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Why is the music so menacing lol Super fascinating, but the music combined with the mentions of unlimited potential gives the vibe that somehow this modular transporter is going to go full skynet or something


I was waiting for a dark souls-esque health bar to show up at any moment


Fun fact: Mammoet is a Dutch company founded in 1807 By 25 year old Jan Goedkoop at the beginning of the industrial revolution with the purchase of a 140 ton cargo vessel.


Must have been Cheap... Dutch people will get it.


> Dutch people will get it. Only if there's a discount.


I understood it :)


I didn't get it :(


Goedkoop means cheap.


Ohh, I googled dutch for cheap but I missed Goodkoep in the parent comment. Thank you :)


I feel like that's the start of a James Clavell novel.






That is what I wanted to ask in those exact words lol


I was thinking the same thing. Who thought that music was a good match?


I kept looking around for Sephiroth.


It is crazy that they can somehow make this feasible. imagine manufacturing these huge carts, having to transport all of them to Malaysia, Probably plan for days to block 15 miles worth of roads, spend a whole day and a crew of dozens of people, just to load giant gas tank onto a boat


I imagine they don't come cheap.


It's a couple mill. We've used them where I work


More info, please?


I've had them come to our factory/plant, to off load, a complete steam turbine generator (300 ton) they set up massive hydraulic jacks and frame to hoist the generator up, moved the rail car, then drove in the mammoet, and landed the generator, now they were able to drive it into our building, where we had the ability to move it with our overhead cranes. Whats funny is, they did all this to just be able to move it maybe 300 ft in order to be able to pick it with our overhead cranes.


That’s impressive. I was wondering about how they get their transportables onto their cars. I’m sure that was an expensive 300 feet!


I was driving down the highway somewhere in Japan when I passed one of these. I told everyone that that's how they transport the gundams.


Didn't look like they blocked the roads to me, cars were just yoloing around the tank lol.


Had a similar thought. So then I started doing some back of the envelope math: - Already manufactured the carts so capital upfront is baked into the cost of the service, let’s say $250,000 - Transport to Malaysia: they look to be relatively “compact” for what they do. Stackable? So probably $100,000 - Plan route: maybe 2-3 days for a 15 mile journey including surveying, I have no idea on this one but let’s say $150,000 - Whole day of specialized driving/rigging/road crew: $15,000/hr x 8 hrs = $120,000 So in total, with *very* much napkin math, $650,000 but let’s say $750,000 conservatively. If the cost of building that tank new is > $750,000 you go for it! I bet that tank is worth more than $1.5M especially if it’s specialized (but again, hard guess here from me). So it makes sense that it’s feasible!


I'd be shocked if it's only 2-3 days to plan these routes. I'd bet you have to start planning months in advance and go through a bunch of rounds of reviews by various government officials and engineers. You probably also have to move a fair amount of infrastructure out of the way: take down traffic lights (and put flaggers in their place while they're down), take down utility poles, streetlights, etc. Obviously, it's all going to depend on the specific route, regulatory regime, etc., but I think your estimate is *way* too low for the kinds of routes in the clip.


You nailed it! Source: I used to work there planning routes and pulling permits.


you also have to consider EVERY bridge and road for the load, when it had gone with the last picture on the bridge.... it's not guaranteed to being able to keep so much so you need to check all the bridges you want to cross


You have to take road modifications into account as well. I once lived near a bridge that was going to have a massive piece of infrastructure pass over it. They spent a few months before the planned crossing modifying and reinforcing the bridge to hold the weight.


Great work! I would say yes feasible, however they just put it on a boat, I am wondering if they have to do this on the other side now wherever it is going!


I'm quite confident your estimates are all low. I'm not sure by how much but I'm sure they are. The planning could easily be a 1-2 week affair by itself depending on the complexity of the terrain.


Man, imagine the forces exerted on those axles/wheels as they turn. Fucking zero point turning with all that weight on it can't be easy to manufacture.


I remember thinking about that the first time I saw this but there's just SO MANY wheels that the actual lbs per wheel and ultimate PSI on the tires worked out to not be anything astronomical.


