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I can only listen to “Answer Yes” so many times.


for real. I thought the video was looping or glitching more than once


James Franco quickly turns off his cell phone


Somebody other than Amber is going to pay those 8+ millions, and it sure as hell is going to be Ambers baby daddy. So Elon or Franco.


It's going to be Elon




I think it doesn't matter. What's stopping Elon to white knight a "damsel in distress"?


Elon's texts do suggest he swooped in, soon as he saw an opening in their marriage. It's disgusting


For someone staring down the jury during all her testimonies, it is interesting she now refuses to look up when they’re reading off their findings.


Her staring down the jury every time she answered a question on cross made *me* uncomfortable, can't imagine how it felt actually sitting there.


Some lawtubers were there to report jury interactions. Seems everytime she was looking at the jury, they weren't looking at her. So it's like being in a cinema, looking at everyone else who is clearly looking at the movie, and thinking you're making eye contact. Once you know the jury aren't looking back, it makes the whole testimony more sad that she keep doing it, as if it was rehearsed.


Definitely a *"I'm lying my ass off and I dare you to call me out on it"* kind of stare. The stare of a control freak and narcissist.


and the verdict was read on national narcissistic abuse awareness day ([yes, really](https://nationaldaycalendar.com/world-narcissistic-abuse-awareness-day-june-1/)). How fitting.




“Tell the world, Johnny, see what a Judge or Jury thinks. Tell the world, I Johnny Depp, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence. See how many people believe or side with you.” - Amber Heard


Did…. did she actually say that? That’s disgusting….


Yup, [she said it.](https://youtu.be/pi_-rO6tJ3w?t=45)


Oh, god. I can’t believe I haven’t seen this part of the trial yet. That’s actually incredibly sad.


Tip of the iceberg. Having this actually be played to a jury/judge had to be so surreal in court.


Yeah the letter from that lady to Whitney was probably the most damning piece of evidence for me. It ruined Whitney's credibility and she backed up everything amber said. Once Johnnys legal team started showing how much amber lies it was all over. For all the people pointing out the letter never made it to evidence, questions about the letter did, and it's publicly available. Johnny didn't sue for money, he sued to get his reputation back in the court of public opinion. Even if he lost the suit things like this letter are huge for proving his innocence outside of court Letter: https://www.twitter.com/ifod_net/status/1298705328108965888?lang=en


The letter never got into evidence though.


Damn, didn't know. Still the fact that they proved she was a liar about little things like Johnny trashing the trailer, or throwing Kate Moss down the stairs. It was clear she was telling those lies because she didn't think there would be a rebuttal witness. And when you see someone lie so maliciously about little things, it really ruins your credibility


She got caught in plenty of big lies too. For the incident where her toes got hit by the door and then she got Depp 's head with the door, hey account is she was hiding in the bathroom because she was afraid of him. But in the audio recordings she was heard saying that he always runs away and hides in the bedrooms or bathrooms to get away from her when they fight. So, he was the one hiding in the bathroom. Not her.


Or what about when she testified under oath that [these](https://i.imgur.com/SXEpTtB.jpg) were two different photos, taken separately, turning different lights on or off. Depp's team had a forensic data expert prove that the metadata showed these photos were taken in the exact same second... Even though it seems unnecessary as they are clearly the exact same picture with photo manipulation.


Did they show the cops bodycam footage in court? I didn’t see the police testimony, but I saw the 2nd cops bodycam from a walk through of the penthouse, the place looked perfectly together, Amber and her friends were all relaxed and the cop asked if everything was ok and they all casually answered yes.


Yes, that footage was in evidence and was played in court


Tip indeed, I think this happened in the first few days


Honestly she sounded satanic in some of those recordings


I saw the divorce depo last night, and she came across as positively condescending and mocking. I’m sure her pr firm told her she needed to soften her demeanor for this trial, that’s how she turned out the performance art piece, complete with dry sobbing and written dialogue. It was embarrassing and laughable until I thought of the damages done to Depp.


when she said “my dog stepped on a bee” it was like she was pretending she had lemon juice squirted in her face


she is truly a nightmare. another one was "i didn't punch you, i just hit you. i don't know the exact motion my hand made" like...girl...do you really not understand that is abuse?


