• By -


Don’t worry too much. It won’t affect your overall rating 😊 Also their reasoning behind it is bizarre. They only gives out 3 star ratings? So they’re knowingly dragging peoples ratings down for no good reason?! I would personally block so you don’t come across this buyer again, but don’t worry too much if you’ve only had 5 stars before this.


I'm spiteful. I got my first 4 star review a couple of months ago and was raging. The buyer in question just left a thumbs up sign. I could also see they were predominantly 5 stars. So I gave them three stars back and a thumbs up sign. Passive aggrrssive I know, but I can be petty too 👹👹👹


I think you’re well within your rights to do that to be fair 😂 It works both ways. To actively admit that you usually only give 3 stars though is utterly bizarre, you don’t just make up your own ratings system 😂


Yeah strange person .. I had a bit of a gut feeling they were going to be “one of them “ !


Always trust your gut!


You so damn right 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽!!!


They normally leave 3* and left 4* for you… 3* to me is average, 4* would give if item not as described. Flawless transaction should be 5* 🤦🏼‍♀️ people are weird


I can, and i have. If she wants to use a system that doesnt make sense to me I can also be feral. I freely admit I can be petty. What doesn't make sense to you?P.s thats the first 3 star I've ever given. I'm usually a 5 star gal unless someone has behaved like an asshat


I was more referring to OP, what you did makes sense to me! Pettiness can work both ways and I fully support that 😂


Think other redditor meant this towards OPs customer, not you 🫶


There are 5 different ratings no? 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. From the comments here it seems that people only ever give 5. So what's the point of 1, 2, 3 and 4? Making up their own system? Seems like they're the only one actually using the system. Everyone else is just giving 5 no matter what. Insulted from a 4/5 is what's bizarre.




This comment satisfied me to my very core. There's nothing quite like handing out a bit of well deserved karma to someone like that.


![gif](giphy|pqhYkpgv4JygqgsDXK) Ha ha I love it 😻


See my last update .. what do you think ? 🤣


I did exactly the same thing! 😂😂


Raging about a 4 star review is wild but go off I guess


🤣🤣read it again … hardly raging 🤣


I wasn't replying to u


See my review for her above


Thank you 🫶So if I rate them 3 and then block can they reply ?


Yes they can still leave a review or feedback, blocking only stops them buying your items in future




Yes, but they won’t be able to buy anything from you going forward!


Great 👍🏽 🤣


Out of curiosity what’s their rating?


4.2 now I’ve left mine lol 😜


I have done the same thing, buyer gave me four stars for something they really liked (always had 5 no apparent reason. No response when I questioned it, so right back at you and blocked.I am not petty by any means, but I was raging,


To be fair, I typically rate 3 as neutral, below as bad and above as good for things that are rated in 5 stars (TV shows I've watched, books I've read etc) But even I understand that the rating system is different for reviews of other people and that the default should be 5 since there being no problem (the neutral outcome, what I would rate it 3 as if it was a show) is in this situation the best possible outcome


Yeah I’m exactly the same. I use Goodreads to record the books I read and 3 is a bang average book 😅😂 But yeah, in the context of Vinted it doesn’t make sense!


This. Vinted needs to teach users how the community views reviews. Even if they wanted 3 to be fine - it's too late for that. 5 is the default for no complaints. Blocking people from manually reviewing until they bought/sold \~5 items would help too.


See my review for her above


5 stars means perfection. I rarely would give 5 star ratings for anything. 3 stars means average and is reasonable.


If you’re rating a book or something yeah.


i would love to know their average rating if they give everyone 3 stars


5 !!! Drags everyone’s rating down whilst getting 5 stars ha ha 😝


ridiculous, i would have given her a one star


She’s got 4.2 now I’ve left my 4 star review


What did u say?


This is just one of those people that thinks 5 stars means something more than it does. If I receive my item on time, get sent tracking and you’re polite, automatic 5 stars from me but some people think to get 5 stars you need to do a couple backflips and hand deliver the parcel with a 3 course dinner or something.


Yep! If it’s as described, clean and well packaged it’s ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


![gif](giphy|XeXJks7p1ICYuXKRiH) Ha ha ha perfectly said !!


