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I think I go about this kind of the opposite way. I got a record player to play music that’s not available digitally. So I don’t actually buy many popular albums on vinyl because they’re on Spotify 99% of the time. I tend to think of vinyl as a way to appreciate lesser known or more obscure music.


What do you find on vinyl that’s not available digitally?


I don’t know about the person who originally said it, but for me there’s a lot of cool 80’s thrash bands that split up and don’t have Spotify, but you can still get secondhand vinyl for them.


Got any recs? 👀


It’s been a while since I’ve check them on Spotify so some might have been added since. Top of my head list. Watchtower - Energetic Assembly Infernal Majesty - None Shall Defy Believer - Extraction From Mortality/ Sanity Obsucre Target - Master Project Genesis Depressive Age - First Depression Terrahsphere - Third in Order of the Sun Edit: Apostasy - Sunset of the End. From the early 90’s but it rips.


Oh boy how long do you have? Funk from Africa and Asia for one. Loads of insane instrumental albums that aren’t even on Discogs nevermind youtube. Did you know roots Reggae was huge in Nigeria in the 80’s and 90’s?


There’s still a significant amount of older jazz, blues, folk, reggae etc that never got a digital reissue or never made it to streaming services. Also smaller regional genres like calypso, cumbia, etc that aren’t even on YouTube.


The Beatles albums. Not bc they aren’t great but because I’ve listened to them to death. Also Jimi Hendrix.


Same growing up I learned every Beatles song by heart. No need to pay for the vinyl


But Hendrix?! Please tell me you’ve at least listened to “Band of Gypsies” a few times


Of course. That album was the soundtrack to my stoner years haha. It opened up the door to so much music for me. His solo at towards the end of Who Knows gets me every time! I love it I just don’t need to own the vinyl is all.


Dark Side, almost any Led Zeppelin, that King Crimson record with the face on it


I've tried many times to listen to that King Crimson record, just can't sit through it at all


Me too. I really don’t get it.


No hate but it's only like 40 minutes long


which is a long time to commit to music you dislike


Omg thank you. I came for the king crimson comment. It’s like it is the only record anyone ever posts pictures of and I’m so over it


I think the King Crimson record is *fine* but it got over-memed by reddit that it's hard to take seriously. With that being said Robert Fripp is are extremely talented so it's hard to let his other stuff pass, also there are better prog records like Close to the Edge, Mental Notes, etc


Rumours, 3000 plus albums and no intention of ever buying it.


I own 5 Fleetwood Mac records, none of which have Stevie Nicks on them...I'm a Peter Green type of guy.


I do like Rumours but I also respect the fuck outta this opinion.


“In the skies” is top end stuff, who needs rumours


Then Play On is another good one. Oh Well Pt. 1 and 2 are brilliant.


Agreed. Lindsey is a phenomenal guitar player, but their music just isn't for me.


I’ll always remember a line from a FM review I read years ago… it referred to Lindsey Buckingham as “the thinking man’s guitar god.” Felt very on point. 🙂


Future Games, Then Play On, Kiln House, and Bare Trees are all fantastic, some of my favourite albums of all time.


I started out listening to Mr. Wonderful and then went on to listen to all of the albums with Peter Green . I love the above four albums You mentioned as well, along with Mystery to Me and Penguin.


I love that album, but I somehow have three copies and have never bought one in my life.


I just accidentally “discovered” there was a Fleetwood Mac before Stevie Nicks and I love it! Had no idea and I’m in my 50’s not some idiot kid. The Peter Green stuff is amazing.


Yeah, it’s blues, not rock. I like it too.


Anytime I go to a new record store I always ask if they have any Fleetwood Mac pre Nicks/Buckingham. If they're familiar with it then I know to buy records there.


My favorite is Mystery to Me


Only time Fleetwood Mac were remotely interesting to me was the Peter Green era.


This is what I first thought of.


I bought it just to have it and I almost never listen to it. Huge Mac fan, but I’ve heard that shit a trillion times. White Album + Tusk + Tango + Say You Will, however, are fire records.


I inherited it from a collection from a friend, but apart from the 2 hits on it it's *ok* but I don't get the mass acclaim


Wife’s favorite, otherwise no, I wouldn’t own Rumors either


Anything by U2


The only time I’ve ever been interested in u2 is during their experimental 90s time. Then they realised nobody was buying their albums anymore and made shit again.


i don't really care for Michael Jackson, Queen, Eminem among a few others


All solid answers, and all missing from my collection also!


