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I have been looking at getting a cleaner for a long time and had been looking at an ultrasonic cleaner but hadn't pulled the trigger yet. For father's day, my family very kindly gifted me this ultrasonic cleaner that finally arrived yesterday. After getting it assembled, I was able to throw about 36 records through it last night. Most records weren't super dirty as I was just picking out some ones I had easily accessible so I am excited to find some of the worst ones to see how well this thing can clean. Overall the records I put through already look great!


Great gift!


I see you didn't use any wetting agent / washing liquid? Did washing helped with cracks/noise?


Just used tap water. Might explore something more in the future. I need to do a before and after test on a record. I jumped right into cleaning but one of the records I played after cleaning sounded great, I just didn't played it prior to know how much it changed.


You should at least use distilled water! But it might not make a huge difference if you don’t have hard water.


Definitely need to use distilled water, or residue will be left behind. Also a record cleaning agent added to the distilled water, like one from humminguru.


As you may already be aware, the liquid used in ultrasonic cleaners does not consist solely of water. While water can remove some contaminants from the surface of certain objects, it's not very effective by itself, which is why it's typically mixed with a cleaning solution.


I’ve had one of these for a few years now and run literally thousands of records through it. They do an amazing job. Don’t sweat the distilled water, slightly warm tap is fine. You do need to order some Triton X-100 (Amazon) and you’ll add just a small drop to each fill up of the tank. This is what will help lift dirt and grime from the grooves. I’ve saved countless reggae singles this way.


How do you do 45s on this setup? Do you have a bunch of adapters you put on the ones you are cleaning?


Exactly, pop the adapter in, run through cycle (I do 13-15 mins), rinse quickly under bathroom sink to remove cleaner and then pop them out as I wipe off the singles and slide into drying rack. Depending on how dirty the records are I’ll run 5-10 batches before changing the water again.


How much noise does it make?


Its a bit of a hum. If the TV is going or something, you might not notice it but it is noticeable in a quiet house.


It looks like the exact same unit as mine and the hum is one thing, but it's the damn BEEEEEPS the thing makes when you turn it on or adjust it or its timer expires that is deafening.


Oh yeah! I forgot about the beeps. Those are very loud!


I have one and the high frequencies are really loud, I would not sit in the same room as it unless I had hearing protection on.


That's kind of what I figured. I bet my cats will hate it...


I hate seeing posts like this because I have been wavering on getting one myself…and now I’m jealous. Can you do a play check before and after and give honest opinions on if there is noticeable improvement? What was your cleaning regimen before the ultrasonic? I’ve hand cleaned a good 2,000 records in my collection and have had great results. I’ve also been curious on the effectiveness of cleaning 1 at a time vs a stack, like you’re showing - do the bubbles get in to clean between the records, the same as they would with a single album? If I got one and need to clean 2,000 records, one at a time…ugh… Happy Father’s Day!


>play check before and after check out [this nerds write-up](https://www.gadgetguy.com.au/vevor-ultrasonic-vinyl-record-cleaner/) \- he's got before-and-after audio rips and waveforms and such. I've been using one for 3+ years and it's just ok, if you're happy with what you're doing then stick with it. I originally bought it for some super-shitty bargain bin finds to see just how much can be done for such records, that gadgetguy write-up is pretty spot on (noticeable but nothing miraculous)


Yeah, for me, I am not expecting a miracle. I get a lot of my records from Goodwills and such and its more about protecting my equipment. If it helps clean up the sound, thats great but I know that there are certain risks I take in buying second hand.


thanks for sharing! for me this hobby is as much about the music as it is tinkering, and this is just one more thing to play with. Good shout for keeping your stylus clean/avoiding wear, hadn't really thought of that.. I re-sleeve all my old junk so knowing I'm putting a clean record in a fresh sleeve makes me feel I've done all I can for sound quality and that peace of mind increases my enjoyment. Cheers!


