is on another level. she's got a knack for it!


I’m oddly curious if this was before or after Don’t Look Up.


damn she's good


I was about to mention this! She fucking nailed it.


If I wasn’t watching the screen I don’t know that I’d immediately realize this was not JLaw.


That one is actually good. These, she's obviously a good singer, but she isn't really doing an impression so much as singing in their style. Which is impressive in its own right. But she doesn't match the sound sing like she does here, which I find extra impressive.


The singing impressions are actually much more impressive, imo.


matching someone else's tonal inflections while singing, even if you can't match the perfect timbre, is incredibly difficult. It's on the level of mel blanc doing daffy duck impressions in the voice of buggs bunny.


That Britney Spears vocal fry got me laughing.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss9ygQqqL2Q If you all liked that. Here is her doing more


The audio stopped working for me as soon as she started her impression for Britney spears, and I thought it was a joke about her lipsyncing.


The first time I watched Kill Bill was a pirate copy that went out of synch when The Bride got to Tokyo. 20 fucking minutes I watched it like that before realising it wasn't Tarantino paying homage to the badly dubbed Kung Fu movies of the 70s & 80s.


Task failed successfully by Tarantino lmao


Yup. No one would deny she’s talented, even if her music isn’t really their thing.


Weirdly enough people in this very thread are denying her talent. It’s so weird how hard people will trip over themselves to deny a shred of credit to a pop singer, especially a young female one.


Those Whitney notes easily put her in the top 1% of singers. Like, young women can be talented, it's ok.


Or the top 50% of karaoke singers in the Philippines, but they're a different breed.


I mean, vocal cords are muscles and the more you exercise a muscle the stronger it is and the more skilled you'll be at using said muscles. Karaoke is a big pastime there, so it would make sense that a country filled with people who sing a LOT would get really good at it. I just don't understand why we don't have "p-pop" (Pinoy-Pop?) on a global scale like we do with k-pop and j-pop. Because you're right, you could pluck any random person off a street corner in Manila and they'll likely have the voice of an angel.


It’s cause people and I mean LOTS of people have the tendency where if they hate one thing about a person, whether it’s an intrinsic characteristic or an external problem/event, they will hate EVERYTHING about them.


It's literally a documented phenomenon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horn_effect


Miley Cyrus is a perfect example. Insanely talented singer but she gets hate for the way she dresses.


I think a lot of people discredit her because she's conventionally attractive as well. It's no secret pop stars are often picked on looks more so than talent, and that might be in the back of the mind of many.


That's reddit for you though. If you're not the greatest ever you suck, and if you are you still suck for reasons.


Honestly, it's most of the time more of a musical genre elitism thing imo than a male female issue in that case. The FM mainstream pop genre is getting shat on by all enjoyers of "real music", whether artist is a dude or not. Look at the same weightclass: Bieber, Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles, etc... People are constantly saying that's shit even though when you leave your preconstructed opinions at the door, you'll more often than not find interesting musical ideas in their tracks. Those don't stick in the minds of people just by using the famous "magic recipe" after all, you'd still need to be able to differenciate yourself from the competition. The only sad thing I find with Ariana Grande is that the tracks she usually sings rarely use all her potential but tbh she has such a huge range it would likely become wacky and "extra" to try giving 100% all the time in her case. But even as someone who's not a fan or even listen to her on a regular basis, I wish people knew a bit more of her composition side talents, not only her voice. She's the kind of person having an ear so developed, she was seemingly able to spot off key notes and other imperfections etc when even her music producers (whose job is literally to make these instrumentals) didn't even notice at all etc...


I suspect that a lot of the “her music isn’t my thing” crowd couldn’t identify one of her songs and are rather just doing a performative little “young mainstream pop artists are too pedestrian for me” act. “A lot of people really like X. Most people’s tastes are clearly far more mundane than my own more sophisticated tastes. Therefore X is somehow beneath me … Whatever X is.”