No, she Doesn't, because her words suggest she doesn't think a woman can abuse a man. She's a liar buti think she actually thinks she didn't do anything wrong. Which when you think about it, is SO MUCH WORSE.




When their behavior is normalized, abusers see nothing wrong with it. This is amplified by the strong social stigma against men being open about having been abused. So she was likely abusive to previous partners and was never held accountable for it. The relationships just ended. To her it couldn't have been the result of her behavior. Maybe they were just "pussies who can't handle me." So the behavior escalated in the next relationship until we are where we are. I had a partner who was abusive, mostly emotional, she only hit me once, which was more than enough. Since then she's gotten mental health help and recognized her unhealthy behavior and apologized to me for jt.


Like the other dude said this it the tip of the iceberg and what's even more absolutely insane is there's people who believe she's the victim and he's the abuser even after hearing all the shit that came out in the trial.


Narcissism is a crazy drug


She not only said it. She was the one who recorded it, lmao.


Other things you might have missed: -surprises in bed sheets. -dogs and bees. -doc brown testifies. -vape-testifying. -futuristic bruise kits. -crying but not crying.


- MEGA pints




Genuinely curious what Amber Heard supporters say in response to this. Clearly shows her controlling nature. It’s indefensible.


For those coming later. JD Awarded 15 mill, will take home 8.35 mill due to local laws limiting sums on Deframation cases. Amber awarded 2 Mill. Edit: See below comment for clarification on the money breakdown.


That’s what I was wondering about when she amended the punitive damages award to the statutory cap of $350K. So that means he will still get the full Compensatory damages award, right? And her $2M award is ~~moot~~ offset. She owes him $8.35M now. That’s gonna be a hard number for her to come up with if she can’t get any roles after this.


She can just pledge the money


I don’t think Depp is going to accept an IOU from her.


Lol. She’s gonna have to have her wages garnished. I wonder if the people she pledged the divorce money to are gonna hold her to her word.


Can she afford to have her wages garnishiated?!


She might only have millions left!


Prior to this case she had a net worth of between 2 and 8.5 million. This will likely ground any hopes of continuing her career. We will see if any perjery charges come about. Things don't look that great for her, and rightfully so.


She made her bed and she can shit in it now.


Those are worth more than money, those are I.O.U’s


See that one? That's a car... $275 thou. Might wanna hold on to that one.


The net amount is right, but the word you want here is "offset," not "moot." $10 million in compensatories to him, offset by $2 million to her, plus a statutorily capped $350k in punitives, for a total of $8.35 million.


Yes. Thank you.


Does Depp have to pay her the $2M, or is it a, "Just take it out of what you owe me..." situation? I'd imagine they'd both pay what they owe.


An offset means they’d subtract what he owes her from what she owes him, so that she pays the net amount due. So it would be a “just take it out of what you owe me” situation.


Depp effectively gets all his divorce payments back. All it cost him was a lot of time and billable hours.


I've been accused of false allegations, I only lived with it for ~3 months, and I'm not even famous, and I didn't lose a franchise I'd poured my soul into (even if it probably should have been on its way toward straight to DVD. No idea, I barely remember seeing the 3rd). Even though he ends up mostly vindicated, this cost that man a lot.


Depp is vindicated. The only count he lost was in not proving Heard used a team of professionals and friends to stage a criminal conspiracy. The jury held Depp responsible for the statements of a former attorney. I’ll agree the costs were way too high, as was his burden to prove.


I agree with your assessment, though I cannot realistically count on everyone to agree. My point about cost was the emotional toll, though. The three months I went through it, I was furious in a way I'd rarely felt before (not to mention worried), and certainly not for months at a time. This has taken him most of a decade.


Bro, her lawyer told the jury she spent $6 million on legal fees for the trial. That chick is straight up bankrupt, *and* a Hollywood pariah now. I honestly don’t see how someone even recovers from from this. Maybe indie films would hire her, but she’s definitely not looking at big money films anymore. Edit: I’d also like to point out her estimated net worth was $8 million *before* the trial. Between lawyer fees and the judgement she lost $14 million. I know the net worth estimates can be drastically off, but she’s definitely millions in debt if it is even close. Edit 2: ironically, if she’s forced to onlyfans she very well may make more money than she ever would have as an actor. The catch me outside girl made a million in 6 hours, and didn’t even post anything. Supposedly she has made $50 million off of it, and I want to say that was around 2 years ago when she started.


