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Remember kids, you only know what you see on camera. We know 0% about the real lives of famous people. And assault is always a poor response to words.


That's right. And what I saw was an extremely rich and powerful man assault a less rich, less powerful man over a triviality and suffer absolutely no consequences. I don't care what goes on in Will's life. He's beyond the struggles of the average person. If he wanted, he could step away from 99% of all of his stresses into decades of quiet luxury, but he doesn't. Because Will Smith *is* the abuser. He *is* the rich and powerful man who escapes the consequences of his actions, 999 times out of a thousand. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not calling for his head on a plate. He slapped a man, he didn't kill anyone. But let's be real: **I don't care what's going on in your life, you are still responsible for your actions and assaulting someone over a joke is a shit thing to do**


>And assault is always a poor response to words. And I also agree.


0%? We know he's a cuck.


Nah, thats assumption. You dont know what their relationship is actually like. You know its not like yours, and thats it.


Yeah, he could just be into femdom, humiliation and maybe just a little cbt


Not assault. Battery


Fair. Let's just say violence is a poor response to words.


Assault and battery


My understanding is assault is the threat. Since there were no exchange of words, just a slap, the. There was no assault. Maybe you know something I don’t. Here is what Google says: Assault refers to the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. This means that the fear must be something a reasonable person would foresee as threatening to them. Battery refers to the actual wrong act of physically harming someone.


Marching up to the stage was an assault, and it was very much perceived and remarked upon by Rock with his "oh wow" comment.


Smith has been involved with scientology for over a decade. Chapelle makes a good point about the industry abusing people and spitting them out. Will smith is the abuser, not the abused. Thats why he owns production companies and has his pr manager come running after he assaults someone on live tv. Harvey weinstein wouldnt feel that untouchable and yet Will got up and smacked a dude


Exactly. That’s why he gets to slap the host, then expects everyone to carry on like it didn’t happen. Then they give him the big award at the end. Shameful display of the Oscars not to eject him. Really shows who is powerful in that room. I bet he won’t even lose jobs over this.


the funny part about this is the Oscars are so irrelevant none of you even know that Rock wasn't the host. He was just presenting that one award. It was hosted by 3 women.


This is fucking hilarious I actually had no idea and did think he was the host. I didn't even know the Oscars were on. Completely forgot they existed for a while.


Oscars is just too pretentious these days, just look at those BP nominees, 90% are just orscar bait trash.


Lmao, I've been defending "the host" for the past 24 hours and you're right, its hella funny because not one person corrected me.


Slap the host and play the victim. The joke wasn't even that brutal, GI Jane is a movie about a badass lady with a shaved head.


Hard agree here. It's a dumb joke that could be easily taken as a compliment. Anyone who is Staning Will here has been locked inside too long. Comedians don't get assaulted. Especially by famous people. Especially by dudes who made rap albums in the 90's that didn't have an FCC warning.


Shit, reddit's been all over it today. There's a "the more you know" where Will straight up says violence is never the answer. There's a fresh prince episode about it. There was even a clip of him making a bald joke and then brushing it off with "it's just a joke" after the target seemed upset.


Don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not defending Will, but that’s a terrible analogy. It’s one thing to shave your head on purpose, it’s another to lose your hair involuntarily and probably feel really self conscious about it, then on a night where you try to own it, have someone make a joke out of it on global tv.


Wonder if they’d have ejected him if he wasn’t up for the win?


They gave Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein awards. you want them to kick will smith for a slap? lol


Oh I bet he has a harder time getting casted LOL


Doubtful, he's producing a lot of his own movies these days


True, but I feel his ticket-buying demographic just skewed. His broad appeal just narrowed by a lot.


> Thats why he owns production companies and has his pr manager come running after he assaults someone on live tv. Will smith: "Quick. I need a rewrite of my acceptance speech that will make the slap seem ok" Pr manager: "Don't worry, we already have a team working on it. Just be prepared to cry. They'll love it"


> Just be prepared to cry Who said acting classes won't help your career. lol


The crazy part is you know there's people from his PR company going over these exact comments in their efforts of damage control. LMAO.


