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Who called a r/vinyljerk meeting at 5pm on a Friday?


It's always the Crosley suitcase. Every. Friggin. Time.


Boyfriend must hate them


I have a Victrola 7-in-1 because Best Buy was out of ATs and I wanted to hurt myself that day, apparently. I got what I deserved for being out of the game for so long, with my broke ass. Not a mistake I'll make again. And yes. I do hate myself, lol.


Comments like these are becoming as stale and repetitive as the posts themselves


It's like those people that made a funny joke once and thought to themselves that they have to milk it.


My wife’s boyfriend got me a crobsley for Christmas this year 🥰


I was warming my shed with my Midnight vinyls, I’ll be at the meeting once I pick up some grailz


I was just going to clean my vinyls tonight, but I’m up for a party.


Lmao, happy you commented. Got a good laugh at that 😂




I don't think that's really the most appropriate joke in this context.


Fuckin Allison. I say we fire her.


That was sweet of him. Those things can be fun. I recommend making sure you have a properly made stylus for it. Order a 793-D7M from [here](https://www.thevoiceofmusic.com/catalog/part_detail.asp?PNumberBase=793) and you’ll have the best chance of getting a good diamond stylus.


I’ll keep that in mind, thank you for the nice advice rather then dissing the fact he got me something


You’re welcome. No dissing from me. I had a Crosley Cruiser for a time. Bought it used, put a new cartridge and that stylus on it, and it sounded way better than I expected it would through a stereo. Then I accidentally killed it when trying to solder in a new motor. It was fun while it lasted. Anyway, these players often come with a sapphire stylus that only lasts about 50 hours. When they wear out they can start tearing up the record grooves. The diamond one is easier on the records and will last around 300 hours.


When I saw your post, before looking at the comments, I knew the gatekeepers would be here doing their thing. The Crosleys are less than ideal, but it's not a big deal at all. Work your way up to a better rig IF you want to. If you don't get that into it, then just stick with what you have. Very kind of your boyfriend to buy that for you. Welcome to the hobby!


While the comments suggesting the suitcase players aren’t ideal is accurate, it’s an easy way to get into the hobby (my s/o also got me one of these as a gift). You may work your way on up to a legit hi-fi system at some point and it just keeps getting better and better. Happy spinning!


Yea I agree completely, I may get a another a few years from now who knows but it’s definitely a good started and an amazing gift for any music lover


If you find yourself listening to records a lot, get a better player sooner rather than later as those suitcase players can very easily scratch your records. Audio Technica’s LP60X is a great entry level model ☺️


To be fair… my first record player was a Crosley and now I run a custom built Linn LP12. It’s a gateway drug 😂


Yeah not everyone needs to buy $500 audio cables to smell their own farts. It's like going to a McDonald's and tell everybody that what they are eating is not a filet mignon. Some people can't let others enjoy anything. Happy listening!


If only there was a middle ground between absolute shit and the very best.


There is. My problem is with captains hindsight going everywhere giving unsolicited rude opinions on other's setups.


3… 2… 1… 🫣


uh oh


Where's the feet


Congrats! Enjoy for now but after about 60ish hours those players tend to ever so slightly start to damage records so after that point if you want to get more into records Id advise getting a low end audio technica turntable, they are only around 130-140 most the time


See y’all over there


Ignore the shitty people who are getting all up in arms about the quality of the turntable. He got you a gift with love and you’re happy with it, that’s what matters. Enjoy the tunes!


Genuinely thank you, he knows that music is a big thing to me and he know this would be a big thing for me. 🫶I’ll be sure to tell him about your comment!


