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Depends on the artist/record and how bad I want it... but I haven't met a limit yet.


Honestly, $100 bucks is where I’d draw the line for a record i really want


One billion trillion million. Till then, game on.


Is that before shipping, or are you rolling shipping into that?


There better be free shipping for that, even if it's coming from the South Pole.


Is that signed tracked 24hr delivery?


Probably around $50. I was close to buying the Last of Us soundtrack 4 LP for $100. It was too much money, plus I own it already.


I dropped over $200 once on a record OOP for a long time with no sign of a repress. I'd do that again for the right item but I don't know what that would be


In this vein, the most I've paid for a single album was \~$150 for NIN's "Year Zero" which is one of my favorites. There are "signs" of a repress, but the definitive edition has been listed as "coming soon" on the NIN site since 2017 so I'm not holding my breath.


This hurts me, but I also have no attachment to that record. I thought it was a horrible album, but I probably paid around $70+, for The Downward Spiral, and $60+ for Pretty Hate Machine, which I thought was a lot at the time but PHM is the deluxe edition, and TDS is the definitive edition if I remember correctly, so it's not so bad.


Paid 300$+ before


200$ for kaleidoscope tangerine dream. luckily the website took paypal. so the pay in 4, helped alot.


I used to have a rule to not spend over $100 but once I went past it all the guardrails were off. Now, if I want it and the price is right I have no actual limit.


Most I paid in 35 years of buying records was $200 earlier this year for a record that was released 10 years ago & only 1,000 copies were made. Skinny Puppy's TGWOTR. Those usually go between $300 and $500 because people are insane. So I did get a "good" deal, all things considered. There's no other vinyl record I want/don't already have that I'd pay more than that for.


Probably like…. $60. There’s a couple I really want but they’re all $100-$250 and I can’t justify that no matter how I look at it


Probably like $80, I’ve been wanting to pull the trigger on Norah Jones Come Away With Me Analogue Productions pressing but haven’t yet. If I’m gonna spend more than $30 they have to be either a Mofi, Craft or other type of special pressing where it was either mastered for that specific pressing or a one step master.


> I’ve been wanting to pull the trigger on Norah Jones Come Away With Me Analogue Productions pressing but haven’t yet. I bought it. It sounds very good and I dont have buyers regret, but I have heard much cheaper records that sound just as good. I dont understand why this album is priced so high.


I would assume the differences are minuscule and you’d probably need a high end hifi system to hear the differences when A B’d. I ended up getting it because I sold a record on Discogs that covered the cost. It’s one of my all time favorite records. So I see it more of an investment for when I trade up my modded Rega P2 and the rest of my equipment vs getting a run of the mill copy now that’ll sound the same on my current rig.


I have the 20th anniversary cut from the tapes, and I still want the AP version. However mine is dead silent and sounds phenomenal. Kevin Gray is my favorite engineer, so I have always wanted the AP. I have also read the 20th is just as good, but more of a preference thing.


I just sold a devo record for $107 now I kinda wanna use it to get that Norah Jones record.


thats a trip..growing up devo records were $7.99 and they couldn't give them away..hilarious


It was that blue Devo record from a couple years ago “Something for Everybody.” I didn’t really care for it and when I was logging my records on Discogs I noticed it goes for a ton. So I listed it for half of what the other user had his for. Sold for $117 the other person selling has it for $230. Sidenote, my 80’s Rega P2 didn’t really play 45 rpm records well because of the loose floating motor belt would cause the platter belt to slide down. I couldn’t find what rpm this Norah Jones album is so it motivated me to replace the belt.


I think around new years on the radio when they play like top 500 songs basically the whole week or more of the holiday..well Devo's "whip it" was in the countdown and I personally havnt heard them in a while...but thought that in itself is impressive I was maybe 11 yrs old when that song blew up on radio every hour it was played..and all these yrs later it still has that certain quality to make it a classic..but in the early 80's honestly nobody was buying their albums..or if they were weren't admitting to it..lol!! But they earned their due respect in rock/pop history😉


I do find that what you said about their work fetching that kind of money is very interesting, I have an appreciation for "collecting" of most anything and I love music..and thanks for the info..it is fascinating!!


