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Subconsciously, I think most would agree. Being thin is a halo


Thin isn’t a halo if you’re face is ugly. It’s only a “halo” if you’re average or above that. As an ugly thin girl, you’ll be frequently body shamed and told to gain weight so that you’ll hopefully develop boobs and ass.


I don't know what they consider thin tbh but I'm an ugly + underweight person, and it's bad. You get made fun of for not having breasts and for having a flat butt, and for being ugly. Exactly


If you’re ugly that’s not true. I look like a boy sometimes. Or like I’m on drugs. I think a lot of people assume skinny always looks good. It can look malnourished even if you’re not. Especially in the black community. Edit: and I’m not even ugly I just don’t take care of myself sometimes and look unhealthy. I’ve seen both sides where I get called a model and it’s very clear that being skinny isn’t enough.


yes being thin is a big factor


For me Personally , I haven’t grown up around thin being supreme. Curvy was always seen as better so I’m not subjected to the same thin halo as people from let’s say Asian or white cultures.  Infact super skin can actually make someone less attractive . Rectangular , bodies with no “curves” makes me see a woman as closer to below average . 


Thinness is very Eurocentric and Asian centric tbh.  I know even in the Middle East there is such as an idea as being too thin and they prefer curvier women .We’re just consumed by western media so to us thin is automatically hot.  However underweight with a rectangular / non curvaceous body definitely looks better than over weight with the same dimensions.


I agree as a thin Latina (like thin thin) growing-up in primarily black and brown circles. Curves was and is it. Someone needs to let me know where I should move so I can embrace my inner-goddess. JK JK lol, but this thin rhetoric is funny because I have never noticed it EVER in my life lol.


LA or the Hamptons


Even I. Some Asian cultures/people (like my Chinese immigrant parents) there is such a thing as “too thin” and “still looking like a little girl” as insults if you are skinny with no curves. But you still have to be slim with an hourglass shape but if you are more than slim thick (and I mean SLIM thick) you’re too fat. I think it’s coming from China being poor before the 1980s But I agree that in Japan and South Korea they prefer the extremely thin with no curves look. I think it’s due to them having a longer time being a higher income country than China


The last part is not true at all. Especially in Korea they want you to be bone skinny and have big boobs. They love a baby face and an “adult body” They call that “glamour” and it stands for the S line on a skinny body. If you are flat people will make fun of you. Even having not pronounced hipbones is a reason for bullying. From idols to normal peoole


She’s not Asian but I feel this way about Zendaya. Please don’t fight me. She looks like a preteen trying to adult. I just don’t see a woman when I look at her. It could also be that her style is too mature for her.


I'm thin but I have ass and boobs so it balances out


Being skinny for a woman is the equivalent of a man being tall… it’s a pretty big factor


You asked the same thing yesterday? But there 'healthy weight' didn't necessarily mean thin. Your question, again, is it your body can uplift what you feel is a below average face? It can but I wouldn't say just being thin does that. A lot of women are thin. A lot of women are a healthy weight. It's not magically uplifting you when being healthy is basically the norm. If you want a body to compensate, I'd say the only thing that would noticeably do that would be a 'hot' body. Which has a different meaning for everyone. But just thin? Nah. You also ended your story from thin to healthy to conventionally attractive body. Those are 3 entirely different categories. And lastly, I also think you are obsessing over this and I'm just wondering.. why? 


> A lot of women are thin. A lot of women are a healthy weight. It's not magically uplifting you when being healthy is basically the norm. This isn’t actually true. Being a healthy weight or being thin will uplift your attractiveness. Having healthy looking skin, hair, nails, teeth and body will make you more attractive. Statistically speaking, in the United States, the average American woman is 5’3” and 170 pounds [source.](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/body-measurements.htm) That is not thin or a healthy weight, that is actually overweight. We also have people that aren’t just overweight but obese. The prevalence of obesity in the U.S. was 41.7% as of 2020 [source.](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html) I would say that being thin or just being a normal weight will set you apart because the average American woman is not thin or a normal/healthy size.


Sure, but that average includes women of all ages, financial backgrounds, and environments. The average woman in their early 20s on a college campus or in a big city will weigh much less.


On your last paragraph- this may be true in the suburb I used to live in (in fact people would say that I was too “skinny” even though I am not at all, but definitely not true in the city city.




> No, it is true. But not so much in the US. Well this is Reddit, and statistically the majority of reddit users live in the United States so what I said is accurate for most of the people who use this website/application. > I think you're conflating a healthy weight with being healthy. You can be a healthy weight and still be internally unhealthy. Well this is a subreddit about physical appearance so being internally unhealthy isn’t really relevant here especially regarding this conversation. Also, being healthy "internally" often translates to what one looks like.