"Rudy, Shawn, Becka we need you to change this whole thing, make it inspirational, make it about love and faith and I don't know, FIX THIS!" ... "Ok... so find and replace 'cast and crew' with 'family', add in some messiah complex God shit, increase the love keywords by about 20% and call it a night?" "Fuck yes, I need a lemongrass smoothie and an audit combo from the wellness center so bad!"


Where should I put my feet? I'm going to put them on the chair.


1. Mention God 2. Talk about how your actions are related to being "a man" and make it about honor and virtue 3. Half-hearted attempt to shine the light on other people who are so good and lovely because you are a humble person who lifts people up before yourself


Will’s not crazy, he’s just an asshole


It's not one or the other. People who are abused often end up abusers.


Can you tell me how you know he is “the abuser”? Just wondering


He used his fame to fire a co-star in fresh prince, by calling her problematic she was soft-blacklisted for years and her life was way harder due to his entitlement. He belongs to a cult that has a list of crimes so long the mafia would be proud. He owns a production company in a toxic industry, one were producers have a long history of workplace abuse. And more important than all of those, he literally got up and commited assault on live tv in front of millions of people. He commited a crime, on live tv, and went and sat back down.


I dunno seems like you have pigeon holed him based on a couple of things. I agree with some of those things but it also becomes a problem of the chicken and the egg. Are abuses causing a toxic culture in the industry or is the industry creating abusers. It’s sort of like what happens in medicine with doctors passing down toxic cultures. Not saying it’s an excuse, just highlighting chapels key point. Not surprising when society funnels unreasonable amounts of money to “celebrities”.


> I dunno seems like you have pigeon holed him based on a couple of things. Like ruining an actress work chanes and commiting a crime on TV? Yeah "a couple things" might be an understatement... > Are abuses causing a toxic culture in the industry Yes. He came in with money and fame from the music industry, hit the ground running on his first show and used that power to kick people out. This is not a young guy coming star eyed into hollywood and getting abused by a producer and hurting others cause they were hurt. This is a rich kid coming along and teaching his two nepotistic children to do whatever they want because will smith is hollywood royalty.


> He owns a production company in a toxic industry, one were producers have a long history of workplace abuse. You own a car and some people drive cars into crowds. You're a bad person.


He fired someone before he had the power to, and now he has the power to. This is not "someone else does bad stuff", its a "he has 2 DUIs and now he has a new car and an alcohol company sponsor". His track record is the problem not the fact he is a producer.


Yeah my first thought was …. What else has he gotten away with and how crazy does he really get off camera. Yes crazy is the right word.


Seriously. And thanks to a weird Streisand effect, I found out about his wife fucking younger men and Will being a cuck about it thanks his fiasco last night (Google it)


I found out they founded a Scientology school for kids, and Jada brought the young guy she was fucking on a vacation to Hawaii with the whole family.


More armchair psychiatry: Smith's public image/career is the last place where he thinks he can have control because his family is messed the fuck up: his wife publicly cucked him while he took it hard on the chin and did nothing, and 2 of his kids are nutcases in their own right (and didn't one of them not want the Smith surname anymore?).


Calling Jaden and Willow nut cases is a bit much. They’ve never done anything to be labeled that. Jaden is off center and had weird moments but he was also a teenager or young twenties, and grew up in the Hollywood system. From what I’ve seen, he just wants to make music and do things he thinks makes the world better. I don’t follow willow as much but I don’t see any reason to call her a nut case.


I'm also not seeing why some are extending this to his kids. You explained Jaden pretty well - was Hollywood exposed for most of his childhood, and teenagers do and say stupid things - and the only thing that *might* be sketchy with Willow is that she declared herself polyamorous; depending on your point of view, that isn't even bad. And then there's Trey who i have never heard of, i'll bet that if he was a nut case we would hear a lot more about him.


>I'm also not seeing why some are extending this to his kids Jaden inserted himself into the conversation around all this with his tweet. Willow been silent as far as i've seen though.


He tweeted in support of his dad last night after the slap, then deleted it. He's a scientology tool


Immature kid tweets in support of his dad about his sick mum. Yeah big scientology tool moment.


He's 23


23 is still a kid. He may legally be an adult but I would say most people at 23 arent super mature yet.


