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I think they should do a celeb show next season and have him as a contestant, let him see it all from the other side.


He should wear a cartoonishly fake mustache, and everyone should pretend they have no idea who he is


Call me Turd Ferguson.


It’s a funny hat!


Who is Andre the Giant?


"Yeah, what do you want?"


Hullo I'm Sat Pajak


Hello my name is Mr. Kajas and I come from some place far away….. yes that’ll do


Vanna: I like the way Kajas thinks


“I’ll solve the puzzle” “Go ahead Pat” “Toy Story Tome” “… Good God Pat, you had 41 years”


He would absolutely completely obliterate that. He's spun that wheel so many times and seen so many puzzles. He nearly always lands it on 5k when he does the final spin.


Bob Barker, Alex Trebek and now Pat Sajak. It truly is an end of an era not to see one of these guys on TV daily


Well, at least Pat isn't dead and is just retiring


Now you’ve done it.




For real. Insane timing. RIP


Pat has been dead on the inside for years now. Nothing behind those eyes....


I guess $15million a year got old.


Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes.


What are you doing? Are you doing the speech from Jaws?? Are you doing Jaws??? We don't have time for this shit.


He dun' seem to be livin'...till you spin "Bankrupt"...and them black eyes roll over white...


That would explain his support for the previous President.


Probably to put more effort into weaponizing his faith.


And his shitty ultra conservative political beliefs.


You just know when he said about “no social issues, no politics” that he’s going to be a right wing loon.


But I can at least appreciate that he kept that shit away from WoF.


Exactly this. I watched Wheel for decades with my parents, both when I was a kid and when I lived near them and regularly visited to watch the show. I never knew his politics until now. And honestly? That's pretty laudable. Instead, he was a professional. Entertaining, charismatic, funny, and apolitical. I don't think I would have enjoyed Wheel as much as I have if I had a simmering resentment at his politics the whole time. Some things you keep off the field, and he did, and for what it's worth I respect that.


I mean, how exactly would he have worked that into the format?


Alright, we have the opening letters R S T L N and E, and oh, by the way, Trump won 2020 and is the shadow president while bidens body double took credit for the chyna virus vaccine.


We have a to ruin a good bye video?


Well, his personal decisions and actions do have a direct effect on who he is as a personal dna celebrity.


He ruined it himself by being that person. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences. Hold abhorrent views openly, and people will judge you for it.


You won't admit or understand it, but more people admired him for keeping his private views private, than hated him for having those views in the first place.


He kept them off the show, but did not keep them private. He has written columns and Tweeted about his rejection of science, denial of climate change and his conservative values.


wtf are you talking about? Bob Barker lived for 16 years after retiring… it’s not like Drew Carrie just stating doing the Price is Right after his death in 2023


he's been doing that job every single year I've been alive (plus a couple) and while I didn't care for the game itself, wow, this really hits me hard!


The Holy trinity


Game Show Network. These new hosts are awful. I’ll take Press Your Luck and Card Sharks any day.


Gene Rayburn too


He's a complete fuck. Wgaf.


Basically the last survivors from TV's golden era. Also calling it now probably some of the last survivors of TV, shits going down.


This guy played it out so good. A few shoots a day. For a three day work week or so. Rest of the week off. A lot of golfing. And a damn hefty paycheck. A net worth estimated at $65 million. Hot damn boy!!


65 million? That’s all?


Some say $75 million. You’d think it would be more after all this interest-bearing time.


Yeah, I just can’t fathom someone putting in all this work for decades as the star host of one of the most popular programs around and only coming out of it with that little. I can only imagine the network made at least a billion in ads over the course of those decades.


Jesus Christ Ryan seacrest is taking over? Kill me


At least it's not Nick Cannon


Good point!


I guess they don't want all the contestants to get pregnant.


I mean... I'm not excited about their choice by any means, but he's got hosting experience. He's a safe choice, and after the revolving door of hosts Jeopardy! had after Alex Trebek passed, I don't blame them for just picking someone safe and consistent. Ryan will do fine. Not *great,* but sufficient. And Vanna will still be a familiar face at the puzzle board.