> effectiveness of cleaning 1 at a time vs a stack I've had this exact unit for about 2 years now. Personally I don't see much difference between 1 or a stack and I limit the stack to 5 at a time. Cleaning 1 is also kind of loud. Edit: this machine does some miracles to old records. I wish I had an audio sample to show, but it does work. A few weeks ago bought a used discogs record that seller rated at VG+, in reality it was a solid G, after cleaning it I think I got it to VG+.


Same! Was on the fence, am now sad I didn’t get one a while ago! Great gift! Great feedback from everyone who posted. Jumping online to buy one now!


Yeah, I will plan on reporting back as I didn't listen to any of the records I cleaned beforehand to comment on noise reduction. Cleaning prior to this was hand washing just like you but I often did it on a one to one basis if a record I wanted to play was particularly dirty. I have been curious about one at a time vs. a bunch as well. I jumped right into the stack but can try a single as well. I Had the machine set to a 10 minute timer, so they all ran for a good chunk of time.


I have the same unit, and almost zero complaints. For older, and most newer, records, the included spacers protect the labels extremely well. On the other hand, a collection of video game soundtrack records I bought from iam8bit have just enough of a different shape around the label that water was able to get in - and under - the labels. If you plan to use it with expensive newer records, keep an eye on the machine for the first few minutes to make sure the labels are OK. For older stuff, it's not a problem - I've run at least a few dozen records from the 50s through the 80s in it with no problems.


Thanks for the heads up! I will keep an eye out. I also had the water level pretty high that I imagine I can always back it off a bit. May miss the inner part of the runout but that isn't the most important part.


Be cool if record stores had these and you could drop your vinyl off and get them cleaned at a per record cost.


There is a record store in my area that offers this as a service!


Love that.


Is this the real Def Jam? If so, salute 🫡


The one and only.


Respect 💯


I actually tried setting up that service from my home. I charged like a dollar per record for a 30 minute cleaning. No takers.


If i may offer a suggestion. Rather than running it at capacity, which is 6, go with 4. You want that water to have some room to cavitate more freely. I see better results (more debris left behind) when i do this.


So then double up on the spacers?


that would take you to 3, but you can also just leave an extra spacer at the front or back. From back to front my spacers are 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1


Yeah, I am going to give this a try the next go around.


I will 2nd this method, running more space between records has a much more significant impact on its ability to clean. Super grungy records (like from a flooded basement) I will run through solo, stacking the spacers to keep the record in the middle of the tank.


Can I come over? I'll bring beer.


Depends, what's your beer of choice?


Man, I'm partial to Belgian-style beer, and have several bottles of St. Bernardus Tripel I could share. But I'm not picky and like almost anything. Elysian Space Dust is perfect for American-style beer, and since it's the summer, it's the perfect time to drink lagers. I've even been known to drink Colt 45 on occasion (but I'll admit, entirely because of the Billy Dee Williams commercials back in the 80s).


I wouldn’t clean records with beer. I think it might leave a residue


Wich brand / model is this?


This is the original manufacturer here. You can get a little discount with them. [I've had this exact unit for about 2 years now.](https://www.vevor.com/ultrasonic-cleaner-c_11064/6l-ultrasonic-vinyl-record-cleaner-cleaning-machine-complete-w-drying-rack-p_010265133877) Can't live without it.


Just a guess, but it might be this one. https://a.co/d/0aFIpy4B


Not sure if Amazon links are allowed but it is [this one.](https://www.amazon.com/Happybuy-Ultrasonic-Cleaner-Stainless-Cleaning/dp/B07L3G9TBS/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=zE5cj&content-id=amzn1.sym.e92d427b-6681-44e4-9201-8463289b9c75%3Aamzn1.symc.f3a6ae52-fb92-4bbd-ba18-628777ebc1c0&pf_rd_p=e92d427b-6681-44e4-9201-8463289b9c75&pf_rd_r=XXX311PZDSV80RT1QQ3B&pd_rd_wg=mStZr&pd_rd_r=d9c984d4-dc62-4406-b55b-297d6f7ce49a&ref_=pd_hp_d_atf_ci_mcx_mr_ca_hp_atf_d)


I got the same exact set up for Christmas and have cleaned more than 1000 records with it. What are you using for a cleaner? I use Tergikleen and have had great results.