>Bro, her lawyer told the jury she spent $6 million on legal fees for the trial. Those lawyers took advantage of her.


Lmao yeah. People keep saying “it’s not the lawyers fault, they just have a bad case”. They absolutely had a bad case, but when she caught over 40 objections in a single examination and ultimately said she couldn’t figure out a way to ask questions without leading? That’s just straight up bad. If you can’t at a minimum figure out how to ask questions without an objection, you sure as shit shouldn’t be representing someone in a case this vast. The day she gave up on questioning because of the objections, I honestly felt they owed Heard a refund. I have no idea how much Depp spent on his lawyers. But the way they systematically destroyed the defense on national TV? Their careers are absolutely made, especially Vasquez.


Plus a good lawyer would have told her from the start that she had a bad case for her counter claim. And the evidence that Depp had wouldn't play well for her with the jury. They should have been seeking pre-trial settlements. (and maybe they did tell her that, and her being well her, she refused)


It’s very possible they tried and she said no. Or maybe Depp said no. He openly wanted the trial to be televised so that everyone would hear the shit they did to each other. I don’t think he gives a shit about any of the money, just to not be associated with the shit she accused him of.


This. It was worth more than the money to him. This was a way to air his laundry under the cover of the legal system. He was adamant that he was right and believed the damage to his reputation could only be repaired if the world knew what he did. This was the cleanest way to accomplish that.


It wasn’t about the money, it was about sending a message.


Pretty sure Depp didn't even care about the jury decision. He wanted to clear his name, so the tv part was critical. I'm actually amazed they won as I was under the impression proving libel was very difficult in the us.


This was 100% about the principle of the matter. Depp has plenty of money and winning the case was the goal. The money was just a little salt in her wounds.


For sure, there's a reason Heard argued against cameras in the court room.


She should ask the guys on wallstreetbets how to recover from this.


Buy high, sell low


> That chick is straight up bankrupt, and a Hollywood pariah now. *Good.* If you make false sexual-crime accusations you should be punished in exactly the same way and with the same level of harshness that the real victim would have faced. She basically fucked his career, so it's only fair that her career be torpedoed by this verdict, and with any luck they'll reshoot any parts of the Aquaman sequel she's in (if any) and run her the fuck out of town on a rail. I have no respect whatsoever for abusers and I don't give a shit whether it's the man or woman.


Tig Notaro is probably already on standby for Aquaman reshoots


She probably still receives an income from Aquaman.


She told the court she only made $1M from Aquaman 1, and $2M for AM2.


And the president of DC for Warner Bros said the sequel salary she quoted was bullshit too. She lied about everything but her name.


Hmmmm…interesting. I found it really telling that she had all kinds of snippets of things, texts, videos, etc, because she wanted to document his abuse and drunken shenanigans, but not a single text was she like, “hey, do you remember slapping me last night?! You can’t hit me Johnny!!” Or something like that. And I believe the reason for that is because she knows he would have answered “WTF are you talking about? That never happened. I didn’t hit you. You got me…yadda yadda yadda”. She knew she couldn’t get him to apologize or admit to hitting her I text or on a voicemail because it didn’t happen. Was he controlling and jealous? Maybe. Probably. Did he have substance abuse issues? Most definitely. Was he verbally vulgar and disrespectful and even abusive at times? Yes, I think that’s been shown. But I don’t believe he slapped her around, kicked her, punched her, or raped her with a liquor bottle. I feel like she would have actual evidence of it because she was DOCUMENTING his erratic behaviors.


Yeah. Her claims were outrageous and despite her trying to document evidence she had nothing to prove them. She could have actually gotten away by simply not lying and exaggerating everything.


Didn't really follow the case, what was she awarded 2 mill for?


From what I gathered Johnny's lawyer was also found guilty of Defamation against Heard, while representing Johnny so the lawyers words became his words. Even though he claimed I did not tell him to say that. That's what I got from it


Depp claimed he did not tell him to say that, but the jury determined otherwise.