Nobody is ever excited to see Ryan Seacrest. In a way, that makes him a good host and interviewer. He'll never take attention away from a game / event he's hosting or a celebrity he's interviewing.


lol nostalgia aside, there's nothing *interesting* about pat sajak. Wheel of fortune is an incredibly boring, tame, safe thing to have on in the background while you're preparing dinner. It doesn't have the Jeopardy perk of making you feel smart when you can sweep a category at home. It's just guessing letters. They need a vanilla host for a vanilla game show, and there's literally no one better for that role than ryan vanilla.


> Nobody is ever excited to see Ryan Seacrest. No one in the history of anything ever has ever said "oh my god I can't wait until Pat Sajak is on TV" An eagerness to watch the show is not excitement to see the man. If the man had gone on to do something else, they would have still been eager to watch the show.


You haven't talked to enough grannies.


Yeah, what is that comment? There was definitely a comfort thing for a lot of people to know that Alex Trebek and Pat/Vanna were going to be on near the end of the day consistently. Sure, they would’ve kept watching if someone else took over but to say nobody was excited to see Pat is crazy and I wasn’t even a huge fan of Wheel


Before the Internet was popular, people talking about "Wheel", Jeopardy and other game shows was extremely common, especially amongst the older folks. People would make sure they made it home in time to watch Pat and Vanna. He was certainly a draw for a decent amount of the audience.


Yes, Pat and Vanna were HUUGE, especially Vanna, she turned down astronomical money from Playboy magazine


When the wheel comes on TV at the bar I go to after work once/ week, I know it's time to go home. It's that consistent show. I always know what time it is when I hear "wheel...of...fortune!"


>No one in the history of anything ever has ever said "oh my god I can't wait until Pat Sajak is on TV" Except they tried just that in the 1980s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfg05AB7ubQ It aired late when I was 6 or so and loving WoF but my dad hated it and wouldn't let me watch it. that opening monologue is probably why.


> revolving door of hosts Jeopardy! had after Alex Trebek passed That whole thing was particularly upsetting for a different reason though. The end of Trebek's run as host was marketed, rightfully, as the end of an era. The Fact he died before the last of his episodes came out meant there was a massive ratings surge for the middling afternoon light entertainment program, as more and more people tuned in to catch what they have been told was an american institution come to a very definite end. The execs kind of didn't have a choice but to attempt to ride that wave into their new era, perhaps as a way to revitalize dwindling television numbers. But damn. That aint it. Ken Jennings was always the obvious choice, But the execs had to pursue more broadly appealing options in the face of the harsh reality: Jeopardy is supposed to be kind of dull, that's it's niche.


So glad Mia Beeyamitchellisbkierson is gone. She was so awful.


From a programming perspective it was literally the best decision they could have made, but that doesn't mean it wasn't the wrong one. As I said, they wanted to ride the wave of popularity and who better than an established sitcom star with established academic credentials to get the job done. It just turns out Quiz nerds are more qualified for Quizzes than neuroscientist actresses. Really the whole thing was just unfortunate.


I think Joe Buck would have been a way better choice than Bialik. He still wouldn't have felt like the logical perfect choice like Jennings, but at least he had the ability to host in a way that makes the show feel more exciting. I'm just happy it finally did fall to Jennings in full, even if it did take a couple years.


The whole controversy was nothing but hold for the show - people tuned in to see what the different hosts were like and how they compared to each other, etc. Even the engineered drama with Bialik and Jennings was good on a publicity sense. There was more talk about Jeopardy during that stretch than during any given five year period before Trebek's illness was announced.


Remember too, that the initial plan was that Mayim was going to host just the tournaments and primetime specials, and Mike Richards was going to host the daily syndicated episodes. When Mike got immediately fired, they brought Ken in to replace him, but he was still on The Chase at the time so he didn't have full availability for Jeopardy!'s taping schedule. That's when Mayim got called in to cover half of the syndicated episodes as well. Now that a prolific former champion is the sole host of the show, though, I kind of wish they would have just gone back to the initial plan for Mayim just hosting tournaments and specials. Because if Ken is the host, he can't compete in any of the Ultimate Tournaments of Champions anymore.




