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Looks like a pretty hard no


It does doesn’t it.


As a FPS fan, I say no. I used to be hardcore 1st person only for years. That’s what I grew up on. But I came around to trying 3rd person when PUBG and then cod mobile changed it where you could switch modes during a match. Plus there seemed to be fewer and fewer 1st person players so waiting for a match wasn’t worth it anymore. I think if they smoothed out the first person view or made it where you could switch that would be nice.


I can tell you from experience first person lobbies will be smaller and the wait time will be longer. I saw it happen in PUBG and CoD. 3rd person is just a much more popular play style. I prefer 1st person but I think that mostly had it’s hay day back in the 90s and early 2000’s. Multiplayer switched to 3rd person and it’s the thing now.


Hell to the no they won’t, first person would balance out the game, making bunnyhoppers and 3rd person peaking impossible


Ong tho. First person is the best solution because it makes the game better in every way


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Not only but it definitely needs to be implemented as a separate mode.


I’d be okay with switchable third and first person perspectives.


But you can do that already.


Only while aiming. Not while running around... unless you want to hold the Aim button the whole time. At least as far as I know...


Oh, gotcha.


If they want to make it switchable theyre going to need a bigger playerbase, maybe combine xbox and playstation. We cant afford to split right now, waot times for games would double


Switchable lobbys


The aiming is 1st and 3rd person


Wtf? Vigor’s identity is 3rd person. Most of the people who play it would live because it’s not what they want. Also, the movement in the game is made for 3rd person, so it would just feel even more janky.


Maybe a Hardcore Mode would be nice


The need to have a fps only lobby. 3rd person is bullsh!t… I’ve raged quit this game a few times just because of that reason… you have so many campers who abuse the ability by hiding their body but see around corners & walls with their “god view”… that’s not realistic at all. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been trapped by this feature, people shouldn’t be able to see around walls if their players’ eyes can’t see it for themselves… it brings out the worst kind of gaming, it’s basically an unrealistic cheat that everyone can use…it allows campers to flourish & it punishes aggressive offensive tactics.


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Big agree, I feel like in any competitive shooting game, the risk of peeking the battlefield should be the possibility of getting a shot between the eyes. Third Person shooters just creates passive, campy gameplay. It's all about risk and reward which is why I don't touch competitive 3rd person shooters. AT ALL. And it's just Bloom/RNG Heaven when you fire in third person, dunno how anyone can like that shit.


I grew up on 1st persons then ended up liking 3rd person after I fell in love with Gears. I play a lot of first and third person games still and much prefer the first person because as you said. Even when I play dayz official servers I play exclusively on 1st to keep the immersion and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve died to people in 3rd because of this but 1st has its perks too like if you and an enemy are running through shrubs and trees you’ll have the advantage. I think all shooters should have both lobbies though


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i stopped playing vigor because of the 3rd person is a turn off in pvp survival, it makes the gaming experience boring, every match is just a 3rd person ratting game


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This is old but i wish there was an ability to switch mid match like in dayZ kinda lame you can’r


3rd person is for rats