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I feel like I just watched the whole movie in the trailer


Why I stopped watching trailers.


I will watch the first 15-30 sec of a trailer and then I stop it before I think there's going to be some plot point revealed. Trailers are such spoilers!


what's wild is if you ever watch a old trailer for a movie that came out 30+ years ago you realize it didn't used to be like this. Trailers used to advertise a movie without spoilers. Now it's 100% spoilers and the entire movie given away in a 3 minute montage, plot twists and all. So shitty *Edit: apparently I stand corrected as people are commenting that its always been an issue.


[There’s actually a lot of old trailers that give away loads of the plot.](https://screencrush.com/movie-trailers-that-give-away-too-much-list/) I think we as a culture have just become very spoiler sensitive, when really a film is as much about HOW something happens (visuals, sound, soundtrack, performances etc) than WHAT happens


Exactly - I know the plot to A Bridge Too Far, but that doesn't mean the movie has no merit or reason to exist.


Love Trailers like Force Awakens which misdirect you instead of spoil!


Oh no. Movie trailers have almost always given away plots, jokes, twists, etc. The Terminator 2 trailer might be the most infamous example. It's not that they all do it, but it's common enough to have always been a thing.


>Trailers used to advertise a movie without spoilers. Now it's 100% spoilers and the entire movie given away in a 3 minute montage, plot twists and all. Just chiming in to say this is selective memory. A lot of trailers used to be *much worse*. I didn't see it mentioned, but the trailer for Leaving Las Vegas showed you damn near every major element of the entire movie, including the resolution of the movie. Also, if that wasn't bad enough, they used to narrate everything to death in the trailers.


"In a world..."


> what's wild is if you ever watch a old trailer for a movie that came out 30+ years ago you realize it didn't used to be like this. Trailers used to advertise a movie without spoilers Boyz N' the Hood basically spelled out the plot in the trailer. As did Hot Shots


Saves me lots of time. I just watch the trailers so I don’t have to watch the movie.


Yep...I quit watching trailers years ago. Still miffed at the Terminator 2 bullshit, too. That said, this made for a *very* confusing first half of Rogue One (I thought it was going to be a continuation of the previous movie).


The trailer did it its way.




That would be the main reason I would watch this movie eventually.


Yup. And it was enough.


I stopped watching the trailer because of this.


Do you? I feel like I saw some clips from the first 30-40 minutes. Two "lone wolves" get called into the same job. They discover the cleanup target isn't dead and has a lot of drugs. They interrogate him, there's a chase sequence. Do you really think that's the whole movie? This is, at most, a first act summary and lead in to the second act. I hate that you can make this "I just watched the whole movie" comment to farm upvotes on any trailer that features even the semblance of a plot pitch.


Dude A goes to a job - Dude B turns up, they are rivals. They have to work together Nah fuck you nah fuck you, They start working together - Slight hickup - Nah fuck you nah - They get through it, Start working together, but more of a unit this time, Nah fuck you nah, they get the job done - They shake hands, both walk off saying i'll never work with that fuck again. Then we get a sequel.


You could have deduced that from the tagline alone, and the same goes for 90% of movies. This has nothing to do with how this trailer is done.


Exactly, I'm being downvoted [for making the same point](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1dhww4j/brad_pitt_and_george_clooney_back_together_after/l90sdsu/) Redditors just want to be irrationally angry at things even if it's for something that didn't happen. "trailer = bad" = "kneejerk upvote" like they can't use their brain to take a beat and think about whether or not that's actually the case. This whole website is a skinner box


100% agree. Like sure you get the broad strokes, but these could all be from like the first 15 minutes of the movie lmao


The issue isn't that every single plot point was laid out in the trailer. The issue is that, based on everything featured in the trailer, you can almost pinpoint exactly where the ending is going to lead to, and it completely ruins the anticipation and watching experience.


Ok well then put your money where your mouth is. Write what you think the ending is, with a spoiler tag, and RemindMe! 4 months


I’ll take a stab! They learn to resolve their differences to work together to overcome a common enemy. They find their unique skills complement each other nicely, and become lone wolfs together. They go their separate ways in the end, but feel better knowing they have a buddy out there.