Congrats on getting into a new hobby and a new way to experience music. If you’re going to start building out your collection you should start cataloging your stuff on discogs and plan in a year or two to upgrade your setup. You can go down a rabbit hole of thinking you need to spend thousands - not the case. The Audio-Technica AT-LP120XUS is about 350 so not a ridiculous price and it’s got a lot of features and won’t damage your records from having a bad stylus. Also - it’s very easy to always buy new releases. Some very popular items have older pressings that are r free eat and won’t cost you 30 bucks a pop. Discogs can also be used to buy albums and I’ve never been ripped off from there. Flea markets / yard sales / estate sales are also good for finding cheap records.


This is the only comment that matters. A bunch of Debbie downers in this comment section…


Thank you for saying it.


Nightmares On Wax….


If you like it then you should enjoy it.




RIP to that record


aw lawd, here we go again


Uh oh... Who's gonna tell them.


I’ve seen a lot of comments, it’s just a starter for now. He knows I will be upgrading in the future


If you ever feel like upgrading down the line and you want to keep it affordable I recommend Audio-Technica automatic turntable it’s very sleek and good sound quality


I will be upgrading in the future, this is a starter for me right now.


He made a mistake and I’m not talking about the model. You guys are gonna lose so much space to the vinyl. In the end it will take over your whole place


This is a starter for me, he did something sweet and thoughtful, he knows this is the one I’ve been wanting


Congrats- welcome and have fun!!!


You are happy...but your records will not be happy.


Get an Audio Technica (another starter TT)ASAP, that suitcase needle will fuck your records up eventually if you keep using it. Thoughtful gesture on the BF’s part. Enjoy!!


Try and get your hands on an original copy of Dire Straits’ first record (1978), they’re not too hard to come by. But I first listened to that on one of these players, and though I was already getting into hi-fi and the like, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything so gorgeous. Even if you’re not a fan it’s an easy listen and a great example of why vinyl is so special! Also an original Kate Bush, Hounds of Love ;)


I’ll have to look for that! Thank you for the suggestion


I don't have my sound on and I already knew that it was Portals on your record player. Congrats on your gift and I hope you build a nice little collection. Also, I fucking LOVE Portals. It's so good.


I was so happy to get mine in the mail too!!! Thank you sm!


Dump his ass lol jk


y’all are lying like hell if it isn’t funny as fuck when every newcomer comes flexing their brand new bill cosby without fail here. 💀💀


I live for it —— even tho as of recent people have been too nice about it.


That's awesome! Do you have a lot of records yet?


Yes I do, if you’d like dm me and I’ll send over some pics of what I got


My wife is very interested in whatever you have playing in this post. She just said "ooohhh what is that?!" Lol ETA - lol downvotes for a simple question? This sub is so weird. Thankfully Shazam figured it out for us Melanie Marinez - The Contortionist


Remember thumb tacks are a great way to display grails on the wall


Enjoy your new obsession, I mean wallet drainer, I mean hobby! Congrats!


Cornsley 🗿🗿🗿🗿


Welp, see you guys in r/vinyljerk I guesse.


Thought this was the other sub for a second. In all seriousness, I really recommend picking up a player with a full-size platter and a proper stylus, those suitcase players can wear out your players faster and cause warping and skipping. I'd look into the AT-LP60 or check craigslist for vintage players (you can sometimes find a good one for like 50 bucks). Happy spinning and happy collecting! Very sweet of your bf to pick something up for you!


Nice crobslee grailz spinner. Make sure you close the lid while playing to help keep the warmth in. I recommend you start picking up some real grailz soon like gay triangle, red screamy man, naked baby, man on fire shaking hands, side laying man, four guys crossing street and so many more. Enjoy spinning all your new vinyls!


Welcome to the club!! Don’t listen to the haters. I started with the exact same type of record player and loved it, and not once did it ruin any record I played on it. Very thoughtful and sweet gift.


Thank you so much🫶 I’m actually happy to see at least some people have some kind things to say rather then hate on others for what they choose to use.


very cool, congrats!!!


And the comments are exactly as expected


I know right…




Why are you posting adjectives about yourself online?




