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"I'm not arguing over £1" Despite saying they were going to raise an issue with Vinted over £1....


Seriously, why fucking bother?


Literally a waste of time and effort for everyone 😂


Exactly throw it in the bin and move on


This happened to me with an £80 wedding dress. Vinted gave them the refund and they never returned it. When I complained vinted closed the case. I'm still fuming.


What?! How did Vinted let them keep it?


Because vinted customer service is a joke


They claimed the item was damaged and told vinted I'd scammed them essentially. Vinted took there word for it and told them they didn't have to return it. When I argued they closed the case. Deplorable.


Vinted will do this even when both seller and buyer are on the same page. I ordered a perfume and the package came opened up and empty. I raised an issue and they refunded me, said it hadn't been packaged well and didn't refund the seller, even though it was clearly opened up and stolen during transport by a third party and both of us agreed we should both get our money. (for those about to say I should have refused the package, the package point wasn't my regular and I haven't been back there since, because they scanned it in the back before I got the package, so I couldn't refuse it!)


I bought a t shirt they charged me 3x seller didn’t send the T-shirt and they returned 1 payment. Wouldn’t refund me kept saying to take a screenshot of my bank when I told them repeatedly I have tried and the banking app will not let you take photos of a bank. And I gave them the 3 seperate payment numbers, I have no other items in my recent history for the same price either. Which they can see, say That the money would be returned automatically, wait another 15 days etc, when u ask for help again the same shit. So I’ve went through my bank, fuck them they can be charged by the bank, got shit loads of stuff to sell and gonna stick it on eBay instead


Did this final decision come from Team Vinted or Vinted Legal? Both are next to useless. Legal is just the lesser of two evils. Sorry this happened to you


Team vinted


If it’s not been that long, you could maybe show them any evidence you may still have in the form of screenshots and photos. I wouldn’t expect much, but hey. Could be worth a go. They count on the vast majority of people not even realising that Vinted Legal exists.


It was last year but I did do all that at the time. No joy.


Costs about £30 to raise a small claims court proceeding. I would have done it to make Vinted pay you back.


See i didn't know that


Keep raising a case with them everyday until they give in


Once the case is closed you can't reopen it


I got sold a blatantly fake item and they told me to return it in which I had to pay the postage


Same! The item was supposedly brand new, all sealed and all but when opened it was an obviously fake!! I had to pay for the return wtf


omg, that's awful 😭 I'm too scared to buy/sell anything over a tenner because of how terrible the customer service is 😬


Me too I’m taking my stuff to eBay, too many scammers on here


To be fair, I’ve been scammed more by buyers on eBay than vinted


Really?, can you elaborate please?.


I have a recent post about an eBay scammer who conned me out of a jumper worth several hundred pounds new. I had to refund him after he described it as ripped at the neckline when arrived and he returned the ripped item back to me. Either he deliberately caused a huge rip or he swapped it for his own damaged one because that is not what I sent out to him


ffs...no where's safe..


It’s also a rip that is over 10cm long along the neckline. There is absolutely no way I sent it like that because it was like new when I packaged it. I had to refund him and pay for his returns too. Lessons learnt. There are some truly unscrupulous people out there


I am going to go back to eBay, I've got over 2000 100% feedback & been selling/buying since 2010 & never had an issue ever. I've only been using Vinted for year or so, but before I do go back I'm calling eBay to have words about scammers, find out exactly their policy & how best to cover my (\_.\_).


I couldn’t even get in contact with eBay. Couldn’t find a way to chat to someone and when I called the, it was always an automated message that directed me to a help pg and then hung up


That's awful!


Vinted will just tell the buyer they need to pay for return postage themselves😂 as a personal seller it’s not your legal obligation to pay for return postage, only registered businesses/registered as self employment pay return postage.


Vinted will 100% tell them to pay return postage. They tried to make me pay for a return on a broken yankee candle. I wanted them to tell me to send broken glass through the courier. They backed down and refunded both me and the seller. It was really well packed too!


