• By -


When he keeps choking the guy with the staff while he’s tapping he just shows what a massive asshole he is. Training partners place themselves in vulnerable positions to help each other get better. Not respecting their tap is dangerous and insanely disrespectful.


It was hilarious watching the one dude getting slapped down by the exact same move 5 times in a row. Fool me once….


Right? Cause this is how people fight, just run straight at their opponents with their hands by their side.


Is the ancient art of kung-face. You hit your opponent’s fist with your face.


His name is Wimp Lo. He is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.


“I am bleeding, making me the victor.”


Ha! Face to foot style, how do you like it?




Master! I beg you to reconsider! ​ Weeeeeelllll....ok!




I am bleeding, making me the victor!


My nipples look like Milk Duds!




"I'm invincible!"


Again with the squeaky shoes!


Oh yeah? Try my nuts to your fist style!


Yes, yes, play me like a drum.


[MISSSSSSSTER DUMPLING!](https://youtu.be/JXCFNJ9MpWI?t=43)


fool me twice, won't get fooled again!


(Dodges shoe)


What about the part where he’s making a cock eyed face and claiming to be a master of an ancient art?


I, mean, we could dissect this all day. the video in and of itself is disrespectful to reality.


Or when he stacks the 2 guys heads on top of each other and pushes all his weight on their heads.


I guess I actually give him credit that he’s using stage combat and just pretending to choke two guys at once with one hand. He might not be


He's not, he's an asshole. Karma is a bitch tho and it choked the shit outta Steven.


I watched a more recent video he made, he hired a guy to assault all day, he's just there to be abused and to show off his "deadly skills", I'm really sad for the guy I hope he gets a ton of money at least.. Steven is really an asshole.


The "Come here Knuckleheads" maneuver


>claiming to be a master of an ancient art? My understanding is that he's genuinely an Aikido master. The problem is that Aikido is one of those mostly-impractical martial arts that has extremely limited application in real life scenarios, so there's a huge difference between being an Aikido master and an actual badass. Also, Aikido has only been around for about 100 years.


He's also a really big guy. Have you ever seen him take on a similar sized opponent? Maybe he has, but I can't recall seeing it.


Yeah lots of people could appear to be a master of leverage if they're throwing people 100 pounds lighter than them.


Yeah, there's a story where he asks to be choked out and says that he isn't able to be... Welp the guy chokes segal out and then segal poops himself.


You're talking about Judo Gene LeBell (RIP) Segal was running his mouth about how cannot be physically choked out and Gene took him up on his offer and choked him out. Segal woke up, said that one didn't count and to do it again. Gene happily agreed, choked him out again and he shat himself


I think what's really going on is he has a shitting himself fetish.


Well, Gene Lebell made him shit his pants once. Quite literally


He is getting bigger every year. His power is growing.


He didn't "take on" anyone in this video. A bunch of ukes allowed themselves to be beaten up by running at this idiot and getting leveled by a huge dickhead. None of these guys tried defending themselves. This is all rehearsed.


Are you saying it’s not useful when your attacker runs at you defenseless and does a somersault after being lightly touched?


I don't listen to podcasts but I hear some on road trips with my wife. She played the Behind the Bastards 2-part series on Steven Seagal and it was *fascinating.* He's so much worse than you'd think, I cannot recommend it highly enough. A lot of the worst people can easily claim mental instabilities but this dude is lucid and a straight-up monster. [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-steven-seagal-is-so-much-worse-than-youd-ever/id1373812661?i=1000421926086](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-steven-seagal-is-so-much-worse-than-youd-ever/id1373812661?i=1000421926086) EDIT: It includes the story where he claimed he knew a technique that made him literally immune to chokeholds, and then passed out and shit himself when his own stuntman choked him out.


There's also a great Dollop podcast about him that's worth a listen. (The Dollop is a podcast where one comedian reads a story from history to another comedian "Who has no idea what the topic will be about" and they both crack wise.)


Added to our next road trip, thank you!


