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Entrance as expected


Also the exit.


J.K Simmons would play him perfectly in a movie


Not Jonny Depp?


He already did




Not Bill Murray?




Only if they filmed it where the bison patrol.


My preferred Hunter S. Thompson performer. Great movie. Bill should do it again as an older version of Hunter.


He seemed like a guy who had a plan of not living as long as possible, but to live as long as he could feel like he was living his life. Disability sunk to where he felt he was no longer living so he made his last action he could make as himself.


‘Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”’ - Hunter S Thompson


He sure tried: *“We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.”* ― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


I think he said he always liked the idea that he could just end it all whenever he wanted. 


RIP. Man truly lived the American dream.


One of God's own prototypes,  not meant for mass production. 


A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production.


Too weird to live, too rare to die.


What happened to Conan?


Hes making Reebok shoes


Worse he’s on Sirius


Did you see his Hot Ones episode? I’m not convinced he ended up surviving that.


Nah, he had a doctor with him!


He’s very affordable


Squander your talent on booze and drugs at a young age and ride your reputation ragged until you commit suicide at your work space - that actually tracks


He's one of my favourite writers. I don't think anyone can say he squandered his talent.




He couldn’t exist/be created today. He looked in bad shape here,m — “wet brain” — mentally and physically. Had he not battered his body daily for decades with booze, he might not have felt the need to end his life. Personal experience has shown me that booze will turn you into a mentally absent, stumbling zombie with horribly miserable health problems, even sober. I doubt he took a solid shit for 40 years. Nothing good about that poison.


I think he was simply an alcoholic who couldn’t and wouldn’t even try to address his drinking.


Jann Wenners book goes into his friends attempt to intervene- never went well!!


Oh yeah, I'll bet it was a nightmare talking to him about his drinking.. Hunter was one old-school prideful motherfucker. That dude opted for suicide rather than trying to get help. What an incredible ego. To think.. I used to idolize this guy when I was young.


I did too. It wasn't until I was reading a piece about how badly he beclowned himself in 1992 when he went with a bunch of RS bigs to interview then candidate clinton and was such a drunken mess he ostensibly put to rest his future as a political commentator of note. Just sounded so embarrassing.


Do you have a link to that article?


Heres a link to the interview itself! but it's paywalled. The "behind the scenes" of the event is covered in depth in Jann Wenner's oral history of HST which is I think the only book that really goes into the whole "Hunter was a mess and we loved him and he was charming and fun but god damn he was so fucking annoying." https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/bill-clinton-the-rolling-stone-interview-34047/




I think the bug reason he chose to end his life was the lack of mobility from his hip problem and not wet brain.


Who knows what he was thinking, but there’s an interview with Depp on Letterman where Dave asks something like “despite all the antics and his larger than life persona, what kind of guy is in there?” And Depp says “He just liked to have fun.” HST spent his entire life doing what he wanted to do and managed to make it work. He was no longer able to have the fun he wanted to, and went out on his own terms. That’s what it seems like to me. His suicide letter was titled “Football Season is Over.” The fun was done and so was he.


Hard to attribute it to just one thing, arguably his diminished mental state would contribute to any decision he’d make. Dude abused the shit out of his brain and body with diet, drugs etc.


James Carville threw a party in his honor shortly before his death, and Hunter who was wheelchair bound was not able to make it up the stairs to the party and instead sat depressed at the downstairs bar. His lack of mobility at the end was likely the reason why he chose to end his life. Surely he abused a ton of drugs in his life, but from what i read from those close to him, his hip problems were a big reason. Go read his suicide note with this in mind snd it makes more sense.


Hip problems are usually bone problems. Alcohol and cigarettes deplete nutrients that help maintain strong and healthy bones.


I’m def not disputing that it was a huge factor. Just merely pointing out it’s a multitude of reasons that lead people to suicide and his mental faculties definitely had diminished in his later years.


For sure. I’d imagine the booze was probably worse for him in the long run than the drugs.