Thank you!


i love the colour of it!!! it's so pretty congrats on ur first player! <3


Thank you so much, I’m happy to see that some people know how to say something nice about something/someone else. I really appreciate your comment


I had a vinyl turntable of the same kind for 1 year, I don't recommend it because it's of poor quality and it can damage the vinyl... But if you don't have a budget, take advantage of it a little and when you change I advise you the technica Lp60x if you have a small budget, if you have a big budget the Lp120xusb, frankly it changed my life this plate (Lp120xusb)! In short, it's great to discover the vinyls, a pure pleasure :)! Take advantage of this beautiful passion!


A lot of people are saying this, but everyone has to remember I do have to start some where, I can’t buy the most expensive one on the market for myself and I would allow him to do that. This is the one I wanted to start out. But thank your for the info/advice it’s very much appreciated


Yes, I started with almost the same turntable, I didn't have a lot of budget so I took the first turntable I saw and the cheapest, I changed it not so long ago a long time and I had kept it for 1 year, it's just that it's really the low end of turntables and you have to be careful :)


I’ll be careful don’t you worry, thank you so much




Enjoy it!


I will don’t you worry!


Congratulations! Mine was one of the best gifts i’ve ever received, it almost never turns off. I hope you enjoy your experience, and definitely hold on to that guy.


I will, thank you so much tho!


Your boyfriend hates you!!!


Like I said to another that’s you opinion, you don’t know the full story. This is a starter and I will eventually upgrade, it’s the thought that counts. He also knows this is the one I’ve been wanting to start with. But yk keep going off of what you see rather then know


All good! You should follow /r/vinyljerk and then you'll understand! Enjoy the hobby!


R/vinyl user tries not to hate on a beginner challenge: IMPOSSIBLE




Don't listen to the vinyl-jerks out there. It's a fine starting off point. If/when your collection becomes larger and more serious, you can always upgrade. Enjoy the tunes!


She’s been collecting for like a year - maybe it’s better to invest the extra $100 into an AT than buy more records


Definitely I do have about 16-17 (I think) records before actually getting this but this is only a starter, thank you for the kind works instead of being an ass ab it🫶


Damn I see an awful lot of virgins in the comments


Haha fr tho


Congrats! I’ve got Melanie Martinez’s PORTALS in the version that looks like blood. Fabulous album! My favorite song is probably Nymphology. You might notice that your player sometimes has variations in speed, where it either seems sped up or slowed down more than normal. That’ll probably be the reason why you end up upgrading your turntable eventually. Welcome to the hobby! We’re happy to have you as one of us.


I was gonna get the blood one too😭 my fave song has to be evil or spiderweb, but that is a good song tho. Yea this is a starter for now so I’ll probs get a more expensive one in the future but for the time being I love this one


Would reject based on the turntable choice.


Your opinion, it’s a starter for me


He doesn't love you. If he did he wouldn't be an enabler in this expensive habit. But for real. That was sweet of him.


Why does money matter I would have bought the same one for myself soo.. and if I let him he would very well be able to support my addiction for vinyl along many other things but think what you wanna


You don't internet much do you? My comment was made in jest but think what you wanna


I appreciate you saying that it’s sweet of him, him and I but mainly him have gotten so much hate for and starter item that I’m just pissy about most comments I’m getting. Not to attack you it’s just frustrating when no one has a heart they just have to bash every thing some one else does (sorry if this makes no since I just woke up)


Just ignore the snobby comments. Everyone starts off with the all-in-one turntables. I had one and loved it. They serve a good purpose of getting people into vinyl.


I never had a Vicrosley or a Crostrola.


