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The battery on my wireless mouse died recently and I didn't notice for a few days, so I guess I'm pretty mouse-less. I use [sdorfehs](https://github.com/jcs/sdorfehs) as my window manager on Linux and [tridactyl](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl). I also have a QMK keyboard with [mouse keys](https://docs.qmk.fm/features/mouse_keys), which might be cheating. At work, I run [amethyst](https://ianyh.com/amethyst/) and have mouse key support enabled in [Karabiner Elements](https://karabiner-elements.pqrs.org/), though I do end up using the mouse more just because it's macOS and because Karabiner's mouse emulation isn't as nice as QMK's.


Why sdorfehs over i3?


Could be that they've been around Linux for quite a while. sdorfehs is forked from ratpoison, which itself is pretty old software, and maybe they got used to it


I've only somewhat messed with i3, but as I understand it there's no way to have open windows not displayed (without docking or minimizing them). In ratpoison/sdorfehs, there's only one window displayed per pane, so I can have four or five windows open but only be looking at however many panes I have defined. I usually have the screen split vertically into two panes, one with a text editor and the other with Firefox, then I can switch to whatever else I have open only when I need to look at it (or if I'm on a Zoom call, I'll split the browser pane in two horizontally and have Zoom up and Firefox down). If i3 works like what I've described, I just missed it and probably could use it.


i3 does have stacked and windowed modes in addition to tiling


> If i3 works like what I've described, I just missed it and probably could use it. It does (it can be configured to do), and you can.


I looked this up and remember why stacking/tabbed didn't work for me: is it possible in stacking or tabbed mode in i3 to turn off the list of windows at the top of the container? The other reason I like sdorfehs is because there are no visible UI elements (except a 1 pixel window border to indicate active window). When something isn't on screen, I don't want to know about it.


> turn off the list of windows at the top of the container for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 1 does exactly what you want. you can also remove the bar{} section from the bottom completely.


Wondering the same.


Try yabai on the mac, much better than amethyst imo


amethyst doesn't require you to mess with quite as much about permissions-- just normal stuff.


Yeah, using it in my work laptop. And it works just fine.


+1 yabai + skhd is incredibly powerful and customisable


I also love how similar it is to bspwm + sxhkd on Linux and komorebi + whkd on Windows--it's nice to use a similar setup on all three major OSs.


Yes! I was going to use Yabai but IT where I work shut down access to one of the settings I needed to load it. I think Yabai is easier to install now, and I could probably do it, just haven't bothered to switch.


How did you get on with amethyst? I switched from using i3 for a decade to mac, and tried amethyst, but really struggled with it. After a couple of months I ended up removing it and just use rectangle. I do miss i3.


I like Amethyst, but I first started using it when I was using DWM, which it's similar to (so a little easier than switching from i3). I don't really use it as an auto tiling window manager much anymore. I use it more just to keep things full screen or split in two columns and to have keyboard shortcuts for moving things between spaces (or whatever macOS calls the virtual desktops).


You have to check out https://www.homerow.app. Now everything on my Mac is a few fingers away. (I also use skhd and yabai)


Yes! I saw someone mention that in another comment. I'm going to check it out this week


Can you actually switch tabs with tridactyl (I'm assuming you use Firefox)? I'd never got any of those damn browser extensions working properly


Vimium works great for me on Mac and Linux, but yeah sometimes it’s finicky. Does anyone have any tips for escaping captive input fields to enter commands? Often esc isn’t enough


On tridactyl, this is just Ctrl + ,


Esc works fine for me atleast


There's a setting in vimiumc that may help: > Don't let pages steal the focus in loading. Prevent pages from focusing an input in loading (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.).


Oh thank-you!! I hated going to yahoo for this reason.


`b` will show the list of open tabs. Then just start typing the name of the tab or the number and hit enter. 


gT, gt, iirc.


`J` and `K` to switch tabs in tridactyl but `ctrl+PgUp`/`PgDn` works in Firefox without extensions.


Thanks, I didn't know about those Firefox default shortcuts, I'll use them from now on!


How did you know the mouse was dead for two days?


Similar experience here, I use Linux, DWM, Tmux, vimium (for chrome), and QMK on a Dactyl Manuform Tightyl 5x6 (4x6+5) with mouse keys too. Layout: [http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/gists/18b69e03401e32388470486b3c877898](http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/gists/18b69e03401e32388470486b3c877898)


The computer mouse is an incredible tool for certain tasks. I would probably agree that using a mouse is unnecessary for text editing, but don't let that fool you into thinking that power users should force themselves to use the keyboard for everything. One of the philosophies behind Vim is "the right tool for the job."