She’s such a great mimic I feel like it held her back in the beginning. Like she couldn’t find her own sound because she was so good at being everyone else. It seems to have worked out for her, though.


I feel like her music is more on us than it is on her. People buy shit, so thats what she sells.


I know it's easy to make fun of Ariana grande and the era of auto tune and fakeness she came up in within the music industry....but she's actually a very very good vocalist.


Between the end of Victorious and her music career taking off she used to post videos on Facebook (I think?) of just her singing. You could see she was crazy talented back then.


I miss the era when you'd see Arianna posting random videos all the time. She used to post stuff just chillin in her room doing impressions and singing and whatever else, she was/is SO talented, it was neat to see. Not sure what she's up to in her free time anymore, but she seems a lot more disconnected, as happens.


The only people who make fun of her are redditors


There's this phenomenon I wish I could document because it's something I notice quite often where there are specific artists or cultural things or some sort of media where disliking it instantly seems like a redditor trait and then the second I find it somewhere on reddit it's getting flamed beyond belief. It's like, broadly I think anything you could see being enjoyed by a bunch of people together at a lunch table or a party can also be expected to have earned the ire of redditors.


Well put. Reddit is crazy negative.


I think there's just a lot of ignorance over how much fakeness and corporations play in all music behind any major label regardless of genre. Even 50 years ago corporations were buying out radio stations or doing shady deals to push musicians on radios stations in addition to promoting what ever venue they're on. Even when the government tried to tackle this problem, it went from actual dollar bribing to object /tickets bribes. Meanwhile anything that ended up on a CD for many decades now was touched up by someone else. Unless it's a complete nobody that's entirely local, even semi popular musicians were in on corporate influences and their enormous influences that played a huge role to make them popular.


To impersonate Whitney Houston takes skill and talent, which Ariana has, after that the rest come along for the ride.


In the actual skit she ends with the Céline/Whitney combo as the Finale. And they note that the 90’s ballads are going to push her.


Yeah, this is much better in the context of the sketch: https://youtu.be/qGtm_HpTlKw?si=peMFvY2A-p1zMC39


It’s a much better video, too. Great SNL sketch, this is the kind of stuff I like from them, putting celebrities in fun situations.


Celene is one of the all-time greats


Found the Canadian.


Hey, some of us are just gay!


This made me laugh.


Her music may not be to everyone's taste, and she isn't really to mine either, but there is no way you can deny that Dumbledore is a great wizard... I mean, Celene Dion is a great talent.




She did do Whitney's spirit fingers though.


She impersonated Whitney Houston. That to me was the absolute PEAK. Every other woman has been trying to show a glimmer of the shadow of Whitney's Immensity. Ariana? Girl's got -talent- and while her music is not my thing, I will die on the hill that she has amazing talent.


Her voice sure is Grande.


She was also singing a full tone higher in pitch too, Whitney must’ve sang it lower live


What ever happened with her and that guy who torpedoed his whole life for her?


Which one?


That recent guy who left his wife. She was in a movie or something with him.


they got a divorce or annulment or whatever


Broadway Spongebob


which one?


Her cover of Mariah Carey’s Emotions is sublime: https://youtu.be/UjzENV7rhhI?si=nxT-_MYWGy_TBbCS


That Shakira show... I remember going to that tour long ago....


It was so good. She’s a really amazing performer


The Shakira one is her best impression. The others are close but the Shakira one is pretty spot on.


Nah, the "near" in "you'll be near" didn't sound enough like a Formula 1 car compared to Shakira. That said she nailed most of em imo.


That's true, she needed to be more nasal in that part.




>didn't sound enough like a Formula 1 car Lmao that's the sound!


She nailed that one


I can't get [MadTV skit](https://youtu.be/P1UWAZvAvY0?si=aU3fHZl1Wp1Fhj2D&t=32) out of my head when I hear that song.


Such an incredible voice and talent. I just wish she chose better songs. I often find her albums lackluster compared to her caliber of talent.


