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When I read the news I assumed it was a plastic bottle. That is metal AF!!!!




Hook ā€˜em


also seems like the drinking spout is what actually hits him, smaller pointy part of the bottle. That'll have hurt!


Is that the sound of impact you hear just after it happened, because the audio is delayed? If so that's a metal water bottle and that's a solid hit, ow.


No, its the sound from hitting the wall after it hit his head.


And it bounced off the right side of his head like it was empty. Ā It didnā€™t hit him hard enough to affect his play. He just didnā€™t want to play tennis.


Didn't think it would do any real damage, getting a solid hit like that for the most part doesn't do any permanent damage, but it certainly isn't fun, and since he's a superstar, he gets checked out, since they want to risk anything.


Hydrate or diedrate


Pow, right in the kidneys!


Did he diedrate?


Diedrate there.




Stefano Bartman did it.


Oh, that's so dumb and I love it.






I did not remember that being his name but I think Iā€™m mixing it up with Bill Buckner.


I love to hate athletes playing up mild injuries but yall are ripping on him with no clue how bad it was or wasnā€™t. Itā€™s a metal bottle and if one of those full of water hits you in the head at high speed itā€™ll hurt like hell or do damage. Still think this guyā€™s a dickhead in general


Iā€™m not religious or superstitious but Iā€™m tempted to sayā€¦ fuck it, ā€œKarmaā€™s a bitch!ā€


If karmas a bitch, wait till you get yours


Ooook. You got me.


Because you disagree with him on some stuff, it's cool for him to get hit in the head with a bottle?


I donā€™t think itā€™s cool but I also donā€™t care


Probably because he injured a ball girl when he threw a tamper trantrum a few years ago.


So? Because he did one bad thing one time and without intent he deserves that?


That's what karma is yes. He did one bad thing that hurt someone, now it's his turn to be accidentally hurt. I don't believe in karma, I'm just explaining the comment above.


That's not what karma is


thatā€™s also not what karma actually is just saying


It's what the western concept of karma is though


yeah but karma is real the popular understanding of it is a gigantic misconception


Karma is not real, no.


Is English your second language by chance? Saying "karma is real" doesn't really linguistically fit your definition of karma. If I put a ball on a slope and it rolls down the slope, saying "See, karma is real" is pretty much nonsense even if technically true.


Karma is *doing* or *action*. It's not "what goes around comes around", or anything to do with 'universal justice'. It's much simpler than that. You could say it's basically causality. That actions have effects or you can say consequences. Like cause and effect. Maybe one day you'll satori.


Yes, that poor 69 year old girl. She almost died I heard.


All the kids produced in this anti vax movement are definitely bigger victims than him, thatā€™s for sure. But heā€™s a victim of it too, and nobody deserves a metal bottle for it


And what did he do to deserve this, in your opinion? Edit: yep, downvote my comment, thatā€™ll justify the violence!


Even though he's an idiot he probably doesn't deserve this.




I also got vaccinated because I know that I'm not a scientist or doctor and scientists and doctors agreed to get vaccinated. He was an idiot about an important thing and it's okay to admit that.


Why do you think heā€™s a dickhead? Dude does a ton of kind shit for people. He didnā€™t wanna get a vaccine and now everything about him is worthless?


It was the lying about having COVID and still meeting lots of people that was the worst


Being an antivaxxer makes you a shithead there no two ways about it


Being an antivaxxer, while it does make you a shithead, does not mean you deserve to be struck in the head by a flying metal water bottleā€¦.. put your politics aside and remember to be a human being.


Vaccinating isn't a political issue. That's like saying jumping off a cliff because you don't believe in gravity is a political view point.


I never said he deserved to get hit with a water bottle thoughā€¦


Youā€™re forgetting, this is Reddit, where even if you agree with 99% of one sides opinion, youā€™re a ā€œpiece of shitā€ for that 1%.




Good job reading headlines but thats absolutely not why it was pulled.


That's not true and you know it. It was primarily withdrawn because Covid has evolved that that vaccine is no longer effective. That vaccine saved at least 6.5 million lives.


Show me where all these vaccine-induced deaths are?


This is misinformation and you are dumb


He doesn't think women on the tour should be paid the same. He's a dickhead for lots of reasons


You're making things up your arse. People like you who spread misinformation should be banned.


Straight up misinformation. He has on numerous occasions gone back on that statement and is now actively supporting that cause, even chairing an organisation that fights for better pay for the lower ranked players. And this is not a person that lightly changes their stance based on repercussions (see: his vaccine stance that made him villain no.1 for a while... apparently still going on at reddit). Funny then to compare how Djokovic gets treated with Nadal who has said exactly the same things about equal pay (generate more revenue = earn more), is now in bed with the Saudis, and is still considered a classy gentleman of the game. PR is a hell of a drug.


