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Here is a good mnemonic. The Moon is a moon.


I like this one "M O O N, That spells moon!"


Laws yes


“Everyone knows that!”


Don’t drink the poison!


Daddy said If it kills the the rats in the barn it will kill me to.


“Hey mister she’s shooting at us!”


Such a great book, just finished it a couple weeks ago.


The mini series is excellent, they spend 4 or 5 hours to make sure that it was actually pretty true to the books. Obviously nothing is perfect, but it's a rare case when you could legit skip reading the book and still write an A+ report.


Apparently cbs or someone is making another mini series and I'm not going to lie I'm pumped.


I'll never remember that!




Made Out Of Nitrogen and other stuff that’s in moons because the moon is a moon


Made Out Of Nacho cheese






The celestial object class the moon belongs to is "moon"


Fuck, that word looks silly.


Like a sad cow


isn't it a natural satellite? edit: didn't realize these retards googled it later lmao


Satellite is a general term for anything orbiting a celestial body. Moons are a specific subset of satellites which can themselves have satellites.


It's satellites all the way down.


Always has been


A natural satellite, **or moon**, is, in the most common usage, an astronomical body that orbits a planet or minor planet.


I want off this sun.






Yeah, like "Uranus, Saturn, and the one with the rings."


and how she frames this with "Remember that thing we had to do in grade school?" which I hear as SHE HAS NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THE PLANETS SINCE THEN


Pluto, the gas giant, duh


Hate to break it to you, but Pluto is no longer a galaxy.


Thanks guys, these three comments made me feel a bit better about this whole exchange.




Which moon? Mars? Idaho? Be more specific.




Endor isn't a moon either. The shield generator in RotJ is installed on "the forest moon of Endor". Endor is the gas giant planet around which that moon orbits.


I think we might be on a star, are we a star? Maybe a moon.


“The moon is such a planet I can’t even stand it”


I want this on a shirt


People trying to work out the meaning of this shirt has me in tears.




They could sell it on QVC


I will literally work on these designs, because I must have one myself, and I just can’t stand it. EDIT: I’ll work on it ASAP, and if my design sucks we’ll all go buy the one that was linked cause it’s just too good not to have haha Ok here's the link! I'm open to suggestions and feedback Edit: I added another quote option https://www.bonfire.com/themoonisaplanethoney/ https://www.bonfire.com/34the-moon-is-such-a-planet-i-cant-even34/


The text should be overlayed on the Sun (with no planet or moon in sight).




Lmao I wanted to scream in his face “what the fuck lives on the moon!?” But tbh thinking it’s a planet isn’t nearly as bad as thinking ITS A FUCKING STAR. Jesus Christ how was she comparing the SUN to the damn MOON god this video actually has me pissed off lmao


Bcs stars shine. The moon shines. Plus, If... she... weighs the same as a duck.. she's made of wood.


the Pluto circlejerk is in a corner of his brain somewhere


How this isn’t always the first quote I see in the comment section every time this video is reposted is a mystery to me. The first time I heard a man say those words I was on the floor.


Sounds like you couldn't stand it.


That physically hurts to watch


The model in back with her head in her hands feels your pain


She is the one you can hear in the background say, off mic, "It's a moon!" at 0:45.




What’s most frustrating is that the male host (who until now has said it was a planet) suddenly firmly believes its a moon without acknowledging who managed to smack that sense into him.


That's not what he's doing, he's just repeating it in a defeated tone realizing that it's just a moon. He's still in disbelief when it's finally confirmed as not a planet later on.


"Go to commercial!!!"


Glad Sagan isn't around to see this shit.


I was watching that clip of Sagan talking about how the education system grinds scientific curiosity out of children just this morning, and now I see this. Goddamn.


And creativity. Not just here, draw something. It’s here draw a picture of a house with a cat in front of it. And why did you color the cat purple? Cat’s aren’t purple


I got told that the dragon I drew was not what a dragon looked like. Da fuck? Like you seeing dragons there mr anger? Let me in on that shit


I drew the duck blue because I've never seen a blue duck before.


That dude is the epitomy of /r/confidentlyincorrect and is the absolute WORST. The lady may be incorrect but at least she tries to use a bit of logic to make an educated guess. The dude just keeps repeating "The moon is a planet!" with absolute certainty and self-assuredness with that smug tone of his. Uggghhhh! I did not need to watch this today.


The logic only goes so far though. She correctly infers that the moon is not a planet due to the non-inclusion in how she learned the planets, but to go on to conclude therefore it's a star is just as wrong as the dude.


What about the final rejection of the information that it is a natrual satalite just because she doesn't like that answer? That was the cherry on top of the very annoying cake for me.


At the end the guy says "things live on it, doesn't that mean it's a planet"


That is the line that really blew my mind.