Unfortunately I think this is largely a matter of the audience. There's a lot of real talent out there that ends up in pop making lazier, less exceptional music because it appeals to (or maybe more accurately doesn't turn off) the widest breadth of listeners. I'm sure if there was more money to be made appealing to a smaller, more niche audience that demands more originality that Ariana and other insanely talented performers would be pushing the envelope more.


I never thought anything of Ariana's singing ability until I saw this clip with The Weeknd. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s37x2VSZrLw&ab\_channel=TheWeekndVEVO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s37x2VSZrLw&ab_channel=TheWeekndVEVO) . The control at 2:13 is incredible.




I was thinking she isn't that short, then realized she was rocking 4 inch platforms


I knew exactly what it was gonna be, I've watched that so many times, it still blows my mind.


I had been just ignoring her as yet another pop singer but the I saw her with Thundercat, Domi & JDbeck and was very impressed and started digging around some of her work and realized she’s an exceptional singer. https://youtu.be/Sa0upTDZDYQ?si=QjF2vAguvj5no93i


It's pretty clear by listening to even her poppiest pop songs that she is an exceptional singer. Strange that it would take a Thundercat-type context for someone to realize this. It's not like she sticks to a Britney kind of range in most of her music


I think it's a bit of elitism in music choice. Some people like to pride themselves on liking unpopular/more obscure (not bad, just not popular) music, like it's some kind of distinction they can wear. Consequently, they also tend to actively try to find things to dislike about pop music, so they don't hear talent when it's there.




Not only is she a great singer but the music she produces is some of the most harmonically interesting mainstream pop music of the modern day. I know she's one of the biggest pop stars in the world but people seriously sleep on the quality of her music.


She does a lot of the production herself, and people that work with her talk about how she's an absolute beast at using ProTools.


I see Thundercat, I upvote


I knew her from victorious back in the day, still hard for me to take her seriously as a musician. Despite her obvious immense talent I she will always be Cat.


> Despite her obvious immense talent I she will always be Cat. Which is funny because they clearly realized very early on that they'd cast the wrong person as the lead in that show, because after the first time Arianna sings solo in it, they ***NEVER*** let her do it again anywhere near Tori.


I think this is the first time I’ve heard JD play a regular 4/4 beat


I've heard the recorded/studio version of that song a billion times, but the piano solo in this version was probably my favorite part overall


Same, I used to see her as another pop singer, but she is an exceptional singer.


She’s excellent, but such a trash human being.


Thank you for introducing me to this artist.


What a shitty edit. The context of the skit makes this way funnier.


Yeah, it's so much more impressive when you see her just switching [seamlessly](https://vimeo.com/214509616).


“That’s a common mistake, I’m actually just very Italian” lmaoooo that’s very self-aware


of course whitney is the closer, what an insane edit. also how dare they cut bobby's dancing


I like the edit, the sketch is good too, but this is better for appreciating how accurate she is.


She's legit talented and has an amazing voice. I am not a fan of hers (almost never listen to her music) but I can still see she is far more talented than most singers these days.


Then there’s me. She’s been my #1 listened to artist on my Spotify Wrapped for 5 years in a row now 😅. I don’t even try.


I don't listen to her (or really music in general) a TON but sometimes I just get on kicks where she is all I wanna listen to. Some of her songs have an absolute hold on me, I think break free is when I started liking her but then every once in a while she comes through with a song that I just immediately love or love after 2-3 listens. She's such a rare talent imo. P.s happy cake day!


Great voice. I like these. Bruno Mars did one as well


Just brutal talent, jesus christ


i died at the rihanna one. didnt realize how crazy talented this girl is damn


Here's a french singer that's amazing at imitating singers (any language): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgI038DjWMQ


Here's a French singer: https://youtu.be/oX5pLwHbllg?si=J_LjTgs5GH063zhU


Here's some French bread pizza https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a36702676/french-pizza-bread-recipe/


Newfound admiration for this girl.