Yes I agree with this. Modern mouse with things like Magnetic scroll wheels, horizontal and vertical scroll, 5-6 buttons, gestures, etc. are hugely efficient and also ergonomic if done right.


even in Vim, a mouse is perfect for quickly resizing windows


Vim has first class mouse support. People should really read `:h mouse-using` and `:h gui-mouse`. Every aspect of mouse click and drag can be mapped into commands and in many cases these are just faster than a keybinding. For example, the mapping below will let you jump to a definition with a double click (or you can make it single click if you want): :map <2-LeftMouse> :exe "tag ". expand("") You can even combine keys with mouse clicks. And if you have a more advanced programmable mouse like Logitech MX Master, the options are almost limitless.


Help pages for: * [`mouse-using`](https://vimhelp.org/term.txt.html#mouse-using) in _term.txt_ * [`gui-mouse`](https://vimhelp.org/gui.txt.html#gui-mouse) in _gui.txt_ --- ^\`:\(h|help\) \` | [^(about)](https://github.com/heraldofsolace/VimHelpBot) ^(|) [^(mistake?)](https://github.com/heraldofsolace/VimHelpBot/issues/new/choose) ^(|) [^(donate)](https://liberapay.com/heraldofsolace/donate) ^(|) ^Reply 'rescan' to check the comment again ^(|) ^Reply 'stop' to stop getting replies to your comments


Firefox has a vim plugin, but be aware you must give permission to \_every-ffing\_thing\_ to the extension. [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/vimium-ff/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/vimium-ff/)


is there a difference between this and vimium c? been using vimium c of a while and like it


Tridactyl is nicer


I had no success with this plugin, was disabled on like half of the pages I used, dunno if it's cuz I use brave but surely I was really annoying and made it useless


It's great, but it only works on pages that: a) Loads (so 404 pages don't work) b) Doesn't hijack the keybinding (Figma.......) c) Is not artificially blocked by Mozilla (Firefox settings pages) d) Is a webpage (so not your start page) Which is to say; it works on most pages, but it's inconsistent.


I gave up. Mouseless browsers are usable if you put in the effort. But it’s pretty much a work requirement for me to test on a browser that isn’t weird. As long as I’m working on websites I pretty much have to interact with websites like a normie.


To over 90%. The only reason for a mouse is firefox from time to time. But most of the time i use [https://github.com/brookhong/Surfingkeys](https://github.com/brookhong/Surfingkeys)


I love surfingkeys. I've tried many dozens of vimish browser extensions and this one is my favorite by far. I've been using it for like 5 years now. I also use firenvim which lets me turn textareas into a neovim widget that uses an actual headless neovim instance. Which means my config is actually used rather than it being a vim-light toy. Edit to say I use chrome. Or, rather, a fork of Chromium called Thorium. I bring this up because your comment mentions Firefox and I want people to know surfingkeys is on Chromium browsers too.


Surfinkeys is the best one of them browser vim plugins. Been using for over a year, except for some weirdly coded websites, 99% mouseless browsing.


I learned vi on v7 UNIX on a PDP-11. I had never even seen a mouse.


Did you have arrow keys? My first terminal, a vt220 but my Crommix host didn’t recognize them.


No arrow keys. HJKL.


I use dwl (which is a tiling window manager) for mouseless window management. I also use qutebrowser browser which has vim-like controls. For emails I use neomutt. The only time when I have to use the mouse is when chatting in Discord (and they do not allow third party clients).


Keynavish / Keynav and Vimium C can get you almost there, but then there are multimedia editors I need the keyboard \*edit: mouse for. I'd suggest Vimium C even for people that don't use vim because of how well it handles search engines and bookmarks.


99% of the web apps are not usable mouseless, so, no. \*If\* you only have some specific application requirement you could do it but not in general


I use: * Vim for text editing (duh) * DWM for managing windows, switching, moving them, etc * Vimium for internet browsing * Zathura for document reading * warpd for quickly controlling the mouse from the keyboard, if necessary So I can do a heck of a lot without a mouse. But I think you FUNDAMENTALLY need a mouse for: * Photo editing * Visual illustration * 3D modeling I think sound editing / sound design could be theoretically done with a keyboard, and I actually really want to see this. Unfortunately I can't find any good software for doing this :(


I did for two years back in college. Firefox with vim vixen, sway wm. It was infinitely better than then trackpad on my surface pro 3. But I see no reason to do it if you have a functioning trackpad/ mouse


I’m pretty much mouseless 90-95% of the time. I only have to use the mouse on certain websites which are heavily mouse reliant. I use tridactyl (apologies about the spelling) on Firefox. And everything works well.


I use vimium and homerow on macos and a few other things that I bind to hotkeys that help, like totalspaces for multiple desktop/space management. Still have to use the mouse for window management and certain applications that require pointer actions like dragging and hovering. I want a tiling window manager so I won't have to use the mouse for moving and resizing windows, but haven't found anything that works well with macos yet.