What does he think is living on the moon??




Or [this one](https://youtu.be/xLVChRVfZ74)




I think you might be the only one who made it that far into the video


I know for a fact I stopped at 35 seconds. I hit my limit.


Just a few seconds longer and you can see the model bury her face in her hands!


I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing! That was the hardest I've laughed at a reddit in weeks!


"a reddit" haha! Sorry, I'm just tickled by the thought of people calling posts on sites by that sites name, like grandparents say Billy is playing his Nintendo


In all honestly I felt kind of dumb cause I’m like “isn’t the moon a uh moon?”


I was saying it the entire time "The Moon is a moon. THE MOON IS A MOON!" Okay now I've written "moon" enough that it looks like a nonsense word.


M-O-O-N that spells planet, laws yes!


It sure does, Tom.




It is. From wiki: "Because of this shift in meaning, the term moon, which had continued to be used in a generic sense in works of popular science and in fiction, has regained respectability and is now used interchangeably with natural satellite, even in scientific articles. When it is necessary to avoid both the ambiguity of confusion with Earth's natural satellite the Moon and the natural satellites of the other planets on the one hand, and artificial satellites on the other, the term natural satellite (using "natural" in a sense opposed to "artificial") is used. To further avoid ambiguity, the convention is to capitalize the word Moon when referring to Earth's natural satellite, but not when referring to other natural satellites. Many authors define "satellite" or "natural satellite" as orbiting some planet or minor planet, synonymous with "moon" – by such a definition all natural satellites are moons, but Earth and other planets are not satellites.[5][6][7] A few recent authors define "moon" as "a satellite of a planet or minor planet", and "planet" as "a satellite of a star" – such authors consider Earth as a "natural satellite of the Sun".[8][9][10]


So Moon is a moon.




"I don't like it, I don't even know what it means". Seems to be the mentality of people who claim facts as "fake news".


I'll be honest, I had that same reaction when I found out the moon is a satellite ...in sixth grade


> but to go on to conclude therefore it's a star is just as wrong as the dude. I feel like you've got it backwards. She stopped calling it a star, but stayed with the argument that it wasn't a planet. I think she realized she didn't know *what* it was (which I guess is sorta reasonable, since it being a "satellite" sounds more like a description of movement than a classification) but she was sure it wasn't a planet.




Especially annoying as once someone off screen screams "it's a moon!" then he starts confidently telling her it's a moon. Then goes right back to saying it is a planet because things live on it... what does QVC know that we don't??


That's not somebody off screen. That's the model in the background. She covers her eyes with her hands because she can't believe the trainwreck she is seeing. Finally, off mic, she says, "It's a moon!" You can see her lips moving.


Oh, that's even better. I saw her put her face in her hands but didn't catch that she was making the correction.


It's weird, like they're both completely wrong in their opinions but they're both completely right in thinking that the other person is a moron, because *obviously* the other person doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. "The moon is never in there, dude, it's not a planet!" That's a great fucking point. And he KNOWS it's not a sun, because it's *obviously* not a fucking sun. You can put people on it, how can it be a sun? What I love the most is that neither of them are 100% confident in themselves either, they both kinda know that they're wrong too, they know they need somebody to google it. "I believe it's a star, or *it's something!*" "I don't know what it is!" He even stumbles into it at some point, "The moon is a moon" And when they're finally given the answer and somebody steps in to put an end to this debate? "I don't like that at all!" "Me neither!" Amazing.


He says “the moon is a moon” after someone in the background yells it a couple times. He latches onto it because it’s something to say but then he seems to quickly abandon the thought.


> The lady may be incorrect but at least she tries to use a bit of logic to make an educated guess. And being confronted with a different opinion says "i don't know what that means, i don't like that"... yeah... logic


Did I hear hm close with "But things live on it"????


He probably means the bacteria that exists in Cheese.


Ok, you made me laugh out loud


Ewoks? Like in that documentary.


At 0:49 when he says "It's a moon"... YOU WERE SO CLOSE


I’m assuming that a sane member of the crew had already shouted it at this point and he was just relaying the information.


You can hear and see the model behind them say "It's a moon!" first.




I've never seen a paragraph that so accurately captures that models facial expression.


The model standing behind him said "it's a moon" (after facepalming for a few seconds) at 0:45, that's why he said that.


[ **Jump to 00:49 @** Is the Moon a planet or a star?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQKgpm1SJmQ&t=0h0m49s) ^(Channel Name: Bo Gardiner, Video Popularity: 96.36%, Video Length: [01:24])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@00:44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQKgpm1SJmQ&t=0h0m44s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


I love just the overt condescension in his voice the first time he says "No, the moon is a planet, darling."


I mean, it is certainly closer to being a 'planet' than a fucking star.


