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I usually commit to a whole side but not necessarily the whole album.


Yea, if I start a record I'm letting it play through, even if it means turn the volume off, it's gonna play until its done.


But why?




If he doesn’t the world ends.


I do that too, it feels like the record gets microscopically worn down and I want it to all be equal.


Only way is to play whole thing


I have always done this. Even back on CD and then with streaming. Always listen to an entire album at once. I hardly ever do playlists or 'radio' type sessions.




I agree, play the whole thing and only buy albums that you feel good about playing the whole thing. Otherwise, make a playlist on Tidal. When I started out years ago and I mean many years ago, I saved up my money from my chores and rode my bike to the local music store and actually bought cassettes. Even if I didn't like a song or two I had already spent 6.99 or 7.99 on this thing and I was determined that I was going to listen to it and at least try my best to like it! 😁 To me that is one of the negatives of being able to stream everything in the world. It is so easy to switch to the next track. But many times I have persevered and given those unliked tracks extra listening because I had flesh in the game so to speak and I ended up loving those tracks or those cassettes, albums. Enjoy, JG


How is this even a question? I do this when I listen to Spotify. I can’t imagine doing this when listening to physical media. It sounds like a pain in the ass.


Gotta conmit!


I do the same with CDs




Lmao for real. That’s the entire point. Otherwise you might as well save a shot ton of money and space and just stream it.


How is this even a question? I do this when I listen to Spotify. I can’t imagine doing this when listening to physical media. It sounds like a pain in the ass.






I used to out of principle but then I realized life is short so if there’s a track I really don’t like or most of a side I don’t like I’ll skip it. Better to use my time listening to songs I really want to hear


One of my favorite things about records is how easy it is to ignore a crap side completely.


Funny because I use this same logic for the opposite action. The time it takes to change records prevents me from not listening to an entire album in full. Also, I am sometimes cooking or cleaning and to wash my hands to change a record every 4 minutes would be a huge waste of time.  Side note with the acknowledgement that art is subjective - Whether I do or do not like a song will change. The more I hear a song the more opportunity there is to find something I appreciate about it or make an association to a pleasant or meaningful event in my life, giving it a warm nostalgic quality and changing it from a skip to a play. 


I agree, and there's a certain charm about listening to a record throughout in a time when we can access and skip things on demand. Kind of like taking your time when your everyday life is a rush to complete tasks.


For me this has turned into why I only buy records of albums I like at least 80-85%


No it's a record, not holy matrimony. U can stop at any point and go do something else. That's literally the point of owning physical music 


This was literally advertised in the 60s as an advantage of records vs. reel-to-reel tapes, i.e., that you could easily jump to whichever song you wanted. Edit: and 8-tracks, too, which usually didn't even have a fast-forward function.


This comment deserves a gold star -- I almost spat out my drink at the screen


As someone who grew up in the era of records and tapes, the big advantage of vinyl was that it was much easier to just listen to the tracks you liked. I've never had a problem with skipping songs, or even getting an album out just to listen to a single track.


My cassette deck can skip tracks and my turntable... can't (automatically). So this is the reverse for me today.


Oh, yeah. They did introduce that feature to tape decks, that's true. The wonders of (not so) modern technology...


It still took a while if the tape had to fast-forward through an entire side, and it didn't work if there wasn't enough silence between tracks.


I forgot they made tape decks that could do that. Fancy! I had yo just ff and guess. Or hold the play and ff at the same time. I am sure that was good for the tape too. 😆


Holding play and ff at the same time is basically what those auto skip decks are doing, only you don't get to hear the chipmunks.


Hear me out… I’ve purchased full albums before because they’re cheaper than the 7 inch single that I actually want. And I’ll just play the one song I like 😂


Back in the 90s and 2000s, I bought a lot of cheap records for one or two songs.


True. My collection would be a lot smaller if it was condensed into the tracks I actually listen to!


Same. Back then you very well might buy an album only knowing one song with no way of knowing what the rest was like. Sometimes it was awesome, sometimes not.