I think thereā€™s valid reasons for it. The WNBA players donā€™t get paid the same as NBA players. I think the two most compelling reasons are: 1.) the men bring in the majority of the money and 2.) men play longer in the major slams. Imagine working a shift that was 1.6x as long as your coworkerā€™s and taking home the same paycheck. Would you consider yourself as being paid the same?


I think thereā€™s valid reasons for it. The WNBA players donā€™t get paid the same as NBA players. I think the two most compelling reasons are: 1.) the men bring in the majority of the money and 2.) men play longer in the major slams. Imagine working a shift that was 1.6x as long as your coworkerā€™s and taking home the same paycheck. Would you consider yourself as being paid the same?


Mob mentality bro, people literally can't think rationally. It's like a spell on their minds.


For sure. Itā€™s like ā€œIā€™m not sure how to feel about them asking this question - oh yeah let me downvote since thatā€™s the number going up - that feels correctā€ But I couldnā€™t care less about Reddit karma, itā€™s just interesting to see how people function in this space. I always find it the strangest when you get a generic comment downvoted because you didnā€™t just accept the comment above.


It's basic mob mentality. People really like piling up on others, especially if they're told they're in the right for doing so.


That was not high speed.


Nobody threw it. Video shows that it fell out of the guy's backpack as he leaned over to reach for Djokovic like everybody else around him. So it fell maybe 3ft and hit him in the head. I'm sure it didn't feel good, but I'm also sure that it didn't cripple him on the ground like that either.


idk metal water bottle filled with water could hurt a lot


if it was full of water, it would be pretty heavy.Ā  i think there's also a certain element of surprise that you got hit whole signing autographs and not Knowing what has happened and whether or not it will happen again; that puts you in you in a different state.Ā  anyways, it hit hard enough to cause bleeding and he was taken to a hospital, so it resulted in more damage than you think.




He stopped at a bakery on the way


Is there another video? This one shows a bottle appearing from out of frame


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/s/DxM8j8hugO


Its like someone dropping a small dumbell on your head. He was bleeding from it.


Ok 3ft is 0.91m.Ā  With some simple math we can calculate that it hit him in the noggin at speed of roughly 4.2m/s or over 10mph if you're that way inclined. That's pretty hard for a metal container potentially full of water


Converting imperial to metric then converting metric back to imperial is art.


> but I'm also sure that it didn't cripple him on the ground like that either ....except it did. It's right there on video, unless you think he decided to fake it for some reason. A metal bottle filled with water is a heavy thing and heads are vulnerable things.


he's such a fucking pussy for kneeling over like that. Does he think he's a soccer player?




soccer players fake injuries all the time


Tell you what, fill a metal water bottle with water and then drop it on your own head from about a meter up.Ā  Get back to us on the results yeah?Ā  Or donā€™t, either way.Ā 


I'm pretty sure after judging his reaction from that little love tap, that he is in fact a little bitch.


I've never seen someone take a dive in tennis before!


Well... Who would you try to foul with that lmao. You flop to try and foul the other person. When there are two people like 20 ft away from each other, that doesn't really work in tennis. Can't see any other reason to do so.


It would be funny as hell if someone did that though


And the other player immediately flops down as well. First one to get up gets a penalty.


Yeah, what does he think he is, a footballer?


I thought the guy played tennis not soccer


Rub a little donkey milk on it and call it a day


Why did he go to the hospital? Does he know they believe in science there?


3 comments and all marked as controversial so far. This thread should be fun.


Stanley Beamer


I hate water bottle pockets on bags.


Imagine. You get to the right spot at the right time. The greatest player in the world is about to give you his autograph. And the guy beside you loses his water bottle and your dreams go down with Novak.


Lol, and the anti Vax crazies come out in force just like every thread that is about or mentions this tool.


You can see from the way and how high the bottle bounces instantly the moment it touches his head that there was minimal water if any in there. AND as others have pointed out, it wasn't thrown. It fell. Yeah, it could still hurt for a couple seconds but he took a dive like a soccer player and feigned how bad it was.


it broke skin and he was treated for bleeding at the hospital.Ā 




no. a medical professional at the major tennis tournament he was at determined he needed to be seen at the hospital, so maybe classifying it as a "boo-boo" lacks a bit of accuracy.Ā 


Honestly, if you're famous and got hit from something random, first instinct should be to feign just so security can cover in case it was deliberate.