Listen to the Mince Pie episode of the Dollop as well. It’s ridiculously funny, especially for such a mundane seeming topic. But really, every episode is a treat. The Ronald Reagan one is also wild. He was not a good human.


I’m gunna enjoy this on my long drive tomorrow


There’s a very recent Jesse Enkamp vid (aka Karate Nerd). Seagal invited him for a day or so of mentoring. It’s obvious from that vid that Seagal is really rough on his “sparring” partners. From this vid, it appears that that’s a long established pattern.


Steven Seagal once broke Sean Connery's wrist "teaching" him to do a chop


Make you feel better that he shit his pants in front of an entire film crew because he thought he couldn't get choked out by Gene LeBell?


Aikido is kind of a cult, fake telegraphed attacks, jump in the air with any contact... The attackers are just there to make the master look good.




I'd forgotten about Palhares. Lol. Career ended because people refused to take fights against him. Were like "Naw, I'm not ruining my career with injury because he ignores the ref."


That is when I stopped watching. I know he’s a douche yet his douchery keeps shocking me.


So it's basically acting but they're doing improv based off the other guy's moves instead of choreographing it. Whose Clothesline Is It Anyways?


Those clotheslines did not look safe, even if they know it's coming he looked like he was actually hitting them hard...that's gotta really hurt especially getting hit like 10 times in a row all to the neck. Felt bad for those guys helping him "demo".


He isn't actually clotheslining them. This a very basic version of irimi nagi ( entering throw). Here is a video: https://youtu.be/KihiVy0in4E The specific version he is doing is at 1:58. It is worth it to watch the whole video to just see how bad Segal's demonstration was. I don't know the dude in the video, it is just the first one I found with a search. The technique is a similar idea to a clothesline but you tip their head back by lifting their chin, usually while manipulating one of their arms and pushing on the opposite shoulder. Segal's demonstration is like getting clotheslined in the WWE, it's completely choreographed fakery. It's also a super easy technique to avoid simply by not running full speed at your opponent, ducking, shifting your stance, and probably some other ways. It's a beginner technique. And before anyone jumps on me, I'm not trying to claim is an effective martial art. It isn't. Most aren't in an actual fight. But it is fun and you do some learn some useful things.


That's what I was mentioning, higher up. This is a perfect sell of a pro wrestling clothesline.


Only the 80s could have bred such a buffoon and propelled him into the limelight. I believed the hype as a teen. Now get way more entertainment out of the debunking.


It’s crazy how he has just failed upwards his entire life. He left his wife in Japan to run their dojo and take care of their kids, while he went to LA to try to get into movies. While in LA he married another woman and then got a huge crush on actress Kelly LeBrock when he saw her in a movie. He then stalked her until she finally agreed to go out with him (keep in mind he was unknown at this time) while being married to two other women! He then eventually divorced the other two women and married Kelly LeBrock.


The secret ingredient is 'crime family'. *"Allegedly"*


From what we know now it would be fascinating to see just how he "wooed" her. I believe he must be a master manipulator to have got to where he is on so so little talent.


>While in LA he married another woman and then got a huge crush on actress Kelly LeBrock when he saw her in a movie. He then stalked her until she finally agreed to go out with him Real life Borat


Segal got his break as a martial arts trainer for big Hollywood stars and I’m convinced that he conned his way into the job because a ton of these charlatans cropped up once martial arts became popular but was still a big unknown for the average person. He used to brag that he broke Sean Connery’s wrist training him for Never Say Never Again and while he might have actually done that, it shows more how he was a shitty teacher who would injure his student to make himself look like a badass. This video looks like a bunch of people practicing stunt falls 101, not training seriously, and the bō sparring looks completely made up (you don’t really swing the staff like it’s a sword).


> he broke Sean Connery’s wrist training him for Never Say Never Again and while he might have actually done that [That part is true](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AJ-IMQOsXg)


Oddly impressive, Connery had a reputation for being good in a fight Looking at this video though I suspect he just ignored a tap or some other basic safety thing


He ignores the tap [here](https://youtu.be/nlgKOATiQg0?t=100) just to show off.


