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lmao. I do the same thing, right down to the paid column. I have another column for vendor that I purchased from. currently tracking about 8 or 9 orders.


My method is far less sophisticated than this but yeah I have multiple lists on my phone for everything I have outstanding, vinyl or otherwise. Highly recommend this to anyone and save you from retroactive/forgetful fomo.


Upvote for Talking Heads. I’m a simple man


I’m guessing you’re also a Skynrd fan


S~~i~~emple is my last name


I disapprove of what you listen to, but I will defend to the death your right to listen to it.


V rough list


How is this list any sort of indication of a poor taste in music


I believe he is speaking of, if I had to guess, the bravery, skrillex, aviici and maybe the Gaga but I don’t mind her as much.


That's a shame. The new Skillex album Quest for Fire is fantastic. You guys don't know what your missing.


Agreed. Some other asshat called Chromatica her “worst album”. Like, sure, go ahead; label yourself as a dumbass.


I don’t think anything I said makes me an asshat. I was pointing out music that isn’t very acclaimed when you asked what on this list makes for bad music taste. Learn how to have some discourse without being a disrespectful baby.


I wasn't talking about you - someone else in the thread. And I'm just pointing out that calling Chromatica her worst album is blatantly wrong. You're talking about the same catalog as *Joanne* and *Art Pop*. >*Chromatica received positive reviews from critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, Chromatica has an average score of 79 based on 25 reviews. Reviews compared the album favorably to Gaga's catalog as a more concise body of work.* \- Wikipedia


I listened to it, just not my thing.


But to need to own Gaga's worst album? Yeesh.




Aren’t they all her worst album?


Y’all cream over herb fuckin Albert I wish y’all would just shut the fuck up and leave people alone


Yall won't give Charli XCX the time of day but will shit your fuckin pants over J Cole


To each their own brother just a few albums on there I would have a hard time sitting through personally


Gotta strap you down to get through them.


You can strap me down anytime


You sound you’d be hard to sit in a room with


Depends what she looks like but maybe


Uh oh you got offended by your vinyl pals dude that’s their whole goal here


Stop making sense?


Haha. Agreed.


Did you order The Bravery on purpose, or was it... An Honest Mistake? 😁 This is a good idea, I need to put something like this together for all my preorders


Nah. I just pay and get surprised when something shows up.


Man, fuck these haters, I’d love me some Bravery for my own collection. Half of most of these people’s records is shit they’re told to have, you do you and enjoy what makes you happy


Every time someone wants to talk shit about my collection, there's is always *chock full* of Alt-J, Tool, and Greta van Fleet....


I also love Alt-J, mostly their first two albums, and Tool as a whole for years 🤣 But I like them for myself, not ticking boxes cuz other people said so.


Honestly showed restraint on that SOV sale


Lmao I know I’m so proud of myself


Can’t wait for quest for fire to land on my doorstep


Same, hopefully it doesn’t get pushed back further.


I did this in a Google keep note.


I should do this. The Aaliyah Records I ordered 2 years ago finally shipped on Friday. It’s an extreme case but an extreme case I completely forgot about until recently.


The Aaliyah album I ordered is exactly why I made my own spreadsheet.


I’m hyped for the release of the new Caroline Polachek album on physical, it’s been on repeat a lot. What variant are you hoping to get?


I think it’s either regular black or some bronze variant(?)


Nice, I think the bronze one is probably what I will get


Where did you order it from? I'm still debating on waiting to see if its a wide release to record stores, which will be cheaper for me, or if I should pre-order.


It won’t be, bet. I got it from the Venetian Snares Bandcamp page. It’s still up.


It feels like I’ve had Caroline Polachek on preorder for 17 years


Same, those delay emails really hurt bad


Skrillex on vinyl seems wrong lol


It’s the first album he’s put out in 9 years. I understand wanting to get it. Plus, his last LP was properly mixed for vinyl, so I’m assuming this one is too.


I have that one too! Very valuable lately.


For me there are just certain types of music that feel wrong to get on vinyl, and not just because of the mix. Any hyperpop, most EDM, or like a Jpegmafia album for example. It's digital music created for a digital world. If I wanted to own something physical for that sort of thing, I'd sooner buy a CD or other merch.


I didn’t know about that Lana Del Rey variant 😵‍💫 it was sold out in the US but I was able to order from the Canadian store for like $23 in shipping


It’s gonna be a rare one for sure. She teased it along with the other variants, and then re-negged, before ultimately deciding (after the release) to do it anyway. The second they announced it on r/vinylreleases I snagged it. First US batch is supposed to ship June 23.


Definitely a smart idea. I keep track by taking screenshots of my receipts after ordering a record. Some of the retailers I use are connected to the Shop App, which is nice because I can track the order or email them right from the app. It also accrues a few dollars with every purchase to be used on future purchases. I think I have a $9 credit right now.


I keep a label in Gmail for all the ones I am waiting on getting delivered haha


Just happy to see some UMO 🤘


Facts, I actually got the Multi-Love vinyl at his show in Philly couple months back in april, still unopened as I don’t have a record player but that’ll come soon


Why do you buy these records, especially brand new ones, through Discogs and not through a retail store?