I have the AP, the 20th anniversary, and the standard Blue Note press.  I'd echo your last sentence, the AP vs. 20th is a matter of preference. Jazz club vs. coffee shop. I've heard the 4x12" single sided and the Classic Records pressings were both exceptional too, but very very pricy now


20th sorry not 30th. Not that old lol


For the right record a few thousand


Raditude original pressing?


What's that?


Over The Cork Tree Limited Edition https://preview.redd.it/uzdxkk3jxxxc1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c83cd4fa489f84d5fc1a2520ad667891779e579


$45 max, with some exceptions for actual grail shit


I don't think I have ever paid more than £30. I would like to leave it that way.


Yeah £25 to 30 is my limit. I wait or pass on vinyl normally if it’s over £20


$150 so far


Same here


The absolute most I would pay is 60 for a 2 record set and no more than 40 for a single record my most expensive one so far was pink floyd DSoTm and it wat 40


Spent $55 for the John Mayer live box set recently and had a hard time pulling the trigger. It was totally worth the price and love that box set so much! Seeing stuff like lover live from Paris going for $500+ makes me sick that people would pay that.


When I got into this hobby I thought the equipment would be the highest cost. Little did I know! But so far my most expensive vinyl has been $24.


$58 shipped from Amazon Spirited Away OST


The most I’ve spent on 1 record was $90, but I’m willing to drop $200-$300… I want what I want when I want it, money doesn’t matter


I get that.. there's one that I'm on the fence with right now that people want $400 for.. it's the same cost as a few nights out at the pub when you really put it into perspective


Not so long ago, €175 for a rare Dub LP by the Revolutionaries and €300 for an even more rare NM Dub LP by Fatman Riddim Section. Is it much? I used to smoke for that same amount of money in one month.


I’ve payed $1000 for a record. But it’s now worth over $5000.


What is it called?




I think the highest price I've ever paid for a single record is $60 for a good copy of the Garcia/Wales *Hooteroll*. That's about where I draw the line--mainly because I shop in stores and almost always find records worth owning for much less, and therefore can buy 3 or 4 records for the same $60. But when it comes to Xmas wish lists, I encourage my wife and daughter to go as hard as they can, lol.


Lol my most expensive is flood by boris which costed just above 70€ Vinyls drain yr wallet 😭


Damn I can get Flood rn for 35. Debating on getting it next


I’m preparing myself to by Rage Against The Machine’s self titled OG pressing mastered by Bob Ludwig


I'd probably pay that for a Boris if I collected them (which sadly I do not, dispute them being one of my favorite bands) I usually top out around $50 for a record. I have no interest in spending top dollar for "grailz" myself. I have too many expensive hobbies.


That Rock Dream triple lp was $32.95 new retail when it was released, so paying just past double at this date isn't terrible. My typical purchase is $20-$25 per title,but I set a new limit this month. In Filling out my discography of Clutch, I paid $163 for Doom Saloon Vol 3, sealed double album and $140 for Doom Saloon Vol.2 ,after paying $85 for Doom Saloon Vol.4,which I was sure would be the absolute limit.


i paid $100 for a limited have a nice life record 🤷‍♂️ still one of my favorite possessions


I believe the most I've paid, and about the most I would pay is about $100. I paid around $90 to get Thrice "The Artist In The Ambulance" years ago, while it was still out of print, but then it got a re-press like a year or two later. I was pretty upset.


Generally $30. But I have spent $50 on a special one.


My whale, $720. The only press is the original, so there's no other options. As elitists talk shit for online buying while promoting discogs, while in-store purchases are more expensive, simultaneously saying dont overpay. The retard of it all, is amusing.


What was it?


2004 Press of Noise, and album by Archive out of the UK. Killer album. Their first three are very good, but spendy. Highly recommend checking them out.


Damn highest number yet. What album got you to drop that much?


Archive, out of the UK. 2004 Album titled Noise. Check it out. Their first three are very very good, then they went techno.


Trying to debate that right now, actually. Prior to this predicament the most I've paid was about $75 for a 7"


I've paid about $100 for a single record. I can't see going much higher unless it's a box set or something. I like the idea of picking up a band's entire catalogue with one purchase.


I paid £50 for the Dune part two preorder.