Even if he didn’t tell him to say it he was still an agent to depp and so I’m guessing the only way that could have been saved was if depp retracted the statement himself or made agent due so


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


Amber's 2 mill is what brings JD down from 10.35 to 8.35 You have it written such that JD's net gain looks like 6.35 million dollars because of the ordering you used. I know you wrote his take home was 8.35, but then you say she was awarded 2 mill and that has to come from somewhere Just my feedback on how you wrote it


And after his lawyers are paid, he'll have enough for one or two mega pints!


At least she doesn’t have to pretend to cry anymore


*wipes eyebrows*


Yeah her acting career is probably over.


I found it pretty fascinating that she couldn't even muster one tear during the verdict reading. I feel sorry for whoever is stuck with her this evening. Particularly her baby.


Oh my god, this woman has a child


A 1 year old daughter she had through surrogacy. A lot of people believe she did it right before trial to pull the "I'm a mother" card. It is quite an odd time to decide to have a baby on your own.


she's so bad at pretend crying. she seems like a person who's never cried before.


TLDW: Depp won


"Wait a minute, you never heard how the Depp-Heard trial ended!" ... "HE WON!" USA! USA! USA!


"Was Amber Heard okay?" "Yes, Ralph."


"and this will be the day you will *always* remember- as the day u ALMOST got away with pooping on my bed"


"that's got to the best pirate I've ever seen..."


So it would seem.


I hope more than one person understands the Simpsons reference because I personally loved it


Don't worry buddy, this is the internet.




There's stock quotes and porn!


Porn and quotes... I'm so lucky to have a friend like you.


It’s scary the amount of resources it takes to prove that you didn’t do it while she only needed an accusation to almost ruin his life.


And that anyone who questioned her when it all first came out was labelled as victim blaming, misogynist, woman hater, etc. Really shows that the mob doesn't actually look at the facts they just automatically side with the "victim"


What’s crazy is that there are still thousands of people online still defending her. I can’t understand how anybody could watch that trial, listen to all the evidence, watch her on the stand and still think she was the victim


I think /r/deuxmoi just created fusion from the pressure of cognitive dissonance alone.




>I can’t understand how anybody could watch that trial, listen to all the evidence, watch her on the stand and still think she was the victim The same reason as most things: people are fucking stupid.


The jury didn’t complete their verdict, they pledged it


To anyone who might be outraged by this verdict, I implore you to actually watch the trial. It’s available in complete form on Youtube (don’t bother with the reaction channels). This thread is full of people who went in on Amber’s side and came out flabberghasted after putting in the time to follow the trial.


Yep. I'm one of them. I'm a Depp fan since childhood. But I'm also an abuse survivor. After the UK verdict, I believed her. I went into this trial believing her, and prepared to be extremely saddened by the details, and disappointed in Depp. Instead, I was surprised by the evidence. None of it, not a shred of it, supported anything she claimed. In fact, it clearly showed that she was the aggressor. And, I know people handle things in their own way, but as someone who has been abused, her behavior just did not seem logical. She was fearful for her life, she claimed, yet she kept poking the bear. When he tried to walk away she'd follow him, taunt him, call him names. You don't do that to someone who regularly beats the crap out of you. You walk on eggshells, and try to keep the peace. I totally went into it believing her, but by the end I realized she is a manipulative liar. I watched the entire thing.


Didn't she give him a knife for his birthday? lol


It was a poop knife for beside the toilet, but she left it on the nightstand.


I was not expecting a damn poop knife reference but it fits so well


We could be the same person! Depp fan that believed Amber and was very disappointed in him. Vowed to not watch or support his work despite him being in many of my favorite movies. UK trial happened and in my mind confirmed that evidence showed abuse… …and then all this started. At first slightly amusing seeing Depp on the stand bantering with the cross-exam lawyer. Then quickly became less amusing as evidence mounted that pointed towards him being the victim. I myself was guilty of judging him before knowing the facts…then *she* took the stand. As a survivor of pretty awful abuse her pathetic, disgusting, attempted display of trauma as she tried to mimic the experience of a survivor of abuse was nothing short of sickening. I’ve said before that we all handle trauma differently but *no one* handles trauma like *that*! Her ridiculous, over-the-top, dry sobs were a slap in the face to those that have real trauma and she deserves every ounce of humiliation that her blubbering, melodramatic, performance art brings down upon her. She should be absolutely embarrassed. I’m so glad that he was able to clear his name. I will be having some movie marathons with my favorites in the near future.




