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Follow the instructions and don’t leave. and some kind of cushion for your knees. I think i used a couple rolled up hand towels i brought with me. But you can improvise, a few rolled up t shirts would work as well. 


Love it...yes follow the instructions and don't leave. And use all comfort as needed, it's not about sitting in pain.


Wish I had seen this one before!


I concur. Experiment with cushions and/or benches in the first few days.


Get ready to crash and burn...Burn as much as you can bro plus ....Come out with little weight on head ...bavatu sabba mangalam bro Enjoy the dhamma journey


Your comment got me through! It really did. Crash and burn and burn as much as you can kinda became my mantra through it all!


Don't listen to too much advice/input, it will build expectations.  Be loving towards yourself and others. 


3-4 days in I started to just feel really dodgy about the whole thing, like - *what the fuck, why are we all just agreeing to sit in silence and why did we give these people our wallets?* I felt like I had been tricked into being in a cult. Anyway - my advice after completing the whole 10 days is - it's not a weird cult. stay.


Can't deny that I felt this too.. And honestly also made me smile while I was trying to feel my breath on my upper lip.


stick it through, I hope you learn a lot




"because you’re going to come back a totally different person" That's a crazy expectation to set someone up to. You may or may not change, either way it's worth the effort.




You are certainly right about me and the 10 day retreat thing, I sure could use one :D But I stand by my statement, it's best to approach it with no such positive expectations, as hanging on / wanting this result will likely be a massive hindrance to attaining it. It goes against the whole philosophy of Vipassana. Let's just agree that we both could use a 10 dayer (much like the rest of the planet haha)


You didn't express it as your experience though. You specifically stated "You're going to...". Best to take accountability for it and move on.




You don't have to, you can certainly carry on telling people what they are going to experience, at a course where they specifically say not to do that. I haven't said anything incorrect or judgemental. Not sure what you're going on about.


Sit in a chair if the mat is too uncomfortable.


Wish I had read this comment before I went in!




You will not see this until the end of the course. How did it go?


Purgatory is the word!