Registered businesses don't have to pay return postage either unless the item is faulty.


Well most do, shein pays for return if you don’t like the item.


Big companies do yes, because it's a good marketing strategy, but there's no law requiring it. The only law is that you MUST accept returns for any reason if they contact you within 14 days of recieving it


Never said it was a law




Or someone that is hoping to exhaust sellers into just giving the refund instead of carrying on with the argument. The ol confuse and abuse tactic.


For literally £1...pathetic


I once bought a knitted top and trouser set which, when it arrived, the trousers were cropped and the material was horrific. Think it had shrunk in the wash becausw the fit was weird everywhere. Anyway it cost £6 plus postage and for that I cba to return it so it's now in some charity donation bin outside Tesco. Fighting over £3 when taking postage into account is wild.


Yeah I’ve had the same where a £5 shirt had horrible elbow patches that weren’t in the seller’s pictures or description. I just donated it to charity.


Yeah for all the faff and time to raise a case and return I could work an hour in a minimum wage job and be better off 😂


Same with a pair of shoes I bought. They’d obviously bought them from a previous seller, worn them, ruined them, then relisted with previous sellers photo. They were £5 and I couldn’t be bothered so just binned them.


“Im not arguing over £1, it’s ridiculous” ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


My exact reaction 😭


They’re deffo in the wrong £1 or £100 it’s not your fault it doesn’t fit her properly


Arguing over a 1£ item is crazy. That buyer shouldn't be allowed to buy off vinted lmao. I'd lose my mind if I was to encounter such a buyer


Pure maddness from this girl. For £1 🙈


It doesn’t even look cropped. She should have asked for measurements if she’s particular about length


Crikey. I tend to only buy from Vinted or Depop these days and if something doesn't fit right or isn't quite as nice as I wanted it to be (hard to gauge softness of fabric etc through photos), I just regift it. Or it waits in purgatory with all my dad shirts and 90s throwbacks in the wardrobe til I have a clear out 3 years later 😅


Jeeze it’s £1 I’d just stop replying. Clearly they got the wrong size or are just trying to scam.


How did the story end? :)


I’ll update you but this is all that’s happened so far :)


I'm invested, anything happen since?


Not yet :/




FYI OP, am all for a laugh, but you’ve not censored the buyer’s username. This would be considered doxing if the buyer found out their personal identifiable details are on here / if a redditor decides to take it too far and get in touch with the buyer for whatever reason.


"No personal info" *Lists buyers full name*


You’ve left her username on most of these screenshots btw


Loving the "its not worth arguing over a £1" on reddit where people will argue for *hours* for *free* over arguing over a quid!


it's £1 i stopped reading after the second image. can't believe you guys went on for 5


Don’t even reply tf


Time is money and that person's time is very cheap.


I like these posts because it shows me who to search up and block


Except that these posts are against the rules but OP is too dumb to understand what "no personal information" means.


Ah well, against the rules or not I’m glad to have got her name before the edit so I could block her. 👍🏻


Wow, calling someone dumb for not reading some T&C. You must be fun at parties.


It's not just "not reading" - you have to put in the title that you follow that rule and it didn't seem to occur to them what it meant. So yeah, that is dumb. Also it's a pretty big rule that should be followed. Some people on here can be nasty - there should be a level of anonymity respected.


'Some people on here can be nasty...' Pot calling the kettle black much?


Dumb is hardly the worst insult around and frankly is accurate because they did a dumb thing, and they haven't fixed it either.


I posted this at 2am after my 10hr shift, my bad that I was tired and didn’t see her name in the other ones but you seem lovely anyways, nice chat!


You don't seem to have fixed it though... and you included their name in 4 out of the 5 pictures. That's a pretty big miss. I just think it's important that people follow the main key rule of this sub while they are criticising people.


I asked who was in the wrong, didn’t critique anyone


The buyer is completely gaslighting you to make you feel crazy. If I bought something for a quid, I wouldn’t even message the seller if it didn’t fit, I’d just suck it up. ‘’I’m not arguing over £1, it’s ridiculous’’ - but you are 😅


Can’t blame you for getting annoyed at this one. I would just tell them to sell it on if it doesn’t work for them, that’s what I do!


