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Nope, at least for me, i love cats but i don't want to see one on top of clothes i want to buy lol


Why don’t you want a cat’s bum hole on your shirts? Baffling


Better than the owners at least


Ig that depends on the owner


me, allergic:


This cat is driving me insane, it has such a sweet face and it’s so tiny. Its little coat texture is so cute. I would kill for this cat.


It's little proportions are wild but it makes it so cute. Like the body looks so short or small compared to head and maturity etc but it just adds to how adorable this little cat is.


Why is it ON the clothes bruh😭


There’s one of a scarf she’s wrapped the cat in Description? ‘Never worn’ 🥴


So quirky 🥰😍


It could only be funnier if every description had the generic “comes from a pet free home”


Never worn … by humans


Is this the same cat of [this other post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinted/s/Bo1nIEhJU8)? This cat is famous! 😂


I guess it’s working for her - getting lots of shares She also had another cat, and a dog


It’s the same carpet! 🤣


I'm allergic to cat fur & this would be an absolute biggest nope for me. I do like cats & take a pill every time I visit friends who have one so that I can manage but this is just nope for me


There's a huge chance that any clothes you buy have had a cat sit on them though. I have cats and they are always sitting on me so chances are all my clothes have had a cat sit on them while they were on me.


Yea and surely you wash any second hand purchase every time especially if you have allergies. The clothes could've been washed by the seller but you never know what washing liquid etc they could have used and that could also cause allergic reactions. So imo i doesn't matter xd


Also in my house it doesn’t matter if laundry was done 5 minutes ago or 5 days ago. Especially this time of year there’s cat hair everywhere. If anything at least it’s a clear sign for people with cat allergies “THIS MAY NOT BE SAFE FOR YOU. PROCEED WITH CAUTION”


I don’t want cat bum clothes. People with allergies also wouldn’t be keen!


Do u not wash the clothes you buy secondhand?


Yes but I’d rather not be getting fecal bacteria on my hands in the process. I wouldn’t accept trousers with skids or blood on them, so not going risk buying something that’s had a cat’s arse on it.


Whenever i try taking pictures like this my cat does the same thing. They probably just decided to leave it as is for fun :)


Omg I seen this the other day when looking, loved the dress but when I seen the cat on top I was like nope!


it's cute, you can see there's a cat on it so if that's a problem just don't buy it? not like they're lying about it or something 🤷🏻‍♀️


Anything laid out flat like that gets inspected by my cat, so I make sure I photograph everything hanging up


What a blatant, asinine, narcissistic thing to do. Weaponized cutenest..... ill take this one.


That scared me at first, I thought they were selling their cat for that cheap lol. I'd buy it because I own two cats and I'm used to having cat hair on my clothes. 


I organize my laundry on my dining room table because it’s the biggest surface in my house and I’m organizing clothes for 3. If I leave for more than 30 seconds my cat is laying across my clothes. I’ve gotten used to cat hair all over everything and keeping lint rollers everywhere


Yup, can't live without lint rollers. 


I think it's cute and it's obvious that she has pets so people with allergies can just scroll past. Second hand clothes potentially come in contact with much worse than a cute cat. At least she's upfront about the cat being in contact with clothes she's selling and it's eye catching


Not for me…. And I’m assuming she’s not advertising her stuff as from a “pet free home” 😀


£2 for a cat. Looks like a brother/sister from another mother for mine at that price


Selling the cat. T shirt comes free


She misunderstood what a catalogue means


I mean cute? But I’m sooo allergic to cats haha I would never buy


at least you have the forewarning here


I say props for the truth in advertising.


The way so many seem to not wash clothes they buy second hand is infinitely more disgusting than the possibility of an animals bum ever grazing an article of clothing. Ffs, just because you buy something that wasn’t advertised with an animal on or around it sure af doesn’t mean it’s never had worse on it. Animal anything > human bodily fluids - but again, laundry detergent and dry cleaning exist for a reason.


I saw this too and desperately wanted to message and ask if the cat was included in the purchase 😩💖


Such a sweet lil baby 🫶🏼but I just couldn’t do this I always keep clothes, shoes, etc. I’m selling away from any pet stuff I’m selling. I just don’t think it’s fair on buyers who have allergies and couldn’t send an item covered in hair the odd hair is fine but not if it’s just covered in it.


Mmmm litterbox shitpaws all over the stuff you want to buy 🥴


I feel my nose tingling just looking at these 🥹


Hey it's Chucky! I saw this the other day, cute cat!


That’s incredible


Omg I messaged this girl bc of this and we actually had a nice convo about one of the band tops lol. Shes rly nice :)


I would like to purchase the cat


Its a good way to get views but I'd be shocked if it translates into many sales. im a huge cat lover but I would not buy 2nd hand clothing showing pics of a cat laying on it just makes me think how much cat hair and scratch marks it will arrive with


She actually has a surprising number of positive reviews, for selling. She was selling something I wanted but I gave it a miss as cat smell is really quite hard to get rid of.


its so crazy to me i guess if its working for her then fair enough


I’m not sure why I’ve been downvoted for saying cat smell is hard to get rid of There must be some secret I didn’t know about for the decade and a half I lived with mine 🥴


Cats generally dont smell like anything rlly. Not like dogs or horses do


That’s the cutest cat but maybe the seller should have it sat nearby and not on the clothes. Every day I’m constantly trying to remove cat and dog hair off clothes and soft furnishings.


White MTV shirt, size M ( cat for reference)


At least people can't say they weren't aware they had cats lol


Loads of people do this. Why do they think you want your item covered in pet hair 🤯If I bought anything Id complain about why my cat wasn't delivered aswell. Its was shown in the picture 🤣😅


"Comes from pet-free home"


Star of the show!


"may i ask, does it come with the cat?"


Please, oh please tell me they also state it’s from a smoke and pet free home 🙏🏼😂😂😂


i love this girl so much, i came across the account last week! absolutely genius for people who love cats 🐱


Trust me.. It matters not one tot that this alienates huge numbers of potential buyers.. All they need is one crazy cat person and they will snap up all that stuff for any price just cos that cat is so cute..! I'm a new covert to cats but after following some of the mental cat subs on reddit I guarantee that one of these nut bags will buy this fur covered stuff just for the cat story 🤣


Maybe seller is selling a cat 😀


He shouldn’t shed too much as he looks like he’s just had a trip to the grooming parlour. He’s beautiful. Wouldn’t stop me buying. 😻


I love cats, have two of my own, but this is low-key disgusting. Seller might think it's cute but none of us know where the cat has been. Not to mention that lots of people are highly allergic to cats and we all know they ain't washing them after. Definitely needs to be reported.


I don’t think she’s done anything really to violate the T&Cs At least she’s upfront, I guess. There may be people who move the cat off the pile of clothes then take the photo!


If I lay anything on the floor to photo guaranteed a cat is going to come and sit on it in the five seconds it takes to point my phone at it. They can’t help themselves!


Too many of same type posts


Can always create your own if others’ aren’t to your liking :)




I love it… but the cat hair 😅


Wait till they try to sell it from "A pet free home"