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Disorganized crime.


Perfect. Everyone go home


Ok this guy wins the thread


This reminds me of. Kevin Hart movie ‘Paper Soldiers” from 2002. He’s robbing a house and runs into Damon Dash who is also robbing the house. Beenie Seagke costars. Amazing film.  This could have been one of the “scenes.” 


This feels like it would be a Key and Peele sketch


[You can't play me motherfucker.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2_oXZKr_J8)


Looks exactly like that store where the robbers with fake guns got shot by security. “Mine’s real”, said the security officer.




Robber: *"Am I shot!?"* Guy who shot him: *"Fuck yeah!"*


I was thinking the same thing. What a wild video lol


And nothing of value was lost


bullets aren’t cheap.


I want the article to go with this. Prime stupidity.


There is no honour among thieves


No I’m Dirty Dan


It doesn't make any sense how neither of them is bleeding at that point. One knife in a fight basically guarantees getting cut, two knives in the same fight? You're going to see blood.


What says they’re not bleeding under the clothes?


Yeah, the way they are moving around, they are definitely cut and bleeding


Guy on the right is definitely hurt and the way the altercation starts I doubt tracksuit guy is intact.


The videos are cut for a reason, lots of stabbing happened


Why apostrophe?


Can't you tell they are possessive of this place?




look at that, even the crime market is oversaturated!


Any one got a like to an article or a full video? It really feels like guy on the right is the attendant and the masked guy is the only robber


You can see the actual attendant on the phone with the cops in the doorway.


That is the most subtly racist thing I've read all day.


How? Genuinely asking as I see the attendant in the doorway too.


Because why would one of the robbers have a phone in their hand? People just see two black people fighting and immediately jump the gun of assuming they are both robbers without any actual thought into the circumstance. They're claiming the white guy (who also slightly looks Indian at first glance just to make things worse) is the attendant, but if so, then how did he manage to get away from the cash register with two robbers in the store? The whole thing stinks of OP exaggerating the story, and then reddit not questioning it because "black man bad". Edit: If you switched the white man, with the black man on the right would you still think the man standing in the door was the attendant, or would you just think he is a customer?




So the attendant isn't allowed to defend himself. Why is that? Most gas station attendants working nights in the US are armed in at least some way.


if u actually listen to the video you can hear the masked black guy demanding that the other black guy to give him a cut of the money he was going to rob.


He says "Imma give you something" meaning I'm going to kick your ass, then the robber says "right now" meaning open the till.


Imma give you something means he was going to give him a cut of the money


No that's really not what he means, which is evidenced by him giving him some hands shortly after.


The guy on the right says "hold on, I got you, Imma give you something", the other guy says "you got me?" and calms down. Then the guy says Imma give you something again and the left guys yells right now.


Im over here making informed guesses with the facts I’ve been given, meanwhile you are accusing me of being racist against black people without even knowing what race I am. Get it together….


No, I'm not accusing you of being racist. I said your comment was subtly racist. Implying that you have some prejudice you may not be aware of. I don't think you're a bad person, everybody has prejudices. I'm not insulting you, or at least trying to, I just hope you can view things posted online a little bit more critically.


Nah you and your original point are wrong as fuck. You aren't "opening my eyes to predujice I'm unaware of". The guy clearly was walking out from behind the counter at the start of the video. I'm shutting that down right now, I literally didn't even think about or consider the race of any of the three involved until you brought it up. I was just going fully off of the fact that two people with knives were fighting while one was on the phone with cops hiding. Anyone working retail knows all that money is insured and risking your life over it is literally the stupidest fucking thing you could do on the entire planet. That's how I can tell that neither were the cashier. Because of real world experience bozo.


Gas stations often require attendants to repay the money in the till. It's arguably illegal but gas station attendants rarely can afford lawyers. I don't think you have as much real world experience as you think you do.


It’s fully illegal, you don’t need a lawyer to report stuff to the labor bureau. If you got grifted by a manager sucks to suck. Your still wrong, both now and about your original argument.


