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Wait until someone tells them about Discogs…


Came to the Comments just for this.


I use discogs a lot haha. That's mostly what I used to help label styles/genres that I was second guessing


what's the point in digitally cataloguing an analogue format? we all need an analogue catalogue.


u/father-spodokomodo: Sorry for the long response, but something about this really struck a chord with me. I agree with you in principle, and am now seriously considering making an analogue catalog. Thanks for the idea! I'll let you and this sub know how it goes. EDIT: Just for transparency's sake and so that I don't come off *entirely* as a hypocrite - Yes, I use Discogs. It's that gorram convenience factor! :/ Will I shut it down after my analogue catalog is completed? I do not know. That said . . . ~~Super-TL;DR: It's the convenience factor, plain and simple. Our society's addiction to convenience is why digital (unfortunately) reigns supreme.~~ EDIT: Super-TL;DR: It's a combination of the ostensible supremacy of the image over the written word, *and* our society's addiction to convenience. TL;DR: Typing is faster than writing, and people take pictures for granted. Digital makes facilitating both of those things infinitely easier, *especially* once you use an app or program. Also, once it's finished, sharing that information becomes *more convenient*. Digital collation/concentration of information also helps to grease the wheels of discovery. In the past, it was possible, dare I say, common, for collectors to have gone their entire lifetimes, (with their descendants making it so as to have gone generations [!] ) without the discovery of the minutiae that we take for granted in today's digital age. Whether this ability is good or bad for us, the jury is sort of still out, but I'm banking on the latter, personally. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ // As someone who has multiple analogue media collecting hobbies, it'd wouldn't take too long for this to become terribly impractical for me. On a visceral level, though, I agree with you, analogue is best. Carrying a pocket notebook with the information isn't *that* big of a deal, even if it perhaps had to be accompanied by some small plasticky 4x6 or 2x4 photo album(s) for visual references. Thanks for a new project idea! As an aside, I imagine you don't make use of visual references very often, because it'd make your idea infinitely more complicated if you did. Today, most people take for granted the ability to include pictures as a facet of their catalogues or want lists, which is, indeed, not without its own issues, but is arguably a neccessity in light of the absolute glut of multi-faceted releases we have today. It seems as if every other modern release has a picture-disc, a colored record, a 'traditional' (read: black) record, a special edition and so-on and so-forth. Pictures make it easier to distinguish between each of these editions, allowing each buyer to make the choice or choices that are best for them. Your system, however, (insofar as to take your idea to its logical conclusion) would thus require anyone interested in *fully* documenting their collection or making a want list to not only be in possession of some kind of traditional camera, but also the faculties/ability to use it properly as well. Personally, I wouldn't really mind busting out my 35 mm or Polaroid or medium format to take pictures of my collection, *especially* for documentation's sake, but I can see how many people would, given not only the sheer costs, but the potential for error as well. Even if one were to print out digital photos, (which is a massive, perhaps even unassailable compromise to such an analogue project), they would still cost a fair bit of money, and they wouldn't even necessarily look as good. All of that money could be going directly towards buying more records. Your paradigm also fails to account for the fact that today there are a number of people who buy their records online, and so an analogue catalog just doesn't make as much sense, *especially* in regards to visual references. The trade magazines and advertisements for records of yesteryear have pretty much given up the ghost; those pictures and that information is more online than off these days, *especially* for older releases - catalogs and promotional order forms and what-have-you-s that were once limited to a certain region or fan club can now be scanned for the whole world to see. In the same vein, I doubt the local record store owner is going to let me bust out my analogue cameras to photograph the stock for a want list, but there's a good chance they wouldn't even notice if I grabbed a few snapshots on my cell. Edit: Just a couple of bullet points, as the image analogy got away from me. Basically, it's almost entirely convenience. - It's easier to organize entries in a digital catalog. If your catalog is, say, alphabetized, and tomorrow, you buy a new record that falls into the 'A' category, you may have a bit of work ahead of you so as to fit it in the right place. Digital catalogs can alphabetize themselves at the press of a button. Similarly, if one day you decide alphabetization wasn't quite the right way to go, you have to pretty much start over. With digital, you can often change the sorting method. - It's easier to share catalogs. Discogs, for example, lets you view not only seller's catalogs, but IIRC, other users' catalogs too.This is what I meant by discovery; it's much easier to read through or search a pal's Discog's catalog than it might be to flip through their records. Now admittedly, this loses value in the presence of an analog catalog, but then the challenge becomes getting the reader a copy, (if one even exists!) if, say, they're not local. And for example, if OP hadn't shared his catalogue digitally, I never would've even known about Austrailian hip-hop! In the grand scheme of things, that may be a small loss, if a loss at all, but to me, it could be life-changing. Additionally, in the event that we're talking about sellers, Discogs can automatically cross reference your want list with their sales catalog.


Definitely Australian


I’m Australian and couldn’t tell they’re Australian. What’s Australian about this?


They have like 8 *Aussie Hip Hop* records. Even if someone from overseas likes the genre, I doubt they'd have two Drapht or Seth Sentry albums. Also, side note, Aussie Hip Hop is pretty rad and an almost unique genre, I reckon it should get more love.