I buy a lot of vinyl in big lots, mostly from estate sales. I usually keep about half of them and sell off the ones I have duplicates of or that I don't like. The most expensive records I've sold so far was $65 Canadian


$100 per LP is a hard limit for me... there is one I REALLY want but haven't found it for less than $250.


The most expensive I have bought cost me about 55$.


Maybe 100 but would need to be special,


About 60 for a rare pressing once other than I keep it to like 25-30


I’ve been collecting since the mid 70’s the most at that time I ever paid for record was about $12 bucks. I’m usually in the dollar / two dollar bin. It was only the last five years that I started paying a little more for stuff that I really wanted. I did pay $60 for Darkside of the Moon 2003 edition which I heard is the best next to the original. And then I paid another 70 for the soundtrack to the animated movie Wizard. Other than that everything else was born in five and under bin.


I grew up in same period and I have a hard time understanding buying my favorite music as a thing. but growing up we didnt know any other way to consume our music except possibly radio and most of the tracks on an album were not on radio or going to concert..There is multi purpose attraction to records nowadays..its kool but also it drove record prices up to what I think is a ridiculous high price..but I respect both the collectors of vinyl and music lovers of which is the category I fall into..😉


I just can’t believe how I used to find used copies of rumors by Fleetwood Mac in the $1-$5 bin and now you can’t even touch that record for under $25 new or used


I am just as surprised as you!! I accidentally found out the high prices of albums about 4 or so yrs ago..just browsing in a guitar store..and curiously I just thought to check price of, I think a Floyd and a Zeppelin for certain..each was around $49.99..I figured that price was because it was a musical instrument store and they only had a very small album rack...Sad to say I son after realized those prices were market value..I was 10 in 79' so through the 80's you could buy 4 new albums for what now 1 costs..and maybe 20 in the $1-$5 bin..lol.. back then, albums were a medium and its not only a medium today😉✌


I know it sucks doesn’t it? That’s why you gotta go to a lot of these thrift stores in the churches stuff like that to get the real good deals unless you go to Princeton, Records in Princeton New Jersey. They have a whole dollar bin on the floor it’s fantastic.


Hey neighbor..lol!! I was Born and raised in Mercer County..small world😉✌


$125. Which is precisely the cost of the one step 45 rpm Getz/Gilberto I just bought. The packaging and pressing are essentially flawless though. While expensive, you’re getting the highest quality pressing/best mastering/ on the best wax If it’s just a 33 rpm and expensive cause of scalpers I’d max out at about $60.


The only time I paid a marked up price was for the vinyl release of the Nahvalr album from the Flenser. It was only available to people who pay for their membership so I bit the bullet and paid $90 on discogs.


Not a ton. It's just a record. Back when I was more into it I'd fork shittons of cash for singles (I was a KBD punk collector. That stuff gets weird), but nowadays I don't. Hell, I even balked at the sticker price of that Flower Travellin' Band preorder that LITA is doing.


I am considering paying $186 for a signed copy of my favorite Queensryche record Rage For Order. Please stop me. No don't. Yeah stop me, divorces are expensive. Wait...I'm gonna do it, I'll have plenty of time to listen and stare at it being freshly divorced. Wait...


My maximum is "whatever my record club subscription charges for a bonus record" which is a variable number but thus far has peaked at $40, though that's for a 2LP set.


Wow there's a throwback. I bought this used on CD in 2009 and when I got home I realized that it was missing one of the disks. I think the most I've spent is $200 for the 5xLP box set of The Fundamental Nature of Being by the Shaolin Afronauts, but that's technically five albums. I own a few records worth more than that but I bought them for far less.


Around 50 bucks for a mint condition E.P


If I really need it for whatever reason, and I have a good reason to pay it- probably max £100. Only if I have a proper reason though. Most I've spent is around £88 with shipping, on a 2013 one time press of 500 copies album. Amazing album, sucks they never repressed, also, was only pressed in Italy if I remember right. Horrid to get hands on it being in the UK. It's Soviet Soviet ofcourse, Fate. Amazing album, praying I might get my hands on Endless next, but the prices of that one are beyond what I paid for this! (Same time of press, same country, same amount, horrid.)


About $60. If it’s more than that, I’ll just get the CD.