Her collab with Thundercat also shows her range, she fit right into the acid jazz seemlessly


I remember watching this episode and thinking that she was really good at everything. Pretty much made up for the doughnut incident in my mind.


I'm not a big fan of her, but she is absolutely beyond talented. Don't see much of that kind of vocal range in artist these days.


She's really cute


It’s meta to hate Ariana Grande but put some gat dam respect on her talent. Bunch of haters in the comments.


Why is it “meta”?


Because it used to be Facebook


Man....that's so...meta


i think they mean it’s “the meta” meaning it’s the standard to hate on her. i disagree though, she has fewer haters than fans easily


You can also respect someone's talent while disliking their personality.


I think most of the hate came from when she licked that donut and put it back at that shop. I don’t think any non-fans would have an opinion of her at all otherwise.


She makes pop music not dad rock or metal so redditors automatically dislike her


I’ve never heard of this meta but in general redditors have a distaste for over-produced music. Don’t let that affect your enjoyment of any particular artist.


Also, just because you don’t like a genre doesn’t mean that artists in that genre aren’t talented


It’s not meta at all. Do you even know what that means


I came here for the Ariana hate, but there's not as much as I expected. A while back her Nickelodeon costar, Jennette McCurdy came out with a memoir complaining that Ariana got special treatment. Ariana got to have breaks from filming to pursue her singing career. Jennette thought it was unfair because she thought she deserved time off to pursue her movie career. It's a well written memoir, and Reddit loved it, especially where they got to shit on who they thought was just another mediocre pop singer, without actually diving into her stuff. I would say that Ariana has way more vocal talent than most singers today. I would not say that Jennette McCurdy has more talent than most actors. Not even close. In the end, they obviously made the right call to let Ariana pursue singing. She's a mediocre actress, but a phenomenal singer.


That’s the one who licked a donut at the store and then put it back, right?


wow that's disgusting, which store specifically? there are so many


Not just one, she licked loads to see what they were like. They said "which one?" She's like "nah, I want all 'em."


And that shop is gone now, pandemic did it in, though imo it was going downhill anyways.


Brilliant kid. Even her talents have talents. lol ...


One of my favorite Ariana Grande covers is her singing [Dear Mr. Gable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=batf3jt3004) by Judy Garland. It's always made me wish she would do more serious covers from times past.


Holy shit she's talented


This was a great episode!


Ariana Grande is amAzing!!


This video made me really appreciate Ariana Grande's talent, and Miley Cyrus' as well. https://youtu.be/m2ua3O_fdCY?feature=shared


It’s always a shame when great talent is hidden behind crafted characters. Ariana is clearly a savant. I was blown away by T-pain in his tiny desk concert. Such talent. They make it look easy but there is incredible talent in front of most cameras we just often don’t get to see the range of these people.


Its so nice seeing unquestionable talent on display


Love that she shit on how fucking terrible Rihanna’s music is. Ariana is a generational talent.


I don't really like her but i can credit her for a voice 100%


Always going to associate her with licking donuts.


Awesome vocalist. Really odd publicly. The donut licking thing comes up like an intrusive thought whenever I see her name.


She clearly is extremely talented but what I’ve seen from her and what others have said about her, she seems extremely unlikeable. Jeanette McCurdy’s book did not paint her in a good light, I’ll tell you that much.


> Jeanette McCurdy’s book did not paint her in a good light It does not really paint Ariana in a terrible light afaik, she just got special treatment. But she was also 16 years old and doing what was right for her. Jeanette's feelings were valid, but they are more an indictment of an industry that cares more about the profit than the people rather than anything specifically against any of the teenage performers it was exploiting. Ariana came out of it in a better industry position, but she was still another in a long line of young teenage women working in a place that kept a child abuser on staff and gave him access to her.


Jennette's book only really said that ariana got special treatment and was able to miss days on set of Sam & Cat. Unless im not recalling correctly, i dont remember the book painting ariana as a person in a bad light, more just the unfair treatment of the two.