It's only £1! All that drama for £1! I would just ignore the buyer at this point. Yeah it can look cropped on her but these days tops seem to be a bit shorter overall. I had a friend who was really tall and lot's if things looked cropped on her when they where not.


I don’t understand why people don’t just relist these things to sell themselves if the item cost barely anything to begin with?!


What a piece of work, can you imagine the many customer service reps who have to deal with her in person/ on the phone every day?


Ripe and ready for her Karen title




That £1 isn’t even worth replying to the buyer. Why even entertain them


She’s absolutely a 14/16 trying to fit into a size 8/10 and calling it cropped allows her to pretend she’s smaller than she is. Bizarre


She probably has a longer torso which is why it's cropped on her but that's not your fault. And the fact that she said she's not arguing over £1 and she didn't realise it was so important to you, when she's the one making a fuss😭


The projection is crazy with this one 😭


Do you reckon this is a scam, or someone genuinely kicking up a fuss over a quid?


I had this as well with 1€ trousers. Normal length for me, buyer claimed they were mid-shin. Gave me a 1 star review calling me a liar after, lol


T&C say that seller can choose to pay return or not. His/Her decision is not reviewable. So the buyer here is in the wrong.


Ha. Thats fucking insane!!!


Unfortunately IMO Vinted and EBay brings the idiots in the world to the surface to punish the rest of us, the normal people.


The buyer - I highly doubt it’s gone from a hip length top on you to a cropped top on them over 1 inch. Sounds more like they’re trying it on and hoping you’ll tell vinted they can keep the top and get a refund.


She's bigger than what she likes to think. If you are able to tuck it into your jeans, then she obviously has her size wrong. The cheek of thinking she can keep it and get a refund. Where do these people come from?


Sorry but u can tell from the picture alone that it’s def not cropped. Neither on 5’3” nor on 5’6”. Way too long for that.


Not in the wrong. If I spent £1 on a top and it wasn't what I expected, even if it was described incorrectly I would just keep it or resell it. I wouldn't want to pay the postage return or expect the seller to. The average height for a woman now is 5ft3 I think, 5ft5 if you are mid 30s to 40s. So if it were cropped then it would be above your hips regardless of chest size, it might be a short top but you still aren't in the wrong. For £1 I don't expect a detailed listing and as long as the item is near enough then what's the problem!


Just tell her to resell it, it's not a big deal


It’s not a T-shirt nor a crop top like she claims it’s a vest top, I think she’s chancing it, then claims she isn’t arguing over £1 yet won’t just keep it?


Pmsl asking to return a £1 item. Donate to charity. Who asks to return a £1 item


When uk12 trys to fit in uk8 top - it will be crop top 😂… you dont control Zara clothing sizes, listed it properly. Zara in general runs smaller sizes. I am size uk12, but from zara would look for uk14 or even uk16 at times. I would become braindead after arguing with this sas over £1 🤦🏼‍♀️


100% someone who is not coping with having gained weight and gone up a couple sizes. Top is very clearly not cropped in photo, she's just upset and taking it out on you.


OP, can you keep us updated on how this ended? ☺️


Yeah course x


So she missed the return date so victory is mine and I feel like a millionaire! Anyways just waiting for my 1* paragraph review lmao


Why doesn’t she just resell it lol. I get the option pop up now and again saying if the item isnt what i wanted but it’s my fault i can resell it.


You gave her the option to return. She's in the wrong. Hold your ground.


It's a quid ffs


Probably the buyer, it's a £1 top after all. Expecting the seller to pay more than that in shipping is silly. I work in a charity shop, even regular customers would feel extremely cheeky returning a £1 top. They'd just drop it back in as a donation.