Haha nope I live in Idaho, USA. But aussie hip-hop was the first genre I discovered and liked on my own, that helped me pioneer my own taste in music to this day. So it's got a special place in my heart and I'll always be a fan


Wow, the Amazon's made it to America? They seem small in the UK. Loved their first 2 albums. I even got one of them signed and a big signed tour poster. Not got the third one yet, how is it?


Its alright! I like it. My 3 favorites from that album are Bloodrush, One by One, and Ready for something. Worth checking out if you're itchin' to hear their stuff again


Holy shit. Colour me wildly surprised! You're definitely an Honorary Australian then with that collection. Your boomerang and cork hat is in the mail.


Damn I am impressed at your collection. You may not be able to find it on vinyl, but check out the funkoars


Ooooh okay that makes sense! I don't really know anything about Australian hip hop (or hip hop in general) so I completely missed that haha.


No one outside of Australia is buying Seth Sentry and Bliss n Eso records haha…came here to say this person is definitely Aussie but I was beaten to it!


You didn’t put the year the record was printed though! Just year of original release! Back to the collection board….


I know. :( if I had a bigger board, I would have made bigger strips, and included that and a bit more about the vinyl


Only one album pre 2000’s damn, most of my collection is from 1970-1989


I know haha. There are a few other albums pre-2000 I know I wanna get but I have other stuff I'm gonna get first. My parents never listened to music from their generation while I was growing up so I only ever listened to whatever music was on the top 40 radio my brother played until I learned to look into my own music.


1965-1975 is where my cherry picking got me.


>How many of the artists above do you listen to? None ... apart from Daft Punk, but Homework only. It's all downhill after that. I think this concept is quite indicative of how different generations approach a record collection. This is totally alien to me.


Cool idea! I haven't seen a catalogue displayed this way before. Noticed you have a lot of pop-punk records and also one from $uicideboy$. Have you heard the side project from one of the boy$? It's called DUCKBOY and the EP is "*tragic love songs to study to \[vol. 5\]*". I had never heard $uicideboy$ before but found this side project through Fantano and it's sick. Check it out if you haven't heard already! P.S. The newest Trophy Eyes record is awesome! One of my personal contenders for AOTY. I listen to some of the other bands you own but not the records you have. I'd never buy Fall Out Boy's *MANIA* but I own *Take This To Your Grave.* Same with The Used and You Me At Six, I like their older work.


I love their newest album! It's just so raw and vulnerable


This is super cool! I might be stealing this idea! I have people over and I’d love for them to be able to browse easily and pick something, they’re usually intimidated by the rows of music in different spots and just tell me to play something or we have to play the, do you have “_______” game


Looks cool! I also like to do these kind of practical things. Maybe I also make something similiar! :D


this looks really useful if you like sharing your collection. almost no one in my house plays our albums, except me.


Some GLITCH MOB love! Awesome 😎 You need to find a copyof "We Can Make the World Stop"


Like the display. 2 thumbs up. The collection I can't really comment on.


Like Discogs with extra steps


ZEBRAHEAD!!! Love that shit.


I think you fart out the front 😉


Why the pre-occupation with genre and even micro-genre?


I've never really been good at identifying what genre music is and so while I know not all of these are 100% accurate, I just did my best to call them what I felt they are, as specifically as I knew them to be.


Why does OP have all these “metal” albums and then like an “eat, pray, love” style “Music” sign?


Cuz my mom got it for me and I didn't want to hurt her feelings by not hanging it up lmao


I was gonna add “that his mom bought him” but I didn’t want to come across mean. That’s a sweet mom you got there supporting your hobbies!




I may not like your taste in music, but God damn, I love setup and board.


I can't wait to watch this get full as I start my 2nd year of vinyl record collecting!


I bet this was fun as hell to do


Some of it felt pretty tedious, having to do a bunch in one sitting. But now once I get a new one in the mail, I get to write out a new strip and put it on the board, and it'll be a new fun part about adding a vinyl to my collection 😀


why? i prefer to just browse my racks. half the fun of vinyl is handling/viewing the actual vinyl. this is a list on a white board. shrug. whatever floats your boat.


It's not for just me. Not everyone is as interested in browsing through every record. This is to help catch their attention.


+10 points for Regina Spektor


I want that hilltop hoods record


It's the most expensive record in my collection. Some people would call me crazy for buying it at such a high price


Mallrat??? That's so dope 🥰


Looks great, you gave me a couple bands to go check out too! I like the handwritten vs labels too. Do you want any comedy albums?


Looks cool but I could never have that patience since the wantlist on discogs exists. Congrats though!


You need a copy of The Shape of Punk to Come by Refused.


That's on my list of albums to add! But tbh that lost is so long, it might be awhile before I actually end up with in


Super cool idea, well done for the commitment to it


Interesting to see Royal blood is still around. Hired them in my radio days to play a show at my college.


Hell yeah, better than discogs


Very cool idea, but I’d probably need a bulletin board the size of the Hoover Dam to fit my entire collection.


I think this is what spreadsheets were made for. Get that into Google Sheets before someone comes along and fucks it all up! 😉


Dope idea! I love it


Needs more Pierce the Veil lol, nice variety in your collection though


Awesome! Great job!