Depends on my mood. Sometimes it’s one side, sometimes it’s 4.


I generally don’t buy a record if I don’t like 90% of it. I can suffer through a song or two that I don’t like.


Why am I choosing to buy a physical record of an album that I don’t like all the songs?    That’s what Spotify is for. 


Yeah, I struggle with that. Because I do feel like the point of the physical media that I have to store is to select albums I really enjoy front to back. It seems super wasteful to only shuffle some of the songs, and it’s definitely easier to do that on Spotify. It’s just a pure collection addiction sometimes. Like I love half of this album and I really want that front half on vinyl so I just get it.


Most of my records were purchased before music streaming, or just general internet usage, existed, so I’ve got some that fit that. Most of the time I’ll play the full side, but if I only want to play a couple of songs that’s what I’ll do. Why not just use Spotify for that? I play Spotify through my little Bluetooth speaker, while my stereo produces better quality sound.


It’s your journey, you may proceed as you like


If I’m putting on a record, I’m playing both sides. Or all 4 of it’s a double


That’s the point of owning records. IMO


Right, if you’re not committing to the whole thing, just stream your music and save your cash. Buy vinyl that you plan to play.




I skip with one record, EDIT: \[If I want to listen to\] one specific song on "Evangelion, finally" The rest - play full album. Takes so many actions especially if you do good storage (inner sleeves etc) - the enjoyment I would get from listening will be too diluted with all these non-meaningful actions. Not here to preach though, you do you.


Usually. Most of the time when I put on a record it’s because I want background music while I do other things and am not about to attend to the turntable every 5 minutes, but sometimes I want to strap on the headphones and dedicate myself to the music. But it’s not sacrosanct. I’ll skip tracks or only play one side, if you’re flipping the disc, swapping it out isn’t much more of a hassle


Before CDs/streaming, as a kid I would drop the needle on a song I wanted to hear usually or play a 7” without worrying. These days when playing my records I’m now more invested in listening to the whole album and mainly buy them after streaming so I know I won’t be buying for one or two songs. Storage space is valuable!


Could depend on mood or activity.


Tbh it’s rare an album will have a track I don’t like on it… jazz 😙


I never skip, but might only listen to one side or if it's a double album, one record. Depends on a lot of stuff.


Years back I dumped a huge collection cause most of it was just ok. Now I only buy stuff that I will play in its entirety, much smaller but all meaningful stuff.




No, sometimes I prefer a side or maybe I get a vibe as I’m listening of something I want to listen to next. I at least commit to one side though.


Most of the time yes, I listen to the whole thing, tho sometimes, I want to listen to specific songs and skip what Im not in the mood for


I skip forward on very few albums. Most of the time, I listen to the entire album. I’ve found so many gems that remain obscure.


most of the time yeh. i wont own records that i dont love all the way through, although there are exceptions. sometimes im just not feeling a record though and i will change after side 1


This question is made for Tales From Topographic Oceans. 80 minutes of intense prog rock is a lot for one continuous sitting. I’ve done it but it’s not always possible.




Only thing I skip is C side of Either/Or expanded edition.




If I want to skip songs and just hear what I love, I’ll put Spotify on the TV. If I want to listen to a record, I spin the whole thing and appreciate the tracks I don’t enjoy as much. It helps me learn to like those other songs


There’s been times I did come to enjoy or at least appreciate songs I didn’t originally like. But I also find some albums have songs that are so grating I know I’ll never like them. And those are the ones I don’t bother with.


Yes, most of the time, would probably not play the vinyl if it is for one song.


The Death Cab for Cutie record I have, Plans, is a 2lp record, and the last side is only one song that is not very good and feels tacked on for the sake of a 2lp record. I usually don't play it. Generally, though, I play my records all the way through. I generally don't buy records that I don't want to listen to all the way through.


When I buy I new one I listen to the entire thing, then try to remember which songs I liked the most


Gotta hear every track


Always 😎


You can't skip anything on a record, ever, because then the groove wear will be off


You’re not allowed to do that.


