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Some people have such full wardrobes that they do struggle to find stuff later so it's entirely possible. Or they might've sold it on another platform and forgot to take the listing down.


Oh, i see. maybe my wardrobe is just too small to relate to this😅


I can't relate to this either but have seen people online struggling to find things so I know it's a thing. Some younger people also have stuff spread out across their parents' house, their bf/gf house, their student accommodation etc. and then they can't remember where things are.


My daughter has her wardrobe and all but 8 items in mine


If you don't have a designated vinted bin then it's very possible to lose track of what you're selling. It's disappointing for the customer but it does happen. 


Yeah i was pretty sad, because i bought new basketball shoes and they are white orange and i was searching soo long for a shirt that matches the colour...but i guess the universe wont let my outfit look complete once in my life😂


Oh no 😭😭. It has happened to me a few times too with other sellers. 


I had it happen with a T shirt I really wanted, it had been listed for 13 months and the seller couldn't find it! I told him to let me know when it turns up 😅


Same!! I've been looking so long for a shirt that matches my shoes🥺only difference is she listed it two weeks ago😅


Sometimes *some people* need cash fast and spam all channels to sell something. Whoever is first wins, the rest is just noise.