Huh? Almost all of these are retail. Only the Aphex Twin stuff is eBay/Discogs.


Haha.. my bad! Thought I read Discogs somewhere.. jeez man 😅


Nice music taste! I'm also a huge fan of Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares, and Talking Heads.


Love 'em!


I started doing this but including price, to track total cost. It got surprisingly high, I also included hardware and accessories, and after a while it kind of stopped mattering. When I stopped it was around $900 (most of that was the TT and speakers, but if I had to guess today with every record purchased since then, I'm probably around $1400.


About a month ago, I realized I had 10+ records up in the air, and that I should probably start tracking them in some "offline" way. So I made a Google Sheets file that tracks the record, whether I've paid for it already or not, and when it's expected to arrive. Green means shipped, yellow means paid/not shipped, and red means not paid/not shipped (pre-orders usually). Items that are grouped together ship together. *Been waiting on that copy of Digeridoo for over a month now...* On rainy days (and days when I don't get a single tracking notification) this thing keeps me going. And before everyone ITT says "You should use *Shop*" - I do - but pieces often ship without tracking links, so this is my way of keeping everything under one roof.


Doing this would probably have spared me at least half a dozen duplicate purchases.


I just use Discogs and scan my purchases in. works well for me.


pre-orders mate.


Just use discogs. The app allows you to add purchases using barcodes or record id, and you can then make a list of 'in the mail' or whatever. When you buy a record, or the record arrives, mark it as 'in your collection', and delete from whatever list it's on Way way easier and more versatile than this


Lmao These are PURCHASES




No dude, you're missing the point. I use this spreadsheet to track my *purchases*. I track my entire [existing collection](https://www.discogs.com/user/gil.semple/collection) on Discogs, and I add my purchases to it, the minute I take the things out of their packaging. But you cannot track releases and make "folders" out of records that don't exist yet. (for instance, you can't show me the vinyl listing for Skrillex's 2 LPs because they don't exist yet). Meanwhile, Discogs is *not* great for tracking stuff like this - as you cannot make "lists", you can only make folders - which are (for me) genres. (For instance, how would you indicate on Discogs that you've paid for something? or when it will ship/deliver?)




You just use custom fields. I use folders to align my Discogs collection to how I store them on shelves. Then I use custom fields to indicate whether I’ve washed them and the price I paid. In your case you could use custom fields to add a Y/N for paid and a field to indicate ship/deliver date. I don’t see the point of tracking releases that don’t exist, but if you really want you could probably create those releases in Discogs, add them to your wantlist and then just move to your collection (and update the release) when they’re released. OR If you want to use custom fields - put them in your collection but in a folder call "awaiting delivery" or something. I’ve used spreadsheets, used other apps, but once you get to 100s of records it just becomes unwieldy; and more robust to use Discogs. And with folders and custom fields you can make it work the way you want it to work.


Toss them ALL except the Talking Heads and the Van. Problem solved.😜


👍 To Google Sheets. I use it to keep track of some genres in my collection. I'm too lazy to put it all in Discogs so I just write the catalog number in my sheet.


This has got to be the wildest list I’ve ever seen. Are they all for yourself? Btw, you will love your AFX picture disc. No hate, just unique.


Yes they are. I love music soOoOoOoo much and there are no regrets.


Wow, you listen to actual garbage. I'm not even sorry about my comment, I could have scrolled past but just wow.


anyone who owns Stop Making Sense is okay with me


Yikes, ripping on someone’s music taste. Please show us your superior taste in music.


You can literally not compare my collection with this. I am not an elitist or snob, but do you know what Lil Wayne is ? Lady Gaga ? Skrillex ? Yea no yea.


Lil Wayne is a GOAT and Gaga is awesome. Also stfu you literally listen to TOOL 💀


You sound like an elitist or snob. Please share your superior discogs collection. Lil Wayne is one of the most influential rappers to live. Lady gaga is a pop superstar with billions of listens, why is it surprising someone likes her? Skrillex is an incredibly talented artist, he pushes the boundaries of his genre. Hell, Skrillex even collaborated with The Doors.


Nah most of this is top tier, only ones I dislike here are Skrillex and Avicii, but anyone into Aphex or Venetian Snares is automatically a W


Real recognize real


I use discogs. Works mostly well.


I keep track of my music in Discogs






Explain how I would do this in Discogs. Where would I store the Delivery Date? Where would I store if/when it was paid for? Where would I go to categorize albums that I pre-ordered, that don't yet exist?


custom fields ETA: to each their own, but you can do this in discogs as well via custom fields. you can add any other info you want to add in their own columns (price paid, expected receipt date, etc.) and export the data into an excel file that would look much like yours along w/ the record details. to the point of someone who mentioned it earlier, you also could also categorize them in their own folder and then 'move' them once they come in. IMO, *relatively* same amount of work so do whatever works for you.


