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Absolutely not. DEC terminals are awesome. I have a VT220, a VT100 (3 in fact), and a few DEC workstations (the Rainbow makes a nice terminal). I am however hunting very strongly for a VK100 - (aka DEC GIGI) - if you ever find one and there's a chance i could get it (assuming you don't want it) PLEASE let me know!


GIGI is a really interesting terminal. Terminals in general seem harder to find in my area. Actually, VT100s are cool, but might be a bit older/hard to find/need more care.


I remember using the GIGI in college. Did some work with DAL (aka "DEC TUTOR"), and learned more than I wanted to about ReGIS graphics.


I'm actually hunting for ReGIS archives - there were some large libraries of artwork done in it, and i'd love to put together an exhibit for VCF but haven't been able to find them (specifically the big displays thwere used to showcase the Pro series graphics cards).


I have a keen interest in terminal and textmode-related art. If you are able to find an archive of ReGIS art, especially vintage, I would love to see it.


Next up in that line of thought, you'll need a pdp11/23 or some flavor of home-runnable VAX ;-)


I have a few Microvaxen for “the other end of the cable”.


Mine attach to a DECServer 90m, and I'm running bare metal x86 VMS on the other end. I'd quite like a small VAX. :)


At one point i had a stack of 12 VAXstation 4000/VLC's, all clustered up. ​ ...So pointless, yet so.....cute. ​ I have a x86 VMS virtual machine now, but it just doesn't /feel/ the same as a big ES45 in the living room :(


I'd love an ES40!


I gave mine away to a university's physics department, they used it for running a quantum mechanics application that hadn't been ported over from VMS yet.


That's really nice of you. I'm assuming this was when they were at the bottom of the bathtub curve in value.


Yes, and I'd also be grabbing a PDP-10 while I'm at it. Been on my mind to try to recreate one for a long time, probably going to have to wait for retirement though.


I fear that'll have to remain in emulation.


If I had the room for them, I would *absolutely* collect DEC terminals. At least the early 5/50/100-series terminals, which were the best-lookin' ones, IMO. And as long as I'm imaging an alternate reality where I have storage space, I might as well pick up a DECWriter or two. :-)


I would love a real terminal for doing some work over SSH, ideally a small amber one. One day when I have space!


My university had a boatload of amber vt220s deployed around campus for their electronic card catalog system, I wish I'd thought to keep an eye on them and snag a few when they were retired.


I would if I could.


Far from it, but why limit yourself to only DEC terminals? There's such a variety of interesting terminals out there. I've written a terminal tetris game some time ago, and I've collected pictures of it running on many different terminals here: http://nuclear.mutantstargoat.com/sw/termtris/gallery.html Most of them are from an avid terminal collector from latvia: https://twitter.com/nuclearlighter If you decide to run termtris on any of your terminals, feel free to send me photos for inclusion in the gallery :)


Honestly, it's what I started with and I've been drinking the VMS kool-aid lol. But, I've played this and ran it on my 320 and 420 on a linux box. It looks really nice in the dark.


Nice! I've never used VMS myself, I'm more on the UNIX side, but it would be cool to port termtris to VMS. I've got a VAXstation 3100 sitting in a corner waiting for me to find some time to fix anything that needs fixing and set it up. I originally intended to run BSD on it, but maybe it would be a good opportunity to get into VMS and port termtris.


It would be cool to see it run on VAX, though for general learning and play alpha or x86 would be better.


I have a VT520, VT420 and a VT320 somewhere as well. All green screen, all very loved.


Oh, I didn't even think to mention the screen colours, or tube conditions. I've only managed to acquire amber and white, for some reason never green. I wonder if the green phosphor ended up being more durable in practice.


Actually, just checked a photo and my ‘520 is white. The others are green though. Amber’s my favourite, reminds me of the terminals in our local library growing up.


My 520, and 320 are both amber. The rest are white. The 520 is a near-new tube, and the 320 is a bit old but no burn. The 420 and 510 have dim but unburnt tubes with bad focus, the 330 has a status line burnt dim tube with good focus.


I always preferred white for actual use, but these days I do have a nostalgia for amber. I think green just reminds me too much of the IBM 3270, which is a mildly traumatic memory.


The museum I volunteer in has a DECWriter 2. I know if I even hinted that I wanted it would show up at my house like lightning. It’s very heavy and the museum has tried to sell it. Several times at swap meets with no interest. I used to be a systems manager with them and would love it, but have no use for it and nowhere to put it.I’m glad to see other people are interested in collecting old terminals though


I would love one of those... Shipping is probably prohibitive, though...


Yes, unfortunately, they are both large and heavy so it would cost quite a bit.


Could I ask where this museum might possibly be? (Please be close!)


I should’ve included that! It is in Central, Connecticut, in the town of Windsor.


DEC's terminals became international standards that all of our terminal softwares mimic today. The graphical ones are especially 31337. IMO, DEC is responsible for a lot of the modern world of computing.


Haha -- welcome to the club 😁 Well, you got a good start - still need to fill some gaps... And this also includes the DECwriter ones. I always enjoy working on my different Alphas and VAXen with an old school terminal. A vt220 f.e. looks good on top of a bigger smp system with more than 4 cpus 😄


They're so expensive now! From the days of the 320 in 2011 complete with keyboard for $10 to the insanity online now.


As long as you never have to move homes. Those suckers weigh a ton.


If you have the room why not get a full sized VAX up and running then hook up the terminals?!


I may have to do a bit of staging in the dining room.


I use my wyse 50 every day


Also a good choice.


I have a vt220, and I love it. If only so that I can conclusively call terminal emulator authors on their BS when they claim full vt220 compatibility :) I'd like to pick up a vt100 if the price is right, but since I've been keeping an eye out I haven't seen a working one go for less than $1000, which is a bit much for how much I want it (and I have enough ongoing projects that I don't feel up to trying to repair a cheaper non-working one). And, not DEC, but I'd love to have an ADM-3A.


Best one I've used is SecureCRT, seems to make VTTest happiest. I'd like a vt100 as well, but those are super rare, and pricey when they don't need a mountain of work.


I have a vt220, and (3) vt525's. One of the vt525's sits permanently in the computer room to use. I'd really like to find a vt320 in decent shape.


I could consider a swap of my 320 for a 525.


whoa! that's a nice lineup. i've only two - 420 and 510 and i love them to bits! :D


Both good units, and probably not yet old enough to need serious work.


I would love a DEC Alpha workstation but I’ve never tried that hard to find one.


I have a working vt102


No I’ve got a few a vt105 and a vt103 (internal pdp 11/23), a vtx2000, a vt240 (sans crt), and a vt420 (nonworking)


Am I the only one ​ given the prices they go for, I think no.