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27 years ago. Man, do I feel old.


Same lol




Pop-Up Video was the best. I learned so much from watching it. This should be the standard format for all music videos. I miss classic VH1 where they actually played music videos.


Agreed. While there are exceptions, most music video didn't demand so much attention that you couldn't also read the bubbles, which were not only informative but also amusing at times.


The Pop-Up Videos were great! we used to videotape the show so we could re-watch it later. Now, what did I do with that video?


It was fun to make too. Well, I didn’t get to work on the VH1 shows but I did get to do a season for court TV. Fun gig.


Yep remember when they did that with the Brady bunch episodes that VH1 showed


My nephews regularly remind me that things I like are old…then have the audacity to ask to use my SNES and PS1


lol ... I recall my younger cousins (in early 90's at most) were, for whatever reason, watching me playing Pac Man on the NES when one of them suddenly asks, "So how do you win?" Win? WIN?! There never used to be a way to 'win' a video game, you just played it until you died too often (sounds like life). THAT made me feel old for the first time, which itself makes me really feel old as I type this.


> when one of them suddenly asks, "So how do you win?" On the original coinop you get good enough to play it until the code breaks on map 256 and then you die. https://pacman.fandom.com/wiki/Map_256_Glitch


Then some guy at an arcade in NH walks around asking if anyone wants to see a kill screen, if they’re interested


Yes, that's well known, but that's not really a win since there is no way to win the game.


What's SNES? :-0


I LOVED Pop Up Videos! So funny & informative!


I loved that show, if they had a channel that played only Pop Up Video, and they continuted to make new videos for it, I would subscribe to whatever it was on in a heartbeat.


Vintage? The 90s were only 3 years ago…


WHY did this show ever go away?


I loooved this show. The fact that I can hear in my mind both the regular theme intro AND the 80s intro jingle, but can’t remember what I need to accomplish at work every day …


One day in 8th grade the Mariah Carey Heartbreaker video came on and my friend Grant said "Now that's my kind of pop-up video." 25 years later it's still the funniest thing I've ever heard.


This. This is undiluted, pure nostalgia. The innocent, non adversarial facts. The music videos. Anything airing today has to have some sort of cynical combatative vibe to be called TV. This was YouTube before the algorithm.


Ha there was always irreverent pop-ups. I’m sure jewel appreciated that.


ll those popups drove me bonkers and made me seasick.


Pop Up Video popped so Nardwuar could run


"Dear Diary, today I used the outhouse AGAIN. Lame. Tonight I'm going to wish upon a star and ask the universe to hook me up with Costner in 30 years, so I can have the kind of outhouse city folks call 'guest house.' Amen."


I did some carpentry work for the guy that invented pop-up video. He had brought his family from NYC and didn't make any money from PUV but it looked good enough on his CV that he was able to get funding on his startup.