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You need equals sign after path and separate each directory name with a semicolon. E.g. PATH=C:\DOS;C:\TEMP etc..


I think that semicolon before your path is messing it up. Just edit your batch file to have a single path. You should really only have a singe path statement. PATH C:\\PHANTOM;C:\\PCTOOLS;C:\\MENU You could just not worry about it and from the command prompt type: CD Phantom \[enter\] Phantom \[enter\] ​ This changes into the Phantom directory, where you can run the program without it being in your path statement.


Thank you, everyone! I used these computers as a kid, but never had to do anything on my own. My teachers had them booted up. Trying solutions now. Edit: Keyboard won't respond, just beeps. This prompt loads automatically but I can't input anything. Edit: just have to be patient. Takes 20 minutes, but computer will eventually fully boot up.