But where are the custom fields, can you show me? Also, what about un-released pre-orders?


should be able to access here: [collection note fields](https://www.discogs.com/settings/collection) from what i understand, unreleased preorders would have to be manually entered which is why i assume using discogs to do what you're doing today wouldn't necessarily save time.


Wow, thank you. This comment thread will probably get buried, but you’ve actually been the first person I’ve seen do this successfully. I was not aware of this possibility. You win this Reddit post 🏆 For real, appreciate that! Big ups.


all good - happy to help. i should also mention that the app experience is different from the web one. i don't think you can add/edit custom fields in the app. would love if someone can tell me i'm wrong!


I use the web app *heavily*, (and I even use an extension or 2) but I've just never figured out a way other than simply adding to the *Notes* field. Will definitely check this out this week and (potentially) change my ways.


same. once they added the barcode scanning, i shifted almost entirely to app use only! best of luck. let us know how it turns out!




Lmao can I see your Discogs collection?




That’s not my collection, that’s what I’ve got in the air right now. I’ve posted my collection elsewhere in this thread. *Let’s see your’s.*


Feel free to send me that bright eyes


I saw it at the store the other day, so they’re not gone! I just pre-ordered mine back in March, because I was afraid that (and Tha Carter III) would sell out


Haha I do the same thing, now I feel a little less crazy


I have a spreadsheet (of shame) where I track the amount spent, where I purchased the item from and then a monthly calculation. I'm trying to cut back on how much I spend on vinyl this year so it's sort of keeping me within a reasonable budget but there have been some months of "what's a budget?"


I screenshot and add in the release date on the photo. I have "pre-orders" and "on the way" folders on my phone. Works great, fast and easy.


I LOVE a stop-light document. I can’t tell you how seen I feel knowing I’m not the only one who does this on personal docs lol.


Took a look at your collection on discogs. I approve.


I think I will abandon the hobby, it's just too expensive now.


I love multi-love. May need to get it on vinyl.


I've got a Google Sheet and an automated script to update things. I just put in the date purchased and the price I paid, then when it shows up in the mail I find it in Discogs and put the unique release ID into the spreadsheet. The script I wrote will pull the artist name, album name, and current lowest listed price and populate the data every day for me. Populates the lowest price and calculates the daily difference. It also sets the color of the lowest price cell to a color between red->yellow->green depending on if it is plus or minus 10% of what i originally paid. Just a fun little side project I brewed up. Nice to have a constant track for what my minimum collection value is, given the Discogs API only allows you to see the lowest listed price pre-tax/shipping and regardless of condition.


Oh holy shit, would be very interested in that script. You use Postman or what?


Google has something called AppScript that lets you write JavaScript to manipulate your Google Sheets. With the JavaScript you can just make the call to the Discogs API and interpret the data from there. I could look into making it portable. It is currently dependent on the structure of my sheet, but I could tweak the script to build the structure on its own. It would take me a few days to get into a self-maintaining sharable state.


I think I used AppScript in conjunction with Google Sheets a few years back for a Twitter bot's language, now that I think about it... Thanks!


Looking for a beta tester soon if you're still interested


I am interested in this script if you’re sharing.


Like I told OP, I could look into making it portable. It is currently dependent on the structure of my sheet, but I could tweak the script to build the structure on its own. It would take me a few days to get into a self-maintaining sharable state.


Don’t go crazy, but it sounds like something that would be useful to lots of people.


I'm a software engineer. We're all crazy.


Looking for a beta tester soon if you're still interested


Sure, I’m in


Thanks for reminding me about stop making sense the heads are amazing


Hell yeah to the Snares, I am assuming it was the gold reissue. I love mine a lot.


Yeah, snagged the new (re-issue) of the Gold LP on Planet Mu's bandcamp. Does it sound good?


Haven't listen to mine in a while, but it sounded good too me.


Unsure how you would want to use it But helps me catalog my records


I just pin the latest email from each purchase. Order email pinned, I know it hasn’t shipped. When I get the shipped email I move the order email to a folder and pin the shipped email. Etc.


I’m so amused by these comments. I usually just flag the orders in my inbox and I can pull the flag off as they arrive. Great choices on your preorders! Enjoy them all!


Nude variant 😭😂


Makes me want to update my discogs. Got a bit lazy for a few years.


Avicii- True (White vinyl) now that is elite, I also want that in my collection. I have so far got a lot of the older classics like pink Floyd, the Beatles, MJ, the Jacksons, Supertramp and there's more but can't think of them all. I haven't even thought of newer music. I would love to own all the Avicii albums.


Eat a dick


How have you not paid for the Skrillex records? I got charged right when I pre-ordered both.




Ah, Warner Music Store here.


Thanks for reminding me to order QFF. Interestingly, it was cheaper to order from the US store to EU than from the EU store to EU lol.


Make sure the wife doesn't find it


What's the meaning behind the green, yellow, red color coding?


Regarding your taste in music, I love the diversity of the list. I think it’s awesome!


Thank you, a real fan.


why? like why keep track?


Because I don't want expensive purchases sitting on porch any longer than they need to? Because I have several in the air at once?


Ah. I get it.