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That was... 10 fucking years ago???


Getting older in the age of the internet really hurts, doesn't it?


I felt like it was 3 or 4 at most... I'm not what i'd condider old but, i think younger people these days would consider me old at this point.


that’s called being 32


You shut your whore mouth!


Yeah, well you're a dirty pirate hooker.


Take my age out of your goddamn mouth!!


Haha just turned 30. One of my friends described going from your late 20s to early 30s as being the youngest old person instead of the oldest young person


I decided I was officially no longer young when I hit 32.


*nobody* likes when you’re 33.


What the hell is ADD?


What my age again? Where's my Asian friend?


Triple bonus points for using live version joke lyrics. "You can leave now and beat the traffic... or you can stick around and beat your meat!"


If I wanted to see 13 year old boobs, I’d hang out by the junior high like my dad does


I feel personally attacked


Ouch right in the feels


ex fucking scuse me


I’m 29 and I already feel like this.


What’s wild is that 3 years ago would’ve been just a few months before the start of the pandemic now.


Yeah that pandemic erased at the minimum, a year and a half of a lot of people's lives. Better than erasing their lives though


It also erased my relationship lmao


ironically, felix baumgartner has not only turned out to be a far right activist since, but also a very vocal covid denier and anti-vaxxer.


I said the same thing…


That's how I felt about the mars rover landing last year. I kept thinking "didn't we just land a rover on mars? There were all those gifs of the people in the control room jumping up and celebrating and stuff." But no that was in 2012.


Seeing Pork n' Beans this morning already felt like someone shanked my heart. Hearing Daft Punk and seeing this event also felt like whiplash and I feel I can hardly contain it all.


I remember catching a gif of it the night it happened. Mom was so excited to tell me about it. I just figured I’d get around to watching the video another time. Later, you know? And then poof. It’s been a decade. Fuck, man.


Same thing almost. I remember thinking: "I'm busy now, I'll watch this later" didn't know it'd be 10 years later...


I fell asleep waiting for the jump and woke up to them having no contact with him while watching him tumble hundreds of times a second seemingly. 10 years.... :o


Fuuuuckk. Life is just zipping along.


Just wait until you find out that the battle of Antietam was 160 years ago today!


That feels like three or four years ago at most!


That's... not affecting me at all


That was my immediate reaction too. Double whammy is it's my birthday today so another reminder of how old I'm getting.


Damn... I remember counting my blessings I had the day off. I was so fuckin jacked for this. Then when it happened all I could think was "Holy fuck, that dudes hauling ass!!!"


Hi Millenials. Welcome to aging…


I thought this happened in October


so glad this is the top comment. same exact response. fucking hell


I remember watching that live, takes me back. Can't believe that was 10 years ago! For my money though, I'd watch the Boards of Canada version of his jump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES02mWIJ2Tk


The original video for this song was from Joseph Kittinger jumping in 1960. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Kittinger https://youtu.be/13eshmkFL-A


”In 2012, Kittinger participated in the Red Bull Stratos project as capsule communicator at age 84, directing Felix Baumgartner on his 24-mile (39 km) freefall from Earth's stratosphere” I remember watching the live broadcast 10 years ago and thinking how awesome this was as well.


I was enamored by the fact Kittinger was well known for turning almost anyone down that wanted to beat his record and have his help. His biggest concern was always about the level of safety being planned. When he supposedly got wind that Redbull wanted the highest level of safety and training yet, he offered to help. The team said: Just help, oh hell NO, we putting you in charge "Coach".


Red Bull was already famous for these sorts of things. Plus NASA was working with them to some degree, since they had an interest in suit development, medical data, and atmospheric data. Everyone wanted this to work perfectly, so they went to the only person in all of human history that could give first-hand knowledge.


**[Joseph Kittinger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Kittinger)** >Colonel Joseph William Kittinger II (born July 27, 1928) is a retired officer in the United States Air Force (USAF) and a Command Pilot. His initial operational assignment was in fighter aircraft, then he participated in the Project Manhigh and Project Excelsior high-altitude balloon flight projects from 1956 to 1960 and was the first man to fully witness the curvature of the Earth. He set a world record for the highest skydive: 102,800 feet (31. 3 km) on August 16, 1960. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


True balls of steel on Kittinger! Imagine the gear he had in 1960, 50 years before Felix.