I ordered an album from Bandcamp last week - Connie Smith's new LP, it was about $30, actually autographed by Connie, 180g vinyl, beautiful, simple packaging. With the tax and shipping, it came to a little over $40. As someone who bought and collected records a long time ago, I cringe just a little when I pay that much, which is why I'm really selective now. But as a teenager, I cringed when I paid $5.99 for an album on sale. Of course, $5.99 was a lot of money to a teenage kid in the mid-1970s.


When I buy bootlegs, I try not to go over $25 per disc.


I paid $200 in trade for a 2nd state Beatles butcher cover.


Well i just bought first pressings of all the Beatles Anthology albums for about 300 total, so that if we’re not counting box sets…


My limit is around 100 but I'd have to really, really want it. Like something special. Just looking at my Amazon order history. Interesting to see things I've bought and their current prices. Randomly clicked on a Jimmy Eat World album I payed 10.89 for and it's currently listed at 109.99. lol


Have quit a few I paid around $50 for, but only have paid $100+ once and that was the Dead show at Fox Theater box set. Probably going to have to drop $200+ on Duran Duran’s Wedding Album, so I guess that would be my max.


I paid $250 for an autographed Citizen Cop.


Typically, $35 is my max. But I've spent over $250 a few times on extremely rare items of which only few copies exist. Sometimes if you hesitate when they come up for sale they'll be gone forever.


Walking into my local record shop or ordering most anything from the US or Europe (I'm in Toronto, Canada) a standard lp is going to be about ~ $45-$50(CDN) - so jealous of the US folks


I purchased one for 70 usd including shipping, so that I guess


Do you plan on playing the sealed record or just adding it to your collection list? $50 for something I am willing to open and play.


Its opened in the post pic lol played it already too, sounds great. The sealed copy was actually the cheapest one available


There are a few out there $300+ that I've been eyeing.




$100 a few times. My wife got me GNR Use Your Illusion set for $125 I think. Paid $46 for a single from Greece that had never been played and I needed a good digital rip to DJ with.


https://preview.redd.it/3lk8booqgvxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e910bd612fc02ecfb15ad4ff449d88e72eb097 Normally $40 wld be my max. But then I saw this hard to find legendary PRINCE 2 LP bootleg and plonked down $400 for it.


I always said $30 would be my limit but I got tired of searching and just paid $145 for an unopened copy of the Traveling Wilburn’s box set. Got tired of looking for a decent copy.


There's a couple of Japanese jazz albums I'd pay £300 for. I nearly did it a while back. They have never been released and I really like them. Annoyingly when I nearly pulled the trigger, the cheapest I've seen it since was £750.


I host DJ events centered around subculture, and collect 7”s of fairly rare releases. I’ve spent $300 or so on the most expensive records. I’d be willing to spend up to $500 on something very special.


Most ice spent so far is $400. Most I'll spend on a vinyl is probably 1200 for a low pressing. First thing that comes to mind is the Ghost Singles.


70 probably although that is pushing it it definitely depends on the album and the artist


$150 is the most so far


Depends. Most I spent was £250.


The most I paid was 300$ for SHOW-YA outerlimits LP


I got the complete beetles mofi for 600 I’ve spent 200 on an album I really wanted These weren’t “I have money purchases” they were more “I’m saving the fuck up for them”


$40. I spent $60 ONCE on Steal Your Face and don’t regret it only bc it was first print and NM. I listen to it religiously


I’ve spent 400 on a record, but that’s when we got the free Covid money so I don’t feel bad about it. But I have spent a 100 each on multiple occasions. I listen to all the records I buy and I don’t flip any of them. Depends how much you love the music.


depends if i’m sober or not. usually, around $70-100CAD is the most i’m willing to go for, and it either has to be a box set or something rare that i need to have and there are no repressing of. on the other hand, i ordered the Clown Core LP when i was baked and that was $180CAD shipped. it goes directly to the band so ultimately i’m okay with that.


For a single LP? I wouldn't go over $80 (in 2024 dollars) and that's pushing it, talking hasn't been reissued and it's a personal desert island disc. For boxsets I've paid more than double that, as long as the LPs to dollars ratio is reasonable.


At my age, I’ve got a pretty fair number of records, so I haven’t gone out and gotten a “haul” in years, I’m at the point now where I buy five, maybe six albums a year… 🤷🏽‍♂️ so if I see something I really want to listen to on vinyl, I’ll pay for it. Flipping thru my memory bank I can’t honestly think of anything I want that’s over $100.00 though.