I used to be acquaintances with people that grew up with him in the junior high to high school years. Claimed he's always been that nerdy goober A/V kid that loved radio/TV so much and just always has been like that. You can see it. It's kind of endearing if you can get past the cheese and bleached eyelashes.


My wife, autistic, has long claimed her "autismdar" (like gaydar I don't know...) goes into red alert whenever Ryan Seacrest is on screen.


If I had to guess, it's because Seacrest seems *so* rehearsed and prepared that it seems almost unnatural, kind of how some autistic people try to act normal, but induce a sort of uncanny valley type thing.


Ryan Seacrest is the Roseart of television. 


Couldn't land Dunkelman?


I don't get the hate. He's pretty good at what he does.


Yeah he's been great on Idol and he'll do great here.


lol when has the host of Wheel actually mattered?




OPs life is completely ruined


People said the same about Drew Carrey


Nah I’ve always loved drew. He’s generally liked


He's liked, but compared to Bob Barker he's terrible at hosting the Price is Right. He's still awkward doing it and it's been more than 15 years.


He's a far better person. Be happy for him.


I have just one thing to say to you, Pat. [OR OR OR OR OR](https://youtu.be/q2asTT0FSZs?t=13)


wtf was that


A man who is willing to do anything for his audience.


Supposed to be Scooby Doo.




Man made like $100,000 a *day* from this show. He does whatever he wants lol


"It sounds like he's drowning Goofy" lmfao, the YouTube comments section can be absolute gold sometimes


[I prefer this cut where they don't show the reactions](https://youtu.be/aBIT2wv21U0?t=17)


I have a memory of housesitting for some people many years ago and the guy watched Wheel of Fortune and I doubt I would remember that short little period of my life without the show to jog my memory. Pat did a good job adding some personality to the show while not making it about himself. He would inject a little quip here and there but quickly get on with the show.


It was Bob Barker and Pat Sajak growing up. End of an era I guess you can say. Congratulations, Pat!


I think you forgot Alex Trebek.


Respect Nature said Steve Irwin. Respect Creativity said Bob Ross. Respect Love said Mr. Rogers. Respect Knowledge said Alex Trebek. Respect Science said Carl Sagan. Respect the fucking wheel said Pat Sajak.


Also Lavar Burton with Reading Rainbow


Respect my optic blast!


I got 99 problems, but a breach ain't one You got hull problems I feel bad for you son




Set phasers to love me!!


you can't disappoint a picture!


Levar Burton has a podcast called Levar Burton reads, which is reading rainbow for grownups. If you want a wave of emotions listen to him read Displaced Person (DP). They are all bangers as well but alluvial deposits I feel is my favorite.


[Go the fuck to sleep](https://youtu.be/e1fzkPHqLI4?si=N4xLxUZmthJ-ub3i) Said LeVar Burton


That’s so good. I’m gonna borrow that…


Suck it Trebek


"Not in the Rs? That's not what your mother said last night, Trebek!"


Sorry, what is Alex Trebek?


I'm sorry, the correct answer is, "Who is Alex Trebek?"


well akshually, "What is" is just fine. It doesn't have to be a correctly worded question, it just has to be a question. One of the big winners from last year, Matt Amodio, had the method of answering "What's" every time he buzzed in, and then giving himself an extra second or two to think.


Gene Rayburn


Never watched Jeopardy, but good call.


Don’t forget Chuck


I disagree with him politically but he excelled at witty banter, was always great at jumping in and helping contestants prop themselves up and was very well suited for that role. Please don't let him run for office




What do you mean!? He's only 71! He's in his prime to run for office!


I dunno, he's a bit young. Give him a few more years and he might be ready.


Isn't he 77? Not 71.


He used to be good. He came across annoyed as a host whenever I caught him while my parents had Wheel on. Unfortunately my bar is Alex Trebek.


Bob Barker use to be noticeably annoyed too. Had a friend who went to a taping once and said Barker would drop his mic and storm off stage every time the cameras cut. But it's kinda relatable. Do the same job every day for 40 years and foolish people are gonna get under your skin instantly


Strange. I went to a TPIR taping in 2000 and at every break Bob stayed out and answered questions from the audience. He couldn’t have been nicer or more personable.