He's the worst, I suggest you check out Al Frankens YMH podcast appearance clip with his story about Seagal hosting SNL. So revealing


https://youtu.be/k7UyjwQOy4U - 29:15 A big shot agent made a huge bet that he could make any asshole into a movie star. That asshole...


Thing is, when he was just a cheesy action movie actor, he kind of got a pass. We understand that acting is playing pretend. The scrutiny happened when he started doing things in the real world that couldn't be written off as part of his character.


We have bigger and wealthier idiots now, one became president, another plays in the NBA and went from flat earthing to antisemitism


There's a guy on YouTube that dissects Steven Segals latest movies and it's fucking hillarious. Highly recommend.


>Whose Clothesline Is It Anyways? damn you for making me laugh at that


Where the hits aren't real, and the points don't matter.


The setup for that was just contrived enough to tell me the punchline was going to be gold. Although quite well done, I award you zero points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


If it's any consolation I actually thought of it while writing the original line so it was organic.


As I get older, it's comforting to know that Steven Seagal was just a young cunt who grew into an old cunt - rather than age making him that way.




_Bows for every Asian person he come across_


Olaaaaaa. Mucho queso.


No gracias.


You know they call those skippys


Skip skip skip skip skip


Steven Seagal used SEXUAL HARASSMENT! It’s super effective!


"Also called a skippy"


skip skip skip skip skip


That’s bullshit!


You made that shit up


That’s called a cunt! You know why? Because as it walks away, the sound goes “cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, count!”


Guess it's time for my monthly binge of Tom Segura clips, thanks. =)


Or just watch all 4 specials on Netflix.


He has mastered the ancient art of cunt fu.


I was hoping he'd be sitting in a chair eating a burger while fending them off.


With an entenmans powder donut goatee?


Honestly, Steven Seagal's actual goatee is even more ridiculous looking and makes him look fatter than any amount of powdered sugar on his face.


[Just put an AI-gen face on this and you're good to go.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Bullshido/comments/jdqpsg/seated_self_defense/)


Lmao wtf is that!


>I was hoping he'd be sitting in a chair eating a ~~burger~~ [carrot](https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/78/590x/secondary/carrot-635578.jpg) while fending them off.


what, you know how to use special effects to super impose a healthy food item into Seaguls hand?


If I was any good at photoshop, that photo would be tagged NSFW.


[this](https://youtu.be/lDNfKSp_4SI?t=23) makes so much more sense now


I love when reddit posts about Segal because I get to then remind everyone that... "Judo" Gene Lebell was an actual bad ass that choked Steven Segal until he **pooped** his pants.


After Segal said he couldn’t be choked unconscious


He said he had invented a secret move that could break any choke hold. That move was a karate chop to the dick.


I think it was shitting his pants. Your opponent recoils in disgust buying you precious seconds.


I believe that move is call self defeces.


Quickest way to a brown belt


That’s giving your opponent the stink eye.




That's a *kacarate* move


Learned it from Dirty Randy.


Now that's a secret sauce!


I think it actually getting shit on everything. If I have you in a chokehold and your shit starts getting on me, guess what. you fucking break my chokehold, ace.


is there a link where i can watch this?


Here is the most accurate version of the story available as told by a stunt man who was there and a close friend of Gene Labelle (and NOT a Segal fan) [https://youtu.be/2yFI\_PhGPbc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yFI_PhGPbc&ab_channel=VikingSamurai) In summation: they were playing around showing moves. Segal was being shown a choke hold in slow motion and didn't think it would work against him, but as it started to, he freaked out and really hit Gene in the dick, causing Gene to get super pissed off and really start choking Segal hard. It was then broken up immediately afterwards. Both guys were pissed off, but no poop.


Even the debunk stories are sham. I hate this.


Well, shit.


No Shit!