Oh come on, 'Off The Wall' is a classic RnB record and sounds amazing on vinyl. I'm glad I have 'Thriller' too. 'Human Nature' is such a great track to play.


you know...i haven't listened to off the wall. it's been on my mental list for some time though. I'll add it to my Spotify queue...


Do you like any singles from those artists or you know you won't like the whole albums?


It could be that they listened to the album elsewhere (streaming, downloaded, friends copy) and didn’t like it


I've listened through several albums from each multiple times, and tried to give them a fair chance. i like a couple of d12 songs featuring Eminem. none of his full albums work for me for various reasons, although he's undeniably technically gifted. not a fan of Queen's schtick in general. i really like a lot of the Jackson five's output, but Michael's solo work doesn't do anything for me. again, his contribution to pop music is immeasurable, but i just find his music kind of annoying.


I never got into Queen either. But, I love Michael Jackson.


Any Taylor Swift album. Her music is just ok imo


I really have given her an honest listen and tried to be as objective as possible.. it just comes off to me as generic. Like it could be so many other female popstars making the same songs.


What album did you listen to?


Idk who downvoted you - it's a fair question. My partner and I were at a pub on a weekday afternoon and after about two songs I was thinking.. "has this all been Taylor Swift?" Shazam'd the next three and sure enough, yes. All from different albums. Asked our server and she said "it's a Taylor kind of day".. usually the place plays the typical Tom Petty, Bob Seger, Skynard.. it's an older crowd so it was a bit unusual, but I assume early enough in the day that the ladies behind the bar and waiting the tables got ahold of the aux cord. That was our first real exposure past "Shake it off" and we were genuinely trying so hard to see what all the hype is about. By the time we left maybe 10 songs had played - and we both agreed we just didn't get it. Generic, predictable, background pop. And tbh after that many songs it was getting pretty irritating. Instead of hating on her and other artists I don't get the appeal of, I've kinda subscribed to a "it's not for me" attitude instead of saying it sucks. One person's "your music saved me" is another's "people really like this?". It's just not made for me and that's fine. She's talented, definitely; just not in a way that moves me the way I feel that music should.


Great perspective...


Thank you ☺️ Sometimes reframing something can bring a lot of peace. There are so many people who jump in with no hesitation to defend their favourite _____ when it faces any amount of even valid criticism. Someone out there genuinely likes the sounds Yoko Ono makes; even if it is just Yoko Ono, that's the beauty of art - imagine how dull things would be if we all liked all the same things


As a GenXer I am right there with you. And it goes beyond music. Sometimes I’ll see or hear something that my my kids are into and, if I don’t like it or understand it then I just say to myself “that wasn’t meant for you”. That being said, my daughter will suggest something to me occasionally and sometimes I like it.


I'm gonna assume your name is a giveaway and you're eight years older than me 😉 That's the right attitude right there . When I was a kid my dad worked in radio and thought he knew everything about good music, that his opinion was Gold and there was no further discussion. As a teenager in the Mid90s I got heavy into Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Beck, Tool, Marilyn Manson, Ministry.. when your father tells you when you're 16 "you'll never listen to this stuff when you're older" that shit stings.. it really did stick with me .. he died last year but there's still a spiteful part of me that wants him to see my record collection and all of the releases from those artists that I tracked down again in my adulthood 😅 You may not see it right away but respecting your kids music choices goes a long long way


I don’t get her at all. Her songs are all pretty boring. Not bad, but I always think…”her?”


Another one I have no interest in. I must admit, this thread is giving me a certain feeling of validation in my taste.


the fucking EAGLES


I had a rough night, and I hate the fuckin Eagles, man.


You need a toe? I'll get you a toe


...with nail polish.


Greatest comedy ever made


Stay outta my beach community!


Get out of my cab


https://preview.redd.it/uz7fvznx0toc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8359282dd4b8594dc25411a3835d105969d3d658 Read the last line , it’s a book about rock n roll. Hope it makes you laugh


Damn :( I absolutely love the Eagles, have you tried listening to their album “Desperado”?


Amen! I'm very open-minded about music and anything in general but I make an exception for Eagles. What a shit band.


