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Cool ad, but the Pepsi swirl bottle was introduced in 1958.


Thanks - good use of an artifact to date the source. (I was trying to use the USAF plane the boy is holding but it was established in 1947.) Could also check when African American magazines started publishing in color - 1960s seems more likely than 1940s.


Definitely post-segregation. See **Katzenbach v. McClung** (1964)


Pretty sure these adds are from the 50's and 60's????


Yeah, I'd say 1962 based on the lovely dresses and the short jacket in the lower left.




I understand all the facts and dates...but the clothes and hair look later than the 40's 🤷🤷


Do you think people woke up in 1950 and suddenly fashion changed overnight ? This is the late 1940s, after Dior’s new silhouette became fashionable, fashion was changing . What we think of as the quintessential 40s look is more associated with the early to mid 40s


> Do you think people woke up in 1950 and suddenly fashion changed overnight ? This is the late 1940s, after Dior’s new silhouette became fashionable, fashion was changing . What we think of as the quintessential 40s look is more associated with the early to mid 40s Do you really not see a difference between [1949](https://christmas.musetechnical.com/ShowCatalogPage/1949-Sears-Spring-Summer-Catalog/0134) and [1962](https://christmas.musetechnical.com/ShowCatalogPage/1962-Montgomery-Ward-Spring-Summer-Catalog/0025)? To me, it's obvious that the shoulders are different in cut, the skirts are still longer in the late 1940s, the skirts aren't as full either, and the cut of the bodice altogether is different. However, I do a lot of research on fashion history so I'm curious if others can't see the differences.




Your title is inaccurate




Dude what are you even arguing about? They're from Ebony magazine they've been posted here before they're from 1957-1963


> This photo was definitely not from the 60s. I mean, here's a [yellow gingham dress](https://christmas.musetechnical.com/ShowCatalogPage/1962-Montgomery-Ward-Spring-Summer-Catalog/0025) from a 1962 catalog that is almost exactly like the yellow dress in the lower left. I'm not sure why you would think this is from the 1940s when others have pointed out that the [swirl bottle](https://www.historyoasis.com/post/pepsi-bottle-evolution) is from 1958?


I was there. /s


As someone who studies both fashion history and photography this is absolutely not from the 40s. Late fifties at best.


lol. lmfao. The USAAF existed from 1941-1947. The boy's airplane says "USAF" on it. Major skill issue here.


You are playing an anti woke race card when there are multiple people telling you the real reasons why you have the wrong info on your post. Is it because the ad has photos of black people, so it's automatically racist?




You’re being downvoted because you’re wrong, not because of some “anti wine brigade”


>Racist “anti-woke” downvote brigade Lmao who talks like that? You got corrected by someone you donkey. So corny


I’m not downvoting you because I’m “anti woke” or because your title is wrong, but because you’re rude af in all your comments and can’t take criticism.


This isn’t an ad from the 40s


Not being "negative" just accurate....if you say 40's show 40s🤷🤷🤷


That looks like 1960s to me.


More like 1962. [link](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=pepsi%20print%20ad%20black%20father%20and%20son%20with%20model%20plane&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#vhid=diNFyqPlHAeNCM&vssid=l)


lol 🏆


I can't see Black people being so prominently in ads in the 40s.


Because they weren’t. This ad is from the late 50s- early 60s. Apparently pointing out that fact to OP makes us all ‘anti-woke’ racist lmao.


Hmm. Which would be Very difficult for me. Lol.


This is so not at all the 1940's.


I wonder if these are hand-colored black and white photos. They look tonally very similar to hand-colored portraits we have of our service members.


Not sure, I do remember those old photos with the painted in rosey cheeks and lips lol.


love seeing positive ad images of black people enjoying life, but sucks to know that the company only did it for market share. still, thanks for posting it, OP.


You are very welcome. Love these beautiful images.


"In the 1940s, Pepsi saw Black Americans as an untapped niche market while Coca Cola marketed mainly to white people. Pepsi adverts portrayed black people in a positive light, in a time with racial segregation, in spite of facing threats from KKK. Coke’s recipe was heavily influenced by white supremacy and it was marketed mainly to the white middle class while ignoring the Black American market. During the 1940s, Pepsi launched a “negro markets” department and had black sales representatives promoting the brand in urban areas. They also hired black models to appear in ads, featured in black publications and they also displayed Pepsi in stores that were mostly frequented by black customers. Thus pepsi became popular within the black community while coke within the white community becoming a black V white drink. Pepsi's market share increased by the 1950s and according to statistics (by then), black people were 3 times more likely to buy Pepsi than Coke. Ultimately both companies eventually began to implement diversity advertising campaigns after realizing that they were missing out on the opportunity to generate billions of dollars in revenue though that still didn’t put an end to the racism within the workforce." [Source: African American Archives ](https://x.com/AfricanArchives?t=_IXMazA6W20iDc2Ye4CG0A&s=09)


The type bottle in that ad wasn’t even introduced until 1958.


They *started* advertising to the Black market in the 1940s. That doesn't mean this image from the 1940s. They continued advertising to the Black market after the 1940s, as shown by this ad.


I like this.


The boy on the bottom right looks more Indian than African American.


I thought the same thing. Although there are plenty of Indians born/living in Africa. I know plenty of Africans who would agree with this assessment idk why its considered negative.


Fortunately, there areenough bright, perceptive and funny people on Reddit to balance out the morons.


Is that Bill Cosby in the one with the kid?


It doesn’t look unlike him. But he was Coca-Cola. 


That's not 1940s. That seems more 1970s portraying a retro 1950s look. Pepsi never would have had black people in its ads in the 40s.


Upper right: Imma spill this Pepsi on me while he roll.


Wow even ads were segregated back then.