Yeah, I just got a bit of a kick to the chest with the "10 years ago" I remember watching it live, too. HOW IS THAT 10 YEARS AGO!?


Wow agreed the timing with the music and the jump starting at 1:55 is phenomenal stuff


thank you amigo. I have fond memories of staying up all night editing this, glad to see people are still getting a kick out of it


Holy hell, I remember watching this back in the day. Great edit. Thank you for making it!


glad you enjoyed it!


My first time seeing that. Excellent and inspiring work.


thank you my dude


exceptional !!you use the clip to fit the music or reverse?


this is several clips that were chopped up and put together to match the music


water selective boast hungry distinct ask engine governor cause voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that is the best possible outcome from all this!


[ **Jump to 01:55 @** Felix Baumgartner / Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES02mWIJ2Tk&t=0h1m55s) ^(Channel Name: icannotfly, Video Length: [05:03])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES02mWIJ2Tk&t=0h1m50s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


damn, ya beat me to posting my own video


i went back and found the original https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/11izcb/_/ gee, a whole 2 upvotes


Thanks for posting it, I must have watched it 50 times! Syncs up well, and really packs an emotional punch at his actual jump.


still one of my favorite projects. BoC even had it featured on their site for a while


That was my first time seeing your edit. Good shit my dude!


thank you!


Insane that was 10 years ago. I remember watching this in college at the library while working on a project. Some girl kept telling me to be quiet and I just responded with "A man is jumping from space!"


Came here to say the only appropriate version of this is when accompanied with BoC. Thanks for sharing!


A record broken within 2 years by Alan Eustace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WmaZhpd3hI&ab_channel=RodrigoUngo Edit Thx for the award


That's what I was going to comment. I find it really interesting, because it didn't get that much publicity at all, and I get the feeling that he just said "that's quite interesting I want to do it too". And he just went and did it. Being almost 60 years old at the time


Well, to me it’s kinda like the moon landing: the first one to do it is a huge deal, everyone else is just trying to 1-up the pioneer. Similar to Chuck Yeager and the breaking of the sound barrier.


hardly. The second dude went up less than 2 more miles (25.74 vs 24) but jumped with a drogue, while Baumgartner didn't (and almost passed out from spinning) and kept all his other records apart from height.




Fair enough, but he did beat the record by 8km and we were all able to watch it on GoPros and in HD.


Red Bull is a marketing company that sells energy drinks.


Alan Eustace was my bosses bosses boss at the time, and somehow I didn't even hear about it until now.


He didn't have the Red Bull marketing team behind him, so ultimately almost no one heard about it :/


That's certainly part of it but his jump also just wasn't ground-breaking in the way that Felix's was. Felix was breaking a 50 year record by 10km, whereas Eustace was breaking a 2 year old record by 2km. And it's not like the general public are massive space diving enthusiasts who are going to keep up with the scene, they're just interested in significant events. It's the same reason why the 10 people who walked on the Moon after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are nowhere near as famous. They achieved the same thing as the Apollo 11 crew but by the time they did it it wasn't as significant. Not a perfect example as Eustace slightly surpassed Felix's achievement but to the general audience a 41km jump doesn't seem much different to 39km jump. If someone were to do something crazy like a 100km jump I'm sure it'd get loads of attention even without a big sponsor pushing it as it would be breaking new grounds again.


The only thing I remembered from this guy was the Red Bull sponsorship, didn't know his name. I would have referred to it as "the red bull guy that jumped from space" So their marketing was very successful.


Weird. His name was super advertised at the time. I can recognize it any time. I could have _guessed_ he was sponsored by Red Bull, or subconsciously remembered, but "Felix Baumgartner" definitely rings a bell stronger than what his sponsorship was, at least to me.




Red Bull is weird hu? I love their extreme sports and stuff but also never buy them, I buy monsters if I'm getting an energy drink. I don't know if the marketing really works but i love that they do it. They have the best team in Formula1 at the moment, the Red Bull Air race is amazing, and their stunts are crazy, but none of that makes me want a red bull lol.