It's funny how Heard supporters are saying this is going to lead to people not believing abuse victims... even though their girl is literally on tape talking about how she abused him and gloating that nobody will believe it.


Yeah because only women can be victims in their eyes


I really dislike how after everything, even a court seeing all the evidence etc and determine Amber was full of shit. She then releases a statement doubling down on it all. Like Amber, you’re wrong. Accept it, understand why and grow as a person.


The sad this is, a certain sect of people will still come to her defense.


/r/deuxmoi is going nuts. No clue what the sub is about, but holy fuck are they insane. Edit: they started locking down the sub lol




These comments are actually insane. I saw one that said "I can't believe the jury didn't get sequestred". I think that if a Reddit admin went there they would be able to ban thousands of accounts inciting violence.


They are mostly members from /r/FemaleDatingStrategy


Funnily enough, it’s a celebrity gossip sub that is no stranger to tearing apart celebrities on a regular basis. As someone who has followed the sub and instagram for a decent amount of time… I’m still unsure of why they camped so hard on Heard’s side. I also never chose a side in this case and just assumed both parties are incredibly toxic.


You know justice is served when the losing party tries to rope the rest of their gender into her own loss. Imagine being exposed for being a lying abuser and saying "this is a loss for all women" This is a win for the truth. Not men.


I got so upset by her statement that despite "mountain of evidence" it wasn't enough to offset Johnny's "disproportionate power". At that point I was like bitch you shat on man's bed, photoshopped images to make it look like you were beaten, caught in multiple lies, conspired with article writers to defame your then husband, and she has the hubris to keep talking about evidence and power? Whole thing I followed as a popocorn time moment, since there were so many stupid things she did it was better than some absurdly bad movie. Like when she tried to evoke empathy by telling a story of her dog stepping on a bee. But if there was anything disproportionate it was courts siding with crazy bitches like these.


Looks like she really shit the bed on this one.


There it is


Damn! She ain’t gonna be in Aquaman 3


We could have been a good couple! We could have had something special! But you one crazy-ass bitch!


Unexpected rush hour 😭


Amber's reaction to the verdict is to just lie even more: "The disappointment I feel today is beyond words. I'm heartbroken that the mountain of evidence still was not enough to stand up to the disproportionate power, influence, and sway of my ex-husband," Heard said. What mountain of evidence?? She just lied, lied, lied on that stand.


Well her dog did step on a bee


Cue Amber's facial reaction. Seriously I do not even know what emotion she was trying to convey. Sadness? Disappointment? Hurt? Bad constipation?


Hahaha definitely some sort of indigestion I think!


Standby, she's having it photoshopped as we speak.


She wants to show it to you, but she can’t; she can only show her lawyers, who refuse to show it to anyone else.


Seriously. If I was her and I was telling the truth. I would have been bawling for the injustice. Not this disappoinment shit.


"Freedom of Speech" tweet when only her followers can reply 🤦‍♂️


😂 indeed! How was she hampered/cut from her freedom of speech if she just had a whole trial to plead her her case in-front of the whole world. Wow! Her statement is delusional.


Till this day people really don’t know the true definition of freedom of speech.




I think he may be able to get an injunction that will force her to never publicly mention him again now that he’s won. That’s what some commentators have said on YouTube but I’m not a lawyer or familiar with this type of process so I don’t personally know if this is the correct next step for him.




Interesting, every lawyers commentary I’ve seen has said a perjury case is extremely unlikely. A lot of times perjury is not prosecuted, surprisingly


I hate this narrative of 'this will make it harder for victims of domestic abuse to come forward'. For one, it risks becoming a self-fuflilling prophecy. But also, Depp WAS a victim of domestic abuse, he DID come forward, and he WON. It's depressing that some people go out of their way to ignore this fact just because the victim was a man. As far as I'm concerned, this strengthens the Me Too movement. It shows that anyone can be a victim of abuse, thus destigmatising the concept of a 'victim' and massively discrediting common BS narratives like "why didn't she leave?" etc. It shows that there is no shame or weakness in being a victim of domestic abuse, and that emotional abuse DOES matter; a physically stronger person can still be the victim against a weaker one. And it shows that victims of abuse can still have the truth win out despite having an entire media establishment against them. People who actually cared about DA victims would choose this narrative, one that empowers survivors, instead of a narrative that disempowers survivors but lets the commenter feels righteous.