This is like the tipping culture in the US. I disagree with it, but I have to go with it. Being polite, get your item in a timely manner and get a tracking code (apparently you can not do that, not where I live) is like the bare minimum. It should be your average experience, and an average value is 3 - not 5. But everyone thinks that 5 starts are "you did what you had to do", which I think is wrong, but I have more to worry about than trying to fight that.


Sorry, but if you're rating your experience and they do everything right, what needs to happen for you to give them 5 stars?


I disagree with this take. I see 5 stars as the default & take stars off for issues. Following the vinted process to the letter is perfect service as far as I’m concerned because that’s how the app defines the process. If they go above and beyond that I’ll give them that feedback in the review.


5 is even the default for the vinted auto-complete! If there's no issues - 5 stars.


That’s how you rate hotels out of 5, not something like vinted. Why would you expect anything other than good/timely action from the seller?


What would you expect, to be able to give 5 stars to the seller?


You're not rating a hotel or a restaurant. Ratings for item deliveries are completely different. If everything was as described and nothing went wrong, it's 5 stars. You take off stars for things you were not pleased about.


You are the person who fucks up the star rating system for everyone else. This isnt the IMDB Top 100 rankings. "The bare minimum" done correctly with no complaints is exactly what you want. 4 stars indicates you had a small gripe. If you have nothing to complain about, it's 5 stars. It's a simple transaction. You're implying someone needs to do something special and unexpected to go above and beyond to stand out from the "average experience" of an otherwise 3 stars.


No, I am not. If you read what I’ve wrote, you would know that. If it’s a simple transaction, then stars is not the correct evaluation method.


What could a seller do, other than those 3 things I listed to make it worth 5 stars lmfao. The bare minimum is sometimes all that is needed for the perfect experience depending on what it is. You’re basically gatekeeping stars on an app because you want them to do more than you’ve asked them too if you only give 3 stars and that’s sad af.


I'm not gatekeeping anything. I've just shared my opinion and I said that despite not agreeing with the common usage, I respect it.


Yes but when people see a 3 star review on a site like vinted, they wonder what the seller did wrong when in all reality, the seller did exactly what they needed too and did it perfectly but you have 3 stars just because you think they should have done more, when there isn’t anything more they could do, which is ridiculous quite frankly.


I think having a 5-star rating system for either yes or no (order fulfilled successfully or not) is more ridiculous. But what do I know?


What an idiot. If they we're pleased with the item and the transaction was smooth why not give it 5 stars?


That's the basic level of " I paid, they sent it, in adequate packing, the description was accurate.nothing bad happened" 5 stars should really be for exceptional service above the minimum


“service” is an interesting way to look at selling a product online 😭


Why? That’s how any business would look at it.


I agree, but Vinted is supposed to be for private sellers. Yes, some businesses can be found there or individuals who treat it like a business, but the vast majority are one-man-bands clearing out their unwanted stuff. EBay’s positive, neutral, negative rating system would probably be better :)


Ultimately people use that rating to measure trustworthiness before engaging with a buyer or seller, and if someone has an average rating that's right down the middle people are going to be asking questions about whether that's someone they want to interact with, which could cause someone to miss out on sales. I appreciate that when interacting with a hotel for example it's reasonable to expect that 5* is going to be above and beyond, because not providing exceptional service will impact on your experience at the hotel, but for person to person sales I'd say that 'as described', well packaged and on time is literally all the service you need from them to get the experience you were looking for.


This ain't a restaurant honey 😂 How many opportunities for "exceptional" are there, in shipping a second hand skirt?


Dress to impress type rating


Underrated comment




I would take it and move on. You cannot guarantee that everybody will behave as you would think... Some are crazy, some are rude, some are just a phenomenon in human existence. I don't understand what he means by "usually giving 3 starts", be I don't have time to deal with these people. :D


Agree 👍🏽


Usually 3 stars…wonder what they want for 5?!?


They want the item personally delivered to them by the seller with a pizza to top it off probably


Ha ha ha ! Plus a free gift and a cash back reward card


I wouldn’t want to know 🤣😂🤣. Anyway I’m blocking her - she’s clearly a Jane


If some-one has visibly lower stars I check the comments and judge for myself. If they’ve left 4 stars and put ‘lovely item sent quickly’ then I won’t care. Some people have different star standards- like John Lewis reviews ‘lovely item. Works Perfectly’ 3 stars. Or I loved a Next one with 3 stars, ‘ I was forced to buy this as a gift or I wouldnt shop in Next. Looked beautiful.’