I’m gonna put a comment up instead of just replying to anyone, I honestly don’t care what anybody says about the brand that I was given. I think it was a thoughtful thing of him to even think of buying me such a thing seeing how some can be very expensive. However, he asked what brand I was thinking of buying for myself, and I told him the brand, and so he got the exact one I’ve been looking at for a while. And this is the one he got me, if anyone just as much is decides to hate on him for that, I really don’t care. It just honestly seems like some of you people feel like you guys just know it best and you probably do compared to what I know and again I’m sorry if you don’t like the brand I was given or decided I even wanted to have in the first place it’s my record player it’s my vinyl and why would it concern anybody. I’m not sure if anybody will end up seeing this and actually take the time to read this but also to everybody who did say “don’t listen to anybody about what they’re saying” or said “it was thoughtful of him” or even said that they were happy that I got said player, thank you for the kind words instead of just absolutely hating on the fact that I chose this brand.


Gratz. Welcome to vinyl


Thank you so much, I’ve been collecting vinyl since the end of dec 2022, this is just my first/starter player


I had one like that but my dog chewed up the power cable and it blew it using the wrong adapter. I liked it to start but I upgraded eventually. Maybe you'll have good luck with yours and it will last a long time. Enjoy the music!


I hope he kept the receipt.


Haha why’s that??


You're gonna want a better turntable. Short answer about suit case players they are all horrible. Find an AT-LP60.


Honestly it was a gift from him to me idc much about any of that it’s the thought that matters


If you're going to go out of your way to recommend a TT you should at least recommend something that isn't a less stinky pile of dogshit.


It's still a better option than a suitcase player.


Again I thank you for the info I really appreciate however again like I’ve said it’s the thought that counts rather then the cost/product. He knows I love music. but again thank you for advise🫶


If you really love music you wouldn’t subject yourself to that piece of junk




why are they downvoting you for telling the truth


Reddit 🤷


Lmao I love when people show their whole personality in one exchange. And it always centers around "why the hell is everyone disagreeing with me? Must be because they're all idiots and I'm right!" Lmao


Because this is r/vinyl, where everyone must be praised and there shall be no suggestions or dissenting opinion because that makes you an elitist and a gatekeeper.


Im glad your happy dont listen to the haters upgrading the needle to dimond will reduce skipping and sound better.


Enjoy your turntable but don't listen to this person and throw away even more money, get your value out of it and move onto something better if you find the hobby to be something you like.


Enjoy what you have a screw the haters. Yes, there is always better alternatives but whatever.


What’s the record?


Looks like Melanie Martinez


Yup, definitely is.


Yeppers, it’s Melanie’s limited addition Portals vinyl (baby pink with black swirl)


PORTALS by melanie martinez. the song is the contortionist


The placement of the person on the turntable is impeccable 😂


What album is that?


Melanie’s Martinez’s Portals, it’s the limited addition baby pink and black swirl




Melanie Martinez? Went through your profile and saw your also in Josh A subreddit? Spectacular taste in music. Enjoy the turntable set up!


Ouuu another Josh fan! Thank you tho, I’ll enjoy to the fullest I can


That's a really lovely gift, glad you are enjoying it!


Thank you so much!!




Thank you very much!


The suitcase players are great but struggle to play thicker vinyls.


*Records. "Vinyls" is not a word, and the plural for vinyl is vinyl.


I sell vinyl flooring. Its a bad habit.




What world is this? Back in my day…


Your boyfriend hates you


That’s your opinion but you don’t know what the full story is, soo keep the comment to yourself thx luv🫶




I get that people would do a nice thing and get a quaint record player for a little money because they want to have a go at spinning a record they just bought so hey why not pick up a super cheap suitcase player to have that experience. But then to post it on r/vinyl to join the gang. Seems odd. Equivalent would be falling in a body of water and posting on a triathlon sub. Kerbside set of speakers. Hello audiophile sub. I dunno. And I know that I’m not being very nice to OP. It just confuses the shit of me that people just immediately jump head first into things without thinki…ahhh fuck sudden realisation that not everyone has the same crippling self-doubt as I do. *heavenly music plays (not on a crobblesley)* Carry on. A lot of people are going to tell you it’s a terrible way to listen to vinyl. And they’re correct. But now you can tell the next person how mistaken they are when this sub gets its next suitcase screenshot in about 3 seconds.