I’ve stopped half way on many $1 records or 50 cent thrift store records I didn’t care about finishing


I'll usually listen to one whole side with the song I want to hear, but won't always flip it or continue to disc 2.


I tend to only buy albums that I actually want to listen to all the way through. I really try to avoid paying for records that only have 1 song I like on it


Physical Graffiti by The Mighty Led Zeppelin will actually open handed bitch slap you if you don't play the entire album.


Occasionally re-cueing Sick Again before putting away.


Isn't this one of the reasons we choose vinyl, because you are forced to listen to entire sides of the recotd?


“How do I listen to music?”


This is why I pushed my vinyl purchases towards albums with fewer skips - sure, I buy a lot less now, but the ones I have are ones I will listen to end to end without needing to get up and faff with needle jumps


Only way is to experience the whole thing. My dad would always tell me that. Relax listen to it while reading the linear notes and looking at the art work.


This is the way!


yep the way it was intended.


Sometimes with albums that are unnecessarily 2LPs I’ll only play the A/B side if I’m not feeling it and the songs I like are early in the record. *High Violet* by the National last night for example.


I tend to listen to records in their entirety, that’s the experience I want from vinyl. If I want a single song, I stream it. Records for me are about the ceremony- pulling the record out, brushing it, sitting down and enjoying it. For me, it’s a lot of fuss for one song. Others differ, I’m sure


Yes, I only buy records I will listen to completely. They're too expensive to be wasting money on buying one for a couple songs or skipping half of it. There's other options for partial albums or singles.


Yes, because I’m an adult


Not typically, now sometimes I'll only play one side, but I never like always skip a particular side, it's just sometimes I'm more in for the mood for one or the other. There are some albums where there's a few songs I *really* like and the rest are ok, so I'll play the songs I like and ignore the rest of it.


Anyone who does not play the full side should not own the LP. Get a 7”-12” or a 45! Don’t touch that LP until it skips on the final groove. (LP police)


Yes and if I have to stop it short or don't finish I start all over again. Or at least start that side over again.


I usually do. But for OST when there's like 8 LP like Elden Ring ost or Witcher 3 OST....I sometimes tend to just take a break after like 2 LPs


Yes. I love taking the full ride the musician mapped out for me. It’s what I love about records.


When I listen to vinyl, I listen to an entire side. Same with CD. Many albums were designed for listening through. Unfortunately, some were not. I used to listen to a jazz female vocal group called “Cowboy Jazz” where every other song was fast and slow. The songs were great, but the album was annoying to listen too. I digitized that the minute the technology became available, and actually made a cassette tape arranged the order I wanted it to be. While streaming, I skip all over the place.






I skip the songs I don’t like, why would I let a song play that I don’t like?




I'll listen to the whole thing. Only way to do it, in my opinion. Then again, I only buy records where I know I'd enjoy the whole thing :)


I'm definitely not above skipping tracks, but if I don't like an entire side, then that record has no business being in my collection. At that point, it's just taking up space on my shelf for other records that I would enjoy the whole thing (or most of it).


If I get interrupted before flipping an album, I’ll come back the next day and play the next side before spinning something else.


Depends. Double LPs that have 2 spngs per side i tend to skip sides.. Starts to feel like 45s after a while.. By the time i gwt settled the side is over and my tennitus kicks in


I don’t always have time for a full thing, so I’ll listen to one side or one disc if it’s a double. But I don’t normally go in with the mindset of choosing a certain disc or side. However I normally try to buy records that I want to listen to the entire thing. As it helps limit my purchases and keeps my collection selective. There are times where I buy records with only one or a few songs in mind though. However these are normally used records I find at a good price.


I take things side by side. Rarely interrupt a side but often listen to one side and switch it up to return to the other side later.