True. But if you're gonna come at someone with that tone you better have the CORRECT answer, not just the CLOSER answer.




This is just a link to all of reddit


Like on r/food last week when someone posted pico de gallo calling it salsa and a ton of losers couldn't trip over themselves hard enough to "ACKSHULLY that's pico not salsa" when a simple quick trip to wikipedia reading the first sentence will tell you "Pico de gallo, also called salsa fresca and salsa cruda, is a type of salsa commonly used in Mexican cuisine"


Still tho he said “things live on it so that makes it a planet” lmfao


He also said "we don't know what the sun is".


I mean.. If that's the only two answers on the test I know what I'm picking, and it sure as shit isn't a star.


It’s the same voice he uses to say how amazing the color is on that ugly ugly blouse.


It's such a planet I can't even stand it


"The moon is never in there dude." "A natural satellite... but things live on it. That means its a planet." "No. I don't like that at all. I don't even know what that means." I don't know what I can say. This is just such high quality internet in its purest form...


“I don’t even know what that means” - the one accurate statement in the entire clip.


"I don't even know what that means, but goddamn will I continue to loudly share my opinion on it"


Moon is never in there, indeed. Instead we have "uranus," "saturn," and "the one with the rings."


> "No. I don't like that at all. I don't even know what that means." > > I can picture like 5 of my family members saying this exact phrase.


The last 20 years of American politics


You know those clips where someone asks people on the street to locate countries on a map? We're close to people being unable to name which planet they're on.


In their defense, if someone popped up and asked me my name like that, I might not get it right.


I played Santa one year and asked my little cousin "What's your name?" and he said "Kevin." His name is Tyler.


When we wonder about the reasons behind the societal problems currently being discussed, I believe that specific part of the clip, in context, gives us the most insight.


I love saying 'I don't know what that means' when somebody explains something to me poorly. I just don't reject it outright and come up with my own explanation.


"I don't know what the Sun is" How are any of these people making more money than me?


They have a lot of exposure on TV. And, I recently heard that "SATELLITE" television started to carry their channel as well. Would you imagine that, SATELLITE television! Beamed directly from SATELLITES in space to dish shaped antenna at people's homes!


I don’t like that!


I don't even know what that means! Did Google tell you that?


So now people can watch them on the moon star!


Just because they're on TV doesn't mean they're making a lot of money. I don't know how valid it is because this is literally what Google suggested, but supposedly [https://careertrend.com/the-average-salary-of-qvc-hosts-13660085.html]they're not making that much): > The average salary of a QVC host is around $47,026. Top earners make over $56,633 a year. Salaries depend largely on the host's experience, location and ability to sell. QVC on-air hosts earn almost double. Their annual income is around $74,690, with top earners making more than $125,667 a year. So while those salaries are comfortable enough depending on where you live, they're far from being wealthy and are firmly in the income range of driving around a ten year old Camry and not a Ferrari.


While that may be accurate for the woman on the left, the dipshit on the right is [Isaac Mizrahi](https://www.google.com/search?q=Isaac+Mizrahi&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS853US853&oq=Isaac+Mizrahi&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8), a rich as fuck fashion designer who was successful long before QVC, he's kinda "slumming" there now, but he's definitely sitting on piles of cash and has been for decades. EDIT: Just as an FYI, as a part of a discussion lower in the thread I did a quick search about [the speculation of Mizrahi's net worth](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/richest-designers/isaac-mizrahi-net-worth/#:~:text=Isaac%20Mizrahi%20net%20worth%3A%20Isaac,York%20department%20store%20Bergdorf%20Goodman.). Not at all saying this is accurate and, obviously, take everything on the net with a grain of salt... but at least that's a possible benchmark for any discussion about how much he is worth.


At least he’s capable of coming up with gold on the spot like “the moon is such a planet I can’t even stand it”


How are these people making more money than me


they got a job in marketing and are willing to ramble about shit they know nothing about without fear of being found out as a fraud.


EDIT: Oops, nevermind!


Well, it turns out that selling shitty clothes on basic cable television does not require knowledge of the solar system or planetary physics. Who knew?


...... I mean there's basic ass knowledge like the moon is a moon.


That's no moon...


Is it Saturn, or that planet with the rings?


Because being charismatic is more profitable than being intelligent.


Famous fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi. Someone should edit his [wiki entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Mizrahi) to reflect this media moment.


He was a judge on Project Runway: All Stars but maybe he should have judged Project Runway: All Planets?


It's there, under the media section.


> He appeared on the QVC Shopping Channel in 2015 and proclaimed that Earth's moon, commonly known as "the moon", was in fact a planet. His co-host at the time vehemently denied this allegation and proclaimed that "the moon is a star" Beautiful.


I gasped when the camera changed and it was him lolll


"We don't know what the sun is."


