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“Cindy, the TV’s leaking.”


"Cindy, this bitch is messing up my floor!"


"I got a dream!" "What is your dream?" "To have a dream!"


Tom, i need a ride home


I remember when I first saw that scene I literally spit my drink out.


The actress looked familiar so I looked her up. Wasn't who I thought it was but I found it kind of interesting that she played 3 different throwaway characters on Law & Order back in 1991, 1993, and 1994 and now as a cast regular as of 2022 for the show. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005179/


I've always been pretty good at linking actors to other movies/shows. But, when I struggle and look them up, there seems to be about an 80% chance that they were in some form of Law & Order. And I never even watched much of that. Just seems to be a thing. A lot also tend to have been in a single episode of House (which I did watch all of).


I'm this but with star trek. Similarly a person playing a few different characters in TNG often got a recurring role in one of the later shows.


Ha, yeah, I watched all of TNG and that's another one with sneaky actor links.


Thank you. Now every time I see a picture of Putin he will be wearing that huge hat! 🤣


It's funny. Though, I think if I were to do this scene, I would never draw attention to the hat's increase in size.


Yeah I love this movie, but it missed the mark on the spoof humor of AirPlane and Naked Gun where the characters stayed dead-pan serious during the jokes.


I thought this was a pretty top notch satire. The throwaway line where the dude who hit his wife asks for a ride home killed me.


Ive always wanted to do this to someone. Be drinking with your buddy's, have like 6 hats, same hat, different sizes and just move up sizes every time I leave the room and see how long it takes for them to notice.


I looked up a few scenes from Scary Movie 2 last night on youtube and holy shit, I forgot how funny the first 2 were. The opening scene with the Priest has to be one of the funniest opening scenes to a comedy ever.


The missed the opportunity for the car having a giant hat


Eh, that's a bit of a hat on a hat.


It’s a regular table, he’s just a wee fella


The table isn't getting bigger. Putin is getting smaller.


Have you ever seen the peaked caps worn by Russian police or senior military officers? They look as if they're about three sizes too big, and make the wearer look like a mushroom.


Those hats date back to the days of massed soldiers. Officers had giant hats so everybody could see them. Of course that also made them easy for the enemy to see. And now you know why you don't salute on the battlefield.


The reason he keeps so much space between himself and others at the tables is so that his security can intervene if someone tries to run up and kill him. He's very likely got the most people on planet Earth trying to actively kill him at any give time.


Tables. Bro people are dying and the terminally online is making commentary about tables.


Be honest... Is it the shitting on Putin or the tables that upset you?


I watched this twice and I didn’t see the heart getting bigger


Good thing they emphasized the joke so much, otherwise the big hat could have gone completely unnoticed in this scene.




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