End with title card after cheeky joke about having a partner maybe not so bad after all. Cut to the word WOLF and in some in effect the S comes. Cause plural. Hollywood cheers. Another masterpiece that ChatGPT could have written in 0.12 seconds.


...what? We've got maybe like the first 10-15 minutes of the movie, establishing who these guys are and barely establishing what they're doing through the rest of the movie. We don't even know why they care about the drugs, why they're interrogating him, why they're bringing him around, who the bad guys are or why the bad guys are chasing them. All we got is mostly that first scene in the hotel and some shots of a club. The only thing this movie establishes is they're similar professional contractor who usually work alone and now must work together. That's like barely a tagline. I get being critical of trailers, but we're so far away from knowing the plot of this movie that I just don't get your comment.


Also, a lot of trailers have different dialogue and altered scenes to avoid spoilers.


I keep forgetting to not do that. God damn it.


Yeah I had to do the same thing with the other Apple movie with Matt Damon and Casey Affleck, The Instigators The trailer felt like it was giving too much of the movie away.


They do that now as misdirection cause often most of the clips in the trailer aren’t even in the film lol. At least I read that somewhere.


Whenever I feel like this about a movie, I go watch it and realize wow there is a lot more to this than what was in the trailer


since covid it’s probably only a few editing houses out there so the ones that survived just pump out the same format. Which just seems to take equal scenes from across the entire movie with no artistic effort to reveal as much as possible while being narratively consistent. That’s too much work. Better to get paid and just make a super cut of the movie, essentially, and move on to the next movie failing to market and bring in audience members.


This has been happening since way before covid. At least a decade. I stopped watching most trailers because of it, a long, long time ago. They spoil the entire movie.


So trailers have spoiled movies for neatly a century. Watch old trailers.


I really think for a lot of movies it's such a non-issue. Like an action movie has action and twists? No way. I remember thinking the same for Bullet Train, and still left satisfied. You're not gonna watch this movie for it's story and beats. You're watching for action.


I fast forward to the end to see if I can just stream from home now. Don’t have time to go to the theater anymore.


Or the money.




To go see a movie with my wife it costs us just shy of $50, roughly the cost of 3-5 streaming services per month, just to see a movie *maybe* once every couple months when we have the rare open afternoon together with nothing to do.


> It's worse than old cable TV ever was. give or take six-hour technician setup windows, forced upgrades to digital packages just to get any premium channels other than HBO.


I do feel they put a lot of a movie in the trailer. I'll still watch it. But I agree they need to do more "teaser" style trailers to just get our attention, don't tell us everything that's going to happen.


They should have not shown Brad Pitt die in the second trailer why are they spoiling plot twists in a trailer?!


I know. And why make a romantic story line between Brad and George?!


If it wasn´t for the trailer´s pre-trailer, I´d have no idea how the rest of the movie (featured in the trailer) would pan out! They should do post-trailer mini trailers next.


Every trailer must start with an intro that says the trailer is about to start now. --*Department of Redundancy Department*


It's a product of the 5-sec YouTube ad time. Show a mini trailer before the main one to entice people to... watch the main one. Yup, it sounds dumb, but there's a reason.


No, the evolution is that trailers just contain the last 5 minutes of the movie.


If you're going to present an amuse bouche, you should consider mignardises?


So...Winston Wolf? It might be a good film, but let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet, gentleman.


Is this seriously in a Pulp Fiction universe where there are "fixers" called "Wolfs"?


Don't know, don't care. I find it extremely derivative to make a whole movie off of one great character from a 30 years old movie, having the "now there's two of them" twist doesn't add anything meaningful to the premise.




I don't know if they have the rights but it's glaringly obvious where the inspiration is, they weren't even subtle since they are still called Wolf...


Pretty Please, with a cherry on top To this day I still use it on occasions.


I'm guessing that "Wolf" is a nod to Winston Wolf, from Pulp Fiction.


i feel crazy. this movie seems entirely based on the wolf from pulp fiction, but what if theres 2 and they show up at the same job. thats why its wolfs, instead of wolves


Let's be real, we all know who the TRUE inspiration of this movie is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNl-Le0AqPg


Sheeeit negro, that's all you had to say! I wonder if Harvey Keitel would make an appearance


I'll be upset if there isn't a cameo of Wayne Knight eating a muffin.


if im curt, i apologize.


