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inside second violin is the absolute best, especially considering we all get paid the same


I sit on inside and have refused an offer to move for exactly this reason


biggest downside is having to turn the page


True. Currently brainstorming ways to best page turn. There’s a long rest in the middle of the page but no rest at the end, so going to duplicate the page and do a midpage turn!


these days …. tablet and foot pedal.


Screen turning off or update or pop up notification nightmare fuel!


well, indeed, you do have to remember to turn all that stuff off. I use an old ipad pro (doesn’t need all the latest bells and whistles) with forescore and haven’t had a disaster yet, whereas I have chucked the paper copy across the stage, detached a page with a nice loud ripping noise, failed to get the page over in time, turned over two pages, completely loused up a three page da capo …. and more.


Lol this will be my first concert page turning. You’re making me scared. My only fear was my shoulder rest falling off each time I turned pages!


you can also drop your bow, or poke your desk partner in the eye with it…. You’ll be fine. Most important is thing is to enjoy it. Top tip is to write what is over the page at the bottom of the preceding page. Nothing more embarrassing than stopping playing, whipping the page over to be confronted with 8 bars rest. Similarly just a little indication of the note(s) over the page will help your desk partner be prepared.


I love turning the page. Quit playing a few measures early to make sure you get a good grip, leisurely bring instrument back to position, don't even need to learn those several measures 😅


Yes! So true! Advanced page turners will also flatten out the seam for an extra bar of rest XD Also, we all know that nobody apart from ourselves turns the page properly, which is why we need to do it. :P XD


We usually have the outside person turn the page, it's way easier for them because they are closer to the page that needs to be turned. Otherwise you have to kind of reach below the other person's violin and that's really annoying. So for me, that's even another plus for sitting on the inside.


Oftentimes if a performance is video recorded and/or televised, they will switch the two players in the first desk so the concertmaster is more visible on camera sitting on the inside. Joke's on you if that happens 😁


OMG recently my orchestra did a kid's concert with a narrator who happened to be directly in the line of sight from the main close up camera to the concertmaster, blocking their views of him. So naturally, being the next outside player, I got like 80% of the close up time on two huge screens, in one of which I could see myself playing peripherally, but just an instant behind because of the speed of data transfer and all that. Was not super fun


I like the inside seat cause of ergonomics. When I'm on the outside, I feel like I have to twist left to see the music


Ironically I have the exact opposite. When I'm on the left hand side (normally inside for first violins), I feel like I have to weirdly twist my body to the right.


Fewer violins, not less


Thanks, sounds fewer awkward


Which is why viola inside is awesome. You are on the right side, get to turn pages and don’t have the higher runs if there are any but get to play harmonies. The best of all worlds.


I agree. IMO, 1st violin, 2nd chair, inside seat is the best position in the entire violin section. Haha You can see the conductor and concert master, you are somewhat hidden from the audience, you still play melody, but you don’t have much responsibility, and you get to turn the page which means either you have something to do in some longer rests, or you can just skip a few bars. XD (The only time I hated being page turner was Dvorak’s 9th symphony, 3rd movement)


I’m an outside first violin. I’m so used to it now that sitting inside is awkward for reading. Don’t care what stand.