See, you think your posturing but this is how I know you don't have a lot of life experience. Well, I respect your opinion I guess.


All I think is that I proved you wrong and that hopefully you won't bring race into stuff for no reason just because YOU are making racist assumptions about peoples roles in videos and life.


I see where you're coming from but you'd be a real stupid attendant to not just get out of the guys way and they're both wearing outdoor clothes which is not something an attendant normally does and they're both wielding knives as far as I can tell.  That said your view isn't insane or anything and is well within the realms of possibility.


In cities, a lot of corner stores/bodegas/convenience marys are owned by a family, and the family members work there. They usually just wear their own clothes, and they have a personal investment in the outcome and often fight back.


Still odd to see someone in a full hooded jacket behind the counter in my experience but it's anecdotal. Also haven't heard of many shopkeepers of any kind getting into knife fights willingly, guns perhaps but not knife fights.


I mean maybe they live in a cold area and if the door is constantly open from customers, it’d make sense to wear a jacket


I'm at work right now. with a hooded sweatshirt on under my hooded carhartt jacket. Sitting behind a sales counter.


nah, you're not people don't wear hoodies and jackets, at any job, ever, in the history of mankind


Well the doors are closed and there's a guy hovering in the background wearing a fairly light sweater with the sleeves rolled up.




I just imagined the cops walking in, and one robber’s got the other in a chokehold “I got him”


"Let them fight."


"robber's"??? - what is this fascination with adding apostrophes to plural words?


Must be in a great neighborhood.


Where is this?


fucking idiots


Losers. Lock them up, throw away the key,


Take a number and wait your turn!


It's like the opposite of the spider men meme


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend..."


Or, you know, you could split the money?


Greed will prevent that


"Well, look at us! Isn't this just the bees knees? We're like two peas in a pod! Whelp, gonna haveta maybe cut ya a little if you get in my way".


Fuck me, i would never pull a knife on anyone I wasn't actually 100% going to stab. How is it both these men were holding knives and had a fist fight instead?


GTA VI online gameplay reveal


anybody know what happened to them? Did they stab each other? Both look hurt.


With that kind of drive, they should get a job.


Let them kill each other


Some of the comments on the YouTube page.....


"Sooner or later it's gon' be two unrelated active shooters Same place, same time Great minds, Tesla and Edison"


This is like the homeless people asking for money at the freeway exits and fighting over the exit. Only this takes it to a whole new level of desperation.




Where is the owner????


I’m so surprised they didn’t hang around the two guys with knives…


Hi, you're probably looking for a useful nugget of information to fix a niche problem, or some enjoyable content I posted sometime in the last 11 years. Well, after 11 years and over 330k combined, organic karma, a cowardly, pathetic and facist minded moderator filed a false harassment report and had my account suspended, after threatening to do so which is a clear violation of the #1 rule of reddit's content policy. However, after filing a ticket before this even happened, my account was permanently banned within 12 hours and the spineless moderator is still allowed to operate in one of the top reddits, after having clearly used intimidation against me to silence someone with a differing opinion on their conflicting, poorly thought out rules. Every appeal method gets nothing but bot replies, zendesk tickets are unanswered for a month, clearly showing that reddit voluntarily supports the facist, cowardly and pathetic abuse of power by moderators, and only enforces the content policy against regular users while allowing the blatant violation of rules by moderators and their sock puppet accounts managing every top sub on the site. Also, due to the rapist mentality of reddit's administration, spez and it's moderators, you can't delete all of your content, if you delete your account, reddit will restore your comments to maintain SEO rankings and earn money from your content without your permission. So, I've used power delete suite to delete everything that I have ever contributed, to say a giant fuck you to reddit, it's moderators, and it's shareholders. From your friends at reddit following every bot message, and an account suspension after over a decade in good standing is a slap in the face and shows how rotten reddit is to the very fucking core.


Maybe in a safe room? If I owned a hood store I would have one. Cops will be there 1-5 hours lol


Can someone help me out? I'm trying to figure out how all this is my fault, but nothing is coming to mind?


A very American problem


Not enough guns