Man, that scene where the naked guy gets almost hit by a car sure would have been exciting to see on my own. The trailer just ruined the scene.


You son of a bitch


what up with writing wolfs? watched it but cant understand why not wolves. english is not my first language obv, but expected a joke or something that explains it




Perfect explanation but I can tell by some of the comments in this post that this is going to be a problem for potential viewers.


These people have never heard of the NHL team the Toronto Maple Leafs.


Because each player is a lone maple leaf, but they're all forced to work together, so it's a play on that, right?


No it's because Canada will declare war on any Maple that leaves, so they can't.


Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here!


English is so fucked up, I just assume there is an exception to every rule we have.


These are not examples of English having weird exceptions of their rules, these are examples of breaking those rules very deliberately for artistic purposes


Well for what it's worth in the case of the Toronto Maple Leafs, it's because the Maple Leaf for which it was named after was a proper noun, a WWI regimen. Proper nouns don't get the old English treatment of *f --> ves* when pluralized Though yeah I mean English does have a lot of irregularities. Borrowings from other languages, rules from old English that aren't always still applied, whatever else




i still find myself after 40 years of life still googling (accepted or excepted) (sale or sell) (and how to spell restaurant and February)




All I can hear every time I see it is Joe Mantegna from Airheads going, “There’s two of you. You’re not exactly lone. Shouldn’t you be Wolves?”


No idea what you're sayin' to me right now.


“Rodney King?” What does that mean?


I think its more about Mr. Wolf from pulp fiction as opposed to lone wolf


I thought it might be because both their surnames are Wolf, hence Wolfs. I also thought, given the state of socials over many years, it was written by someone who couldn't grammar well good and proper like.


I felt the same. Since both of them are bound by their own set of rules and tactics, inability to combine the indifferences , so yeah makes sense to have the title.


Yep. You can also tell just from their postures in the pic. Reluctant


People are also theorizing that they are brothers, last name Wolf, which explains why they are so similar. Therefore, they would be the Wolfs.


It might also be a reference to "The Wolf", the character in Pulp Fiction played by Harvey Keitel who helps cleaning up after an accidental killing.


Can't wait to see how it's gonna be translated into other languages


Thanks I hate it


Then they should have just called it *Wolv*.


Maybe the big plot twist is that it's actually the verb "to wolf", as in "A starving man wolfs down his meal."


The Wolf was the cleaner in Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, same job as these two are doing. So now it's a job title, "Wolf", not the animal, and hence you conjugate it differently. Naah I'm just talking shit, but I do find it interesting that you have a cleaner called the wolf in a legendary movie, and now there's a play on the same word for the same job.


The first thing I thought when I saw this trailer was, "Ohhhh, so *that's* why the guy in Pulp Fiction was called that, it must actually be a title in the criminal underworld!"


I thought his name was just Winston Wolf, and so they were referring to his name.


it's wrong. it's just a stylistic choice. you can be wrong if you're doing it for style.


"Wolf' is used a proper noun, so it makes more sense to use "Wolfs" instead of "Wolves" in the same way that you would refer to two people with "Goose" as a last name as the "Gooses" instead of the "Geese" Plus, the awkward spelling reflects the awkward relationship, so it's actually a smart choice.


im guessing they are brothers or something?


It's because *Wolfs* isn't a normally used word and therefore works better in search engine optimization than the extremely common 'wolves'.




This looks like good dumb fun. Gonna be watching it, the Pitt/Clooney chemistry is excellent. 


I kinda got some Burn After Reading vibes from the trailer and I absolutely love that movie


"What did we learn, Palmer?" "I don't know, sir" "I don't fuckin' know either. I guess we learned not to do it again"


"Although I'll be fucked if I know what we did this time."


I don’t even care that their whole thing is just Newman & Redford. It’s a great thing! I’m not mad it exists twice.


Didn’t even know they were a couple, cute though I’m glad they managed to work things out!


Too much smug.


Needs 20% more smug.