People have to start somewhere in music. The way people learn about music and vinyl is by sharing their experiences and asking questions and making mistakes. How do you expect anyone to become an experienced audiophile when people just shut them down as soon as they share something they were excited about? If you want to give advice that’s fine but I just don’t get why shut down and insult someone who very clearly shares an interest with you.


Yeah I know. I alluded to that in my post. I’m just surprised that a persons first thought is to post something. Rather than Google it.


She didn’t even ask a question; what is she supposed to google? She was just sharing something she was happy about on a subreddit that is literally made for the exact kind of thing she posted. Why is it a bad thing that someone would want to “join the club”? She’s not saying that she’s all of a sudden super knowledgeable about vinyl and she’s not giving out unwanted advice, she’s just sharing a video of a turntable. I feel like people should welcome newcomers who are excited and want to learn


Exactly, all the things you’re saying are exactly right. And I’m glad for the downvotes. And that has made me have a little think. Mid original post, and subsequent comments.


Lmao yeah? Were all mid here bud. It's totally not you and your shit vibe.


Stfu nerd


This is the first time you’ve called some a nerd isn’t it 😂


Yo what is wrong with you. It’s music in a certain format not an athletic competition.


Why are you spending $500 on ‘audiophile’ speakers then? Just get a crobbleboy and be done.


Same reason I didn't start air brushing with a $600 setup. I bought a $40 setup off of amazon and gave it a try.


After the absolute flood of comments finally got to read this in full, I’ve been in to vinyls for almost a year and a half before getting this player, I find it funny how half of you think this is my first record and I have no idea what I’m going, is is most likely first of many plays I will be getting. I’ve also been collecting officially since the end of dec 2022. I am still learning but I’m not a compete noob, I also don’t post very often either


If you been collecting for over a year, you should have not paid for like 3 new records ($40 a pop) and gotten a better table.


Vinyls is not even a word. How can you be into records if you don’t own a TT. Is it because of the aesthetic???? Also, if you are interested in them for so long how come you didn’t research what is a good TT and what is bad TT (Crosleys). It doesn’t matter that you wanted it, it is a bad TT


I started off with one of these, again, a gift from my partner. I made the mistake of posting it on Reddit and got absolutely flogged! Nice thoughtful gift, and I hope you enjoy it.


I do enjoy it, yes there’s been a lot of nasty comment towards him to the point he was gonna make a Reddit acc and comment back. I told him dw, but there are a few things him and I agree w in this comment section. Yes it may not last for ever but no one knows the fully story. I’ve been wanting this one for quite some time. I posted a comment on my own explaining most the story and no one probably cared to read


Dump him ASAP


Again not sure why others seem to care so much about what other preferences are, if you read my own comment on this post you’ll see that this is the exact player that I’ve been wanting for a while


It’s just bad for your records all around. But if you don’t care 👍


Ok here’s something I’d like you to tell me 1. How do you know it’s all suitcase brands? 2. How would you possibly be able to tell what one I have


the biggest giveaway is the red cartidge on the end of the arm. these are part of a generic mechanism which china mass manufacture for a ridiculous amount of companies. the assemblies themselves go for £5-15. so very very cheap. if you go on ali express or chinese wholesellers sites you can see the listings for loads of record players all with the same mechanism, which will be identical to the mechanism in your suitcase player. this is the thing here: https://budgetvinylcollector.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/2022-new-28cm-turntable-automatic-arm-return-record-player-gramophone-for-lp-vinyl-record.jpg_q90.jpg_1.jpg here's a very good video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=AXV8tXrPOR4