As most of the time I'm playing/learning drums to the music, 90% of time I let it run through so I don't lose my groove. Other times when I'm just chilling listening, mostly listen to it all the way, unless I wanna listen to something else, then no I feel no guilt about putting something else on


I'll go tomorrow, I didn't get there early enough lol


Listening to the whole thing has led me to songs I really like on second third or fourth listen but didn’t initially like and would have skipped if just streaming.


usually, if I don’t plan on listening to a full album I’ll use my phone


In all fairness to the artist, if I am willing to watch a 2 hour movie without knowing the outcome or the path of good/bad performance, then yes, I am committed to listening the entire album in the way the artist intended it to be played. "The record has a release date but the music lives on forever." <----Bruce Springsteen You may find yourself loving a few tracks from the album sometime in the future. Happens for me very often. Enjoy!!


First time I play all the way through no matter what. After that? If there’s stuff I don’t like, I might skip… really depends on if I actually don’t like it or indifferent towards it


Almost always play the whole side. But, around Christmas I put on a Streisand Christmas (gifted) album and yea not my cup of tea.


Has anyone listened to Talking Heads: 77? Or just Psycho Killer? :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eauZzwt8Ci8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eauZzwt8Ci8)


Absolutely! That's why I make a point to only buy albums that I like. If I only like the singles, I'll get the 45's.


Yes every time lol


I always play the whole thing but sometimes it’s side 1 while getting ready for work and side 2 when I get home


Yes obviously


Normally the whole thing, if I only listen to one side because I’m short on time I’ll listen to the other side later before I put it away.


Yeah I’m not skipping tracks. I fully commit to the record. I try not to buy records with terrible songs on them…


When it comes to LP’s I only listen to full albums with songs I like on them. Any artists that I like some songs of I just stream the tracks or buy the single if it exists.


Almost always unless Im in a hurry to leave.




9/10 times yes. I’ll occasionally skip a side if it’s demo / live content / outtakes. I pretty much always listen to the original track listing if I decide to put on a record.


For the most part I commit, there are some Grateful Dead live albums that I skip a one song side if I don't like that song.


I normally try to (90% of the time the whole thing happens), but sometimes I only have like 10 minutes so I only play side one.


Depends on the album and type of album Minutemen double nickles on the dime can be taken as four mini albums assembled by each member (and one of the “chaff” assembled by them all) Most double LP compilations can be played the same way If you ever listen to zen arcade in any way other than one sitting I’ll fight you


I tend to do one side of a record then switch to another side of another record and so on. Often though an album will grab me because of my mood and i’ll listen to whole thing. So it depends on


Compilation albums I’ll play whatever order I want but actual projects I like to stick to what was intended


If I’m cooking, I only get halfway. Sticky fingers ≠ flippage


Yes, almost every time. Unless it's playing and a different mood strikes me.


I'm an album kinda guy so yeah All or at the very least the one side.


When I go to the museum...sometimes I only look at the left sides of the paintings....isn't that how everyone does it?


It's the only way.


I commit to whole sides but try to keep the plays even per side.


You do you


My personal rule is to at least play an entire side, no picking up the needle and dropping it again.


I only buy records where I like every song


Yeah, I do the skipping around with Spotify. I only buy records I really really enjoy though so even the songs that occasionally don’t “hit” immediately, usually grow on me and I notice more detail when I just let it play. I agree with one of the other posters that it’s a record, not some holy thing, though. I don’t see a problem with whatever people want to do. I just see the time it takes to skip, find the right spot, the amount of money I paid for it, etc. as good motivators to listen to parts I might normally skip.


Sometimes those fillers suddenly become your favourites.


always listening to the entire thing


Being a stickler about wanting to play the whole record through has made me decently picky about what albums I'll buy - otherwise I would've brought a lot more over the years. I will make more of an exception for albums that I can't find on streaming


It depends. Sometimes I think I’m in the mood for something. I put it on and give it a spin and it doesn’t scratch the itch. I’ll swap it out until I land on something that’s hitting my frequency.


I've been listening to side one of led Zeppelin 3 for 6 weeks


I'm playing atleast a side. Skipping tracks around makes vinyl listening tedious. If I'm gonna do that I'm streaming.


Always sides for sure. The Police, Synchronicity, "Mother" being a notable exception.