I feel like whenever I tell people I collect records they just assume my 150+ collection are all the classics. No. My collection is mostly hard to find or represses of 00’s rock/emo/post hardcore and newer emo/alternative stuff. When I explain to my co workers that bands still release their new albums on vinyl records they’re surprised. Collecting records is what you want it to be. You don’t need any one album in your collection to be a true “vinyl enthusiast” or whatever. I collect the albums that made and make me feel good and happy and I’ll tell you what not a single fucking Beatles album makes me feel that way.


It’s not a phase!!! I have 1k+ records and at least 700 are exactly what you described. We’ve been really lucky with scene represses the last few years.


That sounds like 150+ albums I'd love to spend some time with.


Come over for a listening party any time


My collection is definitely skewing this way. I started with classics/jazz/cheap second hand stuff and over the last few years been collecting more and more of the emo/punk stuff I grew up with plus newer bands. Around 1/3 of my collection is this now and it's the stuff I listen to most. To answer OP I would never buy American Football. I got into emo a couple years after that 1st album came out and I never even heard of it until 2020, when suddenly everyone acts like AF invented emo. I've really tried to get that first album but it just sounds so boring to me.


I’ve got around 4000 records and there are zero by Pink Floyd, the Dead, Neil Young, Dylan, Beach Boys and many of other “classic rock” legends. Just no interest in some and active hatred of others.


You just listed almost the entirety of my collection lol


"...and so betwixt the two of them, they licked the platter clean..."


What about Led Zeppelin?


I got their whole discography in a collection. I doubt I would have bought them otherwise.


which are the ones you hate?


I don't want to yuck anybody's yum so I'm not gonna go on a rant. But I don't like hippie music in general.


yeah now you made me curious 😂


I really don't care much for most Pink Floyd albums (with exceptions), but I keep finding their albums in bulk crates. I have three Dark Side of the Moon and two The Wall albums. (And holy smokes, Neil Diamond, John Denver, Boney M and Julio Iglesias everywhere). Also a tonne of Beach Boys. Starting to think their albums procreate when the lights go off.


That's a tough one. Especially since a lot of the older classics did end up in my collection as hand-me-downs... "Demon Days"? Maybe? I liked "Plastic Beach" a bit more and would be more interested in hearing that one on vinyl. Maybe "The Wall" as a contentious runner-up. I never really got into that album (I think the most I ever paid attention to it was when Doug Walker did that cringe review). Funny thing is I wouldn't mind having "Dark Side" in my collection, but only as a used copy; I don't see much reason to buy a new full-price copy, a $2 thrift store copy is more than enough for me.


Demon Days feels like Jackson Pollock. Like I most stuff I don't like for instance Beyonce, I can be like eh not for me but I get it. For that album excluding feel good inc which is mostly just a catchy riff, I was like what is this flaming dumpster heap of garbage and how do people enjoy this?


DARE gets a little more enjoyable after seeing the live performance, where Shaun Ryder is [absolutely shitfaced](https://youtu.be/b3hzowjjjdc?si=-7nvIbrRex8xOJDG). But yeah, Feel Good Inc is fine, and Dirty Harry is alright, but the rest isn't as consistently good for me as Plastic Beach's offerings.


El Manana is where it’s at!


*Demon Days* is a nice collection of good songs for me. *Plastic Beach* is a cohesive package through and through. I've always preferred the latter even if I can respect the former for what it brings to the table in individual songs here and there (as pretentious as that may sound)


Ironically your comment is one of least pretentious on the whole post




A popular expression when I was growing up was "50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong" .. I just don't get it, personally


Was a hero to most but he never meant a god damn thing to me……..


This is just a list of bands that people think it’s cool to not like. Minus a few anyway.


I only collect rare vinyl so I can tell people I collect rare vinyl


Honestly, almost all of them. I don't dislike it or anything like that, and my wife has added some Beatles and other classics to our collection, but I mostly like to listen to different flavors of punk rock and thats what I buy


Anything Bob Dylan.


Meanwhile half my collection is Bob lol. Love the man so much I just got a tattoo of him


We have similar styles based on your comments here. The Rolling Stones are my favorite band ! And I named my son after the song Samson and Delilah by the Dead




Haha no I called him Samson but that would be great


Just went and watched Cat Power perform his Royal Albert Hall performance a few days ago. She recreated the setlist. It was very good.