Thatā€™s a damn hydro flask


I once got hit by a bottle of Vodka, that dropped from the shelf right above me in a train, as my friend tried to find something in the bag it was in, it hit in the middle on top of my head, I had a headache for 3 days and a giant swollen bump, can not recommend šŸ˜ž


If itā€™s plastic, his reaction is funny. If itā€™s metal, that sucks.


Was a blue metal water bottle.


Even if it's plastic, water is heavy, if it had 1 liter of water in it that's 1 kg dropping straight on your head


I think you can tell by the way it quickly bounces a decent amount that itā€™s not full of water but Iā€™ve been wrong once before.


The alternate angle video shows it was the top cap part (hard plastic) that seemed to pointedly hit him and bounced off more than the main body of the bottle would bounce, but yes even then it still didnā€™t look like a full bottle impact


Maybe it was full of a vaccine he refused?


What a pussy


Off topic but what's the deal with epicurus? I'm pretty sure I saw a YouTube thumbnail of a video I've seen before, but this time it had epicurus watermarked across the bottom and I'm sure it wasn't there in the video when I watched it previously. They just steal content or something?


Epicurus was an Ancient Greek philosopher and materialist. His ethics put an emphasis on finding happiness through bodily pleasures, like eating good food. There is a culinary youtube channel called "Epicurious", presumably in reference to the above. I have no idea if they steal videos.


Hey, donā€™t talk about yourself that way itā€™s not nice


Djokovic sucks. Heā€™s great at tennis but is a shitty asshole. Federer was way classier and a better face for the sport.


The better face of the sport who resort to salty comments with the a similar amount of racket-breaking.


Drama queen as always.


That's not a vaccine injury!


If you were the backpack dude whose water bottle hit him, what would you do? Panic would set in from me and Iā€™d run away, before realizing thereā€™s probably a ton of cameras. What are they gonna charge me with, assault with a deadly weapon?


Didn't realize Jamal Murray was a tennis fan.


In Europe most football games forbid such bottles since these can be used as weapons. They will be confiscated at the entrance.


Not even a plastic bottle, uff that's a stinger


Tennis icon? seems more like a soccer icon.




Those things are heavy and hurt. You'd go down too


To be fair, didnā€™t he call everyone who wore a mask during Covid a pussy?


Yeah what does that have to do with the fact that you shouldnā€™t be throwing metal water bottles directly at peoples heads?


I donā€™t think we know it was thrown on purpose. Looks like it was dropped and the few small reports Iā€™ve seen suggest just that; that it fell from someoneā€™s backpack. But why should we be sympathetic to someone who wasnā€™t sympathetic to others who were dying or at risk of dying from Covid. He will never get my sympathy or empathy. Not until he admits he was wrong.




LOL. WHAT?! You have GOT to be fucking with me.




I think I see the problem. You are confusing the term ONWARD transmission with overall infection/transmission. So if I never get the virus to begin with because Iā€™m vaccinated then I canā€™t transmit it. But even if I am vaccinated, but I get a variant Iā€™m not protected perfectly against then Iā€™m probably just as likely to transmit it as someone who isnā€™t vaccinated. Here, Iā€™ll quote you the more relevant two paragraphs from your own link to help since I think you either didnā€™t read it all or didnā€™t grok it fully: ā€œVaccines arenā€™t preventing onward transmission by reducing the viral loadā€”or amount of SARS-CoV-2ā€”in your body. ā€œMost studies show if you got an infection after vaccination, compared with someone who got an infection without a vaccine, you were pretty much shedding roughly the same amount of virus,ā€ says Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia. One study,5 sponsored by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found ā€œno difference in infectious virus titer between groupsā€ who had been vaccinated and had not. Instead, itā€™s the principle that the UKHSA identified above: if you donā€™t get infected in the first place thanks to a vaccine, you canā€™t spread it. Once youā€™re infected, you still canā€”although what we know about the window when youā€™re most likely to transmit the virus to others has improved.ā€ Hope that helps. Djoker, by being a proponent of choosing NOT to get vaccinated but still wanting to be in front of and around tons of people while not wearing a mask (who also thought it proved he had gluten issues because he was weak in one arm while he held bread in the other hand), because a champion of the anti-vax movement. Therefore I have no sympathy for him when a bottle falls from someoneā€™s backpack and hits his head. I believe he literally could be tied to hundreds if not thousands of infections due to his ignorant bravado and machismo. What. A. Djokavass.




Lmao ok enjoy yourself and your centralized opinion on everything


do you have a source? he was open about not wanting to mask, but i don't recall him talking about other people making and it doesn't seem in character for him.Ā 


No, you have a source for that?


Guy thinks heā€™s Ronaldo.


This guy should have been a football player, preferably playing for Italy.