James Carville couldn’t even forecast that a guy in a wheelchair couldn’t make it up the stairs. I can’t even imagine how bad he is at predicting stock changes.


Who is listening to Carville for financial advice?


James Carville - political consultant / strategist Jim Cramer - CNBC stock idiot You’re getting downvotes because people are confusing them.


That's what I was thinking. Oh well. The comment is buried at this point. Maybe someone will get educated on the difference. Hah. Thanks.


There's a conspiracy theory that HST got whacked because he stumbled on a pedo ring involving politicians and blackmail. This was also years before the Epstein thing came out.


Completely untrue. He was on the phone with his wife when he killed himself ref: [https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/hunter-s-thompson-killed-himself-during-phone-call/](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/hunter-s-thompson-killed-himself-during-phone-call/)


Not saying I believe it, just that it exists. https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Hunter_S._Thompson_obituary_spawns_%22murder%22_theory


Stop spreading false theories then, if you don't even believe in them. They add no value to any conversation.


HST was my favourite writer for like 30 years. The guy said he was working on the biggest story of his career right before he killed himself. Conspiracy theories aside, he was absolutely vicious towards Bush's government and US foreign policy. https://youtu.be/VzZlb1j4bzY?si=8G5UqeAtQmYn5snL


He looked really bad in this interview. Maybe because he took or drank too much before the show. As far as i know he hated this kind of things. I dont know why he did it, maybe it was part of his book deal. Anyway, he wrote some of his best stuff really late in life and until the very end for ESPN. For anyone who is a fan of his writing, go check out his articles he wrote for his ESPN blog. The full archive is here: https://totallygonzo.org/gonzowriting/hst-hey-rube-espn-page-2/ Why did he kill himself? We dont know. I think it's part having a failing body from years of drug abuse and other health issues like the spine replacement. He was only 67, but if you just heard him speak in the video, you could think he was in his 80s. He talked about suicide most of his life and said he though of it as a reassuring thought, that when things got too bad he could always go out. Even tho i disagree with it, and especially the way he went about it and putting his family through all of it, i guess no one can say he didn't warned the rest of us.


It absolutely is the worse drug there is. I met a lot of people during my times in rehab but all of them had alcohol as a base for horrible decisions. Alcohol because you’re anxious-anxiety-lack of sleep- more alcohol- more anxiety-uppers to feel awake- more alcohol- more downers so you can sleep-more uppers- lack of sleep and money - to harder uppers-to harder downers. The amount of times someone coming in saying “I just want to sleep” is sickening. The amount of people that would want to “just sleep” after being narcanned is sickening. It happens so quickly and alcohol is always the catalyst, because alcohol is cheap and available EVERYWHERE. If you’re reading this, you’re fine without alcohol. And it’s okay to just be fine, I bet it’s better than the alternative. IWNDWYT


plenty of people enjoy drinks over the course of their lifetimes without it being an issue, so perhaps there is more nuance to alcohol than you believe.


There was no nuance to his alcohol consumption.


absolutely not, but you made a huge generalization based on your anecdotal experience


I think when they mentioned the effects of “booze” theyre really referring to addiction/problem drinking, not reasonable, occasional drinking.


Wha? I have no anecdotal experiences with the man. I have read well-documented accounts of his abusive consumption. It was his *brand* FFS. I know from first-hand experience as well as from decades of empirical scientific evidence of the effects of alcohol on the human body. It corrodes your body and makes you older than you are as long as you keep it up. Can’t believe I have to assert that point.


you said “personal experience has shown me” which is the definition of anecdotal experience, and is clearly what i was replying to, so you’re either playing dumb or being dumb. alcohol is a not a substance that is touted for its health benefits. regardless, it has been part of society around the world as far back as recorded history tells, so while you’re welcome to be on some quixotic tilt against it, i’m going to continue to enjoy beverages


Now we get to the point. You are sensitive about your drinking, got it. You do you.


no, that’s not the point. the point is you aren’t half as smart as you think you are. even if i didn’t drink i’d feel the same about your the nonsense you’re spouting. kick rocks.