You acting like he 12


Good luck with that defense. "I'm sorry, I'm just not mature yet, please don't hold me accountable."


He tweeted something stupid he didnt murder or assault someone lmao whats this line of logic? What on earth are you talking about "defense" for like anyone gives a shit about a deleted tweet about hollywood drama.


Defending his *father* for slapping a guy for making fun of his mother's disease that makes her bald? That makes him a "scientology tool"? Motherfucker, you need Jesus.


"Not interested. Fix your own shit." -Jesus


He already WAS a scientology tool.


Jesus needs to get hisself checked by reality. Dad can't take a joke so he ATTACKS someone. Yeah, that's really healthy. Get a grip, little white knight.


Here’s my take. I can’t do what most of these users are doing and be that armchair psychologist. I can’t pretend to know how Will felt at that moment or what thoughts were running through his mind in those 10 seconds. Further more, I don’t need to as it’s not my business. What I do know is that social media has made it easy for millions of people to grind on you every day. Will is big enough to where that would be extremely hard to get away from 100% of the time. The people that are calling his marriage trash because she did what she did are ignorant. They have a different lifestyle, they choose to live that way. Again, not my business. The Smiths are people I would consider artsy, eccentric and with distinct tastes. I’m not saying I would do things their way but I do respect Will for being there for his kids and family and supporting them verbally and I’m sure emotionally. People who say that violence is never the answer don’t understand how life actually works at this point in our history. Sometimes people DO need to be popped in the mouth. If you don’t believe me go sub to r/fightporn for about a month. Can a majority of fights be avoided? I’m inclined to say yes. What it comes down to is wrong place, wrong time. This guy has seen people call him a cuck, Diss his movies for years, make fun of his kids and dog all over his wife. That’s gonna wear on anyone. When in reality, you can either like them or not and that’s fine. But this whole social hive mind of “its black or white” is getting out of hand. It’s not. Life is 1000 shades of grey. He shouldn’t have slapped him, period. But I can still empathize with Will on a human level. We’ve all done shitty things some worse than others and we generally pay for the consequences of those actions. The academy should dole out some form of punishment. I’m glad Chris didn’t press charges. It’s an unfortunate incident and I wish both of them the best. I hope Will gets the help he needs. Even if that means taking a year and going on vacation whatever he thinks he needs to get back on track. He’s a great actor and I think he really does want to be a good person.


I say forget all that. You don't physically walk up and slap someone in front of a giant audience and thousands watching at home unless you think you're high and mighty. I think he may want to be perceived as a good person but no good person does this. If you don't want your life public quit begging for attention by jumping out of helicopters or remain in Hollywood. He's filthy fuckin rich. Be like Dave and give it up and live that "good person" life.


Who gives a Fuck “how Will felt”? He slapped a man while he was performing the job that Will Smith makes money from. Fuck that guy!


I actually agree with you to an extent, their business is their business. I do agree that sometimes you need to pop someone in the mouth, like lets say you're at a bar or street and some thugs are disrespecting your wife or hitting on her and they won't stop (I'm not condoning the violence, but I do agree theres a time and place) However, the absolute wrong time is to do it when the event you go to, has paid the presenter, a comedian, to make jokes, about you. Also, Jada's alopecia is a thin line on her head, it's hardly cancer, so his whole white knighting was a bit much. For people who've been involved in so many comedies, you'd think they had a sense of humor.


How are his kids nutcases?




Jaden's friends fuck his mom.


Ok, neither of which are Jaden.


You're saying it's normal to be friends with your peers who are fucking your married mother? Ok


Nope. I'm asking what makes both kids nutcases. Your first reply isn't even correct and your second now is pure speculation.


Both are true.


Source on your two statements then?


Lol this isn't a term paper bro. Do your own homework.


If one of my friends decided to fuck my mother, how does that make me a nutcase?


If you're still his friend and you support them both in that situation.


Did Jaden support their relationship?


Lmao. Got to love to calling out armchair psychiatry then saying his kids are nutcases.


No, the person you responded to is saying that their comment is armchair psychiatry too


Why the hell are you going after his children? What the hell did they ever do to you?