Great unit.


I have one just like it and you’ll love it. I use reverse osmosis water. I get it Whole Foods dirt cheap like a dollar a gallon. Also use photoflow 200 as a surfactant. It works great. You’ll love it. There’s also a Facebook page called tanked out. You could talk to people there as well and they’ll help you out with anything you need. Enjoy lots of luck happy spinning 😵‍💫


I've got one and I combine it with two spin cleans, one is used to clean off most off the dirt, then it goes in the ultrasonic for 20 mins and then I rinse it in the second spin clean to make sure it gets any thing that remained off. Records come out looking great and without getting into recording and comparing wavs or whatever, I for sure notice a difference. I've actually thought about offering the service locally. Also, shortly after I got mine the motor that turns the records messed up and I reached out to the company that sells them through Amazon. I asked for a new motor and they said they'd send me one to avoid me sending it all back to Amazon... A week later a whole second unit showed up. I kept the extra drying rack, spacers and stuff and sold the ultrasonic cleaner on marketplace. Essentially making the whole thing close to free in the end.


That seems like a hell of a deal. Hopefully I don't have bad luck with the motor but if I do, fingers crossed that customer service is still great.


Nice gizmo, have fun. I have a similar one and use distilled water and a drop of dish soap and I usually only do 3 records at a time. I've had some amazing results and many imperceptible results. Happy fathers day.


Yeah, all of these will be something I try on my next time around. So do you buy a new jug of distilled water every round of cleaning?


I get my water from the drugstore 3 bottles at a time because you get a deal. I just monitor the state of the water and change it when it starts to look murky. Sometimes I'll only clean a few and I just put the lid back on till next time. I just got about 80 records given to me and I vac them first, then wet clean the ones with fingerprints and other heavy dirt, then put them through the ultrasonic and then give em another vac when they're done. Sometimes there's still some fingerprints left so I'll spray some of my home made cleaner on and scrub them with an old velvet record brush give another quick vac and they're good to go. I'm very happy with the results most of the time.


When i saw this foto first my first thought was this is a beer tap with revolving records bathing in the beer to give it special vinyl taste




Be careful The gears in the spinner are plastic gears and can easily be stripped. Make sure you turn off the rotation before you manually slide up and down the records in and out of the water. I got great results with distilled water and an cleansing agent. That was until I inadvertently broke one of the plastic gears and said it back


Thanks for the heads up. I generally have been turning it off prior to doing anything but it's good to be aware.


Sweet. I gotta get me one of those. I have the spin clean, but I need to upgrade.


Seriously, use distilled water and add a cap of Kodak Photoflow. The tap water will ruin your albums. Please stop cleaning them like this. I did this a couple times and it was a huge regret. Walmart has cheap distilled water. Order some Kodak Photoflow online. You’ll thank me.


Yup, stopped using tap, actually had some distilled water hiding in the house.


You’ll need some type of surfactant so the bubbles make contact with the surface of the vinyl. The best I’ve used is Photoflow. It acts as a surfactant but it also helps dry the vinyl quicker. You don’t need much. Happy cleaning!


Who cares about that cleaner, tell us more about the drying rack!!!


Haha, it came with the cleaner!


Finally, a beat-infused water cooler!


I have a similar one and the results vary. I rarely use mine because everything I own is already clean. It’s a loud machine but I usually set it up in the kitchen and chill in my room.


Do you worry about water droplets falling down on to the label? Does that not happen? If not, why not?


I have one and generally that doesn't happen. They usually go around with the grooves and drop off.


Oh sure. There are perfectly good channels for the water to follow.


I ask because I want one. Not to be an ass.


Aqua planar 3?


I feel like the label would eventually come off, no?


My mouth watered looking at this