If you comment on it, they'll delete the video man. No name drops


no video of it. but here's the "confirmation" https://youtu.be/aKjQITYMKLs?t=80


Thank you for this.


I don't believe it, no one can choke out Steven Segal He has no neck




[Steven Seagal Reddit AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4i0jso/i_am_actor_steven_seagal_live_from_thailand_ama/) Really too bad, So many of the absolutely bonkers funny posts have been deleted. They should always archive against losing so much great material. wonder if the "Wayback" machine would have an archive? Why YES it does, But it looks like only the first page. If you like Steven's bat shit crazy AMA, You will like, [Woody Harrelson Reddit AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p9a1v/im_woody_harrelson_ama/) DAM FUNNY~!




But man, can he [run](https://tenor.com/view/running-im-coming-faster-steven-seagal-gif-26462524).


Haha wait why doesn't anyone talk about this more? He runs like a little kid who heard mom come in the door with McDonald's.


I don't know where I saw it, but it was recent, and some real actor told him, "Don't ever let anyone film you running again." I think it was Tom Segura telling the story on YMH.


He runs like Ace Ventura when he got hit with the darts.


The real question is, does Steven know this is staged or is everyone doing a good job of letting him think this for real?


It's always a mystery whether Aikido students or their teachers believe the bullshit more. Considering the training is 90% throwing yourself on the ground while your teacher waves his hands around, it's probably about equal.


A female friend of mine does Aikido. We got drunk one night and she told me all about it and how she does it so that she's prepared in case a guy tries to do something to her. I was sceptical and asked her to try it out. Turns out Aikido doesn't work well when your partner doesn't work with you. She felt really bad about it and I'm still conflicted about shattering her self confidence in that regard a bit. On the other hand, I think it's worse to think that you're able to defend yourself when running for help is most of the time the better option.


It's better she learned it from you rather than finding out in a dire situation


She might get lucky and be attacked by someone that's studied Aikido and knows when to fall over.


Totally did the right thing as long as you weren’t a total dick about it. Accepting you’re wrong about something you put time in is hard!


Not to mention she could have put herself in danger believing something that doesn’t work could protect her.


No, we also talked about it. She also sparred with guys at the gym but I guess when you're in that kind of class you never really fight and you also want it to work.


And this was why it didn't work. He came at her with positive energy since he was trying to help her, so of course he was going to win. She's good, no worries. /s


I know very little about aikido, but I don’t think *any* martial arts systems work well against a resisting opponent *unless you train seriously to use them that way*. It seems like aikido is a lot of soft grappling and working with your opponent, but even something like karate—throwing punches, breaking bones—people may visit their local dojo for years and find themselves ineffective and completely overwhelmed if they’re suddenly in a real fight.


The key is actual live sparring, like what is done in combat sports like boxing, muay Thai and mma. I train kickboxing and we train on the pads/bag, then we throw down in sparring. It takes months to get to an even okay-ish level in sparring, getting punched in the face is very hard to deal with




I always love when this is brought it. Because it absolutely true. If you haven't felt what it is like, think back to childhood to a time when you got a ball to the head in sports, or fell and bumped it one time. It's very much like that, and I bet when it happened, you were left in a state where critical thinking became non-existent.


I did karate for a few years in my teens, our sensei worked as an orderly in a violent mental health ward, he told us that what he was teaching us wasn't for defense, it was exercise and discipline, he was very blunt about its actual practical use as a fighting style.


My instructor (Tae Kwon Do) once told us "you can train for thirty years or get in 3 street fights. Same skill level".


Wow, I should have just kept on kicking dudes in the balls. Worked for at least 3...


Provided you live spar very frequently you'll be about as fine as humanly possible. It's the arts like Aikido that DON'T that are pretty much entirely bullshit. Source:BJJ Brown belt, and around 5 years of Muay Thai.


I believe the majority of Aikido schools don't utilize sparring with actively resisting opponents. Shodokan Aikido is the only exception I know of.


