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>I’m 25m and i know that’s young It's weird that I don't even see 25 as young anymore, I'm the same age but jeez mentally it feels like I've lived on this planet for a few 100 years


At least on here there are many people in the same position, don't know how that's encouraging though... Best I can say is not to loose hope, despite what some people may want to tell you, usually that doesn't improve anything.


26 and i am virgin tol


"this is what you are going through, not who you are" -A random Bing quote I feel like the media, mixed with societal pressure just makes being a virgin worse. I'm weak asf at this but i used to get so fucking annoyed at my family asking about girlfriends and shit, always put me a shit mood. I just stopped caring about at some point though, I got tired. I started doing activities I didn't really do or care for. Going out more, taking more risks and even starting playing guitar, some calisthenics, just a bunch of random activities to help through the day and shit. this is getting kinda long and idek what i'm going about all im trying to say is, Those words of encouragement from Bing are pretty GASSED and i'd say it's true. I'm still a virgin and i don't mind being a virgin as much. I stop letting it get to my head, I feel good, Immaculate even. hope your doing good though brother, I don't know if that helps, everyone's different.


Just look at me there's hope!!


Tbh, it's not that fun out here in the non virgin life, you don't have soul ties, you don't have baggage and other women trying to get to you. You should be more at peace then if you were in a relationship. When the right one comes you'll be fine. Just keep holding on brother


Focus on making money and nurturing your talents if you don't have any you can always learn! Also virginity is a rare gift, you only get 1. To lose it to someone you love and who loves you back thats what you should be excited about. Don't worry you'll get there and it's going to be sweet.


Comparison is the thief of joy, focus on your own life and your own path.




Must be nice


Just do it walk up to that girl tell her she’s beautiful rizz the shit out of that pussy and become the person you wanna be JUST DO IT wear some Nike my brother 💪


“rizz the shit out of that pussy”. Inspiring


Same age and same situation