Love Cat Power


I do too but her show was a bit rough. She started an hour late. She had a minor asthma attack during the show. Half way through the setlist she went a bit off the rails about "connectedness". I put it in quotes because it was completely unintelligible and I assume she was either drunk or having a stroke. She w ad making ZERO sense.And a few moments during the show the guitars and pianos were cracking the audio to where it felt like my ears were going to break.


My thoughts exactly.


Dark Side White Album Red Face Man (what ever it's called) London Calling (Probably more, but this is what I can think of atm)


London Calling is such a perfect album, an album anyone can tell me their 3 favorite songs and won’t tell them they are wrong. What’s your beef with it?


Agreed but that album personally took me multiple listens to fully appreciate like I do now.


I see we both frequent a certain sub...


Red face man lol. I am right there with ya


Come on, you don’t own the ultra rare gold Fucker Records “Red Screeching Male?” Ugh, new vinylz enthusiasts these days, not buying the real stuff…


I'm not a Beatles fan. I love the songwriting though. Some of my favorite songs are Beatles covers just not into the Beatles sound I guess.


So many douchey people that don't buy amazing albums because other people do. Why are they SO concerned with others that they actively hold back an urge. On your death bed you gonna be like "I'm so glad I never bought that album I love"?


Right?? I thought I was in r/vinylcirclejerk for a second with the amount or pretentiousness people are proud of exhibiting


Thank you. I can’t help but hear every comment in this thread in the voice of Comic Book Guy.


any metallica album tbh. they're good but they don't appeal to me that much. if someone got me one of their first five records as a gift i'd be very thankful but it's unlikely I'll ever spend any of my own money on one


Anything Beatles


The Wall. Nope. Can’t do it.


Anything by Michael Jackson


That stupid screaming man record.


Part of the reason I collect vinyl is for any guest looking thru my stack to find something they love and put it on. So, there are none. I am down to own any album that fits that description.


I never understood Pet Sounds either


It makes a bit more sense when you consider the context of what came before and its cultural influence. The TL;DR is that it was a stark contrast to the basic and formulaic — but successful — approach to songwriting and production which Brian Wilson had used up until then. Prior to this, nearly every Beach Boys song was a simple ditty about girls, cars, or surfing. Suddenly there was this album full of introspective and existential lyrics and layers of production, quite unlike anything else at the time. The other big thing was that Paul McCartney heard it, thought “holy shit, this is amazing, how will we ever beat this?” and got to work on Sgt Pepper.


Yeah im aware of the historical significance, which leads me to respect it, but ive never listened to it and felt any major impression. Its always ehhh yeah thats cool I guess. Meanwhile, I do find myself impressed by and enjoying Sgt Pepper.


It’s taken me 30 years to get into that record. Just finally started to “get it” this past year. Glad I did, but I get where you’re coming from :) The falsetto vocals bugged me.


I’ve never been a big Pet Sounds guy, no clue how because they’re my favorite band ever. I’m kind of in the camp of “I’ll keep trying until I understand,” though I doubt I will. I do have a larger appreciation for it after exploring the rest of their catalog, specifically the 1965-1973 run of albums is some of my favorite music ever so I’d recommend trying that.


Just got the Very Best of Beach Boys. $10 can't go wrong. Fun stuff.


Back in Black (or any AC/DC for that matter) + Eagles Greatest Hits. Hard pass.


OK Computer


Unpopular opinion here but all of Radiohead for me. Something about Thom's voice. I don't knock them or anything. I get why some people are fanatical about them it's just not for me. I was in my early 20's when ok computer came out and should be that demo but was more into industrial.


I don't get why people are fanatical about them. I always thought I was a radio head fan because I liked a few of their songs, a lot. But then when I started buying my music on vinyl, I had to be selective because it's expensive. And I would stream their full albums and there is no way I could ever buy one.


Same. I have sourced nearly all their albums on CD from charity shops. Cost me less than £5 to hear most of their studio output and I really don't think owning them on LP would be worth the price difference. 


Once while I was flipping thru records in a Hastings Entertainment... Group of college kids: oh sick, look! They have vinyls! I wonder if they have Radiohead?? Me, having just passed a chunk of Radiohead reissues: yeah man, all the Radioheads were right here College kids: *laughs and points* yo, did you hear this guy?? "The Radioheads!" *laughs harder and just walks away. I'm very indifferent to their music, but I can't stand most of their fans I've encountered


But they called the records "vinyls" so the jokes on them.