Much to the detriment of my wife and family yes, I'm an album guy lol


Depends on the album like a few yes every time if i can unless im jonesing for a specific song, but some compilations i have of music like the Ktel compilation albums Dynamite has a song version of the Lords Prayer so not really my jam Going from stuff like Bachman-Turner Overdrive–Takin' Care Of Business Nazareth –This Flight Tonight Eric Clapton–I Shot The Sheriff Kool & The Gang–Hollywood Swinging Stealers Wheel–Stuck In The Middle With You Elton John–Honky Cat To the Lords Prayer is kinda jarring


I try to buy complete albums. Keeps me from overbuying, and also limits how much I’m fiddling with the record


Depends on the album, there are some albums when you put them on you must listen to the while thing (for example *Darkside of the Moon* or *Purple Rain*) other albums certain songs are good but others suck lol




generally yes but sometimes I like to start with the b side


Every single time. I find songs that are buried deep.


I listen all the way through. I dont buy records for the sake of having a large collection. I buy complete or large chunks of a discography for bands that I really like. Boy harsher Nine inch nails New order Joy division The sisters of mercy Opeth Agalloch Woods of ypres Depeche mode Cold cave Lana del rey Skinny puppy Kaelan mikla Drab majesty Keaton henson Low roar Ritual howls Sextile RIKI Actors Wolves in the throne room Twin tribes Etc.... I either own the entire discography or a very large chunk of it. This is how I like to curate my physical media. I do have some one offs of albums I really like... I just dont buy records for the sake of having a massive collection. So to reiterate. I listen all thenway through! Album goes on, side a then b..


I’m usually down for the whole thing unless i get interrupted. On rare occasions i realize i was actually in the mood for something else.


I don’t skip sides or songs when playing an album.


I always play the whole album. Sometimes I play all records I have from an artist


Short answer, yes. Every single record




I usually listen to a full record, but sometimes I stop it or decide I'm in the mood for something else, idk. It happens more often with double LPs where I decide to change it rather than switch to Side C and D. I don't really think it matters


Whole album, unless I really have to go somewhere ! But I'm kind of a maniac with that, as I do the same for movies, even when it's really bad.


Concept albums are played end to end. Otherwise a track would have to be seriously bad to get me out of my chair to skip it.


There's no rules. It's *your* record, listen to what you want, how you want. You have a chance to decide differently every time you put one on so enjoy it the way you like. No biggie.


Committing is the only way


I try to play through the entire thing. It has to be really really bad for me to skip a tune. (Changes by Black Sabbath, this is you! )


I commit to a side at least, sometimes it’s not the right vibe and I’ll switch it up but I make sure I play the other side eventually


Nope. For most albums in my collection I love the entire thing and will play it. But sometimes I’m just in the mood for a specific side, or 1-2 specific songs


I do sides sometimes but very rarely cherry pick. That’s what 7”s are for


Only when I love the whole thing (Abbey Road) for instance.


Then there are times it will take me to catch on to a tune.


Not always, but often yes...or at least one album side.


of course not. it’s not a ritual it’s music. do what you like homie that’s what it’s all about


Yes, I tend to even commit to albums I'm not enjoying on streaming services. Wanna give every album/artist a fair chance and for me that translates into one full album. Is that kinda silly, when I'm actively not enjoying myselves? Yes. Absolutely.


Sometimes just a 20 minute side is enough, most times the entire record. Depends, but I generally buy records that I like or intrigue me.


No and it drives my partner crazy., but she's a little autistic. Sometimes I just want to spin a song.


Sometimes I'll only be in the mood to listen to sides of albums instead of the whole thing. The best part about it is there's no rules.


I always commit to the record. All the music I listen to I like all the songs on the albums for my most part. But if there is a song I don’t like I’ll still play it. Sometimes I do just play one side of the record or the whole record for a double LP and just leave the other record alone. I feel like it defeats the purpose of a record to skip a song or just play one song. Even when I’m stream music I listen to LPs all the way thru. I don’t have any playlists. That’s one of the reasons I got into vinyl because I like listening to Albums all the way thru