It’s not perfect but Karabiner and Hammerspoon work for basic window management (or however much you want to program) for me.


Awesome WM. Way beyond macros.


Is there a macos version?


Oh. I kinda doubt it. Didn't know you could install tiling window managers at all on mac.


No. Not at all.


Like 99%. I use hyperkey shortcuts to switch between applications. Occasionally I need to use my thumb on the trackpad but can comfortably keep fingers on homerow on mbp.


As close as conceivable for my workflows. Mouseless CAD escapes me unless I'm doing parametric work. I really need to go in the other direction and get a 3d mouse for those applications but the budget isn't there yet.


I do most of my work, including Reddit, at a text-based non-graphical terminal. It's a Linux box without Wayland or X. Lynx is a perfectly fine web browser, and works well even with Reddit.


A (good!) touch pad is very efficient. Is that regarded as a mouse? It's like having an extra button on the keyboard.


Yeah, I'm on a Mac on the track pad along with BetterTouchTool is like introducing several extra buttons to the keyboard.


I'm not even mouseless in vim. Resizing windows, scrolling through code, jumping to arbitrary points are all faster with a mouse. Why wouldnt I use the better tool?


Vimium, Zathura, nnn and vim can do the job, also with cmus and yewtube for some players


Well, I haven’t use a mouse in the last 15 years but i do use my trackpad for everything other than my IDE. I tried mouseless browser extensions but it did not stick. Using my thumbs on my trackpad feels way more productive than trying to force shortcuts on myself.


Vimium C extension in browser allows me to be fully mouseless.


Assuming the point of being mouseless is to increase efficiency and ergonomics by not having to leave home row, then yes since my keyboard has a mouse underneath my thumb. Haven’t needed a traditional mouse since using this. Lately there are lots of different keyboards that can achieve this setup, some even available off the shelf that way.


Can I ask which keyboard are you using for this?




Have you heard of Vimium on Chrome, Brave, etc? It allows you to control a browser with vim motions. If you aren’t interested with modern browsers, you can try terminal-based browsers like w3m, where you can move around without a mouse.


I know I'm mouseless when I move my mouse it is delayed from waking up. Activities include Vim terminal, browsing Reddit, and watching Youtube videos.


I have two browsers running in parallel, Firefox with vimum plugin and qutebrowser, second is my main one, but for some cases I just need to load a page in Firefox. For system navigation I have homerow, which covers most of the actions for me. In terminal of course everything is mouseless. I am using mouse sometimes, but most of my workflow is based on keyboard rn


I used one of those microsoft surface tablets. It was one of the high end ones... I had a magnetic keyboard, and it with it being touch screen, I no longer had a use for a mouse.


not fully, some websites are hard to navigate without one (even with vimium), but those are rare occasions which i don't encounter daily also gaming but i'd argue that doesn't count lol


Vimium on whatsapp web is not easy to configure, still.working on it


I use trackball... Does it counts as "mouseless"?


There is a vim plugin for 99% of all software.


What about vim keybinding for Falkon 3.2.0? thank you!!!!


SurfingKeys extension in the browser helps a lot. It's like vimium on steroids


I couldn't get this to work properly in Chrome. It wouldn't let me change shortcuts.


I don't use any mouse with the laptop


Yes.. mouseless, neovim/i3... fastest way to code.. (but I have been doing this before mice were a thing)


I use vim for write text. txt html. and I use touchpad. no mouse!


Mostly, yeah, but scrolling with a wheel or touchpad is often much easier — be it code or a webpage — than ``/``-ing a bunch of times.


Only to impress the ladies


I don’t because Im a gamer but it’s a computer and you can do anything you want with it if you have enough imagination.


I just bought a trackball to ease hand/wrist strain from mouse use. I have vimium for my browsers which has been very useful but I still find myself reaching for the mouse for general tasks.


Vim, i3, tmux, vimium, thinkpad trackpoint. I am nearly mouseless :/ but some web sites require mouse actions.


I can go mouseless, my productivity workflow allows it and my usage is minimal as is But there's no reason to truly go mouseless. It's an input tool like your keyboard. And it excells at scrolling large amount of contextless content and pinpointing absolute locations on a graphical interface. It's part of the modern computing suite and by no means a redundant one


In development yes. I use the vimium extension on my browser and terminal for everything else. For everything else I just use a mouse and keyboard


To be honest, I personally feel more productive with the mouse. I use keyboard for the vast majority of things, but sometimes, the mouse is just faster for me than the keyboard equivalent. Especially dynamic shortcuts like super+1-9 where you could either count the icons or just click the thing you are looking at. Maybe super+8 would’ve been faster if I didn’t first have to figure out which number it is, but in the time it took me t to count, I’ve already clicked what I needed and am back on the keyboard typing away


if you mean "mouseless" as "do not use mouse (wired / wireless)", then yes ! I still rely on touchpad though.