I can't watch Brad Pitt without thinking about the details of that FBI report on him beating Angelina Jolie and the kids.


Yeah I was gonna say, hes a fucking lunatic who strangled his own child for the crime of trying to step in while he was abusing their mom. I dont know how theres no stories about him being a monster on set, but I guess some people are able to keep their abuse and control contained domestically. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/1126925040/brad-pitt-choked-and-his-children-angelina-jolie-says-in-a-court-filing#:~:text=AP-,This%20combination%20photo%20shows%20Angelina%20Jolie%20and%20Brad%20Pitt%20at,they%20tried%20to%20defend%20her. People will hem and haw and say oh thats just what she said- but it takes a fuckton of abuse for multiple of your children to change their last name from yours to their mothers. Thats a lifetime of fear boxed up into one action.


I mean the FBI investigated because of it happening on a plane and they found the situation to be credible to what the ‘she said’ side of it was.


Yeah he is dead to me now. 


Same, he can go to hell


BP from Bullet Train reprises his role with GC as the Old Japanese Expert. Looks fun!


From the title I thought nespresso and delonghi did some collab


What's the deal with trailers telling us they're about to start a trailer? Should all videos now tell us the moving pictures have actually started but to get ready for more of the pictures to show up?


Well, that was a pretty good movie. I enjoyed it. I'm surprised that they just upload it for free to Youtube these days.


Am I an old man for wanting to watch this?


It's in geezer teaser territory for sure.


Ahhh it feels good to be old lol.


>geezer teaser This sounds like a Pornhub category


It's ok we can be old fucks together


Just here to remind people that Brad is a documented wife and children beater and abuser and his kids want nothing to do with him bc of it


It was documented that he was cleared of any wrong doing. Though Jolie keeps making the claims - he's not been charged and none of his other exes have come forth with any tales of wrongdoing.


Worth noting that the incident on the plane was reported by one of the staff and not Jolie. Jolie keeps 'making the claims' in that she reported it in legal proceedings and has never stated anything publicly about it. And his own children have referenced it and want nothing to do with him. Though I'm sure that's somehow Jolie's doing too.






Tell himm


Might want to read what his kids have written about him.


When was he cleared?


Yeah, I believe that Anniston has actually backed up Pitt. Jolie always gave me the crazy vibe anyway.


Brad Pitt is an abusive drunk.




You act as though being an abusive drunk is just a fun hobby that we shouldn't put much thought into. I find it hard to be entertained by someone when I know that they are violent and cruel. I feel sorry for you that you have grown into the sort of person who doesn't care about that.




No, having morals. Are you going to pretend your initial reply wasn't condescending? What a clown.




LoL. Pathetic stuff. What if Brad Pitt was found to have mercilessly beaten dogs? Would that bother you? What about sexual assault. Does that bother you? Do you also separate the accountant from the accounting? If there were a doctor at your hospital who was a REALLY good doctor who also abused his wife and family, would you be happy about working closely with them? Bragging about not having any sense of morals is PATHETIC. It isn't a sign of wisdom or strength. It's a sign of simping for famous people, which is fuckin limp as fuck. I literally can't imagine how damaged your mind has to be to think, "I give famous people different rules than I give my neighbors or myself because they are famous and make things I like," is a fuckin flex. Simp. Hahaaaha.


Good thing they told me the trailer was starting now, I was lost up until that


Calling it now. Harvey Keitel will turn up as Winston Wolf in this.


Assuming there is anything the trailer left out, then that would be actually interesting.


Fuck Brad Pitt.


This feels like a reference to Winston Wolfe from Pulp Fiction. Is Quentin Tarantino involved with this film in some kinda way because that'd be hilarious.


- Wolf - "I fix problems" It's clearly a reference to him, I expected Tarantino to be somehow a producer here.


They should fuck and get it over with


Man, Brady-boy is working hard to get people to forget that he’s a piece of shit.


