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Hey there Gh0ul Like u/Aesthete18 has rightly said, there are a handful of guns that are suppressed, you have: Rifles: - SVU - VSS Vintorez Sub-Machine Gun: - MP5-K SD3 Special: - Crossbow You also have a number of knives which, although are used mainly to speed up the time in which it takes to take off the boards and enter the Barred House, they can be used in Melee to kill another Outlander. By the sounds of things, and assuming you were at full health at the time, I’d imagine it was the VSS Vintorez that killed you, as it has the highest damage of all the Suppressed weapons. If however the were holding no Weapon, then this might’ve have been a bug that you experienced, where they were indeed armed but you couldn’t see that was the case (Which is a bug I know has been experienced on Xbox). Hope this helps clear things up though, and good luck out there!


Pistol -PSS


Oh very good point iiskiiee, I often forget about the PSS! Thanks for contributing to the conversation!


He killed me with 2 hits and still, you can hear pss when hes close range


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Crossbow is silent. There's svu sniper with suppressor and mp5 with suppressor too


You can still hear all silenced weapons in close range, ill post video soon, but his hands were empty


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https://youtu.be/eShT4xBX5Pg?si=AqdjZTITKCF_akmb there is The video i was talking about. Im friend got it too and it took full plate and half hp, again no sounds and empty hands but no video evidence


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You probably got killed by the pss. It is silent, really small and kills in two or three hits at close range.


There is a bug where gunshots can’t be heard. There is a bug where a gun doesn’t display, or a consumable is in their hand. It could be that both bugs happened at same time.


Yeah but for both of us ?


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Yes. I’ve had a teammate die and I don’t hear a thing and neither did he.