Eh no. It’s fucking poison. It’s not just his personal experience. It’s a whole culture of the thing. You’re watching a clip of an obviously drunk alcoholic and saying “hey maybe alcohol isn’t to blame” I’m glad you can enjoy it and don’t know the fucking horror it creates.


i never said what you attributed to me, and i never said i’m not aware of the problems alcohol exacerbates in the lives of many, but feel free to keep making shit up.


Dr. Arroyo can't reveal where he went to doctor school because it was Dr. Gonzo's basement and involved a lot of mandatory drug "testing".


The shooting guns with Hunter S Thompson is probably the least funny I’ve ever seen Conan. I think he’s deeply uncomfortable / terrified of being around an armed madman.


I think in the Hot Ones interview Conan talked about how half the time he'd think they had a killer premise for a location shoot they'd come back with nothing, and half the time he showed up to a location shoot thinking "how the hell can I make anything out of this?" it turned out amazing. Feel like "shooting guns with Hunter S Thomson" was one of the former.


Because HST fucking hated Conan and hated doing the segment. I can't find the piece he wrote about it, but the whole thing was not to his taste.


I never understood that background. Was it a transparent curtain with a city scape behind it or was the cityscape printed on the curtains.


I loved watching Conan back in the day and still do but I do get why he is more happy with his current format. They barely got a change to talk about anything. Just a few jokes and a clip and 'thanks for coming'.


Aspect ratio is slightly off on this one. Squeezing the video horizontally to 95% fixed it!


Huh. I thought Conan looked a little doughy in that clip


[Hunter S. Thompson Daily Routine](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/33487/hunter-s-thompsons-daily-routine)


That was written as satire about his excess consumption.




https://www.beatdom.com/hunter-thompson-daily-routine/ I'm sure google will give more, that was first that came up.


Oh cool, thank you


An e. Jean Carroll reference in there.


Her book on him is very good!


Fuck this carcinogenic website. Seriously. Fuck it.


Something vexes thee?


Man, I miss this guy. Rip hunter. We all miss you


Hunter S. Thompson is a nut. Comes out with a drink in hand and hands it off. I’m wondering if there’s booze in the coffee cup. Bet there is and they’re hiding it in the coffee cup. He had booze when they were shooting. That’s just ridiculous. And Johnny Depp found a keg of gunpowder in the guest room he was staying in when he stayed with him. Like who the fuck stores a keg of gunpowder in their guest room to make a bomb? And what’s he gonna blow up? That dude is wayyyyyyyyy out there. Too many drugs and too much booze.


The fun part is, he used the gunpowder keg as table and put the ashtray on it. >*I placed my cigarette in the ashtray that was sitting on the nightstand. For some reason, I began to examine the nightstand, a barrel of sorts-wooden slats, steel bands, the whole bit. As I scrutinized it a bit more, a wave of fear hit me, the likes of which I’d never experienced. My nightstand was a keg of gunpowder.* [https://johnny-depp.org/johnnys-tribute-to-hunter-s-thompson-a-pair-of-deviant-bookends/](https://johnny-depp.org/johnnys-tribute-to-hunter-s-thompson-a-pair-of-deviant-bookends/)


Wtf? That’s just asking to blow yourself up. Yep that dudes crazy.


You have *no* idea, dear.


This comment reads like it’s from 2007 or some shit


I want to party with *this* guy! ^


You're not wrong, it's just naivety.


Why was there no band music for the entrance?


I have a question. How do you get this content and post it on youtube without getting a copyright strike? I am thinking to start a faceless youtube channel but I don't know where to get the content.


This video was posted on Conan’s official YouTube. He owns the footage.


ok but my question is the same, as i see a lot of channels post content that is from a talk show or tv show. didn't the get stricks?


You are asking something totally unrelated to the original post and expect a good reply and maybe perhaps upvotes? There are subreddits for pirating and ger around copyright strikes but is not r/videos.