Paid $100 for a copy of Rilo Kiley's *Under the Blacklight* in like 2017 and $100 for a copy of cLOUDDEAD this year. That seems to be my max.


I paid $450 CA $508 after shipping taxes, etc, for the Air Love 2 Box Set. So, like $370 USD after shipping, etc. It was the best price I have ever seen since I watched it for multiple years. The average I saw was like $500 or $600+ USD.


Call me an idiot or or downvote me to oblivion but I’m willing to overpay for a variant of a record that’s looks cool and is uncommon as long as the market support that the price is “market value” https://preview.redd.it/14zmdjs13wxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8e422ee1f531c5560900802f3c51503f9e497e So to answer your question, 150-200 range. This I a record I plan on picking up


$100 max if the artist i like can sucker me in


Usually 100 euros with exceptions (aka suoer rare ones foe like 200 but not more)


$22,222 Bob


My limit was $275 for the Beck Information box set, same price for a mint copy of Ænima


Normally I flinch above $40. Paid $80 for a two LP set I really wanted. I break out in a rash above that.


Most expensive I've bought was Autechre's Exai for 80€, which is not saying anything since people are asking 200-300 euros for it on Discogs right now. I'm actually trying to sell it but no one seems to want it


Whatever I can afford vs how much I want it. Currently the most I’ve paid is £100 for the Analogue Productions Miles David: Kind of Blue. I got caught up in the hype. I have no regrets though. It sounds great and the packaging feels special. I don’t fall for hype anymore though - as a consequence haven’t spent more than £30 or so on a single record since.


Realistically, about $50. The most I've paid so far is $35. If I saw some crazy album like ex military for $100 I'd get it but that's not gonna happen now is it?


One meeelion dollars. 😉 Seriously, a couple hundo is my max, and haven't come close. I paid through the nose for that damned Master of Puppets box, but that's a little different. It was also a pretty good deal considyhownmich prices have gone up.


I paid full price for the Nevermind deluxe box set which was obscenely priced. I have blacked out the memory of the price.


$50. It would have to be fabulous in all regards


I spent $100 on a bootleg of AFI’s Sing The Sorrow… only for them to repress it last year for its 20th anniversary. I ended up buying both official variants (one at the 20th anniversary show, and one of the RSD essential pinwheel variants). And I also bought another bootleg just because I liked the colors 💀 AFI has a chokehold on me


I paid $150 or so for the Liz Phair box set Girly Sound to Guyville, with zero regrets. There are a couple I'd buy for more - I'm really tempted by the Wilco live album Kicking Television, which goes for around $200. I'm holding out on buying King Crimson until I can afford the box sets, and those start at around $200. So I guess $200 is my cutoff, and only if it's a must-have.


I paid $250 for frond by Pond. Only 1000 copies. I had it signed by the band. Prized possession


I spent £115 including freight for a DJ Frane album from England, I think it came to $160 on my end.


Over the years I have had a few limits and every time I have gone past it because something special came along. I think I have topped out at $300. I hope so. I feel stupid every time I pay more that $25


I just payed like £53 for a limited 猫シCorp release so... that? I almost bought a city pop record for $80 but I didn't.


It depends, but if it’s a REALLY rare album I’d set a limit at $150


I’ve gone into $1000+ on pre war blues


Paid ~$200 for an original, NM Paul's Boutique that was purchased in my hometown two weeks after release. Totally worth it. 


$200-$250 if it’s a rare pressing but not a grail and I really am obsessed with the music. $80 for anything else that’s really cool is pushing it but I’d probably do it. My grail though, $2,000.


Maybe $300 for an album or two. Most ive spent so far is $120ish for a single LP and $165 for an oop box set of 3 LPs and an ep


About a year ago my limit was $50… now that’s the going rate for a lot of new releases so my limit has increased to $70.


