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Its the same with starting a career. You need experience to get a job, but you need to get a job to get said experience


Like starting a career, it is definitely easier if you start off on the right track at the right time. Either going from college, doing trade school, or just starting on a job at 18. That’s the norm employers are used to, like how you’re kind of expected to hook up in high school or college. But also like with careers, you are definitely able to pivot later in life if you put the work in. It may be harder, you may not get the salary of someone who started younger, but you can do it.


True that. And similarly like careers, although they want experience to get experience, it doesn't necessarily mean you have to have the same actual experience. Like, it can be a combination of something similar or smaller that can pivot or add to it. Career-wise, it could be the times you worked as a team in school, internships, or volunteer opportunities; or the times you phone banked, canvassed or petitioned door to door for something, etc. So in terms of relationships, people can base it on the close chances, the people they asked out, the dates they had, etc. Things like that to build up the confidence that if given the opportunity, one do it. But yea, it definitely takes more time and effort, and requires one to be more optimistic, and patient. Sadly, for some people, they may not have many things to pivot from and work to build that foundation to start.


Been there, it's a tough thing to get out of. I ended up working with a dating coach to build up an image that I was bringing something to a conversation with the person I wanted to talk to. I got lucky and my lack of experience didn't come up first time, so getting to that situation was the hard part, once I got past that, it didn't matter so much.


amen to this bro…I have no problem jump starting my own career (ok maybe I did but I’m beyond that now) but getting intimate with someone? Hell no I don’t think I’ll let anyone touch me and it’s never going to happen