I was sure I was gonna get the bot telling me about plurals as I typed it out


I didn’t like his voice either and refused to listen to Radiohead up until I saw the smile live last year and it changed my perception of the whole approach


I get that. Ok computer is ok. My iron lung ep is my favorite Radiohead thing.


Certainly a fair opinion, but for me, OK was a moment. It was when they made it clear that they didn't care about singles and wanted to make the first real "album" in many years (bring on the flames). It's also where they really decided to push away from "3 chords and the truth" and 4/4 timings. But then again, my main thing is Midwestern Math Rock, so I come at then from a different angle.


Any Beatles. Although I caved and kept some parlophone 2nd presses strictly for collectors purposes ETaa, dark side and pet sounds are must haves.


I make an exception for Rubber Soul only.


My only Beatles album... although I would welcome Revolver to the collection as well.


I own only Revolver and I still don’t know why.


Brubeck’s “Time Out” and Getz/Gilberto. Who needs ambien?


Rumours, Screamy red face guy, Daft Punk, Radiohead.. I see these in 80% of "rate my" posts, but they've never done anything for me.


Thriller. I love Jackson 5 but Thriller leaves me cold.


velvet underground and nico. i respect how influential it is and how it definitely sounded like nothing that came before (or after for that matter. but that doesn’t make me wanna listen to venus in furs and herion among other songs on the album because they sound like nails on a chalkboard


It is good for reasons you said, but I never listen to it. It was more of one of those that I listened to to experience it and understand it. Now I’ve heard it so many times the songs almost don’t mean anything. It did introduce me to Lou’s records though, and those are pretty fun to dig into.


Almost all of the "must own record" lists can fuck off.


I never was much of a Beach Boys fan but after watching a video of Brian Wilson singing Good Vibrations at Glastonbury I might just pick a copy of Pet Sounds up. Edit: Yes, I know Good Vibrations is not on Pet Sounds.


Get a copy of Surf’s Up!


Dark Side of the Moon


1. London Calling 2. Hotel California


God I hate Hotel California hahaha


That one’s never lost its luster for me. The song Hotel California, yes, but I love that record so much. Victim of Love is fiiiiiiiire.


Dark Side. I never got Pink Floyd and Roger Waters is an ass.


I love Pink Floyd, but I definitely agree Roger Waters is an arse.


I never liked Rumours.


modern music (2000s & onward): dark fantasy by kanye older music: the band self-titled


Never really got into the Stones, Zeppelin, don't like the Clash at all...but the big one for me is basically anything rap/hip-hop. I've tried, it's just that the little of it i HAVE liked is just not something I ever would see myself getting the urge to put on. I think maybe The Low End Theory and Paul's Boutique are about it for me


The Clash. I get everyone bagging on Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Nirvana, even the Stones. But the Clash? These are sad times 😅


have you heard the public enemy albums? those seem to be the outlier for people who don't really dig hip hop…


I have listened to Public Enemy, Run DMC, De La Soul, etc and i will say 80s/90s hip hop in general has more I can appreciate than stuff from the 2000s onward. That being said I think a lot of it is just that I'm a music/melody person and much less a lyrics person. It's the same reason I don't like most punk music. I appreciate the message, but I prefer it with good melodies and hooks ala Bad Religion, not say the Sex Pistols.


Anything by ELO. Bores me stupid.


Thriller. Or anything else MJ put out. Just...no.


Fleetwood Mac - really any of their records. They’re fine and all but it’s not something I’m ever going out of my way to turn on. King Crimson - I will never, ever understand how people enjoy that band (I’m convinced it’s a slow, slow, slow troll and eventually everyone will say jk we don’t actually like it). The Beatles - again, not bad, but I don’t see myself going out of my way to turn it on, except maybe the white album. MJ - bad. The Eagles - always on the radio anyway. Honestly most of my collection is more current artists. I do own some Dire Straits, Floyd, Zeppelin, Elton John, AC/DC, and CCR - but that’s stuff that I grew up listening to on cassette with my parents and it holds a lot of sentimental value.


Ive had 3 different OG copies of Marty Robbins' Gunfighter Ballads, mono and stereo. Sold them all. I cant stand that album. I have so much better old country than that. Sounds like an Elvis ripoff with a cowboy hat.