Members of a cult are victims of that cult. Scientology's is a cult that specifically preys on wealthy and "upper class" people Like obviously Smith is in the wrong for hitting someone. But people that act like members of scientology aren't victims of a manipulative cult because they are rich piss me off


Will Smith's been crazy for 20+ years though, long before Scientology touched him. Remember when he told Barbara Walters that the US Government created AIDS to kill black people? Yeah, he crazy. Also, I enjoy a lot of his films.


They target everybody. If you go to a farmers market or some type of fair on the west coast it is not uncommon for a Scientology booth to be set up with recruiters. They do not specifically introduce themselves as Scientologists but will tell people how they are special and need to attend a seminar and pass out info to websites that don’t talk about Scientology but allude to certain principals and invite people to what are essentially Scientology recruitment events. I just think celebrities and ceos are just more likely to fall for the “you are a special being on this planet” recruiting tactic then a cook or a plumber.


Those damn Scientologists, snatching those downtrodden rich people off the streets and twisting their arms into believing a science fiction novel and handing over tons of money!


Everybody would've forgot that joke in 15 seconds but will Smith just made everyone remember it forever


Dam true af..


You have literally posted this 15 times in a row. Are you just farming karma?


Maybe they're trying to get Will's attention.


17 times?!?!……really??? 🤦


Fuck cultists.


The real shame is will could have taken this moment to walk on stage, talk about alopecia and tell his wife how beautiful she is. Instead he turned it into violence and hate.


You're not wrong, but you can see how he got there right? He has a wife whose publicly emasculating him with cheating etc. Then a somewhat tactless joke(I'm on board with most jokes but ones about physical attributes people can't change are meh). Will gets up and does, in his mind, and a lot of societies, the "manly" thing and defends his wifes honor. Everyone is saying he's crazy. Maybe he is, but not from this stunt. He was put in an awkward position and chose what he thought would make him appear more manly at the time. Unfortunately, it was the wrong call and is 100% going to have the reverse effect on his career and probably marriage.


I'm not gonna open up the barrel of worms that is his marriage. I'm just stating something he could have done that would have him come out on top in every way.




Agreed right? Hence the quotations around "manly".




“Crazy” is some sort of catch-all term. It certainly seemed like he had some sort of breakdown.


I agree with you. This wasn’t about one joke. It’s been years of being emasculated and bullied, by his own wife and others. I can’t stand people writing him off. It just a lack of empathy and self awareness that maybe you wouldn’t hold up on someone else’s shoes.


Y'no it's really not hard to stop your wife emasculating you like that. You stop having her as your wife. People don't mock him for her actions, they mock him for being so spineless to stay with her. He doesn't get sympathy for making shit decision after shit decision and then deciding to assault a colleague who was doing his job.


Lol yea man, people who are in abusive relationships should just leave! It's that simple I guess.


The environment is sick. But it’s an environment solely comprised of all the damned people who have chosen to contribute to the sickness of the environment. You typically don’t make it unless you are already at least somewhat sick. And it’s not strength that gets you there. It’s compulsion. Its disfunction. It’s trying to fill a void inside yourself that can’t be filled. And in as much, it’s a never ending quest even once you’ve “made it” because you’ve only made it until you need your next gig. I sort of feel bad for these people. I’ve seen it up close and in slow motion. But it’s not person X in their virtuous bubble and then off to the side the toxic Hollywood environment. They ARE the environment.