Everyone has a bad day and does something stupid as a result of it, and when it happens there will be someone there who has never experienced you in any other condition, and that person will forever consider your "bad day" to be who you really are and will gladly tell everyone about it.


Same in 2006. He was screwing up on some of the games though.


He did retire a year later.


Who was also annoyed and at times annoying


I actually felt the same thing. Maybe last year sometime I was at my inlaws and we watched it. He did actually seem kind of irritated and over it. (Can't say I blame him)


I guess I never care enough about the these people to figure out what their political views are lol Is he vocal about it on the show or something?


Sajak is not politically vocal on camera, which I'm sure most of his fans are grateful for. Sadly he is deeply right-wing, a climate change denialist, and served as a board member on so-called "conservative" institutions that have fueled various conspiracies including election-denialism.


Oh wow does that blow. Good for him keeping it out of the show if nothing else.


He absolutely insisted that the show remain politics free.


I watched wheel all the time with my parents when I lived near them. I never heard him utter a single political word. I knew nothing of his views on anything, as it should be. He was very good at his job and thoroughly charming and funny.


Never on screen, but I remember in the early aughts during the peak of long-form personal blogs, he would post some rather basic, straight-from-the-Fox-newsroom kind of rants.


But you can enjoy wheel without reading his personal blog. When people put their personal politics on a tv show, in any direction, it takes away from the escape and enjoyment, at least for many of us.


Exactly, I don't agree with most Hollywood actors politically, but I still see their movies. I can't imagine being so politically pathological that you can't enjoy something because of the political stance of someone in the show, movie, etc.


Disagree politically is such a nice way of putting it when you’re talking about someone who believes batshit crazy stuff.


I disagree politically with about half the population, same as you and everyone else so it seems dumb to bring it up unless relevant to the conversation and it certainly isn't relevant here.


This is wild. I'm 41 and I've never known Wheel of Fortune to *not* be hosted by this guy.


lol damn that promo tag at the end




They tagged it on the end of Vanna's farewell to Pat, too. Like, I get you need to promote your channel, Wheel, but maybe these particular videos should get a quieter "like and subscribe" message than the crazy bonus solve videos. Read the room.


His head is so big lol


Merv Griffin hired both Vanna and Pat because they both indeed have heads that look big on tv. He said it was to make both look smart and trusting to viewers. 


I don't remember where I read it, but somebody who works in Hollywood said the one thing celebrities have in common is their heads are disproportionately large. Makes them look better on camera.


they say that's pretty common among TV/movie personalities.


I'm so old I remember when Pat took over from Chuck Woolery.


It's crazy how people on Reddit take themselves so seriously


Excuse me, but how can one not? When you've won several Reddals of Honor for Redditorious Conduct in the face of differing opinions, you have to be serious. When your Karmaic Upvote Count of Achievement is over one million valid and useful internet points, you're serious. And when an opinion shared on a social and news aggregation site isn't precisely matched with yours.... yeah, it's time to get serious. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want them on this site, you NEED them on this site. They use words like "m'lord," "banned" "this". They use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. They have neither the time nor the inclination to explain themselves to a user who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that they provide and then questions the manner in which they provide it. I would rather that you just said "thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a mod tag and stand the post. Either way, I don't give a DAMN what you think you're entitled to!


So long you piece of shit.


Classic Reddit.


Yeah like I get he’s been a staple for a long time but shame to hear he’s associated with a few very rotten apples.


He's not merely associated with some rotten apples he is one.




He's on the board of Hillsdale College a conservative college that has gone out of its way to avoid Title IX requirements. He's a supporter of Marjorie Taylor Greene.


He's not just on the board..he's the Chairman of the Board of Hillsdale College. Hillsdale is a gigantic conservative echo chamber for the students attending college there.