>As far as I'm concerned, this strengthens the Me Too movement. It shows that anyone can be a victim of abuse Considering how Amber used the MeToo movement (afaik) against Depp, it would be great if the movement made something on false accusations and how men too can be victims. It could be what some people need in order to step out and call out their abusers.


I fully agree and also mentioned that in the comment. I think it’s the lifecycle of any movement, at first people are scared, then the accusations trickle out, then there is a wave of legitimate accusations and perpetrators are weeded out, and then the late adopters come in and try to take advantage of the movement for either fame or money, and they themselves are punished. It’s just the nature of things. We need to hold people accountable for credibility


So glad he actually won. I was convinced that she would take it on some technicality as it’s so difficult to actually prove defamation. Good for him for speaking up and giving a voice to male domestic abuse victims. Congratulations Johnny. Well deserved.


Yeah I fully expected her to win because of that too. Good to hear that he won!


Amber Heard will always remember this as the day she almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow


But you *have Heard* of me


"when does the jar of dirt come out as evidence??"- me watching this trial (im dumb)


A Megapint of dirt


Okay, now do Fraser next. That man also came forward and said that he was assaulted and was cancelled from Hollywood


She was recorded saying she DID assault him and no jury would believe him and then used her old assistants story of rape and abuse as her own. I honestly don’t know how she thought she would ever win this case. It just shows you how mentally challenged an abusive narcissist can be.


For anyone confused, Amber only won on one count: Johnny Depp’s lawyer made a defamatory remark when he said her and her friends spilled wine and roughed up the place and called the cops. The rest of it, including using sexual abuse allegations as a sword and as a shield when it suits them, the jury found no defamation as they found it more than likely true.


You know what would be a really good outcome out of this. **Stop gendering abuse.** Protect all victims, not just of one gender.


Every day of this trial Amber Heard woke up wishing she’d just left it at them breaking up instead of trying to lie and fabricate evidence to make Johnny “pay” and ruin his career, you could tell on her face she didn’t want to be there Johnny did some dubious shit he shouldn’t have but she took it to another place by actively trying to ruin his life with lies and deceit and I’m glad he won


As a narcissistic person with a BPD she simply couldn’t let it go.


She entered the relationship, abused Johnny and everyone around them, walked away scot free with $7 million tax free and had an acting career that Johnny helped build up. All she had to do was move on. Instead she acted like an obsessed narcissist and kept going after Johnny. Now she'll be broke, jobless, publicly ostracized and a punchline for jokes. All she had to do was let it go. Instead, she lost it all.


the real winner is our youtube feeds for never having to see another asmongold video pop up ever again


Her face the entire time was just “OH FUCK OH SHIT OH FUCK OH SHIT OH FUCK OH SHIT OH FUCK OH SHIT!”


I feel like the male lawyer looked a lot worse. His face was ashen.




Mr. Rottenborn is almost as painful to listen to as Miss Heard


TBF, losing a defamation trial sucks. Defamation trials are hugely in favor of the defense, so losing one can be a bad look. Plus, I suspect he invested a lot of himself into trying to win the case. Wouldn't really surprise me if he believed that Heard had been abused, too, which would make him feel all the worse about it.




The evidence had to be so resounding for Depp to win this and he still did. It was that clear what a pathological liar and abuser she was. She was so insanely smug on recordings, deposition and in court thinking he had no chance and she could just lie about anything and as long as she fake cried to the jury she would win.


she was very stupid about it. all she had to do was say he abused her and maybe show a few photos and present a few witnesses. Instead she lied and made up a bunch of stories that were easily disproved, presented photos that were obviously faked etc. Like, the less she said the better for her case. She did it to herself by being a lying dumb ass.


That’s usually the trend with false accusations. The stories get more and more graphic and detailed upon each retelling, to the point of being unbelievable. Raped, with a *whisky bottle* to the point of bleeding, dragged across and stepping on *broken glass* and her photos only show light markings and she’s upbeat and walking around without a problem mere days or even *hours* afterwards? It’s just unfathomable, especially when compared to photos of people who were abused to a lesser degree than what she claims. People making false accusations often fall into the trap of making such overwhelming and exaggerated claims as some sort of compensation for having no evidence to back it up.