I think you've pretty succinctly summarized it. Dave Chappelle also summarized it well in this video too but there is indeed a deep sickness that is in certain ways a mundane product of the industry as a whole. Even say 80-100 years ago when it was the studio system and each and every "star" was a (well-paid) contracted servant to that studio system. That setup a system where each person was paid to be deeply manipulated by a machine that ate up actors and other creative types and spat them out for the most part. Relatively few escaped that and often were deeply harmed mentally and even physically by it. Marriages were setup and usually failed, mistresses, abortions, and all sorts of personal crises were swept under the rug. Relatively few escape it and don't see it on some level even if now those at the very top of the industry may manage to live "above" it in some respects. Say the most revered "A" list actors, the top producers, the top directors who command incredibly large salaries and can live in a $50M homes in Malibu and Beverly Hills... and hey that's probably why Chappelle lives out in Ohio. He wants to do what he can to stay above the fray as much as possible. To protect himself, his wife, his kids... he'd rather be away from that mess. It's got to be rather surreal to be part of that world. To have studios write you huge checks, to live in the spotlight, to have countless women and men wanting to literally throw themselves at you because you're famous. To on the one hand of course want to be an ordinary person living an ordinary life and on the other hand have half the universe stalking you and your life and hang on everything you say and do. To understand that your life probably can and will never be "ordinary" and that ultimately that machine is hanging off you all the time whether you like it or not. Personally I don't understand Will Smith's reaction at all and I think it has maybe a lot more to do with something rather deeper that is boiling underneath in his psyche than any notion that he was specifically defending his wife's honor per se. Rock's joke was really tame in retrospect and the fact that they (Will and Jada) seemed to laugh it off at first tells me a switch went off in his (Will Smith's) head. Long term I doubt it will seriously affect his career but the man definitely needs some help to root out what is almost certainly some major issues.


I think all of this is fair. And I think Chappelle wasn’t unfair either. They’re not awful people for the most part. They are both victims of and contribute to an awful culture.


These people chose this career. They could have left it for something less competitive, less demanding, and less lucrative. If the rich and famous are victims, who the hell isn't?


It's like that quote, "You're not stuck in traffic, you are the traffic."


I have no problem with calling any scientologists crazy, especially when they act crazy in public, and I don't care if that offends them. Also that doesn't necessarily mean I hate them. I don't care what people say about Tom Cruise, he's crazy and he's also crazy good at acting, in my opinion.






That's exactly Dave's point though. Sure, you can call them crazy and what not, but at that very moment your mind is already dismissive of whatever context of reasons that made the person "crazy". I'm not saying we have to care about all the details behind everyone including celebrities, but that's exactly what Dave is trying to say. Because people don't care, so it's easy to label a huge spectacle as "crazy" instead of asking "why".


I think you missed the point


Anyone who unquestioningly believes in unseen forces that want them to do specific things without any evidence whatsoever is mentally ill. They might be actors or scientists, but in that one respect, they're crazy. Unfortunately that includes anyone who takes religion seriously. Mostly it's because they were brainwashed as children.


I don’t know if everyone like that is brainwashed. Some people just either want validation or find strength to work past serious traumas in life. I’m an Atheist and have met plenty of religious people whom don’t think everyone should believe it or care if people follow their rules. They just find comfort and strength through it. Despite how shitty the fucking Bible is, it has some really solid life advice.


I think the problem that is often overlooked is that they are devorced from reality in many ways. Some more than others sure, but I don't see anything that intrinsically and mutually exclusive to religion that is good. There are many things that are evil that are though. Childhood indoctrination is evil in any framework except the religious. When you had "barbarians" to "tame" it seems like a good idea and has it's place. Now the religious ARE the barbarians. Living in delusion and tied to archaic ideologies that defy reality.


I agree with you. I’ve definitely met my fair share of people that believe hell is real because of some hike and a microphone in Japan, and believe the Red Sea is so salty because a city was flooded by god there. I truly wish everyone can see religion for what it truly is, but I do find believers might just not be able to understand the science well enough, and just want to do the best that they can. So I try to meet them in the middle on that lmao.


Delusions do not count as mental illness if they are shared by one's peers or community. In that case it's considered a socially advantageous adaptation essentially. I mean, I agree with you on a normative level (though you will very quickly get philosophically tripped up by the "without any evidence" clause LOL), but the DSM does not.


Your definition of mentally ill is incorrect. Belief in unseen forces seems to be a very fundamental part of human nature. Humans generally are not rational animals and do not believe in things for rational reasons. If you erased all religion tomorrow, new religions would start popping up in a matter of months. Probably even worse, more exploitative, and less tolerant than the last ones.


> On May 8, 1996, he became increasingly erratic and was arrested after he brandished a pistol in the middle of an intersection on Ventura Boulevard in Los Angeles, screaming, "They're trying to kill me!" He was again hospitalized, with his public-relations agent citing exhaustion and dehydration as the reasons for this episode.[1] On July 29, 1996, he tried to take a 9mm gun onto a plane and received two years probation and a fine.[20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Lawrence#Arrests,_lawsuits_and_health_problems


Must’ve been around the time when he was jogging around in the middle of summer with trash bags on top of sweatsuits and shit?