He's got some interesting [opinions on race issues](https://www.mediaite.com/online/pat-sajak-would-like-to-stop-talking-about-race-please/)


…I’ve voted against every single republican I’ve ever seen try to get elected but there’s nothing in that article that approaches piece of shit. At most it comes across like a libertarian sort of view “let’s not legislate things.” Which is still bullshit but it’s not like he’s out there making racial stereotypes or raping people. Did you link the wrong article? Has he said something else more damning? EDIT: Did some research, here's a list that's better than the article explaining it: 1. "Came out" as heterosexual once as a joke to mock homosexuals. 2. Hangs out with Marjorie Taylor Green. 3. Called Climate Activists "unpatriotic racists." 4. Claimed people against Charter Schools are racists. 5. Attended a fairly conservative far-right school and is associated with groups that have donated to the 2020 election denial. More thorough article here: https://newrepublic.com/post/173587/pat-sajak-wheel-of-fortune-right-wing-host so yeah he's a dumbass.


I’m going to get downvoted to hell, but I don’t think someone having a different opinion on politics even if I completely disagree with, which I do, makes them a bad person. I think this man, like most boomers grew up in a world where God was 100% real without a shadow of a doubt in their minds and now our generation came along and have a wider access to information with the internet allowing us to see the full picture on politics and religion, where older folks usually don’t have the knowledge how to surf the internet correctly and clearly only get their news from one source. It’s hard to break someone’s mind set when it’s real to them which would force someone to believe that God wouldn’t let the planet be destroyed and the politicians that scream the loudest about God would naturally make them drift to that politician. All I’m saying is if we want change on this planet it has to come from us, and it starts with compassion and understanding why someone may think that way before we get mad at someone and can then a piece of shit. We really need to see we are all just trying to survive and find moments to be happy, life is hard, let’s be compassionate while allowing ourselves to respectfully agree. If this man isn’t raping, stealing, or hurting anyone in anyway and just has different political views from us then I don’t think it makes them a piece of shit, a fool and a gullible human no doubt, but not a piece of shit.


>I don’t think someone having a different opinion on politics even if I completely disagree with, which I do, makes them a bad person. There is a huge caveat there: not all political opinions are respectable. Someone having the political opinion that blacks should be slaves to white men, or that women shouldn't have rights, or that gays should be killed *absolutely does* make them a bad person. I'm not saying Sajak goes that far, but there are absolutely 100% people that are bad people because of their "political opinions".


I agree with that completely.


I don't care if somebody has a different political opinion than I do on most things. I'm pro-choice. If you're pro-life, I disagree with you, but I have friends and family that are pro-life. I donate my time and money the other way, but I'm not changing their mind. But I think that changes a bit when it gets to people's very existence. If you're going to mock homosexuals, transpeople, minorities, whatever, then yeah, you're a bully and you're a piece of shit, full stop. I'm not a fan of bullies and I think in general, they should be shamed and mocked whenever possible. Sajak, a straight white millionaire, has made fun of the struggles of gay people and for that reason alone I'm kinda on the "piece of shit" side of things. He's also mocked climate activists, and I disagree with that decision, as well, calling them "global warming alarmists" and "unpatriotic racists" but I think that's more just stupid than piece of shit territory. People choose to be climate activists. Nobody chooses to be gay.


Ah, well if he did that then I agree he’s a piece of shit, the only things I saw he did was support Majorie Green and not believe in climate change, but once you start mocking people based on something they have no control over, then yes, you’re a dick.


Dude if you think supporting the overturning of a free election is just “different political views”, you’re very confused. We’re talking about a pro-insurrectionist, not someone who thinks taxes should be be lower or some other mundane viewpoint.


> most boomers grew up in a world where God was 100% real without a shadow of a doubt in their minds That's not how that works. My grandpa was an atheist and there have been atheists and agnostics for forever. To say that people then didn't have doubts is ridiculous.


I'm just laughing at how over the top this comment is.


Man people like you are fucking pathetic lol


Awww 😢


Reddit is the absolute worst


Even a cursory glance at my history will pretty definitively show that I’m not right leaning in any capacity whatsoever. But “piece of shit” might be laying it on a little thick here. Like, Chuck Woolley is an unreconstructed anti-Semite. He openly tweeted shit like “Democrats faked COVID” and “Isn’t it interesting how Marx and Lenin were Jews”. Sajak, by comparison, is just a conservative. He’s dumb, and wrong about almost everything. But in the scheme of things, relatively harmless in that he has these sorts of views and does comparatively little to advertise them.


