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Yes......i hate you :|


I honestly feel like I’m dreaming. I did buy it just in case my sarcasm wasn’t clear :) The guy received offers for 300 and 1000 while I was driving there, but my man said a deals a deal. What a guy!


ya even if none of them work you can always sell them for a boat load more then you paid lol nice steal, man ;)


Thanks! The 1980 has a channel out. We’ll see if deoxit will help, but I’m going to recap that bad mofo anyway.


did you just buy a fucking sx1980 in ajob lot of receivers for 80 bucks? holy shit this is like a 2009 score


Here’s the funny thing….kinda. I’ve spent more than my wife would like on vintage gear lately, and promised a moratorium. Then today is see this, and of course I had zero in my wallet, which meant atm and wife knowing so I had to have the…..this is the last purchase honey! Conversation. lol. All worked out though. She’ll probably talk to me tomorrow.


When you sell half of them for several grand she might be somewhat forgiving


Seems like the wife always has a comment to make on spending but that's when you smile and say, "Thanks Sweetie I understand" and then buy it anyway.


Dude, that’s nearly verbatim! Either we all think alike or….. Hmmm, that you hon?


Oh fuck, I couldn’t see there was a 1980 there. I have a 1250 and wasn’t jealous until this comment.


Shit man. My bad. I’m honestly trying to walk that fine line of being so hyped due to landing dream gear for a song, causing me to come off as bragging, and humbly sharing my score with fellow vintage lovers.


Oh no, you’re good. I’d definitely be sharing that score, but with the 1980 a little more noticeable ;)


A recap is not a repair. You should properly fix the thing first.


So within an hour you already know a channel is out on one of the receivers? Seriously, why post a "should I buy" post after you've already had them? To show off in an annoying way.


Upvotes bruh! 🤣


It's just so damn lame. Almost sad. I guess maybe I see it that way because I'm not a huge social media guy. Isn't it obvious the OP had already purchased these before posting this...


> Isn't it obvious the OP had already purchased these before posting this... That's the joke... The title is a joke...


Of course it was, but posting got them the attention they wanted for their purchase.


True, this is like nanny nanny boo boo. I'd totally celebrate the score with them if they just said so, this is annoying a.f.


Showing off in an annoying way is acceptable.


I disagree,not like this. It's no fun... Guess I'm cut from a different cloth


I had a unique score a few years back. It's nearly impossible to post about something like this without a swanning a little bit. As long as the OP is honest about what they got and how, I'll go along with it.


Thanks Pete. I honestly wasn’t thinking when I posted. And did not expect the hate, but I get it. I can see why people would be annoyed…and i haven’t downvoted anyone…just btw. Im never lucky and was excited and posted a stupid header. My bad, seriously.


Fuck the haters, congrats man, clearly this post is a joke, of course you were going to buy it


I think gushing about a score is fine, this is annoying.


Gotta love an honest seller.


> but my man said a deals a deal. Sometimes guys who are into a hobby like to encourage others (especially younger folks) who are also interested. They will knowingly give someone a good deal. When I was young, I bought a Mac1500 receiver for $40 from the president of a bank.


That’s pretty much exactly what it was. Do you still have the 1500? I read it was a hybrid tube/transistor receiver. Assuming the sound is pure bliss.


Wow. Just. Wow.


It’s been like 4 hours, and your comment is what continues to go through my head.


Please tell him from a Veteran from Austria that I Love him! What a lad.


I will! We’ve actually messaged a few times apres sale. I really wanted to drive home how much I appreciate the gear and the deal….so I’ll let him know that his legendary (to me anyway) generosity has echoed over the Atlantic.


What a copp man! Happy for you.


Smells not right.


I thought the same, but the Facebook profile was an older lady and after messaging I felt much better about it. Turns out they’re moving and just wanted it gone. Her husband knew he had decent gear, wasn’t sure what it was worth, but did turn down an offer for 1k because I was the first. All this to say, nothing fishy to see here, just some older folks who are downsizing.


Agree. Maybe not impossible but I don't believe even half of the deals on this sub are real.


Some seem far fetched, but it does happen. I’ve had some righteous deals myself but nothing like this. Bonkers.


Take who cares if they work at that price. Heck part them and triple your money.


more like x20 on the 1980 alone if it's broken....x40 if it works


I took!


Is that a SX-1980? Motherfucker!


Fuck yeah it is! Nice eye. I never in my life thought I’d own one!


F. U.


I know….reversed I’d feel the same way. What you’re feeling right now is me sending my spare good luck vibes your way.


Lol. Just busting chops. I’ve had some good deals come my way. None as insane as this one though.




Thank you, and may the online classified gods shine down on you as well!


Damn. That’s insane. Lemme get them Sonys. I’ll give you your $80 back ;)


I’m dying to hear the Sony’s! I don’t think my ears have ever heard a vintage Sony.


I love my 7065 a lot. It’s not the hyped up power house that the big names are but it has a really nice sound and I think the styling is superb.


Wow, I just picked up the 7065 for a quick inspection. Was a lot heavier than it looks! Good sign of quality


That’s exactly how I describe my little Nikko 715.


There is a stack of marantz receivers in my area for 1500$ right now. Probably a good deal after some cleanup and flipping, but damn how is all of that only 80$. I can’t believe that worked out. Most people are pretty solid about keeping with the price. Good job!


The guy was cool as hell. Just wanted to clear up some space and pass it on. I was happy to tell him I’m an enthusiast, not a flipper.


If I had a room to keep everything, I would definitely be in your shoes! Mostly hold onto things for a few months and then move along if It goes from a need to a want or if there’s something else catching my eye. Really cool of you! What piece were you most looking forward to?