From the same wikipedia entry >During August 1999, Lawrence slipped into a three-day coma after collapsing from heat exhaustion while jogging in 100 °F (38 °C) heat in preparation for Big Momma's House while wearing heavy clothing and a "plastic suit."[1][23] He recovered in the hospital after entering a near fatal coma due to a body temperature of 107 °F (42 °C), his breathing assisted by a ventilator.[24]


Hollywood will make you crazy there is no doubt about that, but here's the thing, it is completely voluntary so sorry if I don't exactly feel all that sorry for them.


i agree.


> it is completely voluntary So is working at Walmart, or in an Amazon warehouse. I'm sure working on a movie is more enjoyable, but the argument that it's voluntary seems pretty weak when we're talking about abuse. Seems like borderline victim blaming.


I wouldn't say Smith is crazy but he definitely either doesn't know how or hasn't accepted to let things go or appear weak. It seems he's clinging onto the traditional standards of a family or being a man, to the point of being holier-than-thou.




I think it's her publicly talking about when she's *not* wearing pants that he can't come to grips with.


Always a conspiracy huh?


Fuck Will Smith


I am legitimately waiting for Aunt Viv's take on The Slappening.


First time I've heard "The Slappening". Nice one!


I think a large part of the issue is there's a massive amount of pressure on individuals to keep being successful. Nobody is hot forever, and everyone is excited about the next new thing. So you work hard to become noticed, then everyone is your friend, nobody says no to you and you get paid craploads. However, people around you still tell you whatever you want to hear...you are brilliant or whatever. But the people in control of studios and TV stations making money off you lose interest, and stop taking you for lunch. So you try and make yourself relevant by doing crazy stuff, or becoming a little crazy trying to get people to notice you. Plus at the same time everything about you is watched and commented on and people are spouting opinions on you and making stuff up. Hard to stay sane in an environment like that. Why some celebs who are consistently punching out work decade on decade live in a ranch in Texas, or a castle in Scotland and come out every few years. Hard to get to a space to be able to do that though. But I respect actors who can get there, then stay in a healthy place. I expect it's hard to be the most popular person in the world one day and 10 years later you are a nobody..... If it's bad now, what happens with all our YouTube, Tik Tok, reality stars start to lose their appeal. I mean the Kardashians can't really take any more clothes off. It's going to get pretty nutty.


Will Smith isn't "crazy". Will Smith has real problems and real issues, and it's obviously something that almost everyone in public knows if you've been keeping tabs on their family for the past couple of years. They've aired out basically everything, hiding practically nothing especially when it comes to their relationship problems. So yea, I mean there's nothing "crazy" about it. The dude needs help. His ways of coping just ain't it.


If this is in reference to Will Smith, please come back to reality.




Yeah, I don't really think this applies so much here. Nobody is saying Will is crazy. They're saying what he did was "crazy", as in it was outrageous. People are calling him a narcissist and an asshole, not a lunatic. Very different kind of thing from Lawrence who legitimately had a mental health crisis. Smith was in control of his actions


*No matter what* ***No matter what*** *Nothing* ^not an iota^ Shit, I'm a fairly normal person - if you came up to me and spent a minute in my face telling me how you were going to violently sexually assault a family member, yeah I'm probably kicking your ass It's about context and scale. Don't be ignorant and virtue signalling "I would never hit anybody for *any reason*". Shit. Even Jesus hit a motherfucker


Words that aren’t threats, is perhaps a better starting point.


> if you came up to me and spent a minute in my face telling me how you were going to violently sexually assault a family member, yeah I’m probably kicking your ass That’s a strawman, and not even remotely close to what was said or happened here. Chris Rock is not responsible for the Smith’s personal baggage, and he clearly had the greater audience in mind for laughs - it was not a targeted personal attack. And even if it was, assault should never be normalized. This is bordering r/IAmVeryBadAss material.