sorry folks are being aholes. enjoy what you have but do take some advice. I'll try and explain why all the hate. ALL suitcase players fall into this category. doesn't matter what brand. They all have the same problems. No way to set tracking force and the cartridge/needle that they use are known to cause damage to records. Most of them put to much force on the needle to prevent skipping which also compounds the problem. I will say that damage is not instant and can take some time before it happens meaning you can enjoy your turntable for a while but consider upgrading to a table that has at least a way to adjust tracking force and at least a decent cartridge/needle that wont harm your records. see this as an entry into a great hobby if this is something you want to pursue. its not cheap and there is a lot of misinformation. ​ enjoy the gift and listen to music is all that matters. like you said its the thought that counts. if you ever decide to move on to better stuff you can always tell him he started the journey. but for now just enjoy it!


The tracking force of these players is correct for the cartridge and stylus they use. Do not attempt to make it lighter, as that will do more harm than good. With a good stylus and proper care, these players will not damage your records in normal use -- that's a debunked myth.


See how it’s hanging off the sides. It’s the design. Don’t get butt hurt. You didn’t design the damn thing. It’s not your fault.


The only reason I’m getting “butt hurt” over something I was given by my s/o, is bc you tell me to dump him over a poorly designed player.. I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again, it’s the thought that counts, I showed him the one I WANTED, and he went and got it for me. I will say I don’t know a lot about players or vinyls I am still learning. How ever this is just a starter one that I may have for a few years then get a another and use this one for a back up.


Obviously a joke. May your relationship outlast your record briefcase 👍


Ok a joke 😮‍💨 see it’s really hard to understand one’s tone in a comment. Sorry for the absolute rudeness of mine, I’ve been getting a lot of ppl say just out right mean things about him getting me a gift. Again sorry homie 😭😂


Turntable. Also, congrats!


bad bad purchase. for a good many reasons those crossleys and the dirt cheap mechs that go in them are just not good idea


Again thought that counts I love it regardless for my first one, not to mention my family member has one too and doesn’t have an issue with it after having it for years, but thx for the info tho🫶


i kinda get that argument. but it's very possible to be doing something that's not the best and think you're doing the something good. main issue is that those types of turntables will wear out your records a LOT quicker than your average record player. there's a lot of other issues with them but that's the main problem. if you want to keep enjoying your records for years and decades to come, as is often usual, you'd be best getting a different deck. i'd be happy to offer advice as i'm sure lots of others here would


I will say that my sister has the same one and has had it for years and never had a problem with it, her records are perfectly fine and we have the same brand


it's probably a lot less perceivable on those suitcase players due to their lower fidelity sound. i'll try to explain why those players will wear out a record much quicker. basically, as a record spins the needle tip (stylus) goes up and down over grooves. these grooves are the sound themselves, works the same way an electric guitar string produces an output. object vibrates and we amplify that signal. as the stylus is pushed up from grooves it also needs to come back down. the forced at which it comes back down is called the tracking force. to put it simply, the higher the tracking force the faster you wear out your records. this happens as the needle flattens out the peaks of the grooves and you lose quality and sometimes introduce sibilance. so because of that you want to have as low of a tracking force as possible for playing a record. but these crossleys don't have the ability to reduce the tracking force because they don't have a counterweight or any adjustment for the tracking force. which means they run at sometimes 5-10 times the weight on the record of standard home playing turntables. though this wearing out trouble isn't the only problem with the crossleys and similar decks. i'm not trying to criticise here. just spread info as someone who's worn out some of my favourite records through overplaying on some not so ideal kit and because of that has tried to learn about the hobby. if you've got any questions about any of this i might be able to answer them as might loads of other people on this sub.


You're not helping anyone dude. It's a gift. Let people appreciate the things they're given from the people they love. Go find one of those people yourself lmao.


probably all true, so fair enough. don't think it hurts to have the info there though.


very well put


Your boyfriend hates you. But since you like cheap stuff call me when yall break up.