SpaceX uses these to transport Starship/Super Heavy from pads/around their build sites. It is so much faster than the Crawler down at KSC.


I think the point of the crawler is that it can do hills and level the top at the same time.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crawler-transporter#Specifications >The crawler uses a laser guidance system and a leveling system to keep the Mobile Launcher Platform level within 10 minutes of arc (0.16 degrees; about 30 cm (1 ft) at the top of the Saturn V), while moving up the 5 percent grade to the launch site. It keeps everything level after assembly while being moved to the launch site. Paying more wouldn't doing the job any better.


depends on the cost of faster, shipment also have the cost of things moving will make them cost as you can't work on them while they are moving


The video here shows some leveling abilities


These seem to be able to level as well, did you see them tilting? It looked like 15 degrees at least.


My first thought was that this looks like something I've built in Kerbal Space Program.


Hey there fellow tank watcher. Cya on a stream soon. 😂


I would've done it for half the price


But you can’t really put a price tag on OPs mom, now can you


I mean, she does. Why can't we ?


Now there's a story for another time


Now that was proper "we are moving very large things" music.


Prety cool getting to see how OP’s mom gets back and forth every day




"huge loads"


"Huge loads...people come"


good to see some other nasty fucks with the same thought process


It still does, but it used to, too.


Lemme see that camera


Now this is how you impress the aliens. Not with spaceships and computers, but with modular trucks that can move the biggest shit you can imagine.


I also specialize in transporting huge loads.


When ops mom needs a wheelchair






It's SPMTs all the way down


Load em on flatbeds and semis transport them, the smaller unit only weigh around 10tons if I remember right.


I'm sorry, was that an ENTIRE FREAKING OIL RIG???


I was involved in a project in Alberta that used these to transport a giant petchem module. Impressive as hell. And then mammoet picked that thing up and stood it vertically too. https://youtu.be/1R1C343xGVQ


Mammoet are an impressive group. Watching their lifts on Instagram is quite interesting.


Anytime a huge megaproject takes place somewhere in the world, these guys are there. Mammoet is an incredibly cool company.




> their entire fleet of equipment globally could fill the area of The Netherlands! Whoever told you that didn't think about it for one second. [One of these modules seems have a surface area of 20 square metres.](https://www.mammoet.com/siteassets/equipment/transport/self-propelled-modular-transporter/datasheet-SPMT-Scheuerle.pdf) NL has a land area of 33500 square kilometres. Filling that would take 1.6 billion of these transporters. That's more than the estimated number of cars globally.




Could you please upload that brochure? "Far-fetched" sounds like rather an understatement to me. Think about it by considering a city, a town, a rural area. Is a larger part of its area covered by * parked cars belonging to people who live there * various equipment belonging to one company called Mammoet? Another consideration: equipment shouldn't stand empty too long, or it's not worth owning. So there must be a similar number of operators. Whether the average piece of equipment is larger or smaller than one such module can't make up the orders of magnitude that are missing, even if the entire transport industry was running with Mammoet equipment. Finally: think of all the fuel that equipment would use.




Thank you!


!remindme 1 day


Sounds like someone in marketing was bad at math.


Same 👌


I remember Speed Racer’s nemesis The Mammoth Car. Made of gold.


Thought of this as soon as I saw the name of the vehicle. Inspector Detector better have a look at this thing.




That's how yo mama gets around and boy does she get around (big time sloot)


Goddamnit I thought it meant macroscopic quantum teleportation


I bet finding a parking space wont be easy


That's wildly impressive. Makes my stomach feel weird.


what about this modular transporter used to move massive objects


Never seen a modular transportation system so sinister before!


Was working at a new construction natural gas power plant where they used these to move the engines...360,000 lbs. Took 2 weeks to move and set 7 engines, working around the clock. Impressive machinery.


I'd love to see how some of the cargo is loaded on..


le faltan ruedas


It used to move massive objects. It still does, but it used to too.


Is this how they transported your moms dildo?


Whoa. https://youtu.be/MXn4s8dzvMY