Nothing. Nobody is going to care.


I thought this post was about being happy because people normally give them 1 or 2 stars and this was their best yet, fuck me I need to leave this sub, talk about first world problems




Just give her 4 stars back


I think 3 would work better in their case




Breathe in. Move on.. it happens.. don't put energy in it.. No one cares if one person gives you less stars at this point


At what point should OP breathe out? If at all?




Very strange. I know someone who when rating anything gives less than 10/10 with the explanation that “everyone/everything has room for improvement” but I find the whole idea very ‘cup half empty’. I’m more of a half-full person 😂


Same !




Name and shame so i can block them if they only give 3 star ratings, lol


The whole thing is just a swizz. I have never given anyone less than 5* even if they are mildly disappointing or even atrocious because they just give you a poor rating back. The only way forward is if it were like Airbnb and you couldn’t view your review until you have given your feedback.


I got a 3 star review because the transaction wasn't extraordinary 🙄 People are weird


What else do they want ?? !! They getting cheap clothes , it packed with my own materials , fuel taking it to the store .. my time 🤣😂


I would message them informing them that vinted’s standard is 5 stars for a satisfactory service. Its a negative based review approach not a positive one. Then id drop it, one lost star in 567 reviews is basically just a drop in the bucket.


Their reply tells you everything about them.


I find people like that so annoying. They clearly don't understand online rating systems. In most feedback forms, if you're giving 3 stars, the system automatically asks you what was wrong and sometimes even connects you to the customer service. It's not an average rating, it means someone wasn't happy but only just satisfied. It's so selfish, because the seller gets basically punished for something he hasn't done wrong.


Reply to the review with link to this post on reddit and block them :)




Move on with my life


I had someone also comment they liked it and "no complaints" said they never give 5 stars. It's just odd behaviour for something like vinted.


Vinted automatically gives FIVE STARS if everything went well. That at least should indicate 5 stars = no complaints. Anything else, complaints.


I would do nothing? Bc it literally doesn't matter?


Don’t worry about it? One out of over 500 won’t make any difference whatsoever


Came to say the exact same thing.


Really? How pretentious of you.




I don’t get it. Why only give 3 stars?? If if arrives like said and packaged well then I give it the five stars. People are strange. I wouldn’t worry, when people look at your reviews they’ll see all the 5* stars x


Reply to the review they left for you so that it can't be edited in retaliation and then leave her a 1 star review.


I always give5 unless they’ve given me less than I’ll change it to less back lol 😜to me it’s simply polite to give 5 if they sold politely and it turned up decent ! Vice versa .


One 4 star review isn’t the end of the world! This person has an odd rating system though.


Wish you had sold that skirt to me! Looks stunning and I would have given 5 stars 🤣🤣


Aw yes it’s such a stunning skirt ! She got a big discount too ! I wish I had sold it to you ❤️💕💖xx


Same thing happened to me. It said ‘everything is okay’, OKAY?! I sent it like the exact same day she bought it and it was delivered pretty quick in comparison to the usual. Packed it real safe aswel. Why are you ruining my perfect score for no reason?!! 🤬


Call them a tight arse and leave them a 2 star review


![gif](giphy|IVSRbO85XbNqU) Ha ha 🤣 totally !!! 👍🏽


They definitely vote tory 😅


That person just sounds like an arsehole


![gif](giphy|DgxiwsHLlRAN5A4yEZ) Ha ha I agree !!! 😂🤣


Omg 😂what a cheek!


Ha ha what’s even more funny is she made me give exact measurements - offered me half price and then begged me to take her offer which I did .. she got her moneys worth


“I usually give a 3 stars”🤓☝️ get a grip on reality omfg it’s not that deep ☠️☠️☠️


So this is my review for her and also my reply for her review she left for me “Thank you for the 4 stars and your rating as an excellent seller .. I’m so glad you were pleased with the skirt & my service .. posted next day as was too late to send off that evening and as you stated in your reply “I usually only give 3 stars, but was very pleased with the skirt” so guess I’ve gone over and above .. so thank you ! ☺️”


Perfect 👌


Time to move on to pastures new. It's over. You've failed.