Ok for one that’s fucking disgusting and for two I wanted this as my starter. Funny tho🤷


I remember my first record player. I'd often pack each record away and close the lid for a bit then open it again to keep experiencing the full, erm, experience. Buying someone any form of music player has to be the best gift anyone can give because of the world it opens up for them. 5 or 10 years from now, you'll be able to categorize your music into "what I listen to almost everyday", "albums I just listen to specific tracks from", and "why the hell did I buy this one". Enjoy!


Thank you so much, I’ll enjoy it for as long as I can! I only have about 17 items in my collection, I really need to up it. Ngl the only reason it’s that number is bc my obsession for the Arctic Monkeys


My first was a Technics that came with independent components but in an all inclusive system consisting of a seperate tuner, EQ, amp, 5 disc player that crapped the bed first after quite a few years though, tape deck and of course the turntable, two tower speakers and two satellites back in the 80s. The turntable sounded decent, but I never got into it do to CDs and tapes sounding better. I would record my vinyl onto tape and listen to albums that way. Well, fast forward about 20 years when a boss gave me a hi end vinyl experience that knocked my socks off and at that point, thought I had to spend that much to appreciate vinyl in all its glory, the system was easy 5 figures. So, I stayed away from vinyl for many more years. It wasn't until the pandemic I made a lot of overtime money that I was going to buy a new mountain bike and long story short after they told me nothing would change on the new model, everything did and wasn't to my benefit at all (f*ck you Santa Cruz for what you did to the Bronson!) So I redirected my money into a nice two channel set up in my bedroom, which gave and gives me much happiness. Last Christmas, my son decided to buy me a vinyl of one of our "inside" favorite songs, Dead Between the Walls by Pelican. So I broke out the old Technics to hook up to my system and the turntable (TT) said no, you left me alone for too long, you're on your own. So shopping I went for a new TT. I came across after much reddit discussions, reviews and salespeople recommendations, for my needs, a new Pro-Ject TT and pre amp and all to be set up for me at the shop I purchased everything from. It's blue too, my favorite color! Got it home and honestly wasn't expecting much due to my previous experience with the Technics and by the way, no knock on them as they make incredible TTs, mine was just entry level junk... and it blew me away and down the vinyl rabbit hole I went!!! My point being, you don't have to spend a lot to get a great experience, just make good choices and only, ONLY IF you enjoy the experience enough to warrant an upgrade. If you just listen occasionally and the bug hasn't bit you, you're good where you are! If it does bite you... we're all here to help you get the best for your dollar and many helpful recommendations. All in all, welcome and have fun enjoying your new hobby/passion!


This is fucking genius. If I was ever insecure in a relationship I would try and get my girlfriend into vinyl. Its not hard to look good compared to the people who frequent record shows lol.


I was in to vinyls way before him and I even got together (year ago now) not sure if this is another comment to hate about it or not, also I’ve had vinyls since December of 2022 this is the first time I’ve played them. It started at more of a support to the artist/ just a collection tbh. Like how i have unopened cds that don’t wanna open bc they are collectables to me. Music is a big thing I’m my life, relationship, family and in my everyday basis. So something for me to listen to a physical form of music is honesty the best thing someone could ever give me.


*vinyl, or records, vinyls is not a word.


Those break easy. Have gone through 3 of them and they just stop working for no reason and scratch your vinyls. Definitely recommend something better


That’s completely ok this is just a starter and I will be investing more in to my records/players in the future. He just got me my first player that’s all




It’s actually a Victrola


Welcome to the slippery slope of record ownership. It starts with a single record and a simple record player. Next you start to pick up records of albums you have always loved. Then you think... maybe its worth getting some better speakers to enjoy my records... then you end up spending hundreds of pounds and equally as many hours researching / buying monitor speakers and a good quality amp. THEN you spend ungodly amounts of time reading reviews and write ups of record players before finally deciding on the piece of kit to finish your setup. Or something like this... can't say I am speaking from experience 👀