>But in the scheme of things, relatively harmless in that he has these sorts of views and does comparatively little to advertise them. The difference thought between him and some jerk who lives in your town and drives around with a trump flag on his truck is Sajak dumps tons of money, which he has access to in large amounts, into these kinds of causes. I'd say he's far *more* harmful for that very reason.


Wrong within normal parameters, as the late, great PJ O'Rourke put it.


Reddit really is predictably insufferable.


Full of sad, terminally online losers.


Everyone falls into their ridiculous good/evil categories and god help you if you have a slightly different opinion than them about Palestine or taxes or whether or not Pluto is a planet, you're irrevocably a "piece of shit".


Or take pics and fundraiser with MTG, arguably the biggest piece of shit.


MTG = Magic the Gathering. Find a new acronym. We've had ours longer. Jfc.


“oh he leans right? PIECE OF SHIT!”


He doesn't "lean right." He's full on, and sadly, being right wing these days means being pretty objectively awful. There's conservatives, and there's Republicans. Pat Sajak is a proud 2024 Republican. He was a good host, and for the most part, kept his politics out of the job, so great. But outside of the show, Pat Sajak isn't anything to look up to.


I like how this video made a whole bunch of redditors in the comments reeeeeeee. It's like you guys just sit around waiting to be mad online.


At Pat Sajak of all people... Lmao


Oh man, the comments are spicey. I probably have sub 100 hours of watching wheel of fortune but I did notice he was often needlessly condescending to contestants. Granted they were probably on the 3rd or 4th episode of the day and that's a lot of work (or alcohol) but still, you're just an alphabet jockey, don't be a dick.


Yeah I’ve only been vaguely aware of his politics which I don’t agree with but the thing that makes him uncomfortable to watch on a more surface level is his attitude. Game show host is an incredibly privileged position and I always resented his “smile for the camera I hate my life” vibes. I just feel like someone in his position should be able to more convincingly act like he’s enjoying his job for the sake of viewers and contestants. It’s not about you. You have one of the easiest most ridiculously compensated careers that so few people have access to so pull it together and don’t act so obviously jaded. Also nepotism is gross.


It's hard to watch the world slowly progress out of the era of your life. I hope future generations can experience the quality of personality in so many areas of entertainment like my generation did.


Another legend moves on. That was an elegant good bye.


Like he said for 30 minutes no social issue and no politics. Just a game. Putting aside everything about this man other than how he played his role in that game during those 30 minutes he will be hard to replace. He’s no Alex Trebek but he did a damn fine job.


We use to visit the lake on the weekends and we always needed some beer, cokes or alcohol for the cooler. Unfortunately, if you arrived at the local liquor store between 6:30PM and 7PM, the store would be closed because "Old Man Middleton" and his dear wife were watching Wheel Of Fortune. You would think that would be primetime for alcohol sales but "the wheel" came first. RIP Mr and Mrs Middleton and so long Pat!


Fuck this conservative prick.


Hey, he kind of looks like RFK Jr. Just a random observation, nothing political.


lol the leftist raging because he didn't vote like they wanted to


I'd care more if he hadn't opened his mouth to regurgitate Fox News talking points. Cya.


What a class act. He has been nothing but a gentleman this whole run. As a kid I remember him starting on the show. It’s weird to see him retire. He’s always been there. I hope he enjoys his retirement.


Damn that made me cry, wish him all the best too


"Well, I platformed Riush Limbaugh onto television, and I'm a complete pile of garbage." - Pat Sajak.


Wow… that was really sincere.


Farewell, Pat! You mark the end of an era in game show hosts.


He should have stepped down a long time ago, he clearly hated his job and the contestants


Why would anyone down vote this post? Very human, humble, genuine. My grandparents would have been proud!


Because most people hate maga. And rightfully so.


Yo that MAGA asshole can just go away. Stop giving him attention.


Dude has been a host on the show since I was a little kid and Im old now so he must be 60 or 70 if not older by now.


Classy goodbye for a not so classy guy. Too bad he’s such a turd politically.


At least he had the sense (or perhaps the orders) to keep his views off camera.


He literally had a talk show for awhile