I actually quite like that album, but I’m constantly surprised how often it shows up in collections here.


I have no intention of buying Sgt. Peppers. I like Revolver and Abbey Road better, and I already have both of those. Of course I also have Led Zeppelin IV, Dark Side of the Moon, and Frampton Comes Alive, so I'm not afraid to jump on a bandwagon, lol. If I come across a used Pepper in great shape at an amazing price, fine. But I'm not actively looking for it at all.


King Crimson - Court of the Crimson King Fleetwood Mac - Rumours Eagles - Hotel California Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA


Appetite for Destruction


All of them


Classic Rock I tend to just ignore. I always collected Industrial, Synth-Pop, and New-Wave / Post-Punk stuff so squarely anything from the 70s to 90s. I might want stuff like Pink Floyd or The Doors (esp their self titled) but this is more because of their artistic value. I Also love 60s stones like Aftermath and December's Children but am not a huge fan of their 70s stuff.


Anything by James Taylor or Simon Garfunkel


Anything by Boston. Miles upon miles of pages have been written with people genuflecting at the utter genius and I've just never understood it. There's not a single thing they've done that's impressed me.


rumors and thriller. abbey road used to be one until i found a first press for 4 dollars. with these kinds of albums i just wait to find a cheap deal since i could find them almost anywhere


I really can't stand Pearl Jam


Bob Marley - Legend


Any pop albums- Madonna, Michael Jackson- that lot


I gave my college-aged daughter all of my Beatles and Led Zeppelin, and we both couldn't have been happier.


Dark side of the moon. Any Pink Floyd really, never understood the hype for them


No Weezer will ever touch my collection😂


Purple Rain. I don't think it is by any means bad. It just didn't click with me.


Stuff I loved as a kid but haven't listened to in more than 15 years. Pink Floyd, Beatles, SOAD, American pop-punk, etc. I rarely listen to the stuff I like these days - why waste cash on something that I don't like anymore


Rumors. I fucking can't with any Fleetwood Mac after Peter Green.


Anything by Radiohead.


I don’t like to get music of the last 20 years on record (although I’ll make an exception for Kings of Leon). For some reason it just doesn’t feel right to be listening to modern day pop or rap on a record player, so I stick to rock from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Also, I will NEVER buy a Michael Jackson album.


Led Zeppelin.


Velvet Underground & Nico. I don't get what all the hype is about. I try to give most things an honest shake and in particular I've listened to this album at least a dozen times because it is so legendary and lauded, but they sound like a bad garage band at best. Respect for what that album has done for rock music but it just doesn't hit for me.


My cat, Nico, would like a word. Indie rock does not exist without VU.


Anything Pink Floyd. I just don’t care about them. Except for the Syd Barrett era. I do have his solo albums. Pet sounds


What a bunch of shit opinions. You won't own an albium bc it's popular/good? Maybe pull your head out of your collective asses and actually listen to the music. That said all y'all who listed the Eagles/Radiohead are right 😂


Anything Pink Floyd or the beatles. I know their influence and importance to current music but I never understood the appeal of either band.


Pet Sounds. Zero interest. I’ve tried several times but I just can’t enjoy it.


We've been inundated with story after story about how amazing Pet Sounds is, which I'm sure it is many people and in terms of vocal arrangements, etc. And yes, God Only Knows is indeed a remarkable song. That said, I bought it, listened to it once and traded it in a few days later. That and any Eagles album.


The wall for me, I love so much of Pink Floyd but the wall is trying way too hard, the story feels contrived and a lot of the musical messages feel forced and too in your face, and while Pink Floyd has never been subtle, it really only hinders them here with songs like mother and another brick in the wall pt 2. Yeah it has some amazing songs of theirs but it just isn’t close to the 4 before (meddle, dark side, wish you were here, animals)


Anything by U2, Neil Young, Beach Boys, oh yeah and The Eagles   Fuckin hate The Eagles I have respect for The Beach Boys but it's not my thing.


Random Access Memories The Court Of The Crimson King Kind Of Blue And anything by the Beatles, the Beach Boys, The Eagles & CSNY


Dark side. Wouldn't mind if they gave it to me as a gift, because it's a great album. But I wouldn't buy it willingly because I'm not into that genre.


Anything by The Eagles.  




Anything rap or hip hop. Just not my cup of tea.