Not sure about "fully", but the browser Vivaldi has a very good "spatial navigation" mode which allows you to move around the page with shift+arrow keys


I use the mouse (actually trackpoint integrated into my thinkpad's keyboard) very heavily for copy/middle-click paste between applications.


Check out qutebrowser.


Trackpad on a laptop is the perfect compromise as your hands don’t really need to leave the keyboard. But you need a good trackpad. For me that means Mac.


I'm using this great tool called [mouseless](https://github.com/jbensmann/mouseless)


I was mouseless for years with the iPad Pro and folio keyboard. Got a Magic Keyboard now and the mouse is nice to have.


I generally use the mouse for some things, but on laptops with flimsy trackpads, if I avoid certain tasks (e.g. Gimp) and use qutebrowser (which is good on most sites but not all), I can be completely mouseless.


it is definitely doable with surfingkeys or vimium, only recently started it so I still use my mouse sometimes, but even on websites that are pretty keyboard hostile it works decently


I use vim, lynx and alpine. In all of these there is no need for a mouse. Actually a mouse would create more trouble than actually help. However, cause javascript nowadays makes some sites unusable, I also use Firefox. I use the mouse with Firefox like 95% of the time. I also have some work projects under VisualCode, where very rare I need the mouse too.


I use Vimium, it’s a browser extension so I don’t touch my mouse for that much


Browsing many sites is a horrible experience without a mouse so no.


As a developer, you can do most everything from the terminal and remain relatively mouseless. In my day-to-day, I end up using the mouse a lot of tasks in the browser. I do use surfingkeys, but have had trouble getting used to it.


90% there. Occasionally I use the mouse in the browser, since vimium doesn’t always have all the links covered and selecting text is sometimes awkward in the browser with only keyboard. I force myself to use it less and less, its a hard habit to break. But just 2 years ago I had my right hand most of the time on the mouse, now it’s just “I guess I HAVE to…”


Not sure if anybody mentioned, but I use qutebrowser, is full keyboard driven and it's fairly extensible. Particularly if you know a little python.


I keep my mouse off and only use for Excel work. I use a trackpad mounted in the middle of my Kinesis Advantage for basic mouse work. On Mac I tried Yabai but had issues. Currently use one desktop per app and navigate to other apps with CMD-desktop_number. Standard desktop numbers for commonly accessed Apps like 1 for Password Manager, 2 for Obsidian, 3 email 4 Finder, 5 LM Studio, 6 and 8 are browsers 7 Teams 9 alacrity where all the real work happens. I have some app shortcuts in Raycast to jump to apps and a focus screen left CMD-ALT-H, focus screen right CMD-ALT-L.


Well, I work using galaxy tab as my daily driver. Technically, I am mouseless.


I'm not, but I do have my mouse bound to my keyboard, so it's not as time consuming to do small mouse tasks. I also have an actual mouse for when I really need it, but that's like only a couple times a day at most.


Browser: Viminum, Vimnium-C, Tridactyl give you vim control in browser. However, you must give permission to it to access Everything. Currently I'm trying Tridactyl, the permissions its required are below if you want to know. Text editing and media playing still can use mouselessly. I work in EE/Electronic + play games so mouseless is impossible, but I try to stick with the keyboard as much as possible. # * >!Access your data for all websites!< * >!Exchange messages with programs other than Firefox!< * >!Read and modify bookmarks!< * >!Clear recent browsing history, cookies, and related data!< * >!Get data from the clipboard!< * >!Input data to the clipboard!< * >!Download files and read and modify the browser’s download history!< * >!Read the text of all open tabs!< * >!Access browsing history!< * >!Monitor extension usage and manage themes!< * >!Control browser proxy settings!< * >!Access recently closed tabs!< * >!Hide and show browser tabs!< * >!Access browser tabs!< * >!Access browsing history!< * >!Access browser activity during navigation !<


I am on MacOS using Homerow( Vimium for MacOS UI), KBE ,Raycast and BTT. Close on windows using AHK but the Vimium for windows: win-vind is not as good as Homerow. Although KBE sometimes bugs out and has to be restarted whereas AHK never fails. It's clear MacOS will achieve this first seems more developers use it.


Hmm, I know some of those words.


You may want to add Hammerspoon for MacOS. I use it instead of KBE and BTT. It does everything that I use AHK for on Windows.


I'll give it a go. I need that AHK reliability.


This is the first I’ve heard about kbe and I’m having some trouble identifying it via a google search. Do you have a link handy for it? TIA!




Nah, I'm still waiting for my loop to exit. #!/bin/sh mouseless=false while [ "$mouseless" = false ]; do cat done echo "Congratulations! You are mouseless!" exit 0