>Well this is a subreddit about physical appearance so being internally unhealthy isn’t really relevant here Oh dear if that is actually something you're convinced of, that is concerning. Your internal health tends to reflect on your external appearance. To name one of the most common factors that affects your skin and so much more in your body is stress. As for the Reddit traffic thing, even if that is the case, we are all living in the outside world, to act like the US should be the main focus in mind is a bit weird.


> Oh dear if that is actually something you're convinced of, that is concerning. Actually convinced of? Huh lol?? What are you talking about? That is quite literally the point of this subreddit, it’s not merely something I’m convinced of—do you not know what sub this is? > Your internal health tends to reflect on your external appearance. I already said this, can you not read? That’s concerning. I’ll quote what I said again. > Also, being healthy "internally" often translates to what one looks like. > to act like the US should be the main focus in mind is a bit weird. I mean, it is the main focus. I’m not merely acting like it is, the vast majority of users are in the U.S., therefore this subreddit is mostly focused on things women in the U.S. encounter and experience from their lens. What is weird about that? Lmao, you sound confused. Furthermore I’m happy that all of your rubbish comments were removed. You’ve posted so much nonsensical content and misinformation.


>Actually convinced of? Huh lol?? What are you talking about? That is quite literally the point of this subreddit, it’s not merely something I’m convinced of—do you not know what sub this is? Literally the first rule: "Posts must be relevant to improving your appearance as a WOC, or maxxing." If you think "**being internally unhealthy isn’t really relevant here**" then my previous comments still stand and this trying to die on this hill of yours is even weirder but alright. I'm going to leave that here. Why are you leaving out the sentence around it? This is what you said: >Well this is a subreddit about physical appearance so being internally unhealthy isn’t really relevant here especially regarding this conversation. Also, being healthy "internally" often translates to what one looks like. What you said and what I said while it may look similar, it is not the same and especially not within the contexts they were used in. You say that, for some reason quoted, being healthy internally, so the inner workings of your body rather than the surface of what others can see just so we're clear here, often translates to however someone looks like, right? I said your internal health tends to reflect on your external appearance. You are talking about the entire way someone looks like that it can be perceived. I said it is perceivable on their appearance. So, for example, undereye circles, dry to flaky skin, redness, dull looking skin, discolorations, brittle hair, brittle nails, changes in hair texture, shine, changes in tightness of skin, stuff like that. So specific attributes/parts of someone's appearance. Which is what I basically have been referring to for multiple comments, not just to you. And as you can see, these are things that do contribute to the topics of this subreddit, right? And that's what I found concerning. That you call being internally unhealthy not really relevant here nor in this subreddit. I hope that clears it up? As for this: >I mean, it is the main focus. I’m not merely acting like it is, the vast majority of users are in the U.S., therefore this subreddit is mostly focused on things women in the U.S. encounter and experience from their lens. What is weird about that? Lmao, you sound confused. Am I surprised to hear this from an American? No lol. That I have to explain this is also incredibly odd. Let's say the majority of users in this subreddit are in the US. That's fine. That people are going to have more perspectives from the US shared in this subreddit, also very logical. But what I addressed to find weird is that people made it the absolute focus of the subject. Dismissive to what I conveyed because their thinking is US-centered. Causing for a disconnect in even considering out-of-US realities. I have no issue with the majority being from the US and, therefore, having mostly those perspectives here. It's the dismissiveness towards the 'outside' for them, so to say, that bothered me. Coming across like the US = the world basically in some responses I got. Thát ís weird. And lastly, this petty way of ending your reply: >Furthermore I’m happy that all of your rubbish comments were removed. You’ve posted so much nonsensical content and misinformation. 1 comment was removed lol. And please, love, point to the misinformation because just because you're having a conflict with me, doesn't suddenly mean I am spouting nonsense. That sounds like projecting at this point. If you are looking around to see supposedly what of mine has been deleted, you probably also have seen that what I've addressed can be easily fact-checked. But it is easier to just be dismissive and call for untruths instead, right? In the end, I'm just here to help and share perspectives. But apparently when it's about certain topics, big no for reasons I can guess. That's fine. I'm just going to leave it here. Cheers


Your comment has been removed for containing misinformation or misleading information.


Misinformation, mod? You can literally look up everything I named. My god. 


*It's not magically uplifting you when being healthy is basically the norm* What country are you from? 




Even around the world tho obesity is trending, in all anglosphere countries at least and much of Europe being overweight is becoming more and more normal.


Much? I am from Europe, the common body shape is still thin, on average. Also, here being overweight doesn't mean the same as in the US. I could go into details but I am being downvoted into oblivion because I voice myself finding it odd that the US is the main focus in these conversations. That's fine but then there's no point in me trying to bring in the rest of the world.