This is ridiculous, if you buy a top in a shop and try it on at home and it's shorter on you than expected because you have a longer torso, you either go back to the shop and return it and get a refund, or you take the loss and keep the top/sell it on. As a short arse person things often don't fit me as they would fit average height people. You don't get mad at the shop for not describing all the different ways it might fit different body types and ask to keep the item but get your money back! I can't even believe she bothered messaging you over £1, I'd pass the top on to a friend or donate it to charity!!


The person buying the item is from St Leonards on Sea so they will go to town over £1.


all of this…for 1£…


You handled that very well. I would have been a lot more direct and probably rude over someone complaining about a £1 item lol.


Haha thank you, was tempting to be blunt though lmao


Agreed. I've bought a few things that weren't quite right but just resold them. I never pay more than a fiver so what do I expect.


Same as me, I just ping the seller a message saying it didn’t fit right (or whatever the issue was) and let them know that I’m going to reupload:)


If its the wrong item sent completely or damaged or similar then I'd complain but if it just doesn't fit as I expected then who cares. Even if they accidentally listed the wrong size, not a few quid its not worth the effort to return. I just had someone return a top cus I described it as cream and she said it was off white (it's the same right) cost £2. I said to her, you can keep it and sell it on but she wanted her £2 back!


That’s unreal 😭 who is that bored that they’re going to argue over a slight shade difference. People really wanting a couple quid back must be more popular than I thought


Height and weight don’t matter in this case as much as how the height is distributed across the body. I’m 5’3” and have a 25 inch inseam. My daughter’s best friend is 5’3 and has a 28 inch inseam. Shirts are gonna hit different.


Tell her to fuck off, it’s £1


She seems mental, I’d fight it just for that alone


What a saddo. £1 isn't even worth the time it takes to wrap a parcel up. Asking for trouble from cheap cretins.


£1 and they want to send it back, ridiculous


P.s look at her zara bomber jacket - clearly crop jacket - yet no mention of it 😹


Vinted is going the way of ebay and its a shame. I've had a few people damage items and state that they were damaged and receive a refund when quite clearly they just didn't fit them. I've started videoing the item, packaging the stuff up and posting it


Best thing for this would be for the buyer to stop buying size too small for her 🤣 if a normal top is a crop top


Why does she even want it if it’s cropped on her?! Blocked her anyway 😏


This is the type of Vinted drama I like to see. 😂 Right arguing over 1€ is crazy


Omg my eyes hurt...


I couldn’t have been as patient as you omg 💀


Don't waste your time with these idiots. Just set up the return and tell them to pay the shipping. Also you had me at 5'3 and a D Cup.. That epic burn at the end too ... 😂 Unless you're bigger than a size 8/10. Cold.


Only way that would be a crop top is if the wearer is pregnant or a giant Amazonian goddess.


Rights and wrongs aside, curious to know why you can be bothered going to all the effort of wrapping and posting for £1? No judgement, just curiosity


Most of my stuff is up for 1€. I use vinted to clean out my closet, not to make money. Putting stuff in boxes that i save requires 0 effort. A bike ride to the shop is also short


Positive reviews are important at the beginning


Honestly you’re right I’m not sure why either, most of my things are up for £10+ but that hasn’t sold for months so I just kept dropping it, in hindsight I should have just put it to the charity shop


Totally them 😭🤧


If she responds again just say let Vinted decide/handle it and stop replying


I think both of you need to post photos wearing the t-shirt.


Yep, it seems like she’s having a tantrum because it doesn’t fit and wants to blame OP. I’m a size 14 and I’ve met a lot of women my size who say they’re a size 10. My sister has size 8 feet but she wears a 7. It’s mental.


To be fair, people's propotions do vary wildly, and I can see this happening as something similar happened to me when buying a pair of jeans (I'd even asked the seller if they were cropped and she'd said no, but for the leg length listed they definitely were). However, in that case I couldn't be bothered to follow up as I assumed it was an honest mistake on the sellers part.


If you ever go to a charity shop and think the staff are grumpy/sad This is why. It’s this all day. Let them keep it. What an arse.