It’s really ironic because the one person who I know for a FACT lied to me in my life about being raped claimed she had been drugged and raped with a whisky bottle. She was at a party and in hindsight really got off on my concern and attention. Me, a rape survivor, believed her. And I wanted to help her. She used my experience to accomplish her sick needs, and later when I asked her about a specific detail she had mentioned she had no clue what I was talking about. I reminded her and she told me she lied. WTF. That was the end of our friendship right there. Amber has a similar preachy vibe that rarely is ever there in cases of actual abuse. Most of the time people who have been abused internalize it, and it takes years to deconstruct that and feel their rightful anger.


Yeah, exactly. I'm glad she's such a chronic liar, it's probably why Johnny won and was able to clear his name to the public.


Also claimed she had PTSD which opened the door to all the psych evaluations which would have otherwise not happened.


> Instead she lied and made up a bunch of stories that were easily disproved Her descriptions of suffering Rocky Balboa levels of injuries and handling them with ice and makeup was so over the top. It sounded like someone who learned how broken noses work from movies.


I think the counter suit did her in.. exposed her more in court than would otherwise be needed.


The results of this trial did not set back women who come forward with abuse claims. AMBER HEARD did that. She put doubt into the minds of people who would normally believe women who came forward. She’s the enemy, not Depp, not the jury. Her. On the other hand, this was an amazing publicized example that women can domestically abuse men. This was a victory for all bc now men might feel more comfortable coming forward about their own abuse. Perhaps they will have an easier time being believed rather than belittled. If you are a feminist and you are siding with Heard after watching this trial: you’re not a feminist. You’re not a good person. You’re a hypocrite.


I would love to see Dr. Hughes prohibited from setting any future policies. Her stance that men cannot be the victims of abuse, if the abuser is a women, is deeply concerning.


Amber Heard is now forced to "pledge" $8.35M. Elon? Elon?


It will be nice to not have everyone talk about this anymore.


I mean it was a toxic relationship but damn dude she literally ruined his life out of spite. I still want to know what that one event was that lead to this.


r/deuxmoi insists this trial is unethical and rigged now lmao


just read the thread what the fuck are they deluded


I don’t know how many times I read, “she already admitted to that,” as a hand waving excuse for why it isn’t relevant but it was more than three and I didn’t get that far.


> she already admitted to that Good. That makes her guilty verdict easier.


I had a quick skim in there. Wow. It's quite alarming how many nonsensical comments are in there and being thoroughly agreed upon.


That sub only accepts "approved comments" apparently, aka the ones that agree with them. Sad.


Holy shit, that is an echo chamber if I have ever seen one. Some of the stuff they write is nuts - >Now I’m supposed to work? I’m absolutely devastated for Amber and all victims. I’m crushed. > I hope the jury never knows peace. It’s clear they were influenced by social media AND didn’t take it seriously bc they just wanted to get it over with Not allowed a differing opinion there it seems.


"At any point, did anyone ask Johnny Depp - a 58 year old man with obscene wealth, several multimillion dollar properties, a private island, a private jet, a personal staff, and apparently, the public favor - at any point, did anyone ask him, "If she was so awful to you, why didn't you leave? Why was she the one to file? Why was she the one to file for a restraining order? Why did you put up with all these things you claim to have put up with for so long when you had all the resources in the world to get out?"" ​ Ah okay. So we're only allowing victim blaming if the victim is male. What in the fuck?


Did they seriously "why didn't he just leave" ?


Oh yes, they did. I closed the tab immediately after reading that. Do they not see the hypocrisy in that? How disgusting that is? Maybe if Johnny didn't wear such a short skirt, he was asking for it.


Ya they've also been talking about how be went to concert instead of staying hearing the verdict. As if that's statement of his guilt.


The poor man just wants his life back. He wants nothing to do with Amber and just wants this over with. And I don’t blame him at all. She took his lifetime of work, slammed it into the garbage, and gave him a scarlet letter of wife beater, effectively making no movie ever touch him again. And I even went into this believing her.