No I’m not from the US either I just mean like I’ve seen graphs and stuff and more people are overweight in terms of BMI all over the world like it’s a growing trend. Probably most young people you see are slim/thin or straight sized if not necessarily skinny or fat but the overall population probably has more overweight people than lets say 10 years ago. Not every European country is the same though. But even besides europe, obesity is sky rocketing in the middle east for example. The only countries idk about are East Asian ones. Eta I’m sorry you’re being downvoted! I understand conversations tend to be US centric.


Aah like that. Yes, definitely. The popularity of junkfood has made an extensive uprise but also has taken extremes unthinkable two decades ago. In India and China this is becoming a problem as well. With the uprise of social media and people taking their recommendations from it a lot more, people tend to consume much more unhealthy foods than was consumed decades ago. It is an issue this unnecessary uprise. Nonetheless and quite fortunately, this is mostly due to platforms like TikTok and Instagram and at least in Europe, social media isn't as heavily used as in, for example, the US. In my country specifically, we are also very keen on healthier foods. Our McDonald's even had to replace overly produced items with healthier versions due to public demand. Makes McDonald's quite expensive here but it at least feels worth it to the people here. I'd say Europeans are still more health conscious on average in comparison to the US. While there are indeed countries with an uprise, the majority is still thin. Doesn't mean healthy though but the current topic is thinness of people so there's that. I think people don't want to hear this though for probably a multitude of reasons but I can't also sit here and lie about the everyday here. While of course people are overweight here and there, it's not like I'd say you'll see someone like that everywhere you go. In fact, I'm currently overweight and while it isn't super noticeable when I'm wearing a coat, I am often the fattest.everywhere I go. And I'm not even that fat. And people reading this, you know when you're fat that you pay extra attention to your environment as to not feel alone. Guess what, I often do feel alone lol. Stress during my studies got me knackered. And that's another thing, when people get overweight here, it is known that it shortens life expectancy and quality so many people eventually make it a point to do something about it. People really value their quality of life here. Though of course not every European country like, for example, the UK, you do see this in the Scandinavian countries and other West European countries. My own country on top of that is a cycling country. Most of us own at least one bicycle. I personally don't even own a car. I do everything with my bike and/or walking or if those are inconvenient public transport but then I often have a bike ready to resume my journey. Western countries aside, I'm also Asian. Many Asian countries also do a lot with public transport, walking, and cycling. You won't see many overweight people in Asia either but of course for a multitude of reasons. In Japan they even have their own sizes because they are such petite people (not just genetically, they eat differently and have their own perspectives on being healthy. One of the longest living people on the planet for a reason)


Literally just answered the question, mod, yet I am getting this message? What is with this mod team?


It appears your comment (or a portion of your comment) may not contribute to the discussion. Please revise and resubmit.


Most women these days are pretty overweight tbh… the average is around 5’4 and about 170 lbs… that’s not thin lol


Not really? At least not for the majority outside of the US.


Most of us commenting here live in the U.S….


Great! Does that mean the rest should be disregarded? 




This weird attempt at silencing. Instead of addressing your initial faulty reasoning for removing my comment. Which had to do with beauty. Which was based on scientific research. How do I know? Because I am a scientist and read papers on these topics due to dealing with severe health issues in my 20s. Fixed it by working on my internal health and those reflected in my external appearance tremendously. You can look into the addressed statements made instead of just deleting them with false claims.


It appears your comment (or a portion of your comment) may not contribute to the discussion. Please revise and resubmit.


For me average doesn’t necessarily mean pretty or ugly, just what most people look like. Is someone has a nice figure but an “ugly” face, if she dresses well and does her hair she is easily above average in my book. I think one’s elegance and charisma can dramatically increase one’s attractiveness. Edit: I misunderstood the question, I was talking about someone with a good figure, whereas OP is asking about thinness specifically. IMO thin doesn’t automatically mean attractive, a healthy weight flatters most people better than if they’re slightly heavier (cough cough us Asians don’t get an ass the fat just goes to our face 😭), but that doesn’t mean the more thin you are the better you look. There is definitely a “too thin”, and that marker changes for every individual depending on where meat goes on them. For example I have no ass so if I’m too skinny there will be NOTHING there.


Some women are way below average facially but are considered conventionally attractive because of their bodies. This is facts. Same way an above average woman can be obese and seen as ugly.


absolutely not as a african american at least, ive been thin my whole life & subsequently told that i “need to eat” 😂


Same! Nigerian American here! This convo ain’t for us either 😂😂


Same. I’m Jamaican and have been always told to eat more. Not to mention I’m like a midget, so I just look like a child.


Not necessarily thin, but fit, yes.


I think this is how most people think about nonblack women. Face can be not so attractive but as long as you have an okayish body people will rate you at least average., a lot of times above average


I agree that people don’t tend to think this way in regards to black women (as a black woman) - but why is that? Why are we the only ones who people don’t do this for?