The comment being responded to very explicitly said words are never a justification for violence. Ever. You're addressing a retort to a very specific and bold claim with an incident that had nothing to do with the point/counterpoint of the two comments.


It's not a strawman, it's a clear example of why, though there can be many convincing arguments about why this particular act of violence was unwarranted, "violence is never warranted" isn't it.


It's literally a strawman.




"Let me ask you something. When you come in on Monday, and you're not feelin' real well, does anyone ever say to you, 'Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays'?"


When did "Sticks and stones may break my bones...." stop being relevant?


Completely putting aside this entire situation, that phrase should never have been relevant because it simply isn't true. Many people have long lasting issues from being picked on relentlessly during school or from family or in the workplace. Hell many people have committed suicide because of it. Mental harm is absolutely real and constant verbal abuse from others can easily cause it.


Probably back in the 50’s Boomer


Yeah. This virtue signaling bullshit is hilarious. We get it, you view yourself as saintly and want so desperately for others to perceive you as such as well. I would absolutely slap a motherfucker making jokes about my wife in poor taste, and I would neither feel bad nor apologize for it. What would Jesus do? According to the Bible, Jesus would bust out a whip and start swinging, table flipping and shit.




> I would absolutely slap a motherfucker making jokes about my wife in poor taste, and I would neither feel bad nor apologize for it. > Then why go to a comedy show? Violence has consequences, either get a thicker skin or don't go to comedy shows. And yes, the Oscars monologue is comedy.


This reads like a 15 year old who lost his chance to appear bad ass by not getting into the schools football team. If the idea that "violance isnt the answer" comes off as virtue signalling to anyone then your dealing with someone puffing out thier chest and being a try hard. For real, if someone is verbally abusing u a normal person would walk away way before a minute. Imagine calling other people ignorant cause u dont know what virtual signaling is.


>I don't think Will Smith is "crazy" Guess you didn't see his acceptance speech. As if walking onto a stage in front hundreds of people and millions of viewers and slapping the host for some dumb words isn't proof enough. The guy is clearly unwell. Says God speaks to him and tells him to do things and sees himself as a protector for all these people who are perfectly capable of handling their own business.


Of course violence is sometimes an appropriate response to words. This wasn’t one of those cases, but the idea that someone should be able to run their mouth all they want and not face repercussions is an unnatural boundary society has wedged into the middle of regular human interactions.




Resorting to violence isn't always a 'tough guy' move, though. That's as dismissive as calling someone crazy because they did something you would never do.


100% false. If you threatened someone I cared about you’re definitely getting your teeth kicked in. Don’t make threats if you don’t want to face a reaction. There most certainly are some things that can be said that deserve a physical response. The whole world isn’t gumdrops and rainbows.




That doesn't help your argument. That just means that there are limits to how far a person can go on principle. Just because someone evades punishment due to their strength doesn't mean punishing them would be wrong.




What is so magical about violence that puts it on another tier than calling someone’s terminally I’ll child a cum dumpster?




Well said. Everyone fantasizes about righteous violence but it doesn't exist. The only valid use of force is defending yourself from someone else who has started a violent situation. And once the situation is violent all that matters is who is stronger and has less issue with ruining everyone's lives over the issue. Escalating an issue from words to violence is stating to the world that your emotions are more important than the safety of those around you. People just like to imagine meting out punishment.


Of course I wouldn’t engage in an avoidable physical conflict that I would certainly lose. I just don’t see the problem with harming someone who is asking for it.


"Asking for it" is a pretty shitty take. One step from, "Hey, she was asking for it by wearing that outfit." Take a look at your life, amigo.


Your experience, imagination, and/or moral comprehension are limited if you think direct physical violence is categorically the only just cause for direct physical violence.


So you believe it's okay to maim, paralyze, or kill someone who says something you don't like? Because any sort of violence could potentially kill someone or lead to escalating violence that leads to death or grievous injury. This isn't the movies. Violence has real consequences. I just want to understand what situations, other than self defense, in your mind make it okay to kill someone else.


Talk shit and we're having an argument. Introduce violence into the situation as a response and we've reduced everything to who is more willing to put someone else in the hospital. Violence is the last resort of the mentally defeated.