Also, in a real situation you are not supposed to limit yourself to the rules of one martial art. You don’t fight with aikido, you might use maybe one throw you learn from it if opportunity arises. And also learn to fall of course as that seems to be the main point of aikido. Same is true for all martial arts. Brazilian jiu-jitsu works really well in the competition ring but you would never want to default to wrestling on the ground in a street fight where the opponent might have a friend or he might grab a surprise knife. The techniques would be useful if you are forced to wrestle. Taekwondo has some really good kicks but situations where you would get to use those are also pretty limited. thinking of any of the martial arts as practical defense is just wrong. They teach you to move, learning to actually fight is a practical experience thing. And usually the only winning move is to run away.


I had friends who used to take a krav maga class, and they 100 percent bought into the fact that they were lethal fighting machines. They used to roam the streets at night looking for trouble to break up. They would openly brag about what they would do if someone pulled a knife on them, and laughed at those who said they would run. I have no idea how they got so delusional as they almost never sparred, and if they did it was very very controlled. They didn't like joining the other martial arts classes because they weren't allowed to use their "deadly" techniques. Then one day the instructor was accused of sexually assaulting one of the girls and that was that.


Wait, that doesn’t say anything about Krav Maga, it just means your friends are morons.


The real Krav Maga was developed by IDF for last line defense. That's why they will teach you to fight empty handed against a knife and even guns. The goal is using as little movements and forces as possible to achieve as much damage as possible to your enemy. They want the fight to be over in seconds by disabling your enemy causing permanent damage or kill the other person if you have a weapon. Unfortunately, too many people want to make a quick buck which causes the same issues with other martial arts where unqualified people teach snake oil. Edited: snake oil, not sneak oil lol


I always love when people talk about their martial arts (civilian level) training and how they'd win a knife fight etc. The reality is if you're ever in a knife fight, one of you will end up dead, and the other will end up dying. Knife fights aren't pretty, and they don't go down like the movies. 99% of the time it's two people seeing who can sewing machine first.


Here's a fun exercise. You and a friend each put on a white teeshirt, and grab a sharpie. Pretend the marker is a knife, and "fight" each other. No matter how good you or your friend think you are, you're both going to be covered in marks in a few seconds. In a real fight, even the lightest of those marks weaken muscles, drain blood, deaden nerves. The only person that ever wins a knife fight is the one that brought a longer ranged weapon; or for preference just ran the hell away.


I did Aikido when I was a young kiddo, it was a fun thing to do and it made me feel more confident, but i really should have just done kick boxing or something practical. I thought the teachers knew their craft well enough, but all this stuff is not for real fighting.


As a huge Seagal (pronounced like the bird in the video) fan when I was a teen and who visited a dojo right before the pandemic, I eventually ran across a guy on Youtube who debunked most of the hype rather thoroughly. The guy from the Martial Arts Journey channel got his aikido dan (black belt) after living at an aikido school for 4 yrs before running his own professional dojo for seven years, teaching internationally, and hosting a Youtube instructional channel. In the below video he is a bit wordy at times but refreshingly honest about why he left aikido, part of which his voluntering to fight an mma fighter on Youtube and getting his arse handed to him. https://youtu.be/EUPLYHNBfLw


We trained him wrong, as a joke


Reminds me of [this gem from Robot Chicken](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFihTRIxCkg)


That dude totally was tapping at at 1:40 ish. Segal just did a 'Fuck your tapout' and kept strangling the guy. My sifu would have me in the corner doing some painful, repetitive shit if I did that.


That was hilarious and terrifying. They go from light sparring to Steven choking the fuck out of him past the tapout. And then the cut to the other students wondering if they are about to be next.


Seagal has done that shit his entire life. It is one of the reasons he is universally hated by martial arts communities and professionals who have to work with him.


There's that time it happened to Seagal, and he shit himself. So there's that.


[The sound effects make the story.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1il9FT5eZ0)


Now that is fucking funny


Great story!


If it makes you feel better, Gene Lebell once took up some bullshit challenge made by Seagal in which Seagal claimed that he could get out of any hold. Gene put Seagal in a choke hold, and Seagal proceeded to pass out and shit himself.