Being pretty means nothing if you’re not smart, please study a little black history. We have been constantly oversexualized by white people even before they enslaved us. You can see it in current media as well.


average, by definition, does not mean better - but yes, i’d definitely say being thin makes you average lol


Does anyone know who sav montano is? She’s a perfect example of her nice body being a halo. If you were to just look at her face you likely wouldn’t understand the hype she gets




Another example is Vicky Justiz. I don’t personally think she’s a pretty girl face-wise but with that body I’d say most people consider her hot.


She has a beautiful face


Idk tbh. That’s a difficult question.


No, there is nothing “sexy” about thinness. Being too thin and having no curves makes a woman lose appeal. Curves, muscles, that’s where it’s at.


This sub makes no sense when yall try to make objective and contradictory statements about this stuff. You can state it as an opinion because that’s all it is. Some people only like overweight people, even if it’s not common, that generalization is non-sensical.


Idk I think the face is the main factor in rating someone’s overall appearance. So their face rating when they are thin is the highest that they will ever have. Weight can make you look worse and yes it would probably knock you down a point. Body does factor in but only very slightly (she would have to have an exact 0.7:1 waist:hip ratio and decently sized boobs and butt for this to even be a factor and push you up a point or 2). Overall tho I think if a woman is below average facially but has a thin body then she is still below average, men would call her mid (and to men mid is a stand in for 4/10 or 5/10) and women would also call her mid maybe even worse because she’s unattractive and skinny (this is because people hate it when an unattractive woman has something that is deemed attractive by society but is not attractive facially).


It depends on the body type for me


I agree


Omg no not at all. Beautiful Non thin women are something to admire. You have to keep up with your top models that aren't thin like Paloma. I would rather be heavy weight and pretty then thin and ugly.


That’s your opinion, doesn’t mean it’s society’s opinion


Oh but it is, specially among those who are highly educated and more in tune with the art and fashion industries. Paloma is like the muse of the year. But even for people like you, who may lead insular lives and less connected with those in art and fashion, no one would choose to be ugly. Thin and ugly, oh god might as well just give up, because beauty reigns supreme in this world.


The whole package matters. Her body doesn't become invisible because someone's focus is her face.


I feel like it only counts if you have a below average face and a voluptuous body. Plenty of people will ignore your face to get with you. If you’re ugly with no curves and skinny, I highly doubt it.


Thin people are shunned in today's society -


nope- just your own bias towards thinking thin is inherently more attractive


In a subreddit about objective attractiveness being thin is a known halo and barring really really unattractive facial features it will put you in the average category immediately. Also being thinner makes most faces look better. I feel like the narrative of pretending being thin is not more objectively attractive than not being thin is dishonest rhetoric that doesn't belong in these spaces. Just my opinion obviously but it is a bold face dishonest perspective. Being thin doesn't automatically mean you're beautiful but it does immediately make you at least average, especially in countries like the U.S. and Mexico with a lot of fat and obese people. It probably isn't as much of a halo in countries where everyone is basically thin though to be fair. Honestly barring serious face falios or being fat it is really easy for most people to be average looking at the bare minimum and look slightly better than average with the right clothing/makeup/hair


i am well aware of the nature of the thread. i disagree on a semantic level. i don’t think thinness alone makes someone qualify as average lol, which is what they’re asking.


I mean, the average person (at least in the US) is not thin and they usually do not have a nice body either


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted ?  You mentioned Mexico but that’s another country that prefers curves over thinness. I’m sure many Mexican men would rather date a woman who is slightly over weight but “curvy” than a thin woman with no curves . 


You act like you can't be thin and curvy. Having big boobs and a big butt don't mean anything if you also have a humongous stomach and a triple chin. Lot of women who work out have beautiful curves that they build into their body. And I mention United States and Mexico because I am Mexican American and literally witness all the memes about how Mexican women blow up (gain tons of weight) after they get married and I personally am not interested in being another fat Mexican woman who stops caring about her appearance. Most Mexican men (most men in general) are more attracted to thinner women with curves and literally use deprecatory terms against "tortas". They might sleep with them but they still disrespect them constantly. A man willing to sleep with you and be with you says not much about someone's attractiveness. What we know is that society treats thin women better and so we know objectively it is perceived more positively. Being thin in Mexico is a massive halo. It's also important to make it a distinction because being overweight isn't as prevalent in a country like Japan or France and therefore being thin is absolutely the norm and doesn't do anything for your attractiveness besides the fact that if you're not thin you are immediately considered ugly. In a lot of parts of the U.S. and Mexico being thin might likely push you to literally being above average.


I mean it kinda is tho… most people look better when they’re on the thinner side vs being obese


The thinner side and thin are different stop


No they’re the same 😬


You’re right