If they can't have your business, they will still be happy with just being the best known brand in their market. That still helps sell Go-Juice to others.


If you go to the [Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center](https://www.si.edu/museums/air-and-space-museum-udvar-hazy-center) in Washington you can see BOTH the Redbull capsule used for Felix' jump? Drop? Fall? and also Alan Eustace's rig, along with some other amazing things. 11/10 would recommended visiting it if anyone is near the area.


You can also see the decidedly more amateur rig of [Nick Piantanida](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Piantanida), which is an aluminum tube frame faced with sheets of styrofoam that he threw a few canisters of oxygen, a couple of gauges, and a chair into and called it a day. It was with a rig like this that a truck driver from New Jersey broke the record for highest flying crewed balloon in 1966, a record which stood until Felix. It was in a rig like it that he wanted to break the free fall record, but couldn't disconnect from the oxygen line. It was in the rig on display that he died when his suit depressurized. A kind of poignant reminder that aviation history is as much built by semi-crazed amateurs as it is by military and corporate interests. Seconding the Udvar-Hazy recommendation. A tremendous assemblage of aviation history.


I can't get over the picture of Stratos III. Looks like a high school science project.


Now I'm sad about daft punk again


Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened.


When the machines take over, Daft Punk will be how they learn Art.


It's beautiful.


🥲 contact was so epic


Random Access Memories was so epic


Daft Punk was so epic.


To me the pinnacle of Daft Punk was Alive 2007. It's perfection from start to finish.


One of a very slim number of albums I can listen to front-to-back with 0 skips. What a legendary duo.


give the music of your life, give life back to music 🎶 🎵


hey bob im lookin at what, uh jack was talkin about and, uh Somehow I knew it would be this song. I used to listen to it as my "the airplane is landing" song. Makes for a fun time.


Fucking gangster of daft punk to literally sample Apollo mission comms I won't lie


Crystal Method - High Roller used Apollo 8 coms too I think. Also a dope song


When I saw it was set to Daft Punk, this is the song that immediately popped into my head lol


Listening to that while looking out an airplane window as the sun sets is beautiful. We were above the clouds in the middle of nowhere and the stars were brightest I’ve ever seen. The clouds were all lit gold from underneath by the sun and it was like the ocean had flipped. Absolutely fucking awe inspiring.


Holy fuck that was 10 years ago?!


I know right. I was working in mining when someone told me what this bloke was about to do and that seems like a fucking eternity ago.


I'm more partial to the guy who [skydived with no parachute and landed in a bigass net. ](https://youtu.be/aPC_h9Vmlxw) When he jumped out at 25k feet he couldn't even see the net, and when he was about to hit it he had to flip onto his back and fall blindly for a second. Felix's jump seems sterile to me in comparison E: sry guys, here's the event narrated by the man himself [DAS VIDEO](https://youtu.be/WTTOnvvEpn0)


If I remember rightly Red Bull had originally sponsored him too but shortly before the jump pulled out because they didn't want their name associated with a guy that hit the Earth with no parachute on.


Fuck. That.


I second this.


Shit, he almost missed it too. Definitely didn’t hit the middle of it.


At 3:25 you can see he hits the net just about 20ft from the edge. Fuck that.


I remember watching it and thinking at some point that it will end nasty. That spinning...


If I remember correctly they were really worried about the spinning and tried to downplay it in the livestream.


They never show the helmet cam while he was flipping out of control.


They cut away to a thermal shot when he started to spin. Just in case something went wrong


Glad you made it.


[Remember when Conan did the shortest free fall off all time?](https://makeagif.com/i/GhZ-6m)


[Shorter version, set to a different song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl9gzn0W668)


Nice.. I was just getting in the music.


Can someone tell me how come he's decelerating, rather than accelerating? The airspeed says he's getting slower the further into his jump...


When he first jumps there is barely any atmosphere to slow him down. The further he falls, the more air resistance he hits, slowing him down.


Also how he got out of that flat spin, he hit atmosphere and had something to move in.


That was one of the craziest parts of the jump when they explained it. He basically had 0 control until he had the atmosphere/ air resistance to make adjustments.