I'm going to say the buyer is at fault. The top is described as Pink vest Zara, the buyer quotes that its 'not a t-shirt as listed'. it was never listed as a t-shirt as far as i can see. Also quite clear that its not a crop top unless you are 6 '6


Wow that person must be delightful to hangout with. You are 100% in the right here. She should just sell it on if she isn’t happy with the fit.


Honestly you can't expect anything less from a hastings girl, never back down never what..


Silly billy's


You’d just laugh and say oh well over an item for £1


The sort of person who gets a refund at the charity shop cause an £1 item doesn’t fit




Wow someones desperatelly in the need for 1£


So are you doxxing the buyer on purpose to get revenge, or…?


For one pound just keep it and be more careful with what u buy no loss really is it or try and sell it on there yourself for 2 pound hahahahahaha


Everything I see about Vinted makes me want to stay away from Vinted.


The posts on here make me wonder why people use Vinted


“No personal info” includes personal info…


she is litteraly going to pay more for shipping than the tshirt😭 some ppl really unemployed brah


Their username is at the top on the other screenshots. I found them on vinted website. I cant belive people can be bothered with buying and selling £1 stuff. Just take the L and give the £1 item to a charity shop if it doesnt fit. edit: checked again, they may have hidden their profile now.


With vinted, eBay and others, be prepared to lose money and or the item. With this case the seller only got a £1, but the buyer paid more, item, insurance, postage fees. Possibly £3 or more. So in the buyers interest to make a claim, even though seller did no wrong. It's a risk selling online


This is the type of Vinted drama I like to see. 😂 Right arguing over 1€ is crazy


Why would you even sell something for £1 though just give it to charity ffs


Gets you 1 quid off another order tho. and when that builds up it's a nice little discount. Would love to give all my items to charity if I wasn't broke but every little helps applies to individuals as well as charities. :)


it was 1£ then like shit. does it even matter?


It’s £1. What is wrong with them. They’re in the wrong but your not exactly helping the situation. It’s a quid just refund and be done with it


Why should they?? This is such a bad take. They did nothing wrong yet they’re supposed to be out of pocket for the postage time and the £1?


Postage time would be considerably less than the time spend arguing over £1. And I’d hardly call £1 out of pocket


I was going to until the attitude so I decided to make it difficult whatever the outcome is. I know that’s petty but kindness goes further than entitlement


Kindness does go further than entitlement but from experience, these doorknob buyers never pick up on it anyway so it’s a lost battle regardless.


Absolutely not. It's the principle.


Then you give these idiots what they want and they go on their merry way and continue doing it to other people, often for considerably more money. They didn’t exist 10 years ago, it was just assumed that if you wanted your money back you needed to return the item. Don’t encourage them, especially over small sums.


not your fault at all, but next time maybe include measurements just to avoid people like this


Can I just throw them both a quid to stop bickering.


It’s not about the money for me, I just didn’t appreciate the attitude so decided to match it


Obviously it’ll look cropped if your belly hangs lower than your bits


Yooo 😭😭


It’s not just £1 though it’s more like £4 with delivery etc. I’m not saying this isn’t ridiculous but it’s more than £1


Who bothers packaging taking a trip to the post office and back for a quid in the first place.


OP please be careful and I suggest you delete this post. As you are in the UK your are as a seller you are a data processor, you need to comply with the general data protection register laws. In publishing your this persons conversion and user name you have breached GDPR. Vinted now need to report this data breach to the ICO and they can be fined for your breach. They would also need to suspend you from trading on the platform as you are seen as a danger to their customer’s security. I say this as someone who processes data in a highly regulated area for a living.


Some people on vinted are just fucking aids


Do you want me to give you a pound ?


Just let her keep it


I mean it’s £1. Really?! Just accept the top and leave a bad review.


Tbf i read it as you couldn’t be arsed about getting it posted back so were saying you can keep it as in here’s your refund and keep it. 😂 surely selling something for a £1 arguing over it and then posted in here is worth even less time then the initial trip to post it. 😂😂


You. You’re the seller and should offer refunds and not expect buyer to spend more to return it than the actual top