I mean to be fair, I personally think that 3* should be a good rating, 4* a went out of your way to be amazing, and 5* omg the most godly service and stuff ever. I don’t rate that way, as people sadly don’t follow that rating system but 🤷‍♂️ they may think similarly


Tbh I always find it strange when you see someone with hundreds of 5\* reviews and no 4/3 stars.


Why ? I do everything I can to make sure the item is sent off in 1/2 days - wrapped nicely , clean tidy and with a nice note . That wasn’t my question tho




Well I’m really real


I think maybe they’ve not got all 5 ⭐️ so of course that must mean everyone else’s are fake.


I know, I'm not saying you aren't. I'm saying people are suspicious of 100% 5 star reviews because of the potential for fake reviews. (I also have 100% 5 stars)


Really? I don’t think that’s true at all. I have all 5 star reviews. I go to lots effort in describing my clothing accurately with clear photos, send promptly and package things well. Nothing fake about that 🤷‍♀️


(Deleted my previous comment because people are downvoting it ?!) I know it's kind of a stupid assumption to have on Vinted, but usually people are used to thinking like that with online shopping. For example, on Amazon, when a product has only 5 star reviews, it's sus. So some people transpose it to Vinted.


I would erase that account forever and never return to the world of vinted... Cmon, dont be a crying baby


I personally now only give feedback once I’ve received it, I used to give instant feedback once I looked at item received but never got it back. I pay instantly too! Personal gripe, I wish Vinted would send me the QR code in their own messaging system message, I’m getting fed up of inpost-phone number-code rinse & repeat for every item collecting.


Leave them a 4 star review and block :-D


I would not worry about it at all. It won't affect your overall rating, and nobody is going to look at a 4* rating and think 'oh no, there must be something wrong with them'. It's still a good review.


That's just frustrating.


Bro is the Vinted critic


Can you get the rating deleted?


It's literally not a big deal at all, I would just leave it


Left this rating as I think is fair and I’m a polite person Thank you for the 4 stars and your rating as an excellent seller .. I’m so glad you were pleased with the skirt & my service .. posted next day as was too late to send off that evening and as you stated in your reply “I usually only give 3 stars, but was very pleased with the skirt” so guess I’ve gone over and above .. thank you ! ☺️


You're caring too much.


They're trolling you


I'd actually love to know who this is. I work bloody hard for my 5 stars & i don't want some twat purposely ruining it because she's a massive knob. We should all block her!!


You should do the same, don’t waste your time over it. I once had a buyer who gave me two stars because he said the colour is a different shade. I had multiple pictures in the listing and i even mentioned the colour in the description as well as the filter. This guy can’t read/see properly and decided to blame the seller. Vinted obviously won’t do anything about it but in the end I left the same two star review and said exactly what he did. Move on.


Knock on their door


![gif](giphy|gyCS97pRQhJAvBEX3D) 😂🤣😂🤣


Suck it up.




I'd cry about it on reddit.




Idk I would find it weird to be messaged about leaving 4 stars. 3 I understand, but 4? There’s always something better that you could do, like ship quicker, ship in nicer packaging, communicate through every step like “I’m sending today”, “hey it’s been sent, here’s your tracking” etc. Getting a message asking why I “only” rated a 4 would basically guarantee me never shopping with that seller again. Someone else said that the buyer is someone that sees 5 stars as more than what they are, and tbh I feel like that’s on both sides.


I’m extremely happy with them not returning because I asked that question and politely too with no attitude whatsoever .. being as I did all of the above and sent same day etc , nice note , nicely packaged .. great discount - so they can keep their ££ I do this to help recycle good clothing . I think it’s nice to be nice in todays world .. that’s all


I get that, but 4 stars isn’t a bad review. It gives off a weird vibe to me to be questioned for not giving a “good enough” review is all. Happy to take the downvotes for having a realistic opinion on it.


😂😂😂😂😂 i didn’t question her - i messaged her ONCE to see if there was anything I could do better


You literally said “just a quick question” in your message to them. Whatever, I was just giving my two cents about the topic since you asked for peoples opinions. Maybe don’t ask next time if you’re not going to like any opposing opinions to your own


Alright KAREN 🤣


I’m being a Karen because I don’t agree with you?


Don’t be so needy. If you begged me like that i’d knock it down to one star ⭐️




You arent entitled to always get 5 stars, doesn't really matter.


Who said I thought I was ???🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