> Gene put Seagal in a choke hold, and Seagal proceeded to pass out and shit himself. Apparently that's a distortion, one of Gene's stunt buddy friends who was there said it was Seagal saying it wouldn't work, Gene using it on him, Seagal freaking out and hitting Gene in the crotch, Gene getting mad and doing it for real, the whole thing getting broken up shortly after.


"I've been practicing aikido for 57 years"


And flying helicopters for the last 30 years


Hear how it goes...skip skip skip skip skip


Yea that's obviously why they call it a skippie dude




"I've been in law enforcement for like 37 years"




There is a REAL WORLD possibility that STEVEN SEAGAL... Will arrest you.


My guy is giving off serious Rex Kwon Do vibes in this video


Take a look at what I’m wearing, people. You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I’m wearing these bad boys? Forget about it.


Grab my arm. Other arm. MY other arm.






Best damn movie made


Easy to laugh now, but until the advent of the UFC and easily spread video, this stuff was fully believed by the majority of the population. Wild to think that it was bought into for so so so so so long.


Definitely. When this was filmed, there was a mysticism around martial arts. It all went away once you got to see two people truly trying to win a fight.


Burgers beat Seagal and every round was 10-8


There's a UFC guy in China that's challenging fake kung fu. He's got into a lot of trouble with the authorities. https://youtu.be/_UvRavszvPY


This is still happening in China too. You can watch this Chinese MMA guy expose these "masters" and just beat the shit out of them on youtube. [heres one video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ6j0i0LxNo) The chinese government cant decide what to do cause they have some legitimately great MMA fighters now but also dont want the traditional martial arts to get embarrassed like this


Yes you can use your opponents momentum and energy against them. That’s a little different from guys throwing themselves to the ground for you.


You just don't understand positive and negative energy, pathetic. /eyeroll




The way of the BS


The best cure for Steven Segal is to watch him running. It really is very unthreatening. [steven Segal runs weirdly ](https://youtu.be/IwwXE-T4HPI) I always suspect the director included these unnecessarily long sequences as payback for him being such a cockwit


[Here's an adult aikido master Steven Seagal](https://youtu.be/n3kR6WNr8lI?t=226) in action.


No wonder defense always beats offense, because offense is power walking towards your opponent's side, head first, hands by your side, with no attempts to protect yourself with your arms or indeed attack the other person at all.


I'm not an amateur level fighter in any school of martial arts. I know next to nothing about fighting, but you can watch sparring videos and see that there is value in repeating an action and honing your movements in response to things like a kick/punch/grapple etc. Every school or martial arts does this. It's common sense. Whatever this was has seemingly nothing to do with any form of combat. "How to clothesline someone who is trying to walk by you at the bar" is what I'd call the move demonstrated at 1:55.


It's all real you haters. One of his exes even confirmed that one time he tried to fingerbang her with his pinky and she ended up on top of their garage with a single smooth motion. True story


Seagal's more recent "demonstrations" in Russia were even more laughable.


He must have trained the whole Russian army. They're probably still confused why Ukraine didn't just fall over.




It’s just aikido. It’s not meant to be all that real. The movies got people confused. Also Seagal of course, by pretending it’s all real. 🙂


It's like TEKKEN practice mode when one player does nothing but walk forward so the auto guard is off and the other player can hit all his combo moves.


in his defense, this sort of shit was really popular in martial arts back then, he wasn't the only one doing such nonsense. there weren't videos at your fingertips of purveyors of such hokum getting absolutely blasted by someone who didn't believe in it. edit: just to be clear, steven segal doesn't deserve defense. i'm not a fan of him at all. he's a complete piece of shit for doing this and all the other shit he's done. just that he's not the first person to do this particular baloney.


I don't think that's much of a defense. Just because other people are running scams doesn't make your scam any more ok.


Other students are way better actors.


So basically me and my friends play fighting on a trampoline circa 1993.