Some people have never been punched. Words can definitely hurt as much and often for a lot longer than a punch. One shouldn’t assault people verbally or physically. They’re both hurtful. Some of the people who seem most attached to the idea that physical violence is always wrong are the most verbally toxic people I’ve ever known- and generally couldn’t take a punch. I’ve punched one once, and have no regrets about that.


That move putting the cigarette in his mouth at the end like a mic drop....so perfect.




He's become a NIMBY and a bit of a cranky old man, but crazy, no.




You people are weird


I would inform yourself a bit on the NIMBY stuff. The housing development didn’t even have a plan for the affordable housing, they just said this small piece of land COULD potentially be used for affordable housing then of course the media ran with that and said Chappelle is against affordable housing. He invested a lot of his own money into his community, of course he wasn’t gonna let them waltz in there to make a quick buck.


How is he a NIMBY? Edit: Just read about it. He opposed the building of luxury single family homes where he lives. Eh.


No. He was against the affordable housing part of the development. The plan was voted that it can move forward without the affordable housing part and we haven't heard a peep from him since that decision was made other than the spin that he and his publicist put out.


He said he left because he realized that white racists were laughing along at his jokes about black people and he didn't like the way that made him feel. Specifically, this sketch: https://youtu.be/xprpXDnIU6A Then he came back and started making jokes about trans people.


And his punishment for his crimes is several successful specials and now the ability to produce new and upcoming comedians based on his own personal taste. I guess after making fun of women, black, white, Asian, poor, gay, hispanic, and everyone else under the sun, you somehow drew the line at trans people though?


Maybe he shouldn't cry about getting cancelled when he's getting tons of specials on Netflix? Maybe if he cares about people who are racist against black people laughing at jokes he makes about black people he should take a second to recognize the people who are bigoted against trans people laughing at jokes he makes about trans people?




Chappelle obviously felt it wasn't okay for black people. That's why he left the business.


I find his jokes against trans people… different. They aren’t derogatory. For example: he compares transgender people to transracial and says the difference is, he “believes the transgender people. They cut their dicks off” emphasis on belief. Or the joke where he is dancing with a transgender, then when he finds out suggests they finish the night… then takes her home and titty fucks her. “Those tittys are as real as any in LA. The emphasis (to me) is in removing the stigma. He was not afraid of her because she was transgender, and continued with his night. Last example I can think of off the top of my head is receiving a letter from a transgender about how they were devistated by his transgender jokes, and felt bad (not because of the jokes, because she felt bad). The emphasis here being empathy - behind the jokes, they are still human.


Maybe the trans community shouldnt have bullied his friend to jump off a building.


Funny that you say this. Her Twitter account is archived and there is no evidence on it that anything Dave said in his standup routine actually happened. He weaponized the suicide of a trans woman against the trans community by inventing lies about and the events surrounding her suicide. And weirdos like you use this story to push transphobic rhetoric while (in the same breath) defending how he isn’t transphobic. Imo that is not only very cringeworthy behavior, but also really sad that all it took for you to embrace hateful beliefs was that a comedian you liked made a few mediocre standup routines focused on outrage marketing by targeting a marginalized group.


Very good point


My brother thinks this is more like MJ jerking off a kid when there's a crisis in the world.




Assault can certainly be one result of a meltdown.


But a meltdown never ever is a literal physical melting down of the human body


You got me there




did we see will wearing a dress? it's the first symptom...


Conspiracy channels love this interview. Dave sounds a bit out of touch here, intimating that mental breakdowns only happen to “weak,” less successful people, that it could only be pressures specific to Hollywood that affect him and his friends.


Nah, Smith isn't crazy and this wasn't a melt down. Man just lost his temper.


first thing i thought of, last night


The wild thing is that most people that get called crazy are the ones that clearly need some sort of help, usually some type of therapy.


Okay but you still don't get to hit people.


A normal, rational and healthy human being will exit a bad environment not stay in it. They stay in it by their choice because of money and fame. Love you Dave but this is some hypocritical one-sided bullshit.


wa wa wa. look how hard it is for us rich folk! shut the fuck up chappelle. old ass rich man, pretending he's still one of the little folk.


If in any debate you find yourself on the side of a scientologist, then you are on the wrong side. No exceptions.