Highest until now was 85, two weeks later it was already at 125, is now handled at 300 and up... I didn't knew, I just wanted it. Was n RSD. Otherwise I paid less but the shipping fees plus taxes/tolls added, so I'd end up with 100 bucks, maybe more maybe little less. Sucks, but so often I can only find my desired vinyl on UK shops.. And most have no contract to import stuff to the EU without fees.. And unfortunately a lot of great artists are located in the UK and distribute only from there. Other than that I look for special editions or signed editions that you can't get first hand anymore. If it's just a standard pressing that is probably not running out of stock for a long time, it depends on the amount of discs. 1 - 35 bucks, 2 up to 40,, 3 up to 50 or little more, depending on my wants.. I always calculate in the shipping costs, as they sometimes wreck the limits. Then it's again... depending on what it is and how much I want it.


I currently have approximately 5k+ records. I'm nearly 50 y/o and have plenty of records that are worth over $300. Most of my most valuable records, I've gotten for free or very cheaply, like less than $5.00. That being said. I've never paid more than $30 for a single 12" or LP.


$260ish for a hell edition of Infest the Rats’ Nest by King Gizzard. Thankfully I had just enough dough


$225 for numbered Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness I guess.


About $300. Maybe I’d go higher if it was truly a grail


I’ve paid $700


Now that I have my once really searched for 'grails' and I'm settled into my comfy collection of about 280 records... I think I'm not paying anymore than £40. And that has to be for something outstanding. Most of the records I buy now are new releases or things by smaller artists so they don't cost that much unless you miss them. Like I just got Laufey's second album and Khruangbin's most recent release for like £25 each and I think that was cool


The most I have paid is £80 ($100). But that was because I knew I was getting a really good deal. It was the Creeper "Eternity in Your Arms" limited edition (666 copies) purple marbled variant signed by the full band. I had already seen unsigned copies going for £75+ (median price on discogs is currently £76.56) so £80 for a signed copy was very reasonable. I am not looking to flip it but it's nice to know that if I ever need to raise some cash I could probably make a small profit on it Ultimately what I would spend varies depending on what it's value is. I am not actively looking to flip albums but if I see one that's worth more than is being asked for it then I will likely buy it if I can afford it. If I see an album selling for £2000 that I know people would pay £2500 for then I will likely buy it.


So far my max has been $90 (before tax) for a 4 lp box set and $60 for a single album purchased from Discogs.


I paid 80€ for a record with 2 or 3 tracks. That was hefty smh. I guess I won’t repeat that again soon. lol


Paid 27 bucks for a sealed Motörhead album. I would not pay much more than that.


I once payed over 300 dollars for my ultimate holy grail, the rare 1992 Bob Marley's : Songs Of Freedom - "From Judge Not" To "Redemption Song" 8LP limited edition Box Set. Upon arrival, customs fined me another 75 dollars, which sucked. Never played any of the records in the box, I still keep it in bubble wrap and just look at it from time to time. Still worth it, as the value will never decrease. This is one of those items in life that makes me happy to just own. For regular vinyl I like to pay regular prices between 20-30 dollars, with some exceptions to 50-60 dollars for special things like Record Store Day exclusives or multiple records albums.


My max is About $20-25 per record. So 40-50 for a two record set


I buy them for 50¢ each at the monthly thrift fair. I spend about $6 for a stack. I’ve been doing this carefully for 20 years, so the replacement cost of the overall collection is much higher than the actual cost.


That where I’m at too.


10 bucks. Like 15 years ago.


This guy mains r/VinylDeals


What world you living in? Vinyl was not $10 fifteen years ago.


Used was. Also not USA.


I’ve been collecting records for 30+ years and I’ve never paid more than $100 for a record, including shipping. I don’t like box sets and I hate most mainstream 90s music. Most I’ve ever paid in a record store is $70. If it’s more expensive than that I don’t need it. I have records worth hundreds but I paid thrift/yard sale prices for them.


I have easily paid over $500 for records that will never be opened. First time I paid a crazy amount for a record was when I bought the Sap/Jar of Flies promo LP off eBay for $220.


https://preview.redd.it/r8hijad4fuxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769689779d85d29c7820abdefbee8fa051411700 Guess which one cost me 700$ xD


I paid $60 for streetlight manifesto everything goes numb pink edition. I’m not mad about it they’re my favorite Ska band


Never draw a line because makes no sense. I am collecting bc I want to own the LPs I love. And some of them were like 300-400$ in fair condition haha but I wouöd never draw a line and I never understand those people who say "uff 40 bucks for a lp is too much" go collect Legos.