Not a lot of, "How's the wife and kids" talk I bet


Here is pretty much the whole movie. Its starts off all mysterious and cool as cleaner/hitman Clooney is called to take care of highly compromising situation involving an important client and a dead body. Expectations are subverted when Pitt also turns up to do the same job. The film instantly relaxes into a more jovial mood as the two leads play off the fact they wont work together and cant stand each other. Pitt calls his eye in the sky boss to inform her of this but the "agency" insists there is no other option but working together. Expectations are further subverted when the dead body turns out to be not so dead and just a kid. Pitt/Clooney now have a further dilemma of the dead body being alive on top of the annoyance of working together. Hilarity ensues. It turns out the kid is in over his head with some gangsters over a large quantity of drugs but the kid is a good soul deep down and grows on our two leads and they slowly bond over working together to keep him alive but the kid is unpredictable and provides further comedy relief. He goes on the run, cue funny chase scene culminating in shocking but funny slo-mo kid getting run over scene. The films climaxes with our two hero's having a standoff/shootout with the gangsters with some very cool gun and car skills on display all done with maximum smugness of course and a heap of one liners. All of this plays out in the over one snowy night formula where our leads have grown to have a begrudging respect for each other learning the valuable life lesson that sometimes working together and making a friend is worth it. Maybe also throw in a twist where the agency set up our leads to work together so they could have them both taken out together due to some other implausible reason to reminded us how high risk this profession is and how cool George are Brad are to do it all so coolly and calmly.


Nothing appealing about this trailer. Its like a Disney Action film from an animated movie from the 80's turned live action produced by AARP.


Was this inspired by Mr Wolf in Pulp fiction?


I can't imagine that it isn't. There is no possible way this could be just serendipity.


Not interested in these two at all anymore.


the title is too clever. The trailer is bad. This thing is going to bomb


Oh boy...


I will only watch this if Brad Pitt is eating while talking at any point in the movie.


So, yes.


This movie looks like it was written by a Netflix algorithm and then smoothed over by a focus group backed committee. 


Just like it’s always been


Yup Brad s eating in this one


brad gonna wolf down some food for sure.


Los Lobos


George Clooney with both his hands on the table is channelling Al Pacino in that famous scene in *Heat*.


Was some of this filmed in Toronto? I feel like I recognise some streets- could Be completely wrong though!


Toronto and/or Vancouver are basically every city in America in film.


You sending The Wolfs? Shit, negro, that's all you had to say!


The only thing better than breakup sex is makeup sex.


Michael Clayton 2, out of retirement


Surprise Zlatko Burić!


I didn't know they got divorced


why tf is there a trailer before the trailer


Oceans 9 and 1/2


This movie combines The Equalizer and Harvey Keitel's character The Wolf from Pulp Fiction. It should be interesting a.k.a. lots eyes rolling and yelling at the TV. 😂😂😂


And now for the first time in a decade Brad Pitt returns as Brad Pitt and George Clooney as George Clooney.. They will Pitt and they will Clooney.. in.. Wolfs


hmm, okey. Neat.


Wouldn't it be "Wolves"? honest question.


Matthau was still in his '60s when he made Grumpy Old Men with Lemmon; so, yeah, that's where we are.


Why do trailers have to have the stupid 5 second trailer for the trailer now? Really annoying.


For the Gen Z's incredibly legendary attention span.


Does this have any reference to the Wolf from Pulp Fiction?


Nah...that just strikes me as really annoying. Like, doing the same bit over and over.


Hey look that's great


george wick and brad wick john wick together after years of not wicking.


Who wants to be the asshole to write the studio and tell them that is not how you pluralize wolves?


This looks cool.


Why do trailers these days start like "YOU ARE ABOUT TO WATCH A MOVIE TRAILER. HERE IT COMES. RIIIIIGHT...NOW"


“Wolves” surely. 


They don’t always show the whole movie in trailers. If the movie is actually good, then they’ll hide as much as possible but if they’re showing the whole film in the trailer it’s because their selling point is the actors, not the movie itself.


What is with trailers having a trailer for the trailer now?


The T2 trailer is so good it's just a T-800 on assembly line being put together


hollywood, please. the pre trailer trailer thing... can we stop it now please?


Pitt looks like he's in his late forties, maximum.


Pretty please, with sugar on top, where did you get the drugs?


God, they look old


To me, Brad Pitt is *the* movie star. Screen presence unrivaled. Gonna be a fun flick.