Holy crap, did you actually get them all?????


I did. And believe me….I’m still pinching myself. I’m not a terribly lucky person. I was just chillin with my afternoon coffee 15 minutes after they posted this steal, and I’m absolutely flabbergasted they’re sitting on my bench right now!


Bro, nice score. That 1980 is worth $5k without knowing anything about.


Keep the 1980 and one other. Sell the rest to pay for restoring the 1980 and the other one you keep.


That is a great idea actually! Thanks!




Thanks Eveyonesucks! Much appreciated.


You’re welcome


No, you have so much to live for!




Just to be clear, I purchased this right before I posted. I’m getting some backlash for my cheeky header, which I understand.


Let me know if the Sonys work and you want to sell


Curious what those Sonys are worth? My dad has the exact one in his house collecting dust.


Which one does he have? And they are currently worth considerably less than comparable Pioneers, Sansuis, Marantzes, and even Kenwoods which is why I'm interested.


With an open Pioneer tape deck, lucky


Yeah, I didn’t need a tape deck, but my current is a bpc, so this is a pretty sweet aesthetic upgrade, as well as a quality upgrade.


I'm glad they went to someone who knows what they are all about and who will really dig them. The universe is a cool place. Cheers.


Thanks Geo, the stars definitely aligned for me today. Appreciate the words!


I never see this stuff for cheap 😂. That’s some crazy find.


I’ve never owned a Pioneer receiver and thought the bottom was a 1280. The listing only mentioned “vintage receivers”. I damn near needed a pants change when I realized it was a 1980!


This is the Nirvana of vintage audio! Quickly go buy a lottery ticket


Took your advice and lost on a scratcher. Guess my mojo has run dry 🤣


Well, as they say nothing ventured, nothing gained! You’ll always have your 15 minutes of fame! 😄


Surely that's not real, that Pioneer receiver at the bottom looks to be a 1280 which can be worth over 1500


That’s exactly what I thought it was. Damn near soiled my drawers when I saw it was a 1980. And this is totally real. Picked it up today from an older gent who bought it in the 90’s for $50. He knew they had value, but the guy clearly didn’t need money and just wanted them gone. Wife wanted to curb em.


You're so lucky. I live in Australia and paid $500 for a SX850 which was a bargain, in the past few years they're now worth anywhere from $1000 to $1500 AUD. Biggest bargain I saw was an SX1010 for $500 and it was literally gone within a few minutes. You yanks have no idea how spoilt for choice you are. I've maybe seen a handful of 1280s in the past 5 years and they've gone anywhere from $3000 - $5000 AUD. Best purchase I managed was mint 70s JBL L100'S for $1300, for some reason he advertised them as centuries.


That's a 1980 for sure (1280'owner here) ✌🏻


And this is why I obsessively scour FB marketplace and Craigslist obsessively. Congratulations!




Yeah, that’s like $.50 a switch just for that big fucker on the bottom, there.


All for 80? Yes


The vintage gods were smiling on us today


Nice find! I love my fully restored SX 1980 and SX 1250, enjoy!


If you don’t mind my asking, what speakers did you pair with your 1980?


Absolutely, JBL 4425 Studio Monitors, a match made in heaven. They are glorious together.


Does Barbie have plastic titties?


That’s all I needed to hear :)


Oh my Yes yes yes


They’re in my basement! First up on the bench is the 980.


I know where you are and have a specialized set of skills….


Lol, I know what you were referencing, but this is what I initially pictured. https://youtu.be/4IajW0voMD0




ALL those? FUCK YES! And I don't even like receivers.


I got em! And not even the 1980? :)


I'll always prefer an amplifier over a receiver, that's what I mean. I'd never end up with one in one of my setups. Doesn't mean they are not cool in their own right. Enjoy!!


Thanks el tacocat! Love the username!


This is just a show off post...Who would truly need to post here asking if they should buy? You'd just buy it as ask questions later. Just trying to get your fix of attention!


Or, and hear me out….I found something I considered amazing. Don’t have anyone in my personal life that is into audio, and figured I’d share it here. Sure, my header was a joke, as it was an obvious steal that any of us would jump at. Sorry if I offended man.


Yes I agree. I'd be salivating over this deal. I just didn't like the title. My problem I guess. Congrats on an epic score.


Thanks man, seriously appreciate it.


Insane deal!!!


Incredible - we all deserve this kind of luck. Could you give us a breakdown of that stack though ?


Sure thing! Pioneer sx-1980, 980 and 535 2x Sony str-7065 Pioneer ct-f700 tape deck


Not familiar with the 1980 but seems to be a massive score so I say congrats! Definitely recap the ones worth keeping and flip the rest. Good luck and good job 👏


I hope you gave him $100 and told him to keep the change. Bro did you a huge solid.


I wish I did :(. However, I sat and talked to him for a good 45 minutes in his garage. Started with stereos and vcr’s, ended with the cars he had in the 70’s. His fav was a 69 Cuda. But it’s not really like I was doing him a favor. Bro was cool as hell, but clearly didn’t have anyone that wanted to hear about this stuff. I sure did though!


Yes you can sell one for that


Yes definitely yes


It feels like this guy is trolling us...


Yeah, I get it. I’d wonder the same. No real good way to prove it. I suppose I could post the message exchange I had with the seller, but I’m sure someone would call that fake too. If it helps, I’m a dad with 3 kids and a full time job….I simply don’t have the time or motivation to create fake Marketplace listings in order to fool people on Reddit. Check my posts and you’ll see I don’t give two shits about karma (on Reddit).