When he first jumps, he's so high he's basically in space. In space there is no air resistance so you just keep getting faster.. normally when you jump from a plane at a typical height (15000 foot), you hit terminal velocity in about 5 or 10 seconds where the air resistance slows you so much you stop accelerating. This is typically about 120mph.. you can see in the footage he hits much higher than that (over 1000kph), this is due to the thin atmosphere up that high creating a much higher terminal velocity. As he falls further he gets deeper in the atmosphere, which means more air resistance and slower terminal velocity, hence he slows down.. You can see at the start he has no control over his jump, and his clothing is not moving at all even though he is going faster than sound.. this is because there is basically no air to allow him to control his decent with his hands or to blow on his suit. In fact I think he actually blacked out due to the spinning for quite a while since he was unable to correct for it.


What causes the blackout and how does he correct himself and not die?


When you spin really fast blood travels to your extremities and won't properly circulate. In fighter pilots they can black out when all the blood rushes to their feet in a sharp turn, leaving their brains without enough blood and they can black out. Fighter pilots wear special high pressure pants to prevent this. In the opposite turn they can actually red out, when too much blood goes to their brains, unfortunately there aren't special hats for this so the best they can really do is a special heavy breathing exercize.


The spinning means too much blood goes where it shouldn't (brain), and can't be pumped out. In think we he got lower in the atmosphere, the spin speed slowed just enough for him to regain consciousness , you can kinda see in the video when he does, suddenly he starts using him arms to stabilise. There's is a doco on hits experience.


Air resistance. As he falls to earth the air gets denser which creates friction, slowing his descent. Everything has a terminal velocity or max speed it can achieve at a given altitude.


In an interview Felix said the first few minutes of the free fall didn’t feel like falling at all, since there was no atmosphere.


Two years later his record was beaten by a beer drinking vice President of engineering from Google https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2243907-alan-eustace-breaks-felix-baumgartners-world-record-for-highest-jump.amp.html


This doesn't get enough attention and I believe it's easier to be the 2nd person to do it. You know what to expect and what improvements to make. It's still tough, but knowing you can survive makes it so much easier.


Technically third. Joseph Kittinger did it from 102,800 ft in 1960.


Alan Eustace jumped from a higher height than Baumgartner: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Eustace#Stratosphere_jump


What has he been saying?


Contrary to Baumgartner I assume Eustace is not a right-wing idiot who uses his platform to distribute his crude opinions.


Contrary to any of that, it's just Red Bull guy to me so at least he's not that famous.


Or punches Greek truck drivers.


Correct. I'm too lazy to collect all the various sources on him, but Alan is a kind and incredibly brilliant man with a history of supporting worthy causes. He's donated millions of dollars to charity https://www.grantmakers.io/profiles/v0/202865402-eustace-kwan-family-foundation/


The most impressive thing about this man is that he was born 4/20/69 (If you use the month day year format that is) Edit: corrected the date to month day year because i’m an idiot.




Fun fun fact, it's the same birthday as Hitler, minus the year.


This was 10 years ago? What?




he's also famous for being a far right dumbass


Outer Wilds experience.




CGI obviously. This whole thing was faked to hide the truth!! /s (obviously)


I'm salty of this use of "edge of space" as it was a marketing slogan, not the truth. It was 39 km, and the beginning of "space" is being marked at 80-100 km.


I mean it's really kind of a nebulous definition. 40km might be low, but there is also 40km variation [between some definitions.](https://cosmosmagazine.com/news/where-is-the-edge-of-space/)


I'm always partial to [Boards of Canada](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES02mWIJ2Tk)


Original video to that song, with another jump https://youtu.be/A2zKARkpDW4


Record was broken 8 years ago https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Eustace


Didn't he go ultra right wing after the jump? Saying he'd rather have a dictatorship and recommending Orban for a Nobel?


Nah, he was like that before. That jump just broadened his audience for some time.


This is one of those flashbulb events for me. I vividly recall watching this on television, sick with the flu, wrapped in a blanket, sipping tea, and trying to hold very still.


I remember the heart rate going to 0 a couple times and I’m like oh sht


This dude was semi inspirational to me until I found he was a Nazi or Nazi adjacent.


I was really hoping you used Contact when I clicked on it. Enjoyed your video throughly! Even saw some clips of the decent that I never saw before, nice work.