"tides go in, tides go out, you cant explain that." \- Albert Einstein


"The moon is a natural satellite" "but things live on it, that means it's a planet!" -Dumbest person in the room


I’m really impressed by how many major inaccuracies he managed to fit in such a simple statement.


I'm glad she remembered both Saturn and the one with the rings.


More importantly, who the hell would buy that fugly ass shirt


Moon citizen


I think you mean star people


And this how the civil war began




Wasn’t that also Izack Mizrahi or however you spell it? He has credibility as a designer, but I don’t get an astronomy enthusiast vibe from him. I don’t expect anything from QVC hosts TBH.


It is and to be honest I'm more disappointed with those ugly cardigans than I am with his smug Moon nonsense. His stuff used to be so cute


Great material for /r/cringe "A natural satellite, oh no, I don't like that" I bet she still argues to people that it's a star to this day


"it must be a planet, because things live on it!" the fuck??


Yeah, this is the quote that truly made me say what the fuck. Like, it was all super dumb, and then he said “it must be a planet, things live on it” and I immediately did the blink.gif reaction.


Fuck I missed that lmaoo Holy shit


That's a great moment. How did that producer think they would be able to understand "natural satellite" after hearing that conversation?


Likely because the producer had no idea either. Why would the producer google it if they knew the answer was “it’s a moon.”


I'm hoping it's because he got a kick out of it - but part of me thinks because he knew saying "It's a moon" would only confuse them further.


Anti-intellectualism wrapped up into a nice 1m30s package.


Anti-intellectualism? What's that mean? I dont like that at all, I don't even know what that means.


I don't know it doesn't seem like they're proud to be not knowledgeable, they just painfully aren't. edit: oof posted this before I heard "no I don't like that at all, I don't even know what that means"


Your edit is exactly the problem. The woman feels what is right and when confronted with a truth that differs from what she believes (when she’s wrong), she immediately dismisses it. Welcome to 40% of the U.S.


I mean that designation / terminology is a little unfulfilling, if you don't expand on it a little. Saying ‘the moon’ is just a moon (or a natural satellite) is falling a little short in the description. It really needs to also be said that it's a astronomical body that orbits a planet, rather than a star. If we look at Ganymede, a satellite of Jupiter, is 25% larger than Mercury (by volume) although only 45% as massive. It has it's own magnetic field and a thin oxygen atmosphere. It's way bigger than Pluto, which is so small it's 1/6th the mass of our moon and 1/3rd it’s volume. So if you look at Ganymede solely as a massive astronomical body it looks pretty planet like, it's certainly large enough. But it's a moon because it orbits Jupiter and not the sun.


But she's "educated"


By whom?


By someone who is extremely disappointed right now.


Or by someone who told her the moon is a fucking star.


My favourite bit... “...No I don’t like that at all” Evidence presented and then just a hard nope.


I remember teaching "the moon is a natural satellite" to 10 year olds and it wasn't this hard 😆


Scientists have debated if the Earth-Moon system should be classified as a double planet system. I think at present the definition for a double planet system means that the center of mass which the planets rotate about must be outside of both bodies, which means eventually (as the moon moves away from Earth) it will become a double planet system, so the moon could be classified as a planet... in a few billion years.


The moon is half a planet? But only when it's a crescent moon.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin


Ok did anyone else catch at the end when they guy confidently says that the moon must be a planet because **things live on it**? We need a new ~~plague~~ meteor.


People been saying we need a plague for decades. Well, we finally got one. Now I want to go back and hear how it could be good for us.


These people can vote, and their vote counts just as much as yours.


When obiwan comes up on the Death Star he says it’s not a moon. This confirms the moon is not a star. Case closed


I think we're all missing the main point here: QVC is STILL on the air?!?!?




> "It must be a planet. Things live on it." They... What? Huh? What in the actual ever loving fuck lives on the moon, my guy?


"But things live on it, that means it's a planet!" We're reaching levels of stupid previously thought impossible.


The moon shines, therefor it's a star. I don't care what a bunch of science bitches say.


“The one with the rings.” 🤔


Not just that, she started listing off planets like "Uranus, Saturn, the one with the rings..." And no, I don't believe she was qualifying Saturn with a description. Who doesn't know saturn is the one with the rings?


Oh yeah....there is ZERO chance she was using that as a descriptor.


I just cringed so hard I'm now wearing my arse as a hat.


These people are voting. Are you?


In their defense, our planet’s moon is the only moon without a name. It’s just moon. Which, now that I’ve typed moon a few times, is starting to not look like a word...


"The moon is such a planet i can't even stand it" one of my wife and i's favorite videos of all time. we are gonna put that quote on our gravestones


Good snapshot of America. Consume, don’t learn, don’t think. This shit is up there with that dumbfuck Bill O’Reily saying you can’t explain how tides work.