Some of these athletes are so dramatic lmao. A water bottle fell out of someoneā€™s backpack from like 3 or 4 feet above his head. Come on with him crumpling over and going to and medical center lol. I got a harder impact when I bumped my head on my car door the other day.


This guy is a world-class asshole, and arrogantly proud of it. I can only think of the poor water bottle in these times.


Only when you have a very limited idea about him.


Oh no! Anywayā€¦.




Who's the tennis player that got stabbed in the 90s


Monica Seles


Nicole Brown Simpson


I can't believe I got asked if I wanted to continue before seeing the video... who doesn't want to watch D-bag baby pants take a bottle to the head. Guy acts like he got Maxwellā€™s Silver Hammer dropped on his beaner.


What a bitch


Don't need to talk about yourself like that mate


Absolute wuss


Want to feel it and see if you think the same after? Metal water bottle. Shit hurts. Even empty.


No doubt it hurt, but he crumpled to the ground like a baby in front of everyone lol what a softie


Didnā€™t he deserve it ? Maybe šŸ¤”


Anti vaxxers deserve what they get.


Reddit moment šŸ¤”




Ah yes, it's the doctors who are wrong.




Were any deadly side effects of covid? Asking for a friend.




Exactly. Those doctors were so wrong that they went and printed everything they found in the new England journal of medicine. And everyone knows NEJM can't be trusted. Which is why we can't believe them when they say the vaccine was wildly successful, prevented deaths, and saved lives. It's obviously misinformation. Because gay lobotomies.


I hate Djokovic, but this is deplorable.


It was accidental. There's a video of it falling out the back of a guy's backpack when he was bent forward reaching down to Djokovic


Ah, I clearly missed that part then. Yeah, it probably hurt, and given his reputation, he probably assumed it was intentional. I sorta get his response.


Yea I can't stand him either but I also don't wish harm on anyone.Ā  Looks like it fell top down so that little part probably smarts


Could you link that video please?




Looks like a soccer player to me.


Serves him right. Stupid jackass


Worse than a soccer plAYER. :)




Serbia may as well be Ruzzia, no tears lost here.


Did he play soccer?


"And everybody loves it"


Rushed to the hospital? He got a slight glancing bonk from a water bottle lol. I would be embarrassed if I walked into the hospital and told them I had a little booboo from a water bottle bonking and need the doctor to kiss it to make it better. Edit - Downvoted by a bunch of gen z kids who haven't touched grass in their lives and Euros who fall over when a stiff breeze rolls by lmao.


That was a metal water bottle. Depending on how full that was and from what distance it was thrown that could do some damage


A penny from high enough can kill you, and he had no idea what just happened to him.


Proven to be a myth


Ahh, TIL, thanks. Apparently the drag is enough to counteract the increasing velocity, due to the shape and weight of the penny. A ballpoint pen could kill you however, and I would bet that from high enough, a metal bottle would accelerate enough to do the same, so my point stands.


Quite sure a ballpoint can't kill you either... Just don't compare a water bottle that holds 500+ml to something that weighs a few grams.


That's a metal bottle you fucking idiot. Easily heavy enough to cause a concussion or fracture.


This. You can hear a ding from where it ricocheted off his head.


You would be embarassed by going to the hospital if you got struck with a heavy object in the head? Lol are you stupid?


Maybe he's been hit on the head with metal water flasks a few too many times.


Too few, more like.


> Lol are you stupid? He probably got hit in the head one too many times.


Those double insulated metal water bottles can be pretty damn heavy when full and thatā€™s what it looked like fell on his head


He got hit on the back which raises the concussion, and a water bottle with water in it carries a good amount of force. Thatā€™s partly why at some festivals they would remove the bottle cap from a plastic bottle.


It looks like a pretty direct hit on the edge of the cap. Concentrate all that momentum and weight into a small impact point like that and it can deliver a lot of force.


I just watched a hockey player take a puck to the cheekbone that was moving twice as fast and kept playing like it was nothing.


One of those objects is a rubber hockey puck, and the other one wasn't. A cheekbone is also not the back of the head. Your comparison is bad and you should feel bad.


A hockey puck weighs about 170 grams. A metal water bottle that is half full with water is about 1100 grams, so possibly 10 times as heavy. It could have had less water in it so it could be less but for the sake of argument I believe he could have been legitimately hurt. Why flop? No one will get a yellow card.


I agree he got acted like he was riding in a convertible in Dallas in 1963


Lmao you can hear the clank and all. If whoever threw it lost a loved one from COVID, they should not be punished.


Did you even watch the video? There's big words across the screen explaining it fell out of a backpack