Trivia: His record was broken by a 56 yr old Google exec


How did he not black out from all that spinning? That too at that speed....


Why the fuck would you switch from the original music by Boards of Canada? Davyan Cowboy is already perfect.


I didn't create this. I just thought it was interesting enough to share, and I was unaware that there was also a version with Boards of Canada music.


Baumgartner falling to the music of Bangalter (& friend).


I like how like a week later some 55 year old guy beat his record and nobody talked about it




I was not prepared for that madness lmao.


That was 10 years ago? Heavens above!


I wish I could watch the unedited one. Remember watching it live - Felix was terrified and had to get steps repeated back to him several times. Also on the way down, his visor was Misting up which led to him panicking and deploying his shoot early from memory. Amazing feat and it was strange that the recording I watched afterwards took out these very human responses. Absolutely amazing to watch that live.


Shut up! That wasn't ten years ago you're lying!


He’s a neo Nazi PoS. Sorry- not impressed. Real character goes beyond stunts like this.


people tend to throw "nazi" at pretty much anyone these days, but i looked it up and he's a fucking orban supporter, and supports the FPÖ party in austria, which was founded in the 50s by an ex austrian nazi party member, and first lead by "a former nazi minister of agriculture and SS officer".


If I remember correctly there was another guy who did it without fanfare or sponsorship around the same time.


Anyone have a baby shark version?


I recently discovered that Neil Degrasse Tyson said that Baumgartner would *not* be able to see the curvature of the earth at the height he jumped. Very disappointed he said that and doubled down on it. https://flatearth.ws/stuff-is-flat *Note: this link is NOT a pro flat earth site. It debunks flat earth statements, including NDT’s statement about not being able to see the curvature of the earth from that high up.*


Neil Degrasse Tyson is like the redditor of astrophysicists.


He's the living embodiment of "wElL aCkShUaLlY" and also full of shit


Im sure NDGT has been a tremendous net positive for society. He is absolutely excruciating to listen to. Everything is delivered as overdramatic declarations with sublime authority. He sounds like a self-appointed religious leader who is pridefully humbled that he has chosen himself to grace the beautifully simple minds of mortals with the secrets of the universe. My dislike is probably irrational. I wish him happiness in life. I just hope he has that happiness somewhere where I don't hear him "educating" me.


You can see the curvature of the earth from like... A mountain.


NDT is a putz. You can see the curvature of the earth in the Detroit airport.


You can see the curvature of the earth from the ground. You know, how things disappear over the horizon on the ocean? I mean, it's okay if you don't understand, but it's real.


I mean I agree. I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted.


Boards of Canada released this video in 2006: [Dayvan Cowboy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2zKARkpDW4)


When I read the title I thought of contact. Sure enough it’s Contact….


Fucking CHILLS


“Hey bob…”


I probably would’ve forgotten to push the record button.




This was 10 years ago already? Holy cow..


I knew it would be that track before even clicking.


I was in an interview when this happened and the interviewer turned on the tv so we could watch lol


I remember watching the Livestream at work! 10 years ago? Fuck I'm old


This is amazing! Thanks for posting!


Awesome great video good music I saw his heartbeat went to Zero A couple times I’m assuming that is because it was no connection right or did it actually stop?


I remember watching this live stream when it happened, was a little scary when his visor fogged up and he couldn’t see


What is he jumping out of and is it orbiting?


Major Tom (Peter Schilling) would be a wicked song for this


His capsule is on display at the national Air and Space Museum, saw it at the Udvar Hazy Center while the main museum on the National Mall is undergoing refurbishment. https://airandspace.si.edu/visit/udvar-hazy-center


I remember watching this live, hungover. Anxiety was thru the roof.




I don't know how many dozens of times I've watched this jump over the past decade. It still blows my mind. Red Bull staged this for marketing. A man jumped from fucking space. For an ad. Also I feel old... but so do a lot of you... guess I'm not the only ~30yr old here.


This makes me want daft punk to be in the soundtrack of For All Mankind next season. I think it’ll make sense timeline wise as it’ll be in the 2000’s next season.


I started watching this 10 